❀‿ "You have a big knot right here, I'll help you get it out," Lupinepaw chided gently before aggressively grooming a particularly stubborn patch of fur on her brother's pelt, "It's gonna like, tug on your skin if it gets too tangly. Make sure you're keeping up with it, mmkay?" Her bossiness lacked teeth and was flavored with sibling familiarity. She missed the easy intimacy with Drowsypaw that seemed so easy to come by back in the nursery, now it seemed like she hadn't had a long conversation with him for more than an entire moon! She sought to rectify it this evening.

"Anywaaayyss... How are you doing? I want all the Drowsypaw news!" She kept her tone light and fluffy, she knew just how difficult everything had been last moon firsthand, stars knew there was plenty to worry about to go around. But she didn't want to linger on the stress-and-chaos aspects of clanlife, at least for now. She hoped he had something to celebrate recently.

  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 7mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
  • Like

it seems like it's been a pretty long time since he's done this. just sat with his sister– and his brother if he's being honest– and not been so worried about the next thing happening. he tries to keep a smile on his face about it all, but he's been a lot more tired these days. avoiding his training to find places to sleep. his dreams were a lot kinder to him than he was to himself. with a gentle flick of his tail, he let his sister groom through his fur. he purposefully licked it up backwards to give him a more masculine look, but his sister insisted on fixing it somewhat. he never wad the best at grooming his own pelt, anyways.

"oh, uh, thank you."

he nodded with a gentle push of his ears against his skull.

"i... think that makes sense. i'll do better, lulu."

he isn't sure he will. his fur was clean, but he got so tired after so much effort. he much rather it be done for him, namely by his mama.

"h-huh?! there is no news! i just... have been training, I guess. sleeping."

he is doing a lot more sleeping. but she didn't know that, right? she had her own friends and own training to deal with. he gently nudged against her with a gentle twitch of his whiskers.

"you know, i wish i wasn't so sleepy somedays. i want to make friends like you do. especially with– i-i uhm... no one."

he nervously shuffled his paws looking away from his sister. surely she didn't wanna hear about his silly crush.
❀‿ "Mmhmm~" Lupinepaw hummed, satisfied with his promise to better look after his tangles. "You can always ask me if you get too tired for it, you know," she added after some thought. For her, grooming was a soothing part of her daily routine, her self-maintenance was a frequent fixation that she was content to rest her mind on, so she didn't mind tasking herself with helping him sort out his long pelt.

Lupinepaw knew that her brother had always been plagued by fits of sleepiness, "drowsy" seemingly seeping into his life as more than just a name. She considered chastising their mother for bestowing such a name upon him when they were born, but would she have known back then how it would affect her son? Or was Lupinepaw simply being superstitious by assuming that his name had such a power over him... Once again she was left grasping at fog trying to grab ahold of the ambiguous powers of fate and Starclan.

She reeled in her brain back to the land of the living and idly, she wondered if Dawnglare would have anything to help him. The girl would, however, snap back into sharp focus as Drowsypaw trailed off with a suspiciously sheepish tone, "Especially with who? Ohhh my stars, do you like someone? This is so exciting you have to tell me, I promise I won't tell..." When she asked, she hadn't considered there being a possibility that Drowsypaw would have something as exciting as a crush!

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 7mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
  • Like

his ears perked up at her offer, and he can't help the way his nose twitches with slight worry. did she really mean that? he doesn't want to be a bother to her. she does so much for him already but he truly just gets so tired that he doesn't want to do it, amongst other things.

"you... really mean that?"

he asks, before gently bumping against her with a sigh.

"i... thank you. i promise not to bother you too much, lulu. only if i'm really really tired. do you think... crowpaw would help me sometimes, too?"

he hopes so. he loves his brother, even in spite of everything happening to the small family.

"wh-what?! n-no way! i-i don't– I mean i'm not–"

he winced, pushing his ears back on his head.

"okay but you gotta promise! c-cross your heart! right now! do it!"

he made her swear not to tell. he was sure to die of embarrassment about it if she did.

"its... f-falconpaw. l-look i'm not gonna do anything about it i just– i– i don't know! don't you d-dare tell him or anyone else, lupinepaw!"

nope. he was going to die of embarrassment before she even got the chance to kill him from it, that's for sure.
❀‿ "Of course I mean it! You never bother me," Lupinepaw assures him confidently, meeting his head with hers.

"And I'm sure he would, Drowsy... He-uhm... He cares about you, too," she says this with marginally less conviction, not that she thought that Crowpaw had as much resentment for Drowsypaw as he apparently did for her... But she wasn't so sure about anything regarding their temperamental brother nowadays. Even so, the last thing she wanted to do was get in between their relationship with each other and ruin it somehow.

Drowsypaw gets all flustered and she pokes him teasingly until he relents his juicy secret.

'It's Falconpaw.'

"Oh,"she blinks, "I see..."

Lupinepaw quiets, fixing her attention on a stray knot on her brother's flank as she tries to parse through the odd feeling in her head. There's something that sits on her tongue, fluttering and vying to slip through her lips, and something else that pulls it backward, down into her stomach. She cannot name them, and is relegated to the sidelines of her own mind as they duke it out with each other.

"You know..."she mews before pausing again to smooth down a patch of hair. One feeling wins, and is running victory laps in her minds eye as she says, "I actually didn't know you two were close..!"

This is true, she didn't know how close Falconpaw and Drowsypaw were to each other, but somehow she felt that this was a mean thing to say. The thing in her head crows to the crowd (empty, save for one), 'It's not the same, I can guarantee it!' And Lupinepaw feels uneasy. She wonders if Drowsypaw worried after him when he was sick the way she did–all those days and nights praying to the sky to keep him safe. And then she wonders if he's looked at him the same way she's caught him looking at her. Suddenly, she is crashed into by the feeling that she's being a bad sister again for .. some reason.

Lupinepaw collects herself quickly and purrs at him reassuringly, "Well, I think that anyone should feel lucky to be crushed on by you..!"She brings a paw to smooth her own whiskers and makes a decision despite all the noise and confusion filling up her head.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. I promise."

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 8mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy