
Death had always fascinated him. Dead bodies were always so interesting to look at. Maybe it was because he had been dead when first brought into the this earth making him have a special connection to death. His mother dearest had told him so countless of times that he should be dead but starclan had brought him back to life. That he was destined for something big one day. How amusing that was to think about. Indeed it was. Yet at his young age all he could think about was how badly he wanted to see how bodies looked on the inside. From, a frog to a mouse. Did they all look the same?. What about his clanmates?, his mom?, even him?. Did they all look the same?. What about this heart everyone was talking about. Over and over again his mom keept on telling him how importand hearts were that without a heart he couldn't be alive, not breathing or feeling. Everyone had it and he was captivated by it all!.

How many frogs had he cut open now?. Slitherkit had lost count but he kept on 'playing' with his food, kept on getting scolded by his mom every single time she saw him all bloody by the cadaver he had cut open instead of eating. Slith, stop wasting the food!. Apparently it was importand in this cold, every mouth importand to feed. Yet he couldn't help himself having no self-control!. Mom would forgive him though, she always did because he was loved or at least that was what she claimed.

Slitherkit had been left alone with his thoughts, no other kit daring to get to close because he was too weird, too creepy. He had always known he was different from the other kits, always knowing he wasn't like the others. That was why he had never tried to connect always keeping to himself unless he wanted something from them...like right now.

The kit was staring at the cat who was eating a squirrel, a squirrel out of all things!. What a rare sight. So red and fluffy. He was captivated by its uniqueness as it stood out in this place never having seen one before!. It was rare to find here in the swamp. It most have gotten lost on it's way..losing its way from home and now it was dead. Getting eaten and devoured by his own clanmate. He just had to know more wanting to know how it would look on the inside. Did the Fluffy Red have a heart too?. Maybe he would understand better this time...maybe its blood were just as beautiful and pretty like the crow he had cut open the other day!.

Slitherkit approached, curious and full of wonder and a thirst for knowledge!. He creept closer and closer, his paws silent and quiet, barely even noticable until he stopt right in front of his clanmate to stare with his hollow-eyes. There was a pause, his breathing growing quicker, and it was evident across his face that he found it difficult to breath because he was so...so excited he barely could keep himself together!. " Hey, you." he finally spoke and only then did he realise!. If he wanted something he had to smile. His mother always told him to smile more, that cats would like him better if he did. So he smiled.

His lips spread apart showing his shark looking teeth as the smile spread across his whole face all while his eyes where soulless. It was the smile of horror. Creepy and disturbing, twisted and wicked. He looked like he was ready to murder his own clanmate right there and then!, all while his breathing grow quicker. Can you show me its heart, pretty please??." he was so excited that he started to drool, salivia running down his mouth as his smile was left unchanging, glued to his face.

He was sure mom would be proud over him now.


It's odd. There's such a minimal amount of squirrels making their homes out of the marsh's trees. It isn't as though there's a lack of vegetation for them to reside in - towering pines sweep across the marshland, existing as prime real estate for scurrying tree-dwelling creatures. Perhaps squirrels, too, understood that this territory is terrible to survive in, and were partial towards the denser woodlands of ThunderClan and SkyClan. If such is the case, then Smogmaw cannot blame them, for he'd also live in either of those regions if given the opportunity.

When he discovered the rare creature upon the fresh-kill pile, the mackerel tabby heartily nicked it for himself and hobbled on over to a secluded spot in the camp. The mammal's short bristles are an unusual feeling in his maw, but he doesn't mind it as much as frog texture. Frog texture makes Smogmaw want to tear his own skin off.

He is halfway through his meal when a fiendish outline manifests in his peripheral. There is an attempt to ignore it from his part, though to no avail - the imp calls out to him, beckoning his attention. Sighing, as there's no greater injustice than disturbing a man while he eats, he begrudgingly swivels his head to face the little beast. "What," he utters curtly. Not a question, but rather a demand.

The thing's ensuing question garners his full attention. This isn't what he'd been expecting. Hesitating for a moment, he knits his brows and gives the kit a frown. "Yeah, sure."

It isn't worth it to go into full grisly detail, but because of how the warrior had picked away at his meal, getting to the squirrel's innards takes little time. Employing both tooth and claw to pry out whatever stood in the way, he makes short work of Slitherkit's request.

Once the operation came to an end, a bloodied paw nudges the mangled carcass across the snow. "What're you going to do," he probes, "play with it?"

Smogmaw cannot help but wonder if the insides of a cat look the same way.


"Oh, how cute! Smoggy made a little friend~" She was a little surprised really, given his penchant for not knowing how to cope with himself around children but this one wasn't swinging at him so perhaps it was merely reflexive on his part. The torbie wandered over, peering curiously down at the strange little kitten with the much too big smile and sharp little teeth; kittens were fantastic because they were still in the awkward stage of merely feigning acting like proper cats and their antics could easily teeter from being adorable to unsettling and this one had developed quite the little aura to him hadn't he? If she saw him in the middle of the night by her nest she might swat first and ask questions later! Terribly darling little weirdo that he was.
Halfshade regarded Smogmaw's grotqesque and sloppy dissection of the squirrel and flattened her ears at this display of playing with food with how rare it was to get, but so long as someone eventually stuffed the rest of that in their mouth before it spoiled she supposed she didn't care. How strange it was to see inside prey, she'd never really thought about it but the pulpy red mess was not too dissimilar to a cat in that regard and Stars she has seen several cats splattered far more violently than what this vermin had been suffered through.
With a step around the ticked tabby she settled down nearby to flick her tail out and around her paws, keeping her toes warm from the ever expanding snow that seemed to be coating every surface now without restraint.
"Slitherkit, breath a little slower now-this cold air can't be good for you wheezing like that~" And also it creeped her out just a little bit! So maybe stop doing that! Oh, she hoped none of her future kits were this awkward. She would still love them, of course, but it would be quite the pain to have to deal with until they grew out of the gangly adolescent stage and into something more like an actual cat. Waving a paw she gestured back to the remains of the squirrel, crucified upward and disembowled for the amusement of cats; there was some silly symbolism here involving the color red but oh-she wasn't interested in dwelling on it enough to come up with something more clever.
"Very red isn't it! Most living things have the same sort of stuff in them, you know. We're not all too different except the brain of course. We're much smarter than squirrels."

( : ̗̀➛ ) Like Smogmaw and Halfshade, Flickerfire has never stopped to consider the similarities to a piece of prey and the insides of a feline. She's killed before -- once -- but it hadn't been like this, slaughtered and pried open with sick fascination. She hadn't stopped to consider his guts, the organs trapped under his white fur. She has no interest now, either, staring at Slitherkit with a grimace of disgust.

"Eat it," she encourages the kit tonelessly. "It's food, ain't it? Came from inside the squirrel. If you're tough, you'll eat it." She's never tried to eat any creature's heart before. It's red and pulpy, tiny. Complex, but otherwise like anything else you could dig out of a piece of prey. "Can't be wastin' no food, after all." A rare grin, despite her foul mood in the depths of her hunger, flashes across her dark face.
chilledgaze was way too tired to deal with this right now. kits were always weird, and this one was only different in the sense of enjoying gorey details of things. eugh. they rolled their eyes before rolling onto their back, stretching their paws upwards, settling with a huff. their tail swept the cold ground, as they tried to settle in the small bits of sunlight. they barely got it during leafbare, and they would take it where they could get it. their ears twitched at the conversation, with a click of their tongue against the roof of their mouth. they could deal with it later. they needed a nap, and nothing was going to stop that right at this moment.
Oh no! Poor thing! Are they really so lacking in prey that they have kits running around drooling and begging for scraps? Chickadeepaw feels horrified - both at the realization and at herself for her inability to notice just how in dire straits they were until it was staring at her in the face.

She’s ready to march over to the freshkill pile, fueled by nothing but pure determination to make up for her ignorance-! The words of the warriors quickly put a stop to her plan.

Chickadeepaw frowns, blue eyes bouncing from warrior to warrior. Their words confuse her - why would he play with it? Why is Halfshade teaching him about hearts and squirrels? (And of course they were smarter than squirrels! Chickadeepaw bet she could beat a squirrel without breaking a sweat!)

”Why wouldn’t he eat it?” She directs her question towards Flickerfire, genuine curiosity sprinkled in her voice. Chickadeepaw glances at the heart and lightly wrinkles her nose. Well. Maybe she can see why someone wouldn’t want to eat it - it doesn't look very appetizing. Still...

With Flickerfire's words in her head, she brightens and turns to Slitherkit. "Don't worry! I'm tough, so if you don't want to eat it, I'll eat it for you!" She reassures, puffing her chest out in pride.