In his dreams, he streams through the sky. Dutiful wraith, reporting to those who needed him. The chilling of the seasons has brought with them little more than strife. They've left Skyclan drowning in their own blizzard, frostbitten from head to toe, victims of an ever-volatile mortal world. It was cruel, but so was the way of things. Not everything could live forever. What good is a world spun in perpetuity?

In his dreams, Immortality is not something to be held lately. It is a kindly gift given to those deserving, and such a pool was small. So is the way of things, the way of being special. Spin your webs as you may, you would always, and forever be mortal. Existence is not but a stain on this world, for every being, but him.

And in his dreams, if he so chooses, this gift may be seamlessly passed to those deserving. Able to give a godly gift, his choices must be wise as the gods' themselves.

Emotions are fragile. And this one has made him emotional. It's more of a liability than anything else ever could be, that fear; festering of irrationality, those very same thoughts that led him to such a decision in the first place. Even if his mind was naive, it was not so much so that he was impossible. Even if his bones were fragile, not so much so that they were breakable. The only threat lies in the ability to influence him, themself. Dangerous. Far from ground tread lightly.

But if he could remove that threat of death, what reason would there be to fear? Their strings would loosen, and their hold, along with it. Two birds with a single stone, a gift irrationally given would never give chance for him to be irrationally won. And who better to watch over him, than the only one who could strike him down?

In his dreams, he lifted him to the sky, and yelled to the sun to hear his word. Child of the very sun, he rose to form, and the heavens smiled upon him with their kindly faces. It isn't so simply a dream.

In the real world, his head crests high. Lifted chin, the gaze of divinity. The past few days are but a blur in this moment. Even if the blood still roars in his ears, and the chaos of his den brings a gnawing to his throat, for a moment, he can ignore all of it. He can ignore the shutter of disgust that comes with the thought of his sanctum, lying violated. He can ignore the snow that piled high, once, blocking dens, now, a pale stage for the clan to wade through, their tunnels dug and secured. Gossamer fur meets the ground in a blur between fur and snow. It glistens with the light of the sun. Traitor, that very lord, shining in mimicry of its once welcoming embrace. Now its shine is cold. A treacherous lie, repeated for moons and moons. It only maintains his light, and the glimmer that comes with it.

Highbranch, that place fit only for a leader. It Blaise could shake upon its weight so often, Dawnglare surely could. Sound in his reasoning, he creeps forth with only a whispered order to Firefly. The prodigy would follow, for soon, the prodigy would be known. He has stewed on this choice, and hopes that the child has followed. Now, when there is finally something other than grief and anger to be felt, is when he would take to the skies.

Firefly is instructed to stay Mother-bound, meanwhile, he takes to the trees, conquering the frigid bark with but a few pushes of the leg. Here, he stands, his tail raised high. Hooded eyes gaze upon the lot of them, a pinch of ice-bound blue within the snowy expanse. He clears his throat, and his voice bellows. "Cats of Skyclan!" –and, traitorous, his paw loses its grip on the branch, snow-laden as it was. He is far from a fledgling in terms of climbing. Easily, he catches himself, even if his front half dangles without purchase and a foreleg twists to accommodate. He continues without issue. "I command you– lift your eyes and rejoice in the face of your chosen one!" His tail flicks downward in a gesture to the child in question, and his voice sings sweet victory. A willing peon, found in a place so delicate. The earth hums with approval, even if the Skyclanners did not.

"Even if the face you see below you as pitiful, this will not always be so. No, I vow it." Sincerely him, he purrs self-satisfaction. The drape of his body across the ice-soaked branch is no longer an inconvenience, but a delicate display. "Offer this child your utmost attention, for he will know more than any of you ever will." Merely a truth, he does not mean it with malice, even if his voice rumbles sickly-sweet, and his tail sways in satisfied rhythm. With this, his word has been spoken, his sermon delivered, and Skyclan will slowly settle back into the care of his waiting paws.

[ @Fireflypaw ; NOT PAFP! <3 so sorry abt him ]
Blazestar hears a voice not his own command the SkyClanners from his customary perch upon the Highbranch. He wanders from his den, blinking with confusion. Dawnglare sits, fox-like tail trailing, paws akimbo -- and his voice trumpets to their Clanmates about... something.

Despite their years of friendship, Blazestar still takes several moments to attempt to decipher what the medicine cat is saying. "Lift your eyes and rejoice in the face of your chosen one!"

Fireflypaw sits below the Highbranch, and Blazestar tenses. "What are you talking about? Chosen one?" The proclamations are lost on the Ragdoll. He gives his son a searching look -- does he know what Dawnglare is going on about? "What is he... chosen to do?"
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Its a young voice that answers him back, manic prose turned transparent by one who had...spent a little too much time listening to the medicine cat in question, to say the least. "Dawnglare means for Fi to become his apprentice. Chosen by Stars, chosen by Mother." She gives the leader a strained smile. "You should be proud of your son sir, he'll go down in history as Skyclan's first medicine cat apprentice, the same way you will go down as the first of our leaders to bear the suffix of the stars." She knows she should be proud too. She is, its her best friend up there being given this grand opportunity to become a story that will be told for generations to come.

And yet...

'Firefly will be busier now. Like Blazestar and Dawnglare are...I won't be able to see him as often anymore, maybe even less than before." Her shoulders sag a bit at the realization. Its a little selfish maybe, to want so much of his time, greedy as well, but even her grandfather didn't understand her like Fireflypaw did, generational differences maybe, but..Firefly and her Like they were meant to be friends. She'd been branching out sure, trying to grow close to others, yet he'd always been by her side for that.

Perhaps she had leaned on him too much to stand on her own.

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Strawberrypaw stood there. It was all she could do. She just stood there, unsure of how to react or what to say or...what was happening? Dawnglare had made what sounded like an announcement but she could not decipher what his intent was. No idea what this velvet red furball was going on abut. Chosen? Rejoice? She shook her head to unflop her left ear only for it to fall back over comically.
She glances at Blazestar, thankful she is not the only one confused-after all if the leader didn't understand then that meant their medicine cat was just weird. Her mismatched eyes drift down to Mushroomkit, speaking similarly and just as confusingly-what child talked like that. She was just as weird as the medicine cat was, but somehow worse. She still didn't understand what was going on. Medicine cat's could have apprentices? They had these weird ceremonies over it? He couldn't have just said 'this is my apprentice' now or something....this entire clan was weirding her out more and more every day and she found herself staring longingly off into the distant treeline at times. Apricotflower had gone with her friend Honeybee, now Beesong, to RiverClan and she had chosen to stay but more and more she wondered if she should have followed too.
"....congrats condolences...whichever fits, I guess?" The cream and cinnamon aprentice commented lightly, smiling but uncertain and not getting too close. She didn't want to catch the weird.
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Slate has never had a relationship with the ancestors. The stars had always been just that — stars, and nothing more. When you passed onto the other side, there were no endless lush hills of green. There were no endless fountains of delectable and mouthwatering prey, no refuge from earthly ailments, no reunions with loved ones. You were dead and that was that.

So when the clan healer ( he doesn't even remember his name ) climbs atop the high branch to announce the bestowment of a "chosen one", a decision blessed by the stars themselves, Slate is less than convinced. The mannerism in which the other male speaks is even more off-putting and doesn't aid in his credibility whatsoever. He's highly animated and has an energy that seems shady to Slate, like whatever nonsense he was ranting about wasn't true in the slightest. How would this kid know more than he ever would? Who was gonna teach him — the ghosts themselves? Or this rambling fool?

Blazestar seems just as puzzled as he is, which simultaneously offers a sense of relief and a sense of uncertainty. The leader put his trust in this guy to heal the clan's wounded, didn't he? But then, Mushroomkit seems to offer some insight—some damn clarification—on whatever the fuck was happening. It still didn't make very much sense to Slate... at least the "chosen one" aspect. Could Blazestar refuse to let his child train under Dawnglare? Or would he let the supposed heavenly message dictate his son's fate? Slate knew for certain what he would be doing if he were in the leader's place. "O....kay, then." The former rogue mutters with a flick of an ear, unsure of what to say at this point.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg

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Reactions: Floppie
A blink, once twice, shes drawn forth by the sound of her friend. Lips tip upward in amusement, cats of skyclan! He slips forwards and she has to suppress a giggle. She doesn't know what hes on about but its typical Dawn ranting that he goes off on, rejoice in the presence of... Fireflypaw or whatever. Shes not sure and she shakes her head, smile still on her face, turns to leave because rambling wasn't her thing to decipher.

And then Mushroomkit speaks and she blinks down at them, then back up to Firefly, then to Dawn and Blaze. Oh...? "Congrats, conejito!" exclaimed with a spark in her eyes (perhaps now the nickname has moved on, she was convinced he was truly gone), oh, where had the time gone? She almost wants to refuse to believe they had been teetering little kits before, when she had first saw them, when her and Greenpaw greeted them. Speaking of... Firefly was his friend, no? He must be excited! She'll ask his thoughts later, tail tip twitches, she has much to get done yet. She stays anyways, to watch Blazestars reaction to his sons supposed promotion.
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Sharpeye wouldn't lie, whenever Dawnglare spoke he swore he aged a number of years from the weight of the bafflement that it caused him. With his jaw hanging open he could merely gawk at the medicine cat in confusion, though at least they had been blessed with a translator. His attention drifts towards Mushroomkit, a grateful expression now being worn. Right, so they now had a medicine cat apprentice chosen. He supposed that was a good thing, something to be cheered and praised, though he did not envy the youth in terms of the teacher they would have to learn from. "Fireflypaw, I am sure you will do well. You have a good head on your shoulders."
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Fireflypaw was no saint. He wasn't perfect, and it showed in the way he cringed as Dawnglare leaped onto his father's branch, claws grappling and unbalanced gait shifts. He looks like an unsteady duck atop the branch, but he preaches his sermon nonetheless- revelations, that Fireflypaw was the Chosen One. He orders his acolyte to remain Mother-bound, paws pressed into the cold snow and eyes shut against the harsh flicker against the pale surface. Offer this child your utmost attention, for he will know more than any of you ever will. Dawnglare demands, sings to the crowd below. Firefly's eyes flicker open ever slightly to get a good look at the reactions- expects the pride glistening behind their features. Fireflypaw was a kind heart, he'd always done what he believed was right. Did his best to cheer everyone up, to lend a helping paw when people needed it- surely this was something people would be proud of?

His eyes instinctively search for Blazestar, the look of confusion on his face making shame ignite his fur. How did he not know? Didn't he believe the same thing- that I was the Chosen One? He thinks to himself, a stormy flush of emotions passing him by. Conflicted, yet acceptance- Dawn's rambling might not make sense for those around him, and Mushie makes a point to explain the high priest's intentions. Fireflypaw gives her a grateful smile, feels his growing form shake from nervousness. He didn't think being in the center of attention like this was so nerve-wracking! He wants to rush over to his friend, to give her nuzzles of thanks and wish her luck as well; but no words fall from his lips. What could his lips say, that his expression didn't? He cared for Mushroomkit, and he hoped he would see more often now that he was going to be seeing everyone more often.

The next face to arrive is Strawberrypaw, whom seems just as confused as the others do. He shuffles his paws, giving a sheepish grin. "Thank you~" He hums out softly in song, though she's quick to shift her attention elsewhere, and Fireflypaw is left wondering. Was this strange, to them? It wasn't like it was a punishment to him or anything; Dawnglare promised that he would stay alive forever, make him the best. Firefly believed he could, more than anything. If it was Dawnglare, he could believe in it. "I won't let you guys down!" He finally stutters out, covering his face with a paw. Will Mum be happy for me? Burnpaw? Moonpaw?

The next face is Slate, and while Fireflypaw doesn't expect much of a reaction from him, he's pretty damn sure that the tom is freaked out. "You'll get used to it. Dawn likes to preach, says the Mother is always listening." He whispers to the tom with a toothy smirk, shaking snow from his fur once again. Dawnglare shifts once more, and snow comes tumbling down onto his head- sending the poor apprentice falling over face-first into the snowy ground with a soft grunt. He looks upwards to Dawnglare then, frowning- only to turn back and see Sheepcurl and Sharpeye congratulating him; now this.. This, he liked. The praise, the acknowledgement. He craved being told he was 'good', 'decent'. A good head on his shoulders, Sharpeye said. He puffs his chest out proudly, smiling at the two of them. "You can count on me, y'know!"
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Dawnglare's prattling often fell upon Chrys' dumbfounded ears, and the apprentice often likened the healer to a chittering canary, an incessant and babbling bird who wove his song from wire and gravel. The appointed martyr stood upon his throne of snowy bough, sable-and-snowdrift pelt a stain upon the otherwise-clarent sky, to which caught Chrys' eye. It was as though he aimed to replace the very sun, eclipsing the light with his own chime, a herald of a new dawn. That was how dramatic the other wanted to be, apparently. Well, the sparrow must only see one sallow-skinned tree in the whole woods as its royal seat, he supposed.

Of course, Chrys was caught in the rapt audience of the medicine cat, noticing first the rather... eloquently idiotic way the other spoke. The nature that Dawn told of thrummed through the entire speech, and perhaps there was a power that hummed through the very air, an invisible string plucked and pruned. Or, at least Dawn would probably want to believe. Personally, Chrys never bought into that delusion. The apprentice felt nothing but a known disdain.

The chimaera turned his attention towards Fireflypaw, the rather bulky apprentice standing and feeding into Dawn's fantasy. He wondered, briefly, what the medicine cat saw in such a large cat . How would he even see what herbs to use, or where to put them on wounded bodies? Heterochromatic stare fluttered with the slightest inkling of pride for his peer, like silver darts beneath the surface of running water, glimmers of scales caught upon veils of light. Then, nothing more than a stoicism that he had well-fitted filled his face, as though he had already covered up the crack that had dared show, a nimble and wonted motion. If his countenance were to be soft clay, then he was the ardent yet calloused sculptor. A solemn yet not soulless creation - for even in the most monotonous art lie the artist's spirit, upon each stroke and say.

"Uh, congrats." Chrysalis muttered in response to... whatever the hell was happening. "Hope you don't die." He added a mordant remark to counteract the nauseating niceties that he just uttered, as if the serpentine tongue could not bear to behold sweetness for long, before sanguine display would render it dull and dismayed. He hated anything short of honesty. His tail lashed to and fro.
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A studier of the plants and teller of the constellations, such a path falls at the very feet of one Fireflypaw. As told in extravagant detail by the twisted-whim and tongue of Dawnglare. Extractor of war’s nectar as of late, but Skyclan had won and Windclan had deserved the rejection of help. The needle threading the quilt of justice had sewn within the lines of what is right. Dawnglare, had earned Thistleback’s silent and pensive approval. Despite the man’s strange muddling abhorrence towards Deersong, such a thing as petty word paid little to actions. While one cuts with their tongue, the skin is hardly broken.

Strawberrypaw’s words cause the piebald to snort in brief amusement. He’s feeling a newfound sense of relief, what if Pricklepaw or Eveningpaw had been chosen? Thistleback wondered why this made him feel, bothered. The path of a medicine cat was important yet detrimental, yet it wasn’t the less than favorable aspects that tipped this scale. Perhaps the only life he wished his children, was the path of mighty warriors. Leading patrols into battle, he could see Eve and Prickle as valiant soldiers. Nothing less.

" I can imagine, Starclan chose well " he offers his own brand of congratulations. " To gain the knowledge of the stars, and secrets of the future. A gift to envy, I must say " he whips his chin up.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png

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"You just say words sometimes, huh?" Orangeblossom mutters under her breath, turning a quizzical eye towards their healer as his voice rings out in the camp. She can imagine the announcement at the Gathering already - Dawnglare lost his mind, finally, it only took him six moons or so - and the ginger-and-white molly shares a glance with Sharpeye as white paws pause beside the older warrior. A soft ohhhh of realisation falls from her maw as Muschroomkit deciphers their healer's rambling, and she turns less incredulity towards Fireflypaw.

"Congratulations, Fireflypaw. Learn well, our lives are in your paws now." Immediately, she winces - maybe telling an apprentice just what the weight of their new responsibility is isn't the best idea, actually. She can already hear the lecture she'll get if this impacts him poorly.​


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentor to vulturepaw and eveningpaw.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


" Yea, congrats Firefly!. I'm sure you will do great or else...Dawn is gonna kick your ass." He started by sounding serious but then a smirk crossed his maw at the end of his sentence. He was pretty sure Dawnglare was not gonna go easy on Fireflypaw but at the sametime their medicine cat seemed to be quite laid-back with most a creepy sort of way. Glad he was on their good least he hoped he was. No one would be stupid enough to mess with the medic, especially not Dawnglare.


"Cats of SkyClan!"

It is - unfortunately - Dawnglare's voice that pulls Greenpaw's attention away from his meal, the medicine cat standing amidst the branches. Dread fills the apprentice at the sight, at the likelihood of deluded words about the Mother and viridescent curses spilling from the medic's maw now that he's got an audience.

Green is a deadly color, Greenpaw fears he'll announce to all of them, crazed eyes glaring down at the green-eyed boy, We must send the cursed one away.

However, this is not what is spoken, not what the medic's speech entails.

"Lift your eyes, and rejoice in the face of your chosen one!"

A flick of Dawnglare's tail leads his green gaze towards this chosen one. Greenpaw feels his breath catch in his throat at the sight of pointed fur, of blue eyes, of Fireflypaw. His friend.

His friend, his friend, his friend. Chosen by Dawnglare, or the stars, or the Mother, or whoever, to become the medicine cat's apprentice - as Mushroomkit translates. Dawnglare's disciple, chosen to expand his cult, his way of thinking, his belief of the curse borne upon Greenpaw. Taken away from the nest beside him. Away from hunting patrols together. Away, away, away.

Busy learning about herbs and remedies - catmint and poison ivy, beliefs and curses. How long, before his friend too, begins to look at him the same way Dawnglare does? Why him? It seemed pointed, purposeful. Unfair.

"Congrats," Greenpaw lets out, voice strained as he tries to be happy for the newly named disciple. He seems happy, and though Greenpaw is losing his friend, the apprentice doesn't want to speed up the process. Doesn't want two medics glaring down on him quicker than its inevitability. "You'll do great."
The relief that floods Blazestar is selfish, but after all he's lost -- all that he still stands to lose -- the idea that one of his kits is safe from the throes of battle, from WindClan claws or ShadowClan fangs, nearly throttles him with reassurance. Though Burnpaw, Moonpaw, and Howlpaw are still at risk, still walk the path of warriors, Fireflypaw will be secure, sitting at Dawnglare's side and mixing herbs with big black paws.

He gives Dawnglare a look glossy with tears. He wonders if he'd chosen Blazestar's kit for a reason -- a reason beyond their ancient friendship, beyond Morningpaw's death, but he can't afford to dwell on it. The reasoning behind anything Val did ... it could get convoluted the further one dug.

"I'm so proud of you," he purrs to Fireflypaw, resting his chin on his son's head. "You'll do great things as a medicine cat, I just know it."

And you'll stay safe, a little voice whispers in the Ragdoll's ears. At least I will not have to watch another of my kits die brutally in a battle they should not have to fight.

( ) dawnglare scaling the twisted bark of the thorn tree was not something anyone was expecting to see but no one really made a move to stop him, he is the medicine cat after all so maybe they are allowed to share a leader's meeting perch for announcements. huckleberry dragged himself closer to the highbranch at the cinnamon sepia's bellowing where the strange doctor began asking for everyone to bare witness to the newest addition to the medicine den and sing high praises for his student.


the black smoke is almost taken aback seeing his former apprentice sat proudly at the base of the tree whilst cats shower him with congratulations, albeit they were tinged with confusion at first. so, those fandangled stars decided to give the kid another path to walk, huh. theres a small breath forced from his nostrils before he approaches fireflypaw, a proud grin stretching across his maw whilst a large inky paw reaches over to give the youngin' an affectionate pat on the head.

"well, i'll be. mah used to be 'pprentice is gonna learn how to use them fancy plants to save our behinds in tha future!" huckleberry rumbles out with a warming laugh. "ah'm gonna miss teachin' ya lil buddy but ah know yer in good paws with dawnglare now."
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )