Ah, mole hunting. That's what Molewhisker considers anyone looking for him to be doing! But today, he and his trusty pal Lambcurl were on the hunt for an actual mole! All for some silly ceremony where kits realized they aren't leeches anymore and start eating real food.
Sure, it was a big deal for some cats, but Molewhisker didn't care much for it. Congratulations, you can eat food now. Big deal.
But he was trusted with this mission, and so he would find the best mole he could. He didn't want to spoil Sootstar's brats further, but if they criticized his catch and called it not good enough, he was going to start seeing red.
"Alrighty Lambcurl.... Let's find us a MOLE." He said, creeping through the tunnel, sniffing for his quarry.
"It won't be as good as me, but sometimes we have to be happy with second best~" He added.
Yes. He was the best mole in these tunnels.