Go To The Light (joining)


Foxy Grandpa
Nov 7, 2022

Getting old wasn’t so bad.

Of course, there were problems. Creaky bones, an aching back, and a constant desire for softer bedding (the latter likely being the cause of the former). But, the elderly tomcat would certainly say it was more good than bad. When he was young, the oak-colored tom would always sleep the day away - emerald eyes only opening when the sun was at its zenith or well past it. Now though, a graying face greeted the day right as the sun was beginning to rise. It was one of his few regrets in life - missing out on so many pleasant mornings in his youth. Still, that was a perk to being a loner, no set schedule.

However, as Soil stretched the creaking planks that seemed to make up his skeleton, he’d hoped that was about to change. Word had filtered down from a few acquaintances of cats living in groups only a few days’ walk away. It was a novel idea, and the sociable loner was always looking to make new friends, so he wanted to see if he could help out. Without much preparation and even less concern, the geezer who’d seen it all set out to experience something new.

However, aged fur and a slightly slumping frame did little to betray the muscles that still rippled beneath his pelt. Soil may have been past his prime (though would never admit it), but he could still put up a fight. One didn’t live 144 moons in wild without learning how to fend for oneself, after all. Boundless energy made the journey feel like a breeze, and the old man was nearing what he’d been told was the right spot when an impatient paw slipped under a stump, spraining it.

A grimace crossed his graying maw. It was nothing serious, but it wouldn’t make for a good first impression. The last thing Soil wanted was for these cats to see him as some old fuddy-duddy who was as fragile as a dead bush. It would be painful, but the earthen-hued tom decided to try and hide it. Luckily he was already on the final stretch, and Soil stopped gratefully a few hours later in a spot that seemed as good as any.

The old cat had heard that it was best to sit in a respectful manner, with groomed fur and a polite, preprepared speech. However, he was of a different mindset. Splayed out under the shade of a small tree, lackadaisically eating a shrew he’d caught earlier, any cat that came across Soil would find the epitome of calm and relaxation (besides the sprain, which he tried to not let bother him). ​
If anyone was in for some rough older years, it was Thistleback, having pushed through his youth like a bull. Battle withered skin under a oily coat of thorns, muzzle drawn into an angry scowl narrowly carved into his features permanently.

Thistleback is teaching Coyotepaw how to climb better and traverse the treetops carefully. A strenuous task it was, clambering up bark all day, leaping and landing carefully on the hocks. They were in for a good nights rest, Thistleback’s claws were starting to sting at the quick. " having fun yet ? " he chuckles toward the long-haired apprentice as the black and white beast lands with a thud back to the ground.

His tongue drags over the drying pallet of his maw, the musky pines and stale bird scent is muddled with that of a stranger. Thistleback’s shoulders twitch, prey blood was sweet in the air. Did those rogues not get the message when they stole prey the first time? " get ready for the worst " he growls out to Coyotepaw and whips his tail for the boy to follow as he storms through the forest.

They happen upon a tom, splayed out under a small tree enjoying himself a meal- an older gent painted with the greys of age. Thistleback’s snarl dissipates immediately, replaced by a broad grime-lined smile. If there was anything that had this monster’s mercy and rare respect, it was old-timers.

" good afternoon young man " Thistleback greets with gentle humor, carrying himself sluggishly toward the chewing loner. " I’m Thistleback, I’m a warrior of Skyclan. You just passing through? " his rough tone is softened, his knuckled toes pressed as he settles himself into a sit.

  • @Coyotepaw

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png


The day really was perfect, wasn’t it? Shade kept the sun from Soil’s eyes as his belly slowly filled with delicious food, all while a gentle breeze reminded the aging cat of leafbare’s quick approach. Aged eyes, now growing heavy under sleep’s spell, only stayed open out of a mix of focus for any strangers that would doubtless stumble across him soon and the dull throb of his paw.

The pain was pushed away as Soil sensed the approach, smelling the duo before they came into sight. Emerald eyes flitted towards the shrubbery while a graying maw took another bite of shrew, unworried. A snort up as the first pleasantry was exchanged, proving his point. “Since when did parents start letting little kits like yourself out of their sight? Could be dangerous out here, y’knkow” The elder grunted while pushing himself up onto four paws, eyes alight with energy and mirth. Soil briefly buckled under the weight of his injury, though steadying himself quickly enough to hopefully not cause a fuss.

“Skyclan, huh? Y’know, those kittypets could never quite get the name out…” he mumbled briefly, trailing off before snapping back to the present with a broad smile. “‘Fraid not, Thistleback. See, I’ve been lookin’ into a change of scenery, and it seems like Skyclan might be the place for me! Living as a group sounds real fun, and being a loner just gets, well, lonely after a while.” The way his mouth ran made it clear the old-timer had been aching for someone to talk to. There hadn’t been many conversations to have where he’d come from, and a multi-day solitary journey had made Soil a bit stir-crazy. ​

A leisurely pace was quickly marked with urgency at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, the foul memory of Centipedepaw's disappearance keeping her on edge. Daisyflight slowed, however, upon emerging from behind a wilt-ribbed fern and discovering Thistleback and an oldtimer twittering back and forth.

"If you consider this one a kit, I'd like to know what full-grown cats you surround yourself with!" The honey-splashed molly chimed, laughter drawn out by amusement and relief in equal measures. She gave her fellow warrior a brief nod of greeting, comfortable to entertain the stranger.

A faint smile coloured her countenance as the chalk-nosed tom mumbled about the kittypet's unreliable information as she remembered her own experiences trying to tempt the nest dwellers into sharing directions. "Well you've come to the right place, if you're not here to cause trouble you'll be welcome. Can't have lonely cats at our borders can we?" Tone brisk, Daisyflight bowed her brow in gesture further into the forest. It was not easy to trust, but clutching at caution would only lead to misery. She could only hope her immediate trust of the old tom was not misplaced. Unlikely, she placated.
I won't apologize for being who I am
His limbs ached with the usual burn that accompanied strenuous exercise. Leaping from branch to branch had certainly proven to be quite the workout and the boy held no doubt that he would rest well tonight. Carefully he drops down beside the prickled pelt of his mentor, green eyes silently taking in the sight of the old timer. Coyote's silence remains while Thistleback and the stranger go back and forth on casual terms, and he only takes his eyes off Soil briefly to watch Daisyflight wander over. "I can't image living alone being enjoyable." He though it sounded miserable actually. Once it seemed as if Daisyflight had accepted the old weathered tom Coyote takes a moment to speak again. "What's your name?"
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar is not far behind Daisyflight, the dread a cold pit in his stomach as he scents the softened scent of an outsider. There's something less aggressive about it -- perhaps it's the lack of cat blood notes burrowed within it, he thinks wryly. The cat in questions is older, dun-and-white-pelted with a graying muzzle. Blazestar blinks, some of his trepidation melting away. He seems friendly enough, though he can't help but think his intuitions have been wrong before.

He glances at Coyotepaw and nods as if to encourage the newcomer to answer the question. "Did you travel far, then?" He does not miss the way he stands, only slightly awkward, as though there's something causing him pain. Blazestar murmurs, almost as an afterthought, "We have a medicine cat, a healer. He could take a look, if anything's ailing you." He isn't sure Dawnglare will thank him for that offer, but it's his StarClan-given job now, so Blazestar shoves away any misgivings.

As more and more cats made themselves known, greying features lit up with glee. The sociable tom’s smile only widened once Daisyflight seemed to welcome him. “Oh yes, y’all will get no trouble from me. I can hunt, fight, teach, whatever you need. Well, the kittypets back home weren’t really receptive to my lessons, so maybe I need to work on the teaching part” He laughed, good-natured soul shining through.

The young cat who had been with Thistleback stepped up, and a soft smile crossed Soil’s maw as he picked up the smell of sweat. This one seemed to be a pupil of some kind, and with the way he stuck to Thistleback it wasn’t hard to guess who the master was. It was good to see cats passing on their knowledge, and for others to be so eager to learn. The boy might’ve been much younger than the old-timer, but that didn’t equate to any less respect. “It’s not unbearable, but it can be awfully boring at times” he responded casually. “Kittypets are always a little scared of you, and other loners have a tendency to see you as competition. Not a recipe for constant conversation, y’know?” A short bark of laughter left the old man’s lips as Coyotepaw asked after his name. “Guess I let excitement get the better of manners. My name is Soil! It’s a pleasure, all of you.”

The next one to arrive carries himself with a different air. Something in Soil knows that this cat should be treated with more respect, but he was never much of a kiss-up. “A few days walk, nothing too hard. Really, it was nice to stretch my legs and see some new sights after a while!” Speaking of legs, the Moggy’s paw wouldn’t stop pulsing, and it seemed Blazestar had taken notice. “I’m fine, really” Soil was quick to assure. “I got clumsy a few hours ago and sprained it. I’ll walk it off, don’t wanna be a burden.” Pride had trumped common sense for now. ​