pafp going through the motions | climbing


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
Angry at all the things I can't change
Being confined to camp left the boy with very little to do and socializing to any degree was something he outright refused. Not that he believed anyone would want to speak with him anyway. If they did there was a high chance of if being anything but positive. Regardless, his paws itched with the need to do something, to burn away the nerves running rampant beneath his skin. Camp was not big enough to sprint it out of him, besides running laps around the tight clearing was not exactly ideal. Dull green eyes remain downward as he quietly passed a pebble back and forth between his paws. Time could not move any slower.

A long sigh blows past his maw, attention trailing skyward for once as he stares at a tree. It'd been quite some time since he last climbed one. Sootstar had done everything in her power to try and train climbing out of him, hoping to reprogram him into racing the moors instead. Under her strict tutelage he blossomed, earning muscle cut and carved for speed, though he never truly forgot about the pine forest. Slowly Coyote stood, cream paws guiding him to the trunk where claws slipped from their sheathes and proceeded to hook into brittle bark. Unused muscle stretches and pulls tight whilst making his ascension, huffing the further he climbed. Upon reaching the first branch he gripped it but refrained from pulling himself all the way, holding on just long enough to admire the view.

Windclan might have had rolling golden hills, but nothing could beat the bird's eye view of a skyclanner. Though his heart thrummed with nostalgia, his body begged for him to return to the ground. Still sore from his lengthy travel all the way here. Carefully he lowered himself, scattering bark along the way. Unfortunately he was not aware of another cat underneath him as he fully let go and dropped to the ground, causing his shoulder and side to bump against another apprentice. Green eyes grow wide as he immediately shuffled out of reach, stammering an apology as he went. "S-sorry, sorry I didn't mean to..." Coyotepaw voices softly, gaze falling to his paws once more, avoidant. (@sweetpaw. and guard tag @ThistleBack)
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
"Eek!" Sweetpaw flinches back just as much as Coyotepaw does, ears flattening against their skull for a moment as their brain catches up with their racing heartbeat. Oh, it's the one who'd come back from WindClan ... Coyotepaw, right? A quick glance sideways confirms her suspicions, catching sight of Thistleback's black-and-white pelt. Sweetpaw exhales a tense breath, letting go of some of the stress in their shoulders, but it's too late to stop the ramble which pours from their maw:

"No, no, it's- you're fine! I promise! I should have been watching where I was going too, and making sure there wasn't a cat about to jump out of the tree at me - are you okay?" They query, feline brow knitting with worry.​


  • sweetpaw, apprentice of skyclan
    — apprentice to cedarsway (npc)
    ✦ 7 moons, they/she
    ✦ extremely fluffy lilac mink.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.
    "speech" — attack in #FFA7E9


" Watch where you're landing next time you dumbass!." Fierypaw decided to ignore that Sweetpaw not had minded to get bummed into by this traitor not going to let them get saved by his tongue. He was still pretty pissed at Blazestar for letting them stay here among them. In his eyes Coyotepaw was nothing but a two-faced snake who was to blame for his mentor tragic fate. Fierypaw had no intention to go easy on them just because of that. Green eyes was sharp and cold, looking at Coyotepaw like the enemy he was in their eyes. It would take alot for this one to change his mind on them that was for sure.


Cats falling from the sky. Well, out of trees- but it was just as good as the sky when you weren't looking at the trees! Twitchpaw often resigned to a habit of traversing low upon tree branches when out in a group, acting as the eyes in the sky- the claws in the branches, ready for any sort of ambush. But- well, It wasn't something he ever did in camp, and what a terrible mistake that had apparently been! Some- golden blur unlatched from the tree and collided with Sweetpaw, and Twitchpaw let out a yowl of alarm so shrill and terror-filled that he might as well have been the one that had been 'attacked'.

Scrabbling frantically backwards, the brown-and-white tom ended up quite a few tail-lengths away, calming down only when he heard the ex-Windclanner's apology. Oh- it was just Coyotepaw, not... well, arguably not an infiltrator. Stuttering breaths began to slow, began to marginally regularise. This- was not some attack. Even though WindClan knew where their camp was... knew Coyotepaw might want to come back, knew... knew so much...

"I- just, give a warning!" Twitchpaw pleaded breathlessly, eyes looking as if they might fall right out of his head.
penned by pin ✧

a thud against the floor of the forest was quickly followed by a few surprised calls. mismatched ears pricked at the sounds, drawing the tortie over on light steps. maybe it wasn't a great idea to beeline towards the sounds of yelling, but something was going on. she couldn't just not go and check it out.

coyotepaw seemed to have landed unceremoniously on sweetpaw, neither seemed hurt. the fluffy furred mink even seemed apologetic that she was in the way. fierypaw and twitchpaw seemed more torn up about the incident, how did that make sense? they weren't the ones almost squished to death. eveningpaw's ears tilted back at fierypaw's cursed language, so unnecessarily angry. it was obviously a mistake, one that could have been made by anyone. was everyone who messed up a dumbass, or was this just a chance to release some anger over coyotepaw's former home.

"get a grip," she huffed, annoyance clearly laced through her tone. were they to ostracize everyone from different backgrounds and then expect them to defend skyclan? that was ridiculous, almost a laughable idea. but she stopped there, instead turning her attention to sweetpaw and coyotepaw. "you guys are good though, right? everything in one piece?" eve added, voice much brighter than when she were addressing the other apprentice.



The fur along his neck bristled into spikes at the sound fo alarmed cries on the other side of camp, among them a familiar shriek that had him getting to his paws. He was used to hearing Twitchpaw shout or scream over basically nothing all the time, and while he knew that this was logically just another of those moments, there's a leftover tension in him from the incident with the fox, a ringing in his ears that sounds disturbingly like the terrified, desperate wails of his friend.

And so the towering chimera makes his way over, mismatched eyes as blank as the expression on his face as he took in the scene before him, ears pricking forward to catch snippets of the conversation as he made his way over to stand alongside Twitchpaw.

To be honest, Quill isn't sure what to think of Coyotepaw and his return. The raven tabby had his own reasons for hating Windclan, and the fact that this kid had been the one to lead the second raiding party right into their camp definitely kept him wary about letting the other too close to anything he cared about. He couldn't even rely on Thistlebacks judgement, unable to tell if his mentor would truly react this way to any returning warrior who had left to join and any only to return, or if he was compromised because this was his son.

And if there was an ugly little twitch of jealousy somewhere in him for that - for the knowledge that Thistle would forgive and accept back a child that wasn't even his by blood - he didn't let it show.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Angry at all the things I can't change
He fully expects a sharp retort, perhaps even a shove and his body tenses in expectation. However, his ears are not met with the harsh grating of ill mannered words. Instead Sweetpaw offers genuine concern, questioning whether he was alright and at this the boy's ears perk subtly. It was shocking, but a welcomed one nevertheless. The taunt rigidness in his muscles seek to relax cautiously in their presence, jaw parting to voice an answer and perhaps even lift his gaze to be eye level. But a secondary set of paws enters the scene and a thick cloud of malice floats along with them. Insults are hurled and his mouth closes, ears falling back as his iron wall snaps back up. Another set of paws step in, pleading something, but his ears are beginning to tune the world around him out. Forcibly drowning out their voices as he looks elsewhere, he needed to leave, to escape.

More paws join the tight suffocating circle, blocking the path he intended to take. She's murmuring something, her voice sounding as if bubbling underwater but he cannot be bothered with words right now. Anxiety prickles at his pelt, ears burning as mint green eyes swivel to look for another break in the growing group of cats. A final set of paws emerge, grey in coloration as he is making his escape and Coyotepaw has to pivot hard to avoid bumping into the tom. Breath quickening he moves into a swift lope as cream colored limbs usher him towards broader spaces. Far, far away from the toxic miasma threatening to choke him out. (/out)
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith