pafp GO ON THEN, ICARUS [confrontation]


strike, little wolf, strike
Apr 3, 2024
⊱⊰ The day is perfectly normal. Hopekit is awake early, not sleepy for once, and has found some fun in watching a beetle make its way slowly through the camp. It’s making good time, he thinks, and it’ll probably make it to the opposite side of camp by the time the last border patrol to leave comes back. For the time being, Hopekit is content—but then, his eye catches on a particularly irritating figure. Fallowpaw. It shouldn’t be standing there, right in his line of sight. It’s blocking his view, and putting a worse one in its place: the apprentice’s face is scarred, and its teeth stick out from its mouth in a way they shouldn’t. It isn’t even supposed to be a ThunderClanner, is it? Didn’t it leave, back before Hopekit was born? And then it came back. Maybe Fallowpaw should have stayed gone, because now it’s right in the way.

With a huff of annoyance, the kit stands up. He’s growing taller every day, and now the height difference between himself and the apprentice isn’t an impossibly large gap. He still doesn’t even reach Fallowpaw’s nose, but he marches up to her and sighs, "You’re annoying." His paws shuffle in the dirt below him, irritation making each movement sharp and halting. He could probably beat her in a fight, if she started something—maybe he could ask her to spar against him sometime. He’s been getting better at play-battling with his siblings, so he’s sure he could at least hold his own. But first… "Can you… move?"

  • ooc: pls wait for @FALLOWPAW
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

ˏˋ*⁀➷ One of the few things that Fallowpaw can truly enjoy is quiet. She snatches it sometimes between her teeth, in early mornings and glimpses of sunrise through the trees. Quiet hours when it is just her and the chirruping of slowly awakening insects. Yet always, before long, morning blends into day. Her peace is fragile in ThunderClan's camp, and it sets her on edge the second some scampering kit dares to approach her. "What?" it barks, teeth flashing. The words don't quite make sense - annoying? Fallowpaw is many things, but she's fairly certain she's avoided that one. No, that's a criticism more suited to the exact kind of nuisance who's decided to pick a fight wirh her today. "You're annoying." It's flat, a lame sort of echo.

It shakes itself. It'll have to do better than that if it wants to actually be left alone. The shaggy furred apprentice leans down into Hopekit's space, golden eyes flashing. It's feet remain plainly rooted. "Get lost, kid. 'M not moving," it drawls lowly, a growl lacing its words. A tufted paw moves forwards with no real sense of urgency, aiming to shove the obnoxious little brat away. She's got the size advantage - what's he going to do, try and fight her? That would be more amusing, at least.

  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Wow
Reactions: Noor ♡
⊱⊰ To his surprise, Fallowpaw refuses to move. Its voice is low and rough as it snaps back at him incredulously, calling him annoying instead. What! He growls, and his little tail starts to lash behind him as copper eyes stretch wide. The apprentice lowers itself to his height, getting right up in his face as it refuses to move an inch. And then… it shoves him! "Hey-oof!" The boy hits the ground with a force that knocks the breath out of him, and for a moment he simply lies there, winded.

He scrambles to stand back up, mostly because he’s worried that the older feline is gonna—gonna sit on him or something, like that weird SkyClan medicine cat had threatened to. Once lilac paws are solidly back on the ground, the boy bares his teeth at the apprentice. The bigger cat is so… so mean! It was in his way, so why wouldn’t it just move? "Don’t push me!" The kit isn’t hurt, but his pride certainly is. Without thinking, Hopekit attempts to bite down on the paw that had shoved him. Momentarily he thinks about Roeflame, and how this is gonna get him in so much trouble, but he can definitely beat up someone like Fallowpaw! It doesn’t even look that tough…

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
  • Wow
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ The red and cream kit wasn't sure what Hopekit was doing; he was just demanding that the stone-like apprentice just move simply because he said so. The tip of her tail flickers back and forth. Who doesn't he think he is? Her high-strung brows kitted together; had they finally lost it? Dwindlingkit openly stared before raising her chin, fully prepared to insert herself into the conversation. To be the voice of reason, of course, not because she's nosy or anything.

Small paws stomped over, criticism on the tip of her tongue when the older cat simply shoved the young tom over with ease. The laughter that followed rumbled her chest at the other kit screeching, 'don't push me!' Clearly, her expertise was not needed, she thought. Before her blue eyes caught a glimpse of tiny white teeth clearly going for payback, Dawnkit gasped loudly and quite dramatically yelled. "You Mousebrain, how could you attack poor Fallowpaw?!" Officially added to the noise of a once peaceful morning.

  • ooc:
  • 80664514_Uly8tZ3KKwBMVoL.png
    Dwindlingkit — She/Her ・ Thunderclan Kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point kit with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ☀︎ Tags

He is not assigned to a patrol until sun-high, so in the morning’s gentle warmth he suns himself. Light snores heave out from his maw, his pelt twitches on occasion to scare off the pesky insects that flew around him. Usually it’d be a fly in his ear that woke him up, but not this morning.

Groggily he opens green eyes to find Fallowpaw arguing with a kit. He’s missed the initial context of the bickering which unfortunately puts Fallowpaw in a bad spot. Hopekit reveals kitten teeth and try to bite down into the apprentice’s paw while Dwindlingkit scolds her nursery-mate.

Peace and quiet never did last long in ThunderClan. ”Fallowpaw. Have you got nothing better to do than argue with a kit?” He grumbles to it, flicking a tail that signaled ’go away and quit disrupting my nap’. Though he scolds the apprentice alone the kit’s are given a warning look as well.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    » Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Tornadopaw had tried to see the best of other cats; but he struggled more then he wanted to admit when it came to some. Smokepaw had something against kittypets - more then a few of the other apprentices did too. He thought little would change when he became an apprentice, that they’d all get along, play, and train together. If only it were that simple but he’s not going to let it get him down. Well that is until he watches Fallowpaw shove away Hopekit and all his good will and “infinite” patience wears thin.

Fallowpaw was mean and vicious, if he could avoid her completely he would but he wouldn’t now. He’s not thinking when he rushes over a loud hiss screeching out his lungs as he rushes over. That’s his nurserymate! His friend! He knows she can kick him to the side with ease and embarrass him but he doesn’t care! He just wants her away from him. Poor Fallowpaw Dwindlingkit meows yeah poor Fallowpaw if only she wasn’t such a foxheart then maybe more cats would like her! Bigfang was there and he hopes his presence would be enough to stop this fight. Maybe he’s just gonna make things worse but he can’t just let Hopekit go undefended!

"Get away from him!" he snaps coming closer, his tail is bushed and his hackles raised but he’s still woefully shorter. He tries not to think of Dustpaw’s scars as he looks up at her. "O-or I’ll make you!" his voice warbles despite his best efforts but he tries to be threatening, his claws unsheathe and he tries to still his beating heart.


☆⋅⋆ ── fallowpaw seemed to have a penchant for finding itself in the middle of trouble. even whining kits aimed their blows in the shaggy apprentice's direction. she didn't understand how one cat could be so... misfortunate.

the squabble has her head raising, acidic gaze raking over every participant. hopekit had been the one to approach, to attempt harm on a clanmate with his pinprick teeth. bigfang doesn't see it, or doesn't care. she chooses to believe the latter. of course a soft hearted kittypet wouldn't be able to see past the innocence of kitten fluff and scold the true aggressor. briarpaw's lips curl in a dissatisfied scoff.

tornadopaw pipes up and her dark ears twitch backwards. the younger apprentice was nothing if not meddlesome, threatening fallowpaw with a pitiful resolve. she rolls her eyes. "oh, starclan! what would poor hopekit do without you defending him from situations he created." she hisses, glaring daggers into tornadopaw on approach. "you're being childish."
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / apprentice to saffronpounce
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

. ° ✦ Always too late to appear, Bravepaw was lost as to what could have occurred to result in this. Surprise shined clear in his face as he looked between Hopekit, his kin and Fallowpaw, his friend. What would make these two bicker like this? Why did it have to be these two in particular at all?

Clanmates took sides, with Dwindlingkit and Briarpaw taking the apprentice's defense. Meanwhile Bigfang and Tornadopaw settled on the side of the kit. (Though the former was wordlessly in the middle). Bravepaw swallowed harshly and stepped to stand in the middle of it all, inserting himself between Hopekit and Fallowpaw more specifically.

"Fallowpaw wouldn't hurt him. There weren't any claws." Bravepaw declared sternly to Tornadopaw, offended on her behalf. What had it done to earn such an assumption? Flicking his tail over his brothers muzzle the chocolate rosette glanced down, blue meeting yellow. Tuck those teeth back in your mouth! He can hear Leopardtongue's voice echo in the voice of his thoughts.

"We don't pick fights with our Clanmates, okay? Fallowpaw's a friend." My friend, is at the tip of his tongue, but the words do not find his voice. His attention reared back to Fallowpaw with his lips curved down into a rare frown. "As apprentices, we have to be good examples for the kits. Even if you don't like what they're doing." Even if they're not the nicest, but neither was Fallowpaw. However, the concept of hypocrisy was lost to the tom.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.