camp GO OVER THE GROCERY LIST ☾ emerging

It's hard to describe how Bobbie feels. In the first days, she'd been numb—hollowed out and tired, like the deer carcasses marooned at the edge of Thunderpaths in Twolegplace so long ago, a cavity spreading between her ribs. That had drained away, leaving behind long stretches of rightness, of fineness—glass castles collapsing with jags of crying and long days spent rotting away in her nursery - nest. Then that had gone, and finally she's found that she can feel mostly fine as long as she doesn't think about it. So she doesn't. She doesn't think about it, and when anyone tries to talk to her about it, she walks away. She doesn't think about it, and it cannot hurt her.

So it's easier to stay in the back of the nursery, in her old nest with its scrap of moss with the fading scent of elderberry. And that's where she had stayed ever since she moved in, relying on others to bring her fresh-kill and barely leaving for gulps of water, lying on her side and staring at the neatly woven wall and running from old memories. Today is the first sunrise in which she's ventured forth from the shadowy walls and comforting smells of milk and holly.

Mostly, though, she feels round. Long moons of warriorhood had faded the memories of pregnancy's discomfort, leaving her to remember only the best parts. The kits should be coming any day now, if her memory serves her, and it certainly feels like it. Her belly is stretched so tight she thinks she might pop, and she spends much of her time lying uncomfortably within the nursery or just outside ( she does not remember last time she laid here, and if she does, she doesn't think of it. She doesn't. ), perpetually shifting her position as the discomfort becomes unbearable. Her back and her hips ache, presumably from the infuriating roundness—stars above, were all of her kits going to be the size of horses?

" Aughuughghgguguhghghgh. " she looses an indecipherable sound of unmistakable complaint, closing her eyes against the persistent sunlight arrowing into her face now that she's left the back of the nursery. The tabby rolls onto her other side to face the nursery, bitterness suddenly washing her molars. She's not thinking about it. She scrunches up her muzzle, mewing complainingly, " Augh. "

" speech "

"Whatever that was, I agree." Tiggerbounce said as he approached the ivory-dusted queen, his jaws parted in a happy smile at her emergence. He hadn't been able to catch her during his last few trips into camp (apparently, he had to double up on patrols and training since he had been gone for so long, he had certainly given his Twoleg a talking to for that!) but it was a lovely surprise, nonetheless, to be greeted by his friend's face as he rolled in for the day.

"But I think you need some more growl from the belly. Rrrrrrraaaagggh!" he pushed himself into a deep stretch, kneading his paws into the ground, his own round tummy squished against the clearing floor. "Give me one with feeling?" he remarked cheekily up at her from his position. speech is in #ffd2d8

The unholy groan of discomfort grated uncomfortably against flaxen ears. The agitated sound quickly gathered his attention as green eyes found the grounded form of Bobbie. He understood what that meant and all that encompassed it. His mind could recall Howlfire's own grunts and grumbles of complaint the closer their kits came to term. Thankfully his loving mate did not claw his ears like he'd heard a few toms in camp complain about before whenever their mates were due. Perhaps it was due to his constant doting. Whatever she needed he provided, even when she did not ask for anything.

Coyotecrest's brows knit together as he rose from his lounging position. "Do you need me to grab Fireflypaw or Dawnglare, Bobbie?" The tom asked as cautious paws bring him closer. The last thing he wanted was to be on the receiving end of a mother's ire. His gaze flicked briefly to Tiggerbounce, maw twisting into a minor frown as the daylight warrior attempted a good natured joke. He doubted she would be in the mood for laughs and giggles if her twisted muzzle was anything to go by.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twentyone moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
❀‿ The ever-fluttering wings of the trapped bird of anxiety were not anything new to Lupinepaw, and she did her best to keep her body moving and fluttering about around Skyclan to keep up with it.

Her mother being outside her nest was a rare sight these days, though she had enough tact to not comment on it. Still, her first thought upon seeing Bobbie sprawled out with a drawn-out groan was that something had to be wrong. Lupinepaw hustled over and tried to touch her nose briefly to her lilac-striped flank. She cast a quick glance at Tiggerbounce, feeling a flash of annoyance at his apparent un-seriousness at the potentially-ailing pregnant woman, but Coyotecrest had more of a serious tone that she appreciated. She continued listing off any of the things Bobbie might've been needing, "... Or do you need food.. or could I get you water... Or..."

She realized then that there was now something of a crowd surrounding her mother, and she took a few correcting steps backward, "...Or do you just need space? Sorry." Lupinepaw was terribly out of her depth, she knew nothing about pregnancy.

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 10mo apprentice of skyclan. mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falconpaw
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowpaw & drowsypaw
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw hadn't seen Bobbie much since he had supported her flank back to camp. He had tried to avoid every inch of pain that dwelled for the family- Blazestar's death (which hurt in a different way for Falconpaw), Drowsypaw's attack, Bobbie's wounds, Lupinepaw's despaired look that he desperately hated remembering. Lupinepaw was quick to leap to her mother when the entire camp seemingly heard the pregnant queen groan, and Falconpaw followed slower then his interest.

Blue eyes flicked over the two toms that also approached, seeing the glance Lupinepaw traded with Tiggerbounce. Brief amusement touched his features, before he switched his gaze back to Bobbie, carefully stepping in to brush shoulders with Lupinepaw. "Why don't you spend time with her and I'll go get what she needs?" Falconpaw asked Lupinepaw softly, his eyes flicking between the mother and daughter.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS

he doesn't exactly know what to do either. he's not particularly qualified in what it means to take care of a pregnant cat and he's so weary to do something wrong– especially when it comes to his mom. she's different. he will never stop loving her, or trying to be there for her. or even stop defending her. he can't. it's not her fault she's been through so much and it's not her fault she's shutting down as a response. he can't blame her. he won't.

"i can help, too, mama. i can ask if... if dawnglare or fireflypaw can get you something. or just... get you some food. or some moss. i-i can make you a more comfortable nest! will that help?"

he hates feeling so useless. please let me help. i need to feel useful. let me help you.