going through the motions // kitting

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023
mottledove | 17 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
Mottledove has never known what it is like to have a family. She's never had a mother, never had a father - no siblings to speak of either. Her earliest memories are only of her nest, her twoleg, of pain and milk-scent and nothing more. Tweleve moons - that's how long she'd been alone, passing the days by waiting in the windowsill or upon her tower like fairytale princess - locked away. Trapped.

She'd loved her twoleg very much despite it all - even when she'd never known the feel of grass beneath her paws, or what the world beyond the glass had looked like. Until suddenly she did - strange contraption wrapped around her pale frame, tethered in place. Suddenly there was grass and flowers and trees - there were birds and insects making all manner of sounds, a breeze to ruffle her fur, the touch of the warm sun against her fur as she basked

And then, here was him. He'd seemed so kind at first, with his warm amber eyes, speaking of such wonderfully strange things, free to roam the earth as he pleased. And suddenly, she'd wanted for the first time - wanted to be free, to be happy. Wanted him.

She'd thought she'd had him - but it'd been all lies, hadn't it? Promises made during those springtime days were naught but lies, she'd only been one of the many. She'd been his - but he'd never been hers. And as though the world was mocking her, it was not enough to lose her lover, her mate, but her twoleg had discarded her too - taken from her all she'd had, leaving her with only herself.

Herself - and the kits she could feel wriggling within her belly. She hadn't really thought things through past that point - whispers of cats living in the forest, strange feline rescuers, all of it passing by in a sudden blur. She'd screamed and cried and egged, had followed them here, had joined them. What choice did she have? She'd lost everything that had once made her -well, her.

Dull blue eyes watch blankly as leaves flutter by, as though dancing upon the breeze. It's strange, she thinks, how comfortable she is now, how settled. Sure, the world outside the camps walls is terrifying, but she is no longer alone. She's made... friends, of a sort, she thinks - bobbie and yukio, and that strange tom who'd given her hope in the first place, Slate, she thinks.

And now - she has them.

Warmth sparks to life as she stares down at the three bundles curled up at her side, her fluffy tail encircling them protectively as they nurse. Two little she-kits and a tom, so perfect and small. Her smile falters from a moment as memories flicker by, the tiny blue tabby at her side the spitting image of the one she wishes she could forget. But her resolve only hardens - she will love these kits. "Aspenkit," she decides, a name as different from his as she can come up with. "... pollenkit, and pipitkit,"

Three names fitting for skyclans newest members - for her kits.

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Aspenkit was lucky to be born into a world that was so vastly different than the one his mother had come from. No need to worry about whether or not a twoleg would love him or if he would be able to go outside and touch the grass. He wouldn't know how lucky he was until later in life, but that was okay, he didn't need to know, at least not now.

The smell of milk, hunger, and the warmth of the bodies of his mother and two sisters were the only things he knew at the moment, and the only things he would know for a little bit longer. Mewling he tried to make his way towards the scent, somehow knowing that it would help with the slight twinge in his stomach, the empty feeling. Once there the mewling would stop, and he'd be content.​

The lilac tabby had ushered her own kits out of the nursery when Mottledove had begun to kit, and they remain out there now (no doubt arguing, sleeping, or otherwise getting into trouble) as she pokes her head into the makeshift nursery. She knows as little of Mottledove's past as the other queen knows her own, but she's faintly aware that no father to these new kits had arrived with the other queen. They have chatted idly before, share an origin, and so Bobbie had wanted to congratulate her and greet the newest arrivals. Perhaps it would lift her spirits, she thinks, erase the latest memory in this den being that of a sobbing Yukio and two limp little bodies. She puts the thought out of her head as fast as it enters it.

Bobbie is aware not all queens want to be seen after their kitting, and so she moves only a couple pawsteps into the nursery, hoping Mottledove is as amicable to company as she'd been after her own kitting. Spring-grass eyes search the den for a moment and settle on the form of the other queen, three healthy-looking kits nursing at her belly. She steps forward, eyes carefully watching to see if Mottledove would prefer she leaves, and mews with a half-smile, "I don't w-want to intrude, just see the little ones and say congratulations." Her words are genuine, accompanied by a soft gasp as a sage gaze settles on the tiny forms, "Oh, Mottledove. Th-They're beautiful."
don't rush something you want to last forever .
Yukio smile quivered, staring at Mottledove, heart raw and heavy as he peered at the three bundles tucked against the queen, suckling. Oh, how much it hurt to see, but he couldn’t bear to ruin Mottle’s happiness, not when she comforted him, now he stood a few lengths into the nursery, small and barely noticeable.

“C, Congratulations!” He trilled softly, smile softening. “I’m h, happy for y, you.” He purred, offering a closed-eye smile, heart feeling as if it were being ripped in two. He giggled, bobbing his head in agreement, gaze soft. “T, They’re b, beautiful.” He echoed, nodding in solemn agreement, his grin still present. He was happy. He was happy for the nursing queen. The bubbling sensation when looking down at wiggling bodies, filled with utter adoration and warmth.
thought speech
Blazestar knows shamefully little about the former shelter cat, but he looks forward to her kitting all the same. The queen is as much a SkyClanner as any of them now, just as her denmates are, and her kits are future SkyClan warriors. The Ragdoll steers clear of the nursery until he hears the faint sounds of mewling, of murmured congratulations from Bobbie and Yukio. He approaches, dipping his head between the holly to gaze upon the tiny bodies at Mottledove’s flank.

Congratulations,” he meows, just catching the names she gives them. “Aspenkit, Pipitkit, and Pollenkit. Wonderful names.” He’s heartened by the Clan names she’s given her brood—perhaps she is feeling like she is adjusting, after all. He gives Bobbie a nod and Yukio a smile before slipping back out of the nursery, light on his paws.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
"They're beautiful, Mottledove." Orangeblossom meows, ears twitching forward as she returns to the nursery with her gaggle of kittens in tow. Now that she's counting, actually, a couple of Bobbie's may have joined them; but, as per usual, she's taken them away from the scene of kitting; if anything slightly too eager to be out of earshot from a queen's pain of labour. But, unlike Yukio's before her, Mottledove has delivered safely, her kits breathing and squirming in the way that kittens should do, and she breathes a minute sigh of relief.

To the sentient scraps of fur, the older kits, she warns, "You can visit Mottledove now, but be quiet, and give her space. Yes, you looked like that when you were born."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
mottledove | 17 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
One after another, cats line up to welcome her kits, to give warm words of congratulations and praise, and teal gaze is tearing up before she can help it. The forest is a scary place, so different than her carefully kept existence within the walls of her twolegs garden and home, but skyclan has been nothing but welcoming to her. "Th-thank you..." voice is soft and hushed, full of emotions she cannot even put names to. Perhaps, someday, she'll be able to be a proper part of skyclan - to see this as her home, just as it is her kits.

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