pafp go, take a ride on your high horse | pranking


The meeting had just concluded, young cats were given there next milestone to complete, including lead warrior duties. Mosspool had been knighted with lead warrior duties, it was a special day, and one that Catfishleap presumed the brown tabby had been dreaming of. Why else would she be so uptight? The two mollies relationship was one paw away from hostile most days but as Mosspool accepted her new position Catfishleap had cheered. She was pretty sure Mosspool would do the same if she ever became a lead warrior, after all there was only a few times Catfishleap could actually say she disliked Mosspool over just disagreed with her. Though she could remember vividly apprenticeship arguments that Mosspaw had been a real jerk, and so with a mischievous grin on her lips she left the clearing in search of a specific cat.

It had taken a little time but soon she found them. Hazewish was doing something or other that obviously wasn’t as important as Catfish’s plan, Hazewish didn’t know that yet but she would. She approached the grey tabby and then for a moment faltered, she wasn’t actually sure if Haze would be as game as she originally thought. Her plan was a classic apprentice idea, and well they weren’t apprentices anymore… "Haze-" the word escaped her "wish," she made sure to say the grey tabby’s full name, skipping the second part was a old habit that should have been buried awhile ago "So, Mosspool is really fancy and stuff now right? So, I was thinking-" she paused again trying to figure how to ask the stranger in front of her to hangout "We… us- Me and you- we should put thorns in her nest." Her heart was pounding it shouldn’t be this hard to talk to Haze but the last couple moons were weird, being warriors was weird.

It was later that evening, the sun was starting to set and carefully placed thorns now resided in the newest lead warriors nest. Catfishleap bit her lip as she waited for Mosspool to come to bed. The silver torbie had moved her bed closer to Mosspool’s and Haze’s just to make sure she could watch the brown cat’s face when she got poked. She wasn’t so close to Haze that they could touch but still she sat somewhat uncomfortably as of they were, she thought however she was hiding it very well with little snickers and mischievous smiles, she was for sure more focused on the prank than Haze.

And then the time finally came, Mosspool entered the den.


//ooc: please wait for both @Mosspool and @Hazewish to respond before posting​
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Her sister, lead warrior— Hazewish cheers loud and proud as Mosspool accepts the new duty with grace and what passes to delight in the stern young warrior. In spite of their differences she loves her littermate dearly and has to admit few deserve the promotion like she does. Even though she’s going to be insufferable about it.

Catfishleap finds them later, after they’ve congratulated Moss properly and the meeting has dispersed. It’s strange that Haze doesn’t notice her approach until the molly has haltingly spoken their name; they used to be able to pick her out of a crowd, in the dark of the Gathering, just from how attuned the two of them were to each other. Stranger still is the way they stiffen at the sound of her voice: there isn’t so much bad blood between them that they shouldn’t be able to act casually around her…

But that tension bleeds out of her body at the words that follow, whispered conspiratorially in her ears.

”Worms,” she adds, with a nod and a private grin, leaning into Catfish’s space before she can catch herself.

The wait is the best/worst part of any plan: the anticipation tastes sweet but Haze finds themself kneading the moss of their nest as they peer through cracked eyelids at their sister’s nest. They missed this, so dearly: Catfish’s snickering near them, her presence so close yet not close enough. The companionship. The harassment of Haze’s favorite, most beloved, most annoying sibling.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool was having the best day of her life. In front of the whole clan Smokestar had named her a lead warrior, and all of Riverclan had chanted her name. Friends, family, and many of her clanmates all congratulated her; each telling her that she was going to be a perfect addition to their leader's council. She knew that they were right. Her head was held even higher than usual, and each word of praise she received only made her hold it even higher. This was the reward for all the hard work she had put in all her life, and she was glad to accept it.

Preoccupied as she was with her own self-satisfaction, she did not even notice when Hazewish and Catfishleap slipped away after the meeting.

It was late by the time the commendations finally ended and she was able to step into the warrior den. A small, contended smile adorned her maw that she could not seem to get rid of. Most of the other warriors were already in their nests already, and - exhausted as she was - she was eager to fall into her own. She did not even glance down at it first.

Which made the sudden sensations of sharp pinpricks and wet squirming all the more alarming. In an instant, all her tiredness left her. She shot to her paws. "Ew ew ew ew ew ew." Mosspool did an undignified, squeamish little dance out of her nest in an attempt to both step out of the nest while touching it as little as possible in the process. Once she was out of it, all she could do was stare at the terrible state of her nest in abject disgust. The prick thorns was alarming, but something she could deal with; she had been in her fair share of scuffles. The feeling of worms against her fur, however, was not something she was able to bear. It was uncomfortable in a way that made her want to leap straight in the river to cleanse herself of the sensation. How had something so terrible gotten into her nest.

Slowly, it began to dawn on her that someone must have done this.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.