pafp GOD KNOWS ✧ journey gossip

I wonder how they’re doing.” Mousenose’s paws are sore from a long day’s work. The fresh-kill she’d brought in was scrawnier than she’s used to after such a hot greenleaf, but she gnaws the thin squirrel’s bones all the same. Not only was it a small catch, but it’s the only thing I managed to bring in, she muses, pawing the extra fur she’s scraped from the tail into a pile. Her expression is bright, regardless, thinking of their Clanmates heading for mysterious mountainous obstacles.

The cat nearest her is, unfortunately, Moonwhisper, and she’d just about rather chatter to an acorn. Still, she continues, tongue swiping to catch stray squirrel. “I know we had to have sent the best warriors. Flamewhisker, Nightbird, Stormywing, Batwing…” Her eyes narrow, just slightly. “Lightstrike.” She’d always liked the golden-pelted tabby… to think he might be in danger now causes a small sigh to escape from her. “…Do you think he’s doing okay? Y’think he’s hurt, or… or something…?

She lifts guileless green eyes to Moonwhisper, who seems to pick at her piece of prey. Perhaps she’s just annoyed with the company.

  • please wait for @Moonwhisper
  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

"Some of our best are out there, they'll be fine." Moonwhisper is dismissive at first, not paying the other girl much mind and focusing on chewing her own meal carefully so as not to get any on her maw; her tortie spotting made noticing any bloodied stains difficult and she'd feel foolish if she looked out of sorts.
She really couldn't blame Mousenose for being worried, though she'd not admit it herself she was equally so and so was most the camp. Hearing her hesitance and unease was nothing new but it was when she began to point out Lightstrike specifically and voice her concerns over his safety above anyone elses was when she found her eyes narrowing. It bothered her. She couldn't place exactly WHY it bothered her, it wasn't as if he couldn't have other friends who fretted over him and it wasn't as though Mousenose was doing anything but showing genuine concern. This shouldn't have pricked her nerves the way it did but it does and she tucks her paws closer to herself, drawing the mouse she was eating to her chest and digging her claws into it.
"He's FINE!" She snaps, irrate and tail lashing. "What, do you not care about anyone else there? You know, Stormpaw is younger than us and out there."
The pointed ice queen is dismissive of Mousenose, which only fans the flames. She now actively wants to bother Moonwhisper. Who does she thinks she is? Too good for me? Her scowl is strong across her features. The other she-cat had once accused her of wearing all of her feelings on her breastbone for the world to see, badges of honor—and that hasn’t changed with adulthood, unfortunately. The young warrior tosses their head, fur fluffed out at odd angles as though she’s just rolled out of bed. “Why would you say somethin’ like that?” She challenges.

After a moment, Mousenose’s smile returns, small and petulant. “I’m not worried about Stormpaw because I know they’re all in good paws. ThunderClan’s best is out there.” She presses a paw beneath her chin, as though to prop up her head. “I was just thinking about Lightstrike because…” She flutters her eyelashes, “he called me pretty before he left, and I haven’t been able to forget about it!

This, like many things Mousenose claims happened, did not. However, she wants desperately to see how the other she-cat reacts to this “information.”

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Today had been a frustrating one, beginning the dwindling flow of prey and spiraling all the way down to the strange happenings in their territory. Rogues were becoming brazen, shamelessly leaving scraps caught behind the border. Huffing her way through the entrance, Moonwhisper was the first warrior she spotted, looking to be caught in a half-minded conversation with Mousenose.
I thought those two hated each other.
Not her business.
Making her way over, she flicks her tail in greeting towards the pair. "Hey! Either of you guys seen-"
He’s FINE!
The sudden outburst shrivels whatever words were about to leave the young warriors tongue just as she comes to Moonwhispers side.
Giving the normally stoic molly a quizzical expression, Roeflame almost misses Mousenoses response entirely.
Eyes now flicker between the two she-cats for a heartbeat before settling on Mousenose.
Did she just bat her eyelashes?
Roeflame couldn’t help but feel as though she had just stumbled upon something she should make a swift exit from.
"So cute! When’d that happen?" Roeflame gushes, head tilted with an expectant grin.
Whether or not she was lacking precise context, the cinnamon warrior supposed there was no harm in prodding, especially considering how strange the interaction had been from what Roeflame had just caught. It was obvious Mousenose was trying to provoke something, though it was unclear as to what.
Taking a seat next to Moonwhisper, pools of clouded green are steady on Mousenose, waiting.

Sparkwing thinks about the cats on the journey every day. What are they doing out there. Whats it like out there. He's only ever known this forest. the world is huge, and he's stuck in the oak forest. He wants to see the world too, one day. But he won't abandon his family and clan. What good is exploring the world when he can't share it with his friends and family?

Speaking of family, Mousenose and Moonwhisper are gossiping it seems. And he catches a veeery interesting tidbit. Lightstrike had called his sister pretty??? He GASPS. A TOM, AFTER HIS SISTERS HEART?????


He approaches the growing group and plops down. Maybe he'd be angrier if it was someone else... Lightstrike didn't seem like a bad cat. Maybe he can let it slide. Maybe he won't have to fight anyone. Were any other boys looking at his sister??? Well, he'll surely find out here. He needs to know. It's important. Don't worry about it.

"It was only a matter of time before you started stealing hearts!" Sparkwing says to his sister. " I can see it now.... You and Lightstrike.....Together....." He adds, unknowingly playing into Mousenose's scheme.​
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Reactions: Marquette
Wolfwind has been wondering the same sorta things that Mousenose has — only she's been keeping them in her head, though honestly, that's somewhat out of character for her. It's not the sort of thing that's intentional, the opposite even, that has her running to participate in a conversation once the topic has been brought up. Wolfwind feels a gnaw in her stomach, not horrible, but certainly more there than it has been in some moons. She hopes that the hunting is better, wherever they are.

Moonwhisper doesn't seem too perterbed. At least, Wolfwind hopes that it was a comfort she truly held, and not just a face she was trying to put on. The warrior doesn't know what to make of it when Mousenose lingers on Lightstrike just a whisker longer than she had the other names — or had Wolfwind imagined that? Just as Wolfwind is about to give a sigh and answer a succint, probably, Moonwhisper suddenly snaps. Wolfwind lifts a brow at her cousin. When Mousenose says somethin' like, why would you say somethin' like that? Wolfwind is left wondering the same thing, and speechlist in the midst of a conversation she felt she may be lacking significant context to???

Mousenose makes a face Wolfwind has never seen on the girl, and she says he called me pretty before he left, and I haven’t been able to forget about it!

" What? " Wolfwind says at the same time Roeflame starts gushing, and she promptly rolls her eyes. Sparkwing also rather abruptly inserts himself into the conversation. Wolfwind supposes this kind of gossip was irresistible to anyone – though, oh, they were siblings, weren't they? I can see it now, you and Lightstrike, together. " What the hell— no, " she gawks. And then she remembers she's supposed to be a mature Lead Warrior who loves all her clanmates equally and stuff. Okay but, like... " I mean, " she clears her throat and glances away, as if she couldn't admit that she cared this much about the conversation. Carefully picking her words, she says, " You could... do better, " That's all she's gonna say, damn it.


Oh, Moonwhisper’s stupid outburst has drawn a crowd now. Mousenose is surprisingly not perturbed by her Clanmates drawing closer and asking amazed questions of their own. She relishes in the attention, basks in it like a cat taking in the sun’s rays. The warrior gives her pelt a relaxing shake, fur settling in odd tufts and pieces, smiling innocently at Roeflame’s inquiry. “When? Well, let’s see if I can remember…” She moves the paw from under her chin and waves it about her head, as if to gather her thoughts single-pawed. “Must’ve been right before he left! Before we went to Fourtrees,” she lies easily.

Her littermate strides close, his ginger fur alight with the sun. “Aw, my brother is so supportive,” she giggles fondly, her voice like a squeal. “Don’t worry, Sparkwing, I’ll always have time for you!” Her eyelids fall back into that semi-provocative position, just for show. “No matter how many mates I have!

It’s Wolfwind who startles her the most, but Mousenose does her best to recover. The lead warrior’s expression is nothing short of stunned. The young she-cat wonders why. What’s wrong with her and Lightstrike together, huh??? “What do you mean, Wolfwind? I think Lightstrike is a dashing, handsome warrior! He’s so sweet, too,” she continues to fib, sighing dreamily.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

Like many others, talk of the journey that so many of their clanmates had embarked on is what draws him in. Of course he is worried, of course he wishes he could check on them and see how they were doing but there would be no way to know if everything was okay or not until the cats came back. His own mother had left on the journey and while he knows that she is a capable cat he also cannot help but think about how small she was. Lightstrike too he worried about of course, but he would never say so out loud. Not like Mousenose dared to. His sisters reaction surprises him and he finds himself wondering what had gotten her tail in a twist.

He comes to stand next to Roeflame, his ebony fur brushing against her shoulder for a moment and his golden eyes lingering on her form as she asked Mousenose when that happened. He had never seen the golden tom padding after Mousenose but he decides to wait for his fellow warrior to elaborate before saying anything.

"Funny. He hasn’t said a word about you to me" he says but his voice is more amused than anything and a playful smile tugs at his lips. Imagining Lightstrike with anyone was an amusing prospect but imagining him with Mousenose of all cats was especially so. He cannot help the snort of laughter that leaves his nostrils when she describes him. Handsome and dashing huh? "you forgot thick-skulled in your description" he says with a snicker.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 60128620_HIwWDbxBpKFbAR4.png

    ➵ he / him
    ➵ thunderclan warrior
    ➵ single ; crushing on roeflame
    ➵ heterosexual
    ➵ a large black furred tom with long hair and golden eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]


"You're LYING!" The tortie snaps, voice rising upward and its the first time she has yelled in so long that it hurts, her throat tightens and strains from the effort of it but she does not pull back, even as more cats join to encourage. Sparkwing's foolish simpleminded commentary and Roeflame's eager enthusiasm are met with cold glares as she stands up, thrusts her face into Mousenose's as the other girl continues spouting rubbish; were she in better spirits she might've agreed with Wolfwind humorously or faced her brother joining the conversation with petty agreement but for this kittypet trash to so boldly make such claims when Moonwhisper knew better and for anyone to even humor it was appalling.
"Who would have any interest in a pathetic whelp like you."
She turns to shoulder past their lead warrior, tail lashing, and without further commentary or a glance back she takes off for the edge of camp.

XXXXXThough Burnstorm is casual—nay, innocent even—Mousenose’s nose bridge scrunches with indignation at his comment. “Funny, he hasn’t said anything about you to me.” She lifts her chin haughtily. “I’m sure he doesn’t tell you everything,” she says. “Do you tell him about your crushes?” Pointedly, she fixes Roeflame with an indignant green stare, but her playful banter is short-lived when Moonwhisper explodes.

XXXXXYou’re LYING, the tortoiseshell-masked she-cat snaps, and Mousenose recoils in spite of herself. “I am not! Why would I have to—” Anger snaps inside of her like a fox’s jaws around a cat’s throat. She rises to her paws, her tousled fur fluffing out… until she realizes what’s going on. Oooh, Moonwhisper’s jealous, a little voice whispers inside of her, and the expression on her face—hard, especially after being called a pathetic whelp—softens.

XXXXXShe turns to her remaining audience, Mousenose’s face now a mask of pity. “I guess things aren’t going the way she wants them to,” she sniffs.
