God from the Machine | Connections for Deus

Jul 18, 2023
Hello, Friendos! My nickname is Due or Boom, and I’m a bit of a newbie to TT (found this place on the wcarpg discord), but that’s not important. Despite being already active in Skyclan with my funny little semi-jerk kittypet named Tomb, I am so inspired by this huge and friendly community that I felt the need to make another character.

Simple profile:

Name: Deus
Nickname/Known Name: X (Ex Machina)

Age: 20 moons
Mental Age: 40 moons

Appearance: Art to come if anyone is interested in making some for me.

Deus is an atheist cat who only believes in five entities, the Five Inevitabilities. These five are the center of his moral and philosophical code that dictates exactly how he should act. Despite this, he also uses common sense to fill the gaps that don't have to do with the Five.

The Code of Inevitability:

Death is the strongest power, even amongst it's older, more primordial brothers and sisters such as time and existence, and is an inevitability to be both feared and respected. He requests few things from his followers, but defy any of them and punishment is all but guaranteed. His greatest enemy is Life, and sometimes he will allow rule breaks of their creed.

The Rules set by Death:

You shall not sacrifice yourself for another, for it was my time to take them. Stealing from me is and always will be prohibited.

You shall not murder or kill, and you shall try your best to move away from such situations. Death is my domain, and disallowing me the simple pleasure of causing it is prohibited.

Killing yourself is allowed, but only on my mark. If you end it before I say you can, the guards in the underworld will reject your passage due to my halls being too full to fit anyone else, and even when some rebirth you will not be pardoned of this crime and allowed within my gates.

You will accept death with honor and not cause problems with me once inside the halls of the Underworld, and coming back to revenge your own death is not permitted. If you are caught trying such a thing, total obliteration is the next step.

You come from me and return to me, and this is Inevitable.

Life is Death's greatest enemy and the most mischievous of the Five. While killing is not allowed by death, Self-defense is protected by life, pitting the two in a constant struggle. Life is responsible for the world, and everything on it, so it is technically more important than Death, but true death is the only thing Life is afraid of, the one thing that made him cede top spot on the code many years ago.

Dying before it is dictated is unacceptable. You must do anything and everything you can to survive.

Nobody is more important than you, but the same goes for others. Do not disrespect my craft by acting superior over another.

Killing is not usually permitted except in cases
where someone would seek to fatally harm you.

When someone sacrifices themself for you and pays the ultimate price at a young age, you are to immediately kill yourself and thank them in the underworld.

I was there before you and I will be there after you. This is Inevitable.

Next is Time, the oldest and wisest inevitability. While you cannot do much to prevent time from passing or flowing, the rules mainly object to stopping other mortals' time. He rejects immortality completely and totally, despite it seeming contrary, and the idea of rebirth is not one he feels comfortable with, putting him at odds with Life and Existence. He is close allies with Death and begrudgingly works with Life to measure out lifespans.

The Rules set by Time:

Once your time is up, you may not have any more until you pass and are judged worthy.

Do not end others' time on the mortal plane, for I have evidently selected their lives for some reason, and it is not your job to question such things.

Do not show me disrespect or value me less than is necessary. I am watching and seeing. You only get however much I give you, so strive to use it to the fullest.

Finally, accept the end of your time with honor. If you ask me for more during any point, I am liable to cut you off entirely.

I am forever, and I will pass by you without a second thought should you slip up. This is Inevitable.

Existence is the oldest, most primordial concept of the Five. In fact, he is responsible for the existence of the concepts themselves. A father, he would be called, if the concepts were gendered. Due to his supreme power beyond a mind's ability to calculate, his list is short and simple. Due to his accomplishments, he is vain and most of his rules have to do with thanking him and his children.

The Rules set by Existence:

Obey us. Obey me. There are no rules within this code that take precedence.

Thank me and my kin everyday and pray to us so we may continue to be merciful. Disrespect is unacceptable.

I am responsible for them, they are responsible for you. Follow the rules, and you shall come to appreciate me more than anything else. This is Inevitable.

Finally, last but not least, Age is the youngest and least powerful concept. Early in the existence of the world, Life stole power from Age and made it slightly weaker, but that was enough to send it to the bottom of the barrel. Thus, to this day Age is jealous of life, and it is said that those blessed by Life will find themselves hit hard by the effects of Age. His rules are mainly petty instructions built to tear down his stronger family member.

I cannot be stopped, so do not try to stop me.
Worshiping Life more than me, valuing it higher than me is a grave offense.

Because you were made by life, you are worthless. Only those touched by my hand are worth anything. Protect those I have blessed.

Do not complain to me when age finally catches up to you. I am the most natural of the concepts, and disrespecting my work this way is prohibited.

If there is one thing Life and I agree on, it is that any inanimate idol shall be destroyed, for it is not alive and therefore cannot age. It is blasphemy.

If the world does not send you six feet under, I eventually will. This is Inevitable.

Traits (Best to Worst): Knowledgeable👉Mature👉Serious👉Pious👉Robotic👉Selfish
Deus accepts that death is a thing and is fully prepared for it, and will never sacrifice himself but also will not murder other cats. He tries to humbly do his best to survive by any means necessary and only end others in situations where they seek to kill him.

He tries use whatever time he is given as well as he can, and will help others do the same if they are obviously struggling. He also fervently tries to prevent suicidal thoughts in others and often attempts to make friends with those in need of one.

He is often found piously praying during many times in the day and holds the rules above anything else, even family or friends, not that he has any (That's where ya'll come in). He will Value his own life above others like him, but at the same time put himself below others older as worthless, and tries to always come to the aid of the elderly.

He reviles those who try to look younger as unnatural, since aging is the most natural of the Five and will desecrate any type of shrine or statue that he can if it is not in worship of the Five.