private God only knows the roads I’ve been down ♥ Pikesplash


Petalnose walked through camp with unease after the situation with rumors that spread amongst camp. She was even more snappy than ever, explosive. If anyone had got on the she-cat's nerves, she'd show her wrath to them. Some npc's suffered from her sharp tongue when they dared to bother her or she caught them whispering about her. Petal did mean it, she did not care much of what others felt if they were getting onto her fairly dominate bad side. They deserved it rightfully so, no matter how harsh she was. That was her belief.

However, the patched warrior was not aware poor Pikesplash had her back in reality. Two words. Two words she heard in the same muffled sentence set her off and made her think differently of the warrior like a light switch. She assumed the other warrior was in the mix of the cats spreading useless information around camp. Petal did not expect the tom would be within the whispering clanmates, she saw him as soft and the last one to be spreading rumors. It surprised her and caught her off guard. Supposedly, it was from pushing him on about fighting her. That was the only thing she could think of. However, she thought that reason was idiotic, she only wanted her clanmate to be ready for the next attack. It was for her enjoyment as well, though, she did worry for him.

Petal was picking at a chub, her ears pinned against her head. She had barely eaten it and it seemed as if she was attempting to force herself but more of played with the bones, feeling sick to her stomach from stress. She debated on who to offer it to, glancing around camp. Who did she know she could trust? Who deserved her kindness?

// Sorry if this post is off and rushed, gonna spend time with my lover <3

To say that things have been uneasy was an understatement. The warrior's den for one was a battleground of its own and he was exhausted in his own way. Petalnose was causing a storm among the warriors, which he could say that was fair. She had a reason to be upset at her clanmates for spreading rumors about her, but this... Isn't this too far? Now he would find himself catching the harsh words of Petalnose towards one of their clanmates. He would like to repeat what was said, but... Sometimes... Sometimes you shouldn't say them. He did feel for his fellow clanmates who were met with Petalnose's sharp tongue. Yes, he was aware that they had brought this upon themselves yet he still thought this was too much for them. There were cats who simply loved to gossip and no matter how much they were yelled at, they would continue to spread gossip around.

Petalnose herself may fight this battle with her sharp tongue, but he knew this was a battle she was going to lose. Some could change, that was true. However, Petalnose would find herself all alone at this rate. I don't think she's an awful cat. Nevertheless, he couldn't say he had done much to shoulder her burden. He did stand up for her and did get yelled at in the end by her. By all means he could be petty and leave her to rot with her decisions, but that feels wrong. She doesn't deserve to be alone for that. It sucked when she went off on me, but Murkblossom and Dogteeth had my back.

He sighs to himself when he sees her exhaustion while she looks around. This is probably a stupid idea. He finds himself already nearing her. Yeah, maybe this is beyond dumb. And now he's sitting in front of her. Perhaps, she wants to claw his face off. He would most definitely not want that to happen, but if it did... He would assume that it was for what he had done and for this, pushing her buttons when she really did look like she wanted to be left alone.

"I don't have any right to make you do something or do I want something from you," he begins. "This maybe won't make things any better, but I am sorry Petalnose. Don't worry, I won't get into it. I can tell that it's been on your mind." Green eyes trail towards the chub in her possession. He frowns at her and without thinking about it, he opens his maw, "You need to eat."

A second passes before he realizes what he told her. It's as if something snapped in him, that he begins to fluster. "O-oh! I'm not or-telling you to eat! We-ll maybe? No! I said it! But, uhm, I didn't mean you must eat now. It's totes okay if you don't. We could, uh, er, go out together? You're in a bad mood, but haha I bet you'd wanna practice battle? T-to let the stress out?" STOP TALKING! PLEASE SOMEONE JUST CLAW MY MOUTH OFF!

// No worries! <3

Petalnose had caught sight of Pikesplash nearing her, narrowing her eyes. What did he want from her now? Pikesplash didn't seem the type to approach her, and she thought he knew better not. It surprised the she-cat, caught her off guard. Though, Petal was never individually angry towards him. She was angry towards everyone, she felt betrayed. Whether she said something in her sleep or not, she was not fond of the idea of them whispering about her. Petalnose did have her suspicions, Pikesplash did not seem to be the type to gossip. He was soft, cautious. As lightly put it, Petal saw him as weak. She was the exact opposite of him, which meant he'd not start something he couldn't finish. At least, that was the lanky woman's thoughts. That meant he put more thought into something before he could step in, right? Caution of character. It was good and bad but it meant he most likely carried intelligence amongst decisions in battle.

The warrior was mildly irritated by her clanmates presence, raising her brow and waiting, almost pressing him to speak through her demeanor. Then he did. An apology. Her nose twitched and her expression turned curious, more relaxed but questioning in manner, "You're alright, Pikesplash. Honestly, I was terrified. That's why I was so fiery." She admitted, shrugging her shoulders, "But do please explain if you are comfortable, I am curious. You don’t seem like one to fuel rumors." She hummed bluntly, plopping down on her side roughly, more comfortable and inviting towards the other.

Though, she froze at his next comment. Her head jolted back in surprise, fur slowly raising along her back, "You sure do need to be careful of your words around me." She warned with a scoff, the tip of her tail patting the ground with mild irritation. She managed to hold back another episode of her explosive anger, deciding against it and merely giving him a rumble of warning. Thunder before a storm. Then, he began to spiral into nervous rambling, her eyes and body softening again. She rose her brow and her eyes glinted with amusement, a smirk slowly following it. "Relax, the worst I'll do is skin you alive." She joked sarcastically with a chuckle, waving her paw up and down to notion he can calm himself with a roll of her eyes.

He sure knew how to catch her off guard. He was intriguing, she had to admit. "I'm not hungry. I just feel sick. Please, you can have it." She meowed in a softer voice, pushing the carp towards him and inviting him to sit near her with a flick of her chin. She wondered if Pikesplash would catch on that she wasn't physically ill, she did not smell of sickness or disease. In fact, she was healthy. She decided against of explaining however, wondering of his reaction and response. Something newly found amusement in. Additionally, she didn't think he deserved much vulnerability just yet. Her short explanation was vulnerable enough she'd get for now. Especially since she didn't get much of an explanation herself.

"No. Maybe not in this moment. I was looking for entertainment but secret- i was maybe a tad worried about you too. There's danger in the air and I can smell it. Fantastic and satisfying in my eyes but I want everyone ready. I'll leave you be about sparring for now, but remember this; Always be ready. Never know when an enemy will attack just when you never will know when I'll spring." She responded, aiming to swipe a mosquito in between them and examining it in her paw, glancing up at him to see if she had startled him or given any reaction. Maybe he'd hit her, that would be more fun. “You do catch me off guard and I guess caution can bring good decisions in battle. So there’s that.”
A sigh of relief passes through him when she pardons him for his misgivings. He didn't think she would forgive him so easily, considering how she blew up on him that day. Green eyes stare as she asks for the truth and plops down in front of him. He knows she is trying her best, yet he is uneasy. You aren't exactly the most calm cat. His eyes trail down her figure and back to her eyes. But I think... I think I'd like to know the truth too. Even if it wasn't good. Being left out is worse. Makes you feel all alone. No one really likes that.

"Murkblossom was correct. Petalnose... You sleepwalk and talk sometimes. No one really knows why or how it started happening, but you got up and went to the nursery? he momentarily pauses to gauge her reaction of this news. It looks like I can continue? "Word got out that you said something about being a mother. Then it kind of spiraled from there. You know... Stuff. The reason why Murkblossom defended me was because I stood up for you. The cats I was with started saying you were... U-uhm. You bore kits to force your mate to stay with you."

He could've swore the air turned sour with these facts. It's not like he could've avoided this. One way or another this was going to end rotten. Either it was going to be Petalnose skinning one of her clanmates, or Petalnose leaving this clan. He didn't want either fate to pass. She wanted to know the truth. It's ugly, but that's what it is. It's just ugly.

Apparently he didn't make the right move, causing him to flinch and pin his ears down in submission. Sure it was a warning for him, yet he could've lost his life right there and then. As much as he would like to reassure Petalnose, he wasn't sure he wanted to be skinned alive by her. It was obvious that she unnerved him considering she told him to relax. All he could do was awkwardly chuckle, "O-oh. I hope I'm tasty?" Foolish. Don't ask him how he got to that conclusion. No way Petalnose would skin him alive and then munch on his remains. It just sort of escaped him. Deciding it was something not to be brought up again, he cleared his throat. Note to self. Never say that again. Ever.

Slowly his ears perked up and he raised his body from a submissive pose. In exchange he was given a carp, her leftovers. When told to eat it, he was baffled at her obvious lie. You're not sick. If you were, I'd take you to the medicine cat's den. Not wanting to make her rattled or repeat his previous mistake, he offered her a small nod before taking the carp and his place next to her. Still, I feel bad if I just eat it in front of her. But if I brought up she'll get upset. UGH, why is this so weird? What he opted to do was look at Petalnose before he took a bite of her gift. Giving her a small smile as not to overwhelm her, he practically whispers a small "Thank you." It never occurs to him if she's ever received appreciation for something so small. If he had caused her distress he is blissfully unaware of it as he gulps down one bite of the carp given to him.

Turning to look at her as she speaks, he has proof now. You care.

Contrary to what she assumed, he didn't flinch or even show any trace of fear when she swiped her paw between them. She saw him as weak and he wouldn't deny that compared to others in the clan he wasn't. However, he knew that and for that alone he didn't fear. Petalnose went on about how there was danger in the air and the crux of the matter was he already sensed it long ago. Perhaps it was also due to his skittish nature that he was able to pick up on danger faster than others. He frankly looked far too serious in front her, not even offering a sheepish smile when she said she was worried for him. Petalnose was never heartless. Even when she praised him, he made no indication of joy or sadness at the statement. Maybe he's unsettling her even more. After all, this was Pikesplash the skittish. It would be expected of him to fluster at her words.

Nevertheless, he blinked, "You won't hurt me." I don't think you would ever want to. Not on purpose anyway. "I'm worried about everyone, and that includes you Petalnose. Somethings been in the air for awhile. I'm not much of a battler or want to fight anyone, but I'm not dumb. It's going to happen one way or another."
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Petalnose hummed towards Pikesplashes seemingly more relaxed demeanor. Still nervous, she noted. Still the same character she vaguely knew. She listened intentedly to his first sentences, no trace of surprise meeting her serious expression, "They were stating the obvious. I'm smart enough to pick up on the context clues that I sleepwalk. Nearly fell into the rapids not too long ago before I woke. You can ask Iciclefang and Fernpaw. Sleep talking hasn't been new either. I've done that before the walking part came a problem. Just the two together is a bit new." she calmly meowed, it was no new news to her.

Though, the she-cat froze again at his explanation, shock and guilt washing over her as she listened. I stood up for you. She adverted her gaze and bowed her head, showing she felt guilt. Then, at the last remark she tensed even more out of anger and pain. Her nose scrunched up as if she took a hit to the face. She didn't mean it towards him, glaring threateningly at a clanmate afar she had saw within the group. Then, it turned back to guilt as the ease dropper fled in intimidation. "I didn't know that, Pikesplash. You could've humbled me in that moment and explained yourself. I'm sorry that I targeted you. A memory came to my mind and I won't dive on it too much but it pained me. It hurt even more to hear my clanmates talking on a sensitive topic of mine. Something I believe I should keep to myself. But I'll give you a bit of a vague story as an apology. Some clarification." She cleared her throat, starting to look uneasy. Pikesplash didn't seem the type to go around telling others life stories, especially since he admitted to sticking up for her.

She chuckled lightly at his remark at her joke, rolling her eyes. "Nah, I can't even finish this." She teased, amused by his response. The patched warrior then nodded as he thanked her for the Carp, appreciating that it wasn't going to waste. Not bothered as he thought she was.

She was then silent for a few long heartbeats as if she was hesitating but then she spoke with the same confidence she had before, "There's this cat I loved, she emotionally tore me down a lot. Maybe it was on accident. Maybe on purpose? I don't know if she knew I loved her. I'm known to drag romantic relationships out and be quite vague with hints. Long story short, she fell in love- fast with this Tom and became with kits. I wasn't happy of course but I loved her so much I forgave her as foolish as that sounds. Plus.. I was her best friend- not her lover. I'm a fool for that, Pikesplash. When the Tom passed I was there as another mother figure, she.. treated me like a replacement. A placeholder. It sucked to hear. I never convinced anyone to stay with me neither have I bore a life. I'd never do that as mean as everyone thinks I am. I have a heart." She sighed again, long and painful, picking at the grass below her feet.

Petalnose was uncomfortable for being so vulnerable infront of someone she had barely known. She believed she owed him, maybe it even could clear some things up about her. Or.. maybe it would make things worse. They'd wonder who was her lover, what happened to them and the kits. More rumors could be spread. She was sure Pikesplash was wondering the same. She was certain. Anyone would wonder, she'd wonder and press a bunch of questions that would piss herself off. She feared the clan knowing of her troublesome past, she didn't want to be remembered for her mistakes. So, she left gaps in the story, making it as vague as she could. It was obvious they weren't in her life anymore. Therefore she did prepare herself for more questions, telling herself to not get upset about them. I'd do the same. Maybe worse. She reminded herself.

The female was a bit taken aback that he didn't flinch, though she didn't let it show. She was a bit proud he didn't show any fear, a light smirk placing on her face. She tipped her head to the side at his response, wiggling her nose curiously. "Of course I won't, unless you really push my anger. I'm reckless but not a total idiot." She looked off into the territory, tapping her tail against the ground in thought. He worried for her too. Though, she wasn't surprised. He seemed like the caring type, the one always worrying. She pitied him for all the worry and anxiety he must endeavor in his life. She knew she probably made that worse, though she wouldn't change her character for someone. She never had done that and never would. "You're right. It's inevitable. That's why I want everyone ready. I don't want another one of my clanmates lives be claimed by the claws of Thunderclan or Windclan. Neither do I want my clan to fall into depression as it once had." she meowed, glancing around camp. She remembered how everyone was upon her return. They were stirred by one death, fragile. It wasn't something she wanted to see again. "I wouldn't worry about me. I don't know anyone who'd shed a tear over me. When I woke up from the poisoning, everyone seemed more taken aback than upset." She chuckled as if it was lighthearted, giving a purr in amusement.

Petalnose assumed Pikesplash was the opposite. With how his character seemed, it would be easy for someone to get attached to him. He didn't seem as distant as she was with others, noting that he approached her to apologize for something he shouldn't. She was the one needing to apologize after hearing the truth of it all, so she did. She could see herself getting attached to the softer character, if he played his cards right. That went for everyone. Petal could see herself getting affected over his death if they were just a bit more closer. ​
A moment of concern passed his face when she informed him that she already knew and almost plunged into the rapids. Iciclefang and Fernpaw... I wonder if they'll tell me anything. We aren't exactly close to them. Unfortunately he isn't given much time to ponder, Petalnose meow dragging him away from his own mind. I hope, uhh I didn't miss anything important. I probably didn't. MAYBE. Once again, Petalnose continues, yet she does something that baffles him. All he can do is nod at her apology and not comment on the prospect of him humbling her. The thought of making her a fool in front of everyone didn't seem right. Back then she was already in survival mode and him making her feel stupid would only hammer the final nail in the coffin. Her explanation eases him and he finds no reason for her to continue to apologize. He had forgiven her the moment she said I'm sorry. Knowing her, those words probably killed her to say.

Childishness escaped him when he looked up from taking a bite of the carp to roll his green eyes at her and shake his head. She didn't have to look hard to see his lips curled upward at her teasing him. Silence passes between them as he takes another bite. Ears perk when her voice cuts the silence.

The story she tells is one of grief of what has been and what could never be. He understands she is bearing her heart to him. The carp is left alone as he watches her tell her tale. Romance is something he hasn't experienced. He's never been in a relationship or looked at someone and decided that they were the one who he would devote himself to. He couldn't understand how her relationship with her former friend was, in terms of how healthy it was because he was frankly lacking in the romance department. Despite that he did understand love. He loved his twoleg more than anything. He loved them beyond reason that he forgave them for abandoning him. It was different from loving another cat and he would be foolish to say loving a twoleg was the same, yet he went through feeling akin to Petalnose. Once again she confirms that she is not heartless and is someone who is afraid.

We're similar. He could never hate her. Even though he could've humbled her as she stated earlier, it simply felt wrong to do so. She was hurt and when cats or even twolegs are hurt, they can do things they regret. "I know you do. You're... Sometimes a little mean don't get me wrong, but you do care. I didn't say anything then because it sucks to feel alone and betrayed." It's a little reassuring for her, he hopes. Petalnose didn't seem like a cat who wanted to be coddled for this and he wished to respect that. "You're not a fool. I can't say whether or not she did it on purpose, but I don't think you're a fool for loving her. Loving someone isn't weak or stupid. There was a reason why you loved her more than anything. Even now, you still love her. After everything you forgave her."

"If anything...,"
He glances at her before offering her a smile. Maybe he's stepping the line, but he shuffles closer and gives her a light nudge with his nose against her shoulder. "I think she didn't deserve you." With that he draws away from her, mindful of her space. He wouldn't know what she was thinking in the moment, yet he hoped that she felt some relief. Or maybe she was much more relieved that he proceeded to chow down on the chub to give her some silence. Maybe I should get her something nice next time? Not anything big or strange, since she has a reputation to uphold.

At the mention of not wanting another clanmates life to be claimed he let out a purr of amusement. "Sorry. It's not that you said anything wrong. It's just... I'm not much of fighter, so I thought. Y'know. Next best thing is sacrificing myself and letting someone who can do more live." The mood is shattered and perhaps a little too stuffy at his admission. He doesn't expect her to comfort him not because he believes she can't. It's the fact that no one has really asked him or held conversations like these with him. Shaking his head, he shifted topics, "Hmmm. Well I won't cry for you. I'd go to your grave and complain that you let yourself die before me." It's a little jest. Another way of him saying that despite what she thought, he would grieve for her.

Petalnose may seem tough and hardened, but he could see that it was only a mask. She had flaws sure, but no one was perfect. There was something he wished though. I want you to be happy, like genuinely happy. And if you ever fall in love again, then Starclan please let them be worthy. I'll complain if you send someone bad.

Petalnose felt quite uncomfortable for telling a vague part of her secret. She wanted to drown herself for being vulnerable, showing the soft inner part of her character she locked up. It felt as if she was spilling her insides out to him to feed on. Though, the she-cats confidence still shown. She felt uncomfortable for informing him on her issues, but for some reason.. she felt comfortable around him as a clanmate.

Petal did not see the similarities as Pikesplash did. She personally thought they were different. The opposites. Though, she did not know of Pikesplash. She did not know where he came from nor what he endured. Asking him to tell a vulnerable story in return was too much in her eyes. She did not want to make him feel as she did. Petal knew she already made him feel uncomfortable, targeted, and whatever else he felt from her hostility before. Repeating that was something she was trying her best to avoid.

She laughed at his outlook on her, purring in amusement, "A little? A little! Hah! You meant a lot. I'm not a mousebrain, I'm mean. Sometimes I mean it and sometimes I don't. If you're having an extraordinarily lucky day you'll see me be open in public! So I guess it's yours. Maybe we'll see a shooting star tonight." She meowed, amused by his description of her. He was right except for one little word. She decided to try to bring humor into it in attempts to distract him and herself for pointing out her weak soft side. She personally didn't like hearing it, though she knew it. She didn't show her discomfort except through her humor. Which, could be commonly mistaken for egging it on.

Her humorous smirk quickly fell as she heard him go on. Even now, you still love her. She shivered at the image of herself, remembering the tears rolling down her maw in a pained snarl. She remembered her best friends lifeless body and how her blood stretched across the thunderpath. She remembered how she felt and how she felt when she woke up.. here.. confused, angry and broken. She felt herself become more sick and her head spin, she nearly fell down on steady legs, swiftly catching herself. "I.. I'm alright." She reassured, breathing a shaky sigh and adverting her gaze for a long moment. "I don't.. I don't know. But you're intelligent so maybe you're right. Though, I regret everything to do with her. Even if I do love her." She responded, closing her eyes. She couldn't help but disagree with his last remark. She had forgiven Echo once but after knowing their history again… she was angry. She was not forgiving of her in her stage of grief, her friend effected her life like a disease and almost destroyed it entirely from earth. I don't know if I'll ever forgive her.

The warrior flattened her ears. I think she didn't deserve you. She shrugged heavily at the words, "I'm a hardened cat, Pikesplash. I liked to break rules and my temper was worse when I was younger. I probably deserved it. I was probably mean to her too. Who knows."

She jolted at his touch and then sunk her head down as she relaxed. It felt nice to her. Reassuring. She wondered why. Why did she enjoy a simple touch? She needed more friends her life, more people to connect to. She was almost disgusted with herself.

"So… do you love anyone? Have a little crush?" She meowed, forcing a teasing smirk on her face as she leaned towards him with raised brows. She bursted a laugh, if he was careful to pay attention it had nervous energy, a shake to it, "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." She cooed. She did wonder, she did want to connect.. relate- As much as she hated herself for wanting such. She was curious of his life and that wasn't normal of her, she didn't try nosing herself in other cats businesses. She wanted a friend. Someone to relate and rely on.

She cocked her head to the side at his words of fighting, creasing her brows from bewilderment. "I'm sorry, it's just hard for me to believe a warrior doesn't like fighting." She admitted playfully, though she was serious, "Aren't you always stressed for what’s next? That must be difficult, is it?" Pure curiosity glinted in her eyes as they widened like a kit in awe, taken aback that he truly did not enjoy it. She believed the queens and elders wouldn't, but a warrior? It just seemed so silly to her. So strange. "I thought you were asking for a fight back there." She chuckled, aiming to give a playful tap on the shoulder.

"Hey! You said it not me," he can't help himself from bursting into laughter. It's all over when he glances at her and can't stop himself from having another fit of laughter. She might be annoyed with him for thinking it was this funny, yet he couldn't find it within himself to care. He's annoying childish in this moment. If there was any equivalent it would be answering Petalnose with your mom. Pike purposely didn't want to call her mean, yet she proceeded to say she was and that today was his lucky day that she wasn't being mean to him. "Hmmm? It would be nice. I hope you wouldn't mind my company, I'd like to watch them with you." He's pushing his luck and being playful all at once. Of course, he wouldn't force her to hang out with him. Perhaps her attempts to distract him were working out horribly for her, considering how friendly he was. Or maybe she was just relieved he didn't go into how soft she was.

He isn't sure what to say in response to her. It seems like sometimes there are just things you can't fix with words. When she closes her eyes, he frowns. Words of comfort don't come to him, so he does the next best thing. Mindful of her boundaries he simply leans against her and presses her nose against head. I'm here. He doesn't overstay his welcome. He holds this position until she moves and then moves away from her. Yes, they are clanmates, but they aren't exactly super close to each other. However....

Rage seeps within him. Fur stood on end when she spoke badly about herself. So much so that he is unable to stop himself. "We all have done stupid things when we are young! No one is perfect, so would you stop beating yourself up for it? I'm sure she wasn't perfect either and she was sometimes mean. Not everything is your fault Petalnose. Sure, you're still mean and hardened, but it's not like you aren't aware of it. Shit happens sometimes. You're making it sound like you can't change. That you've given up on yourself. The Petalnose I know is too stubborn and proud to let that happen."

It. It suddenly occurs to him he was completely out of line. Immediately, he cowers. "Ah. Sorry, I was totally out of line there." It's a weak apology, but he isn't sure what to say. In any case, he tries to move on quickly from his blunder.

Ugh, no. Pike can't help but roll his eyes and smile at her jest. He then thinks it's the wrong response considering that she tries gives him an option not to respond. She isn't aware of it, but his heart swells at her actions. Although he would never tell Petalnose herself that she's kind when she'd given the chance to be. Not that kind. She's still kind of mean, but she's not all that bad. In any case he decides to return her kindness by responding to her inquiry. He can't help himself from nervously chuckling, "W-well... I do love someone? Something, but it's not a crush." So sorry for the lack of love life. It is a massive shame that he has none for Petalnose to tease him for or even try and mess with him by setting him up on an outing with a totally existent crush.

Pike continues, "It's funny, I guess. You're probably expecting that I'll say I love my family, but I don't have that many memories with them. I guess that comes along with the territory of being a kittypet. I have less fond memories with cats, but with twolegs... Oh, I have so many memories. There are some bad ones, but I felt less of a stranger to twolegs than cats." It's a wounding fact to hear. Considering he was supposed to be a Riverclanner and he was supposed to be one of them. However, he has never exactly felt like one of them. To him, he simply feels like an outsider who is amusing enough that they keep him around. I've never had an apprentice either.

Green eyes glance at Petalnose, hesitant. He waits, giving her an option to leave in disgust for saying he didn't feel like one of them or how fondly he spoke about his past life. She does neither. "The someone I love most is my twoleg. We would always sleep together, she would play with me, she'd scratch behind my ears, she gave me pretty rocks to wear, she'd give me some twoleg food, but the first memory I could remember was when she gave me my name. Her little Pike as she cradled me." There had been loners and some kittypets who had joined the clans before the rules had changed. Some had changed their names entirely to be more integrated in the clan. He didn't change his name entirely. How could I? She's the one who gave me that name. His name was Pikesplash now, but he would always remember where he came from.

There was a fond smile on his face. Perhaps the most at peace she'd had ever seen him talking about his love. "I loved her more than anything. The other twolegs she brought and played with me were okay, but she would always be my twoleg. Even after what happened. I.." The atmosphere turns sour. Petalnose is not at fault for this. If she thought she was or even felt bad for making him speak of such things, then he would argue that he was sorry for making her speak of what had happened between her and her former friend.

With a shaky exhale, he forces himself to continue, "I didn't get any goodbye. One day she just left me. I waited. Screamed for her and wandered around our den. I saw her leave with a monster and she never did come back. There was nothing left in our den, so I blindly went looking for her. As you can imagine Kittypets don't really know how to hunt that well. I could've died. I was practically bones when Riverclan took me in."

He finishes his story at that. He isn't sure if Petalnose had seen him look so scrawny. He wasn't born here but he did arrive when he was young, so it's been more than two leaf-bares that he's been in Riverclan. Then again, I don't really care if she saw me looking so weak. We didn't know each other and we still don't. It's taken us awhile to sit like this. The silence between them is comforting. He doesn't wish to be pitied from her and he doubts that she would. Maybe she felt some kinship. They were both in love with someone who had abandoned them for something or someone else. Both left in pieces, struggling to put things back together.

That's not the first time I've heard that. Most cats think it's weird. He's not upset with her at all. He understands that it is quite unheard of for a warrior to dislike fighting to this extent. Petalnose will not be the first or last cat to think it odd. "Yeah, no worries. A lot of cats think it's weird. I'm not offended or anything like that. I don't like fighting for many reasons." I've seen what it can do to people. Families most of all.

At the mention of being stressed all the time, he purrs as a means to confirm her questions. "It's hard. I can't really control it. I've been this way ever since I was a kit. You would think kittypets shouldn't be stressed with how the clans make them out to be, but it's not that easy. When we're born we have to preform and be the very best to be picked. Most don't know their fathers. Those who do are the lucky ones. We only get to be with our mothers for two moons. Then, other twolegs pick which kits they want. Our mothers help us look and act good for the twolegs who might pick us. If we aren't picked then somethings wrong with us. That's what I remember being taught." He isn't sure why exactly he's telling her this, considering she might drop a who asked? From what he knows Petalnose herself was not a kittypet. At least, he thinks she wasn't.

"But I guess it helps sometimes. Always being worried and on guard has some benefits. The benefits are when something terrible happens everything is sorta already terrible that it gets lumped in the same thing. You're not as stressed about dire things like everyone else. The problem is everyone kinda looks at you funny or stay away because you're jumpy. It's hard to make friends somet- most of the time." What he's doing is awfully strange. His intentions are to reassure her that it is alright, but it could be seen as a cry for help. Not that he was aware that he was coming off that way or was throwing hints at her that hey I'm alone. Petalnose didn't need to join Starclan to see him excluded sometimes or even in the background because other cats didn't know how to handle his flighty nature.

Thankfully, the playful tap she gives him pulls him back. He groans at her and decides to pick up the mood by sharing one fact with her. "No thanks. I've learned my lesson with picking fights. Just ask Cindershade and she'll tell you how she totally overpowered me when we sparred." I actually didn't pick a fight. Cindershade will insist I did with how much I was staring at her, but I definitely never wanted to fight her at all. Thankfully she's never asked me again to fight. It also wasn't much of a spar. In any case, he hoped Petalnose felt more at ease with his comment.
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Petalnose wasn't stirred by his laugh, merely laughing with him. She smiled, watching his fit of laughed and purring. Something she doesn't do often. "I sure did say it and I'll say it again." She meowed in a false cocky way, puffing her chest. She was happy to see someone not take her seriously with her awful humor. It was a first.

He mentioned watching the stars with her and she looked up at the sky. At first she seemed critical, thinking, squinting her eyes and then she finally replied, "Of course. I think it'll be clear tonight, judging by the sky now." She finally broke her gaze from the sky to him, offering him a welcoming smile. She didn't think Pike would like to watch the stars with her. Especially since all their interactions were quite tense except this particular one. She didn't expect it as she didn't with a lot of his reactions and responses towards her, but she welcomed him nonetheless.

The she-cat had a lot of questions, but she weighed her options on pouring them out all in this moment. All at once would overwhelm him and maybe scare him away exactly how she did with her anger. She was a guarded cat and her walls were strong. Not many were able to break that down. So, she only assumed that for Pikesplash too. He was anxious and cautious so she could only guess he was the same. She planned on dragging them out, if her impulsiveness subsided.

Petalnose was quiet as he leaned against her and touched her head, not moving and simply exhaling softly. Her muscles relaxed from tension, finding comfort. Then she felt his fur prickle as she spoke on, opening one eye to glance at him. She rose her head slowly as he scolded her, raising one of her eyebrows with a deep frown tugged at her maw. She decided against showing attitude and tension as she normally would immediately return, listening this time around. She wanted to know what he had to say. He was nerved by her comment, which admittedly got on her nerves but his words had good intentions. He meant well.

She was silent, creasing her brows together. It was almost as if she was frozen in time. Then her lips pulled back up in a smile and she started laughing, a fit of laughter. "Oh Pikesplash, if you were to say that to me any earlier I'd have your tail." She laughed out. She then collected herself, "Honestly, I don't know how much I changed. My memories are limited to night terrors. I don't think it'll give the details of my childhood. I know I was mean to my brother. I really regret it so maybe you're right. I'd have to meet little Petal to figure that out. Maybe she'll rip open my ankles to tell me, who knows." She commented, shrugging her shoulders. She then closed her eyes in sudden pain that creeped up on her. She wished she could remember everything so she didn't have to live her life so lost and guilty. She wondered if Pikesplash had a painful past. She envied him for simply knowing his past well, she envied everyone.

She leaned closer to him in interest as he answered her question, her eyes glinting with intrigue. Who could he love? But not a crush? She cocked her head to the side. She could only think family or a platonic friend. Either would fit the description, she supposed that worked. Petalnose nodded with a hum, her eyes darting around camp in thought. She tapped her paw to her cheek as she attempted to guess within her mind. Though, she was barely involved in Pikesplashes life and she didn't pay attention to that sort of thing toward any cat until now. It was none of her business anyway. So she started to give up on her thoughts.

Then, he suddenly tore down her expectations. A kitty pet. She froze, her eyes widening in curiosity. It made a lot of sense to her. Had Petal ever come to the conclusion? She didn't and she scolded herself within her thoughts from not picking it up so early. She just supposed he was soft and his mentor and parents babied him when he was younger. Nevertheless, she couldn't find disgust within her thick dictionary of conflicting and negative feelings. She did not know what kittypet life was like, she didn't remember. So, she didn't have a reason to be disgusted. "Oh, really?" She mused, her ears perking as if she was urging him to go on.

So his life was simple before he came here. She could see that. It must have been enjoyable for him. If she found herself in his situation, she'd be bored. Sleeping, playing and looking pretty wasn't her forte. She could at least cross that out of the list of possibilities of her history. She was too spunky to have been one in the past. Atleast she thought so.

She was drawn in by his explanation, silent as a mouse until she heard how he came Riverclan. She narrowed her eyes and grumbled. How could anyone be that cruel? "So she just left you to die!?" She hissed, standing to he paws in disbelief. "Oh… I wish I can teach them a lesson." She growled lowly, sitting herself back down in attempts to calm herself back down. Her tail lashed, angry for him. It was odd, she didn't normally sympathize with others that well. But for some reason.. she wanted to take revenge for him. She just prayed that starclan would downpour the same torment on whoever this twoleg was. "Why is it everytime I hear about twolegs they're doing something so bad? They seem so.. cruel. I don't get it. I simply don't."

The patched warrior took a deep breath and let it out, she could only assume that's why he didn't go back to kitty pet life. Everything she heard about it always ended in misery and pain. Twolegs were dangerous. They were ignorant too. She only hoped Pikesplash would find what he wanted from their clan. Although, she did want him to prove himself to be more capable then he looks. She wanted him to prove that he could handle warrior life. That he didn't need help.

"Well, I can see why you don't like it now." She concluded, picking at the sand below her in thought. Petal listened to him going on about being good enough to get picked. So it was obvious he was good enough to be picked, she could see that. He seemed to be the obedient type, kind and caring. It made sense.

She flicked her ears and turned her curious gaze back upon the warrior, "What happens to the ones not picked?" She wondered if they were thrown out like trash, something that would explain why skyclan had so many kitty pets. It was a trend there it seemed. It was irresponsible to throw them out if they didn't know how to hunt or have anyone to care for them. All Petalnose saw it as was twolegs were dumb, cruel and selfish. She didn't understand why Pikesplash loved his so much. Though, she started to question why she loved Echo so much when she threw her away like trash. Why she forgave her. We do had something in common after all.

He mentioned not being able to make friends due to his nature and his past. She could relate, although, where she personally came from was unknown. Her anger issues and lack of sociability caused her to lack cats she could rely on and share tongues with. It made her more enemies than friends. They were in the same boat and it seemed they didn't know it until now. She would attempt to playfully nudge his shoulder, "I know we started off on the wrong foot and that's my fault, I know that. But I'm here for you. Kittypet or not, I'll be your friend." She meowed softly, her expression serious. "I don't even know my origins so it would be hypocritical to judge you too much anyways." She hoped atleast his hunting skills came to overpower his fighting skills. She wanted him to possess something he could serve to his clan to avoid him feeling useless. She cared about him, his reputation and how he felt in their clan. The she-cat pressed herself to not worry about it but she couldn't help it. As mean as she came off, she cared about each and every clanmate no matter how much she yelled at them. Now it was Pikesplash especially.

Petalnose then looked at Pikesplash with disbelief as her shared a fact. Her eyes wide as the moon, "You picked a fight with Cindershade!? You've got to be joking. You're lying. That's just a flat out bad idea for someone who doesn't know what they're doing. That's suicide for your pride. I'd do it for the thrill.. but I don't think anyone looks at challenges like I do. " She meowed, scoffing and blinking in surprise. "You're not joking are you? That must've traumatized you."
Pikesplash playfully rolled his eyes when she partook in banter. "Then say it again," he responds cockily. They're honestly acting like kits now and he wouldn't have it any other way. All they were missing was Cicadastar putting them in timeout before they got up to something totally dumb like who could breathe underwater the longest. Worst case scenario being they had a context and one of them broke their leg because they slipped on one of the stones in the river. Before he could visually imagine that, he turned his head to the sky, copying Petalnose. In truth, he didn't actually expect there to be any shooting stars tonight. However, he felt disappointed that there wouldn't be any. "That's a shame. I really hoped for a shooting star tonight, but this is enough. We'll look at the stars together and relax." I wonder if they actually need to eat and if they do... What happens if they... Yeah, no let's not think about that part.

Death spared him in that moment. The creasing of her brow was terrifying. Judgement was passed and it was decided that he should 'watch his tongue' next time. He laughs with her not because he thinks it's funny, but out of fear of her suddenly deciding to rake her claws across his throat. It was obvious that the past bothered her, yet she wanted to know it. I would say to make new memories and make a new path, but she doesn't seem like she wants that. It feels like that's a bad idea. He pauses for a moment. There's really no clear answer he can give her, nor does he know her well enough to offer sound advice. "It sounds like you wanna know who you were and what happened. I'm not really sure what you've tried to remember. I had a dumb idea of you trying to recreate your night terrors. Sure, they're night terrors, right? But they come from something. You may not remember it when you're awake, but you remember when you're asleep? I dunno I can't say I've tried that. There are things I can't remember too. I can't remember my parents or my siblings at all. Sometimes I just remember a feeling and that's it. I don't even know who I was before!" An attempt at giving comfort and a suggestion that may help her. It may not be what she wanted to hear, but he wanted her to know that he didn't think it was stupid. Or that she was weird.

There was a bit of silence that passed between them before she questioned him of his origin. He nodded, "Yep! My name was just Pike, so yeah I kept a part of my kittypet name. Hehe, it sounds like a normal clan name, doesn't it?" Most cats would think I started off as Pikekit then Pikepaw, and now Pikesplash. It's only ever been Pike and Pikesplash though! He did go on about his life, seeing as she gave him the floor to do so. What he was not prepared for was how angry she would be from his history.

Immediately he shook his head no frantically at her statement of being left alone to die. "W-well! I wouldn't put it that way! She did leave me food and water, so it's not like she left me to die. I just ran out of food after waiting awhile. I had a whole den to myself and she didn't close the den! She did leave me I'll admit that, but she made sure I would survive." It was pathetic that he was still defending her so much when the reality is not once had he caught a whiff of her scent after she left him. It was painfully obvious that she either forgot about him or decided he was not worth the effort. He did feel like he'd have to grab Petalnose by her neck to hold her back from tearing his twoleg from limb to limb at the moment. PETALNOSE NO! I APPRECIATE THE SENTIMENT BUT THIS ISN'T IT! "That's not a smart idea..." It was sadly the bitter truth. Twolegs were dangerous and it would be best not to tempt fate with them.

He let out a huff at her words because it's true twolegs could be bad and cruel, but they could also be good and kind. The thing is, clan cats only really have one perspective and are afraid of the other one. He couldn't blame them. The unknown was scary and leaving it and not touching the unknown was safer to them. "Clan cats only really hear the bad parts of two legs, so it's understandable. We have that rule too. The one where kittypets aren't allowed to wear their collars or any stuff given to them by twolegs. Clan life doesn't really wanna talk about Kittypets or their experiences. They want us to hide what we are, but we're getting off track here." He clears his throat not because he has anything stuck in it, but to indicate that hey we are moving on from this little tangent here. "I see twolegs just like cats. We're not all cruel, right? It's the same for them and the twolegs have families and kits of their own. They protect kits just as fiercely as we do. I see it as them having different traditions from us, things we don't understand. Who knows? Maybe what we think is wrong, is right for them? It's not like we speak the same to ask."

What's a better way I can say this? "Like Thunderclan! We think they're cruel for claiming the sunningrocks, but they see themselves as the rightful owners. Thunderclan thinks we're cruel because we are fighting for the sunningrocks, which they see as theirs. We consider the other cruel while we think ourselves as right. Don't ask him how he got here. The tom suddenly decided to give a perspective sesh to Petalnose, which was a... Who asked? Moment because the last thing she probably expected was to compare twolegs to them and then tie it in with their dispute with Thunderclan. Or maybe she really went 'Wow, yeah you think too much'. Suffice to say, when given the floor for it, he could be quite informative. If only he would become less fearful and share his thoughts.

Poor Pike becoming giddy and gushing over this, only to realize. Wait. This is too much isn't it? He parts his maw and closes it before letting out a thoughtful purr. "Sorry Petalnose. I kinda got too excited. U-uhm... Y-yeah!" Ah. He didn't know how to move on from this. Thankfully, he didn't have to once Petalnose took over their conversation. Still rather embarrassed he gave a simple response, "Hehe, yeah. I guess it does help, to understand better." Ahhh... That was lame. AAAAAAAAAAAAA! AAAaaaAAAaaa~ there got it out of my system. Hm? She wants to know more? Dang, this one is a toughie to answer.

Petalnose was curious and there was nothing wrong with that. The issue was that what happens isn't really pretty and he's sure that would make her loathe twolegs more. As much as he wanted her to believe all twolegs were like them in terms of the capability of being good and bad, he was aware that it was not his choice. He could tell her lies to make her love two legs, but who could say those lies wouldn't cause to hate them more. In any case, he decided on telling her the truth he knows. Make your choice on what you learn and what you know. He begins with a shaky sigh, "...It depends." Already she can tell that what he's going to say is ugly. Nevertheless, he continues, "Mostly on twolegs. Our fate, y'know? Our fates are these from what I know of. We get to stay with our parents until we die. We get taken to a place where you could get a second chance. Problem is if you aren't picked... I've heard you're never seen of again, so I guess you die? Then there's being left out on the streets to fend for yourself, which isn't exactly easy. I guess... For us it's hoping we get picked and that twoleg takes good care of us. All other choices are death to us."

If she wished to know more, he'd tell her. Although he did have a nagging suspicion that this information would disturb her to an extent. It's as if he was saying if she were thinking about this in terms of cats... That she couldn't live and survive without her former friend providing everything. A total lack of control, decisions? They were made by your twoleg most of the time and you had little room to argue. For someone like Petalnose to try and imagine herself being fixed, because he knew her feisty nature would be an issue for most twolegs, so they would change that... It would be horrifying to say the least. He didn't get into the fact that most can't have kittens.

Still, he feels awful telling her this truth. Somethings are just bad. There's really nothing you can do about it. You just have to put up with it. Whether or not you accept it is a different story. He does feel lighter sharing this with her. Very few cats within Riverclan want to learn about kittypets. Kittypets have a strange meaning across the four clans save for Skyclan. In Riverclan they are treated differently, some clanmates not even considering them a cat. Extensions of twolegs they are. What he means to say is. We are not cats because we aren't seen the same.

Before he can entertain that though even more he feels a nudge on his shoulder. Yeah, that's true. We started off on the wrong foot. 'I'm here for you', those words cause him to freeze with wide eyes. No one's said that to me before. An unnamed feeling makes him feel queasy, or that's what he can describe feeling a lump in your gut and the need to run and cry at the same time is. It is made worse when she says 'I'll be your friend'. Green eyes become misty with her promise of friendship. It's enough to make him flustered and suddenly he's back in his body again. His frame relaxes and he tilts his head away from her slightly. It's painfully obvious that he is discombobulated.

Green meets brown. "Hehe." He's purring joyfully now. "I'll take that. You wouldn't be you, if you stopped judging me entirely." Did he have to tease her? No, but it felt right to. He knew she wouldn't take it to heart and kill him for saying that, considering they both agreed that she was a bit of a meanie. He dare say a big tough totally not soft meanie, if she wouldn't kill him for it. HA! BUT YOU CAN'T READ THAT FROM MY MIND OOooooOOO~ Can't do nothin'! He smiles and quickly adds on, "I'll be your friend too, if you'll have me. To me, kittypet and whatever else makes little sense. I'm just me. My name might have changed, but I'm still Pike and that's enough. As Pike I'll be there for you too. Just say the word and I'll help in any way I can." Petalnose... A friend.

Pikesplash and Petalnose friends. It was not bad, but maybe it was strange to others on a surface level. The two weren't exactly the same, but he didn't care. No one would know that past their walls they were similar. That even if they came from different walks of life, they can both find solace in one another.

And then he remembers that maybe he shouldn't have shared that tidbit about Cindershade. The complete and utter disbelief from Petalnose reminds him that he still needs some practice on knowing what to say. Her comments serve as stab wounds to his heart because she was wrong about him picking a fight with her, but everything else was a fact. To challenge Cindershade was a totally bad idea and he agrees with that, even though she was the one who forced him to fight. The solemn expression may be the reason why Petalnose figured he wasn't joking about the matter.

He forces himself to laugh, "Haha... Yeah, it was. The thing is Petal... I u-uhm. Was kinda maybe forced by Cindershade to fight her. We sparred together for most of the day. Let's just say. I learned a lot that day." It was true. He did learn how Cindershade fought that day considering she wanted him to practice his battle skills. However, he was horribly outclassed by her in many categories. Not to mention, if Petalnose asked Cindershade how it happened or why she chose him to spar of all cats. It was because he was a bit of a fanboy and greatly admired her that he stared at her so much it unnerved her, causing her to seek him out and demand answers. When he says demand he really means she threw him to the ground first.

Who knows if Petalnose was shocked, impressed, or disappointed in this information. Like? Imagine Pike, the softest tiny warrior being asked to fight the great Cindershade? The story seems so outlandish, but if Petlanose asked Cindershade she would confirm it to be true. It could also be because he actually sparred with Cindershade. In any case, he frankly wasn't thinking about her reaction and more so reliving his traumatic experience. "She's a heavy hitter for sure..."
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"I'm.. mean.."
Petalnose meowed, puffing her chest and sticking her tongue out in tease. "And what are you going to do about it!? Hm!?" she added, flashing him a challenging look that was sharp but evidently play. She flashed a fake snarl with her tease which quickly faded into a soft smile. You know, he isn't so bad. He isn't as annoying as I thought he'd be. Maybe I'm annoying. Fuck it, we can be annoying together. She leaned back on her hackles, snorting at his comment. "Better than nothing, yes?"

It seemed as if she sensed some fear through his laugh at her empty threat. Although, it wouldn't be so empty if he said that to her when she wasn't having a deep talk with him. She was speaking the truth, as she normally had. Petalnose's temper would explode if yelling at her was put in her way in the wrong moment. She'd even give him a strike to his cheek if he yelled at her that way any earlier. That or a harsh cuff to the ear if she was feeling like she didn't want to cause any more problems within the day. Luckily, he wouldn't fall victim to her. She felt different about this cat and it was clear. Any watchers nearby would be bewildered she didn't put him in his place. She didn't want to hurt him and she didn't particularly want to hiss at him any longer. He didn't deserve it, he was only being nice to her in a negative manner. Although, admittedly, she was glad he was somewhat scared of her. She believed everyone should be no matter how close she was to them. She was explosive and unpredictable, any cat had to use their words around her with caution. She had a hard time controlling her feelings herself.

"No..! I don't want to know anymore. Sure, when I came here I did. I remembered barely anything when I came here. I did not even know where I was. It's not like I don't remember them because I was too young. I just.... lost everything basically. Starclans punished me by pushing bad memories upon me. Stars, what I'd give to forget everything again." she explained, shaking her head at his assumptions. She was quick to respond to him, not wanting anyone to make her story up for her or assume her feelings about her situation. Originally, she did not want to say anything about it. Everyone was a stranger to her then. Most of her clanmates still were, but she guessed it was more than strangers with Pikesplash. They were friends. Surely, he'd understand. Maybe.

So, it confirmed to Petalnose that the weird and empty-of-meaning names Skyclan occasionally picked up were from the twolegs themselves. Pike was something familiar to her ears. A big fish that was a predator within the water. It snatched ducklings, kits were certainly a danger to them too. They were fast, large, had sharp teeth, and were as quick as lighting. She carefully looked him up and down. Pikesplash did not fit his name at all. She finally bluntly spoke her mind, "Hm? Why is your name more threatening than mine? I sound like I'm the soft one." she meowed with genuine curiosity, her whiskers pressing forward in his direction. I guess twolegs are just outright weird. I don't see how it fits. At all.

It sounded as if Pikesplash was still sentimental with his twoleg. She was frustrated with curiosity, it almost looked as if she was angry for him standing up for them. She did not give Echo the benefit of the doubt, she was angry at her. Even after her death, there was still anger for relearning what she did to her. She destroyed my life and it seems they destroyed his life too. How could he still protect them? Even if they gave him resources for a couple of dawns, leaving him that way was a terrible thing to do. How could they live knowing he may die from their selfish decisions?

He then explained the traditions of their clan, and how they wouldn't want to share the good experiences with twolegs. It made sense. She was still confused. She personally didn't understand stepping into a life you had absolutely no control over with a language barrier of the provider. The provider of everything. If they really got bored of him, they'd just not allow him those resources at all and let him die. They could leave whenever they wanted if their leader ever did such a thing to them. She saw it as odd. He went on about the traditions and cruelty, but she was still confused. He was still trapped in a life whether he enjoyed it or not. He had no decision. No say on anything. She was silent again so a while until his apology broke her rambling mind. She decided against pressing on the subject again, shrugging her shoulders. Petalnose still looked discombobulated before she shook her fur out. Just let it go.

"Don't apologize, I need to know these things." she meowed, bobbing her paw up and down to dismiss his worries. It was amusing to see him get gushy about the topic, smirking lightly at him. Despite her immense confusion.

There it was again, more proof that twolegs were cruel. More proof that everything was up to the twoleg. "So they're like Starclan? But alive. They'll just kill you if something is wrong with you... or throw you away. I'm glad this is my life." she felt her fur starting to bristle in unease as she imagined herself in his situation. She did not like the lack of control. Control was hers and she'd gladly fight or intimidate for it. It sounded alien to her. Almost terrifying to her and not a lot scared the warrior.

She scoffed at his words in a playful manner, rolling her eyes, "I guess you're right, clever fox." she teased, scrunching her nose at him with a smile. She had not noticed how the tom was feeling about her promise, too caught up in her own world of questioning and hesitation. It was her first offer on something so positive. Of course, it'd sway her a bit. It wasn't normal for her. It was rare. It was odd. It almost felt wrong but at the same time, it felt right. It felt more right than wrong. If they were getting so deep, why not? Otherwise, they'd be awkward around each other after and maybe even avoid each other. The label "friend" may tie them together, even making her less tense toward him. It only made sense. "Of course. Though, I don't ever think I'll call for help. But I'll gladly slap the life out of someone for you and not give up the fight. I guess my call for help is to pull me away and hold me back if you can." She joked, flashing her claws in tease. Odd pair or whatever her clanmates saw it as, she didn't care. Opposites attracted, right? She lived by that.

They went on about his little spar, blinking as he then admitted he did not actually challenge her. She clenched her teeth as if she was witnessing him getting beat up in front of her at the moment. She wouldn't know what to do in that situation except step in and take the attention off of him. "It doesn't surprise me she forced you. She probably likes fighting as much as me. Just... stronger." It was a sting to her ego to admit her weakness to put up another cat she had very complicated feelings about. She didn't know if she really disliked the other she-cat or respected her. Though, Petal was known to be fast and intelligent in battle. Her claws were as sharp as her attitude. So she tried not to let her ego fall too much. "You're brave for even eventually going through with it, I'll give you that. Honestly, I was going to call you idiotic if you didn't tell me the truth." She meowed, giving him a breathy laugh. "Hm. My advice for battle is not to let worry control your mind. It's like swimming. If you panic, you sink more. Your skills all disappear. Just.. I advise you to spar with someone more comfortable."
