god of ink ✘ PATROLS

Ah, it felt good to be back in action. Smokethroat would admit he didn’t really miss organizing patrols as it was one of the few things he found irritating to sort out among his several duties and not even because he was bad at organizing - he was decent enough - but inner clan relations made putting these together a right burr in the tail. Some cats worked together better, others could accomplish nothing while in the same vicinity and even more still needed a firmer paw to guide them. Frankly, that Snakeblink had somehow managed to flub his way through the worst display of patrols he’d ever seen on accident was evidence enough they were long overdue for some proper arrangements.

“Lichentail, good to have you out of the medicine cat den. You will take Rookfang to WindClan’s border. Take Chicorypaw along with you as well as your other apprentices.” All of the younger cats could use the experience of navigating the hostile border with the moor rats and Lichentail and Rookfang were capable enough to keep them in line appropriately.

“I will be taking Fallinglight and Salmonshade with me to ThunderClan’s border.” Along with Beepaw and Ratpaw, of course, it would be his daughter’s first territory venture and he had chosen ThunderClan specifically to point out Sunningrocks and the forest beyond it.

“Cicadastar-” His mate, normally allowed to choose his own duties but given they were severely lacking in warriors with the journey cats having left they needed all paws on deck and he smiles in a way that is clearly amused at getting to jokingly boss about the leader, “SkyClan’s border is yours. Saltsting and Petalnose will accompany you.” Which meant Cicadapaw and Starlightpaw would be meeting the clan on the most friendly terms with them.

“Snakeblink, you will oversee Robinpaw in assisting Ravensong with whatever he needs. As well as ensuring she carries on with her other obligations.” Tick duty until otherwise stated by Cicadastar for her nonsense stunt involving SkyClan.

“Coyotecreek, with your new apprentice as well as Carppaw-” As Snakeblink would be preoccupied and he didn’t want her to miss out on any training, “You will arrange the hunting patrols for the day.”

Their clan felt so much smaller than it once was, to think that losing six cats would change so much but they were all proper warriors (and apprentices) and already deeply missed. With hope they would return back with the cure and plenty of stories to share. "...dismissed."
- @Smokethroat (@BEEPAW. ) & @FALLINGLIGHT & @salmonshade (@Ratpaw )
Wind - @lichentail (@brookpaw / @DIPPERPAW ) & @ROOKFANG ( @CHICORYPAW )

Hunting - @coyotecreek ( @otterpaw / @CARPPAW )

Assigned to assist @RAVENSONG : @Snakeblink & @robinpaw.
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Reactions: salmonshade
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Large ears perk up when her father starts assigning patrols to everyone and can't help but feel her heart do an excited somersault within her chest, of course, she does her best in keeping her excitement within. Thunderclan's border, she starts to try and imagine what she would see when they would depart from camp to go there and she can't help but feel her smile falter when she hears that Cicadapaw and Starlightpaw will be on an entirely different patrol than her. She tries to think more positive especially knowing that Ratpaw would be on her patrol, its enough to make her toothy smile return at full.

Beepaw ready to leave whenever her father gave the word and nodded in his direction with a small smile, she can't help but glance around to see if she would spot the snowy molly anywhere. Would Ratpaw be excited as her about going to Thunderclan's border? Probably not. She's already been on a bunch of patrols, I bet. She can't help but think to herself, the smoke molly simply gives a curt nod to show that she was listening and prepared.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Sitting patiently at the beck and call of a night-colored tom, Lichentail is more than eager to see his return to his duties. No more shenanigans with the patrols... just work and work and work to get work done. Star's bless it that the moons had passed quickly. At his kind acknowledgement of their recovery, the blue offers a meek smile, equally glad to be free of the confines of the medicine cat's den despite the burden that came with being one of the few that could be cured swiftly.

Surely... maybe it would've been better if....

Shaking the thought aside, they know it to be a useless ponderance. Mudpelt... Steepsnout... Aspenhaze... and Prariesun too. They'd all survive... StarClan wouldn't take them so abruptly, surely.

"Thank you Smokethroat," it is a hushed thing, though soon met with a small wince. WindClan? Again? Glancing between Rookfang, whom she knew would be in his ever-present brooding mood and the deputy who moved along without hesitation to complete his task, Lichentail wondered if he'd actually taken some notes from Snakeblink... Rookfang? On the WindClan border?

The stars must be laughing at her.

"Alright... let's get this done," they mumble, rising to approach the single other warrior on her patrol. "WindClan was quiet last time, Rookfang... but I trust their silence less than when they are noisy... Let's be mindful, yes? Keep these apprentices alive and safe..."

If it came down to it... they'd probably be royally screwed. Brookpaw was none too advanced in her battle training and Dipperpaw she knew even less about. ​
Salmon waits, as she always does, to listen to the patrols called out from where she lays. Smokethroat starts off with a "good to see you" to Lichentail and blue eyes flit over to find them among the crowd. Another Windclan patrol, she can't imagine they would be too happy about this... But what can one do, truly? She's called to go to Thunderclans border with Smokethroat and his daughter (and apprentice) Beepaw, she finds herself neutral about it. Ratpaw would do well to see sunningrocks again, remember what they were training for... Cicadastar leads a patrol to Skyclan, Snakeblink has to oversee Robinpaw and her gaze flashes with barely disguised sympathy. Coyotecreek would be taking Carppaw instead of Snakeblink and Salmon realizes with a jolt she'd be a little more than slightly uncomfortable if someone tried to train her own apprentice.


Oh, well, no time to dwell on it or work through her thoughts. She hauls herself up from her position, stretching downward before she offers Smokethroat (and her apprentice if she can find her) a nod to show she was ready.

  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
Although Ratpaw knew that there would be patrols while those that were off to try and get the lungwort would happen, she couldn't help but still be surprised at the number of cats that were going. It felt as though there was no one here - despite knowing for a fact there were still plenty of RiverClanners still at home - so listening as so many names were rattled off caused her to chew on the inside of her cheek a little bit. She couldn't help but wonder if there was even the possibility of running into the ThunderClanners on the border due to how many of their own would have gone on the journey and been sick as well.

Thoughts ebbed as she noticed Beepaw however, and Ratpaw cast the younger apprentice a smile as her eyes landed on her. It'd be her first time on a patrol to the border, and they got to be together for the first time since they were kits. It hadn't been a horribly long time - especially with how much fun Rat had while training with Salmonshade - but she couldn't help but be excited before she head quickly over towards Salmonshade, ready to leave whenever everyone was ready.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 4 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
( ) the normally calm tomcat kneads the ground anxiously as smokethroat rattles off the patrols. he finds himself searching the crowd for lambfang and barleybee, trying to reassure himself that more of his children have not fallen ill. he wishes to break from this meeting, continue aiding ravensong in whatever the medic needs, do whatever he can to fix his son. the dark-furred deputy names snakeblink and robinpaw to herb duty and part of coyote deflates. he shakes off his fear, reminding himself that any aid to the clan is good aid. finally, he is assigned to organize hunting patrols with his new apprentice, otterpaw, and with carppaw.

stars, he'll be in charge of two 'paws today. he hopes they're not a pawful, although young cats often are. his thoughts spiral to worrying about training the lead warrior's apprentice for a day, and he has to visibly shake himself. taking a breath, pausing, the patched tom calms himself. "alrighty then, smokethroat," he'll acknowledge the deputy before getting to his paws and scanning the gathered group for the two apprentices.
The tom breathed a sigh of relief when he wasn't given any patrol to go on. Perhaps, that was horrible of him. However, he was exhausted and this was just a blessing from Smokethroat. For once he would get to rest while others within the clan would go on patrols to other clans or hunt. Was it really so bad to be happy about rest? After all, they had lost six cats and it was straining their clan even more. Some more cats had gotten sick as well, which was not helping. By all accounts he should have asked to join a patrol, but he was just so exhausted! So much so that he didn't even wish any of his friends well and when the words 'dismissed' were uttered he rose to his paws and began to pad to the warriors den.

A nice fresh nest to rest on. Let's take a nap. A good warrior knows when to rest after all! A smile makes its way to his maw as he picked up his pace to the warrior's den. He blocks out any thoughts of the warriors den being more spacious due to the warriors who left and those who were sick. Not gonna ruin my day with those bad thoughts. Shoo, my nest is calling my name!

He catches Lichentail's gaze and her visible wince and narrows his eye skeptically, what was her issue now? Was she annoyed at the same patrol? Bothered by someone on it? Well, tough. She knew how to act at the border and he expected no less, whatever qualms she had with...Rookfang? Surely it was Rookfang, unless she had some unseen issues with Chicorypaw of all cats which he highly doubted. Bit of a ditz, that apprentice, but well-meaning enough.
Smokethroat shook his head. His gaze sweeps the cats, notices a smile crossing Pikesplash's maw as he turns to head to the warriors den and he lifts his head to call out, "Pikesplash...an excellent idea, if you need help gathering moss to change out the nests anywhere feel free to grab an apprentice not on patrol to help you."
Of course the enthusiasm for not going on patrols was odd to him, most cats enjoyed getting out and about but if the tom wanted to stay in camp and clean and it was where he'd be productive then by all means; Smokethroat wasn't going to tell him no. Last time he put him in charge of hunting the shivering mass of a warrior nearly combusted on the spot for some reason. An oddball that one, but sure-cleaning duty for the rest of his life. That was fine.
Someone had to after all and he could put more dependable warriors in charge of feeding the clan and checking their borders instead of having them waste their time in camp.

"Salmonshade, Fallinglight, I will see you both at the edge of camp in a moment." With that he turned to go speak briefly with Cicadastar before heading out himself with his own patrol.
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Reactions: lichenstar
Robinpaw was slightly relieved to be given an assignment by Smokethroat. Helping Ravensong with whatever was needed would be a slight change of pace from her usual routine of tick removal (though she is certain she will be doing that as well once Ravensong is caught up on medical duties). The tortoiseshell apprentice seeks out Snakeblink and Ravensong, ready to listen to her next instructions and carry out her duties to the very best of her ability.