camp GOLD ON THE CEILING [ med den resident ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
While he didn't regret what he had done to keep Wolfwind and Freckleflame from more injury, his body sure as fuck did. Returning from the attack had meant the other two needed more attention then he did, but by the time Hailstorm had a moment to break away and look at Batwing's paw, infection had attempted to set it. He could smell it as well as his giant friend could, so Batwing was unfortunately forced to a sick-nest.

Batwing lay there now, his eyes pinned towards the entrance of the medicine den. Glances were cast every now and again towards the freedom, and to those sharing the den with him. While his paw ached and throbbed, all wrapped up in cobwebs and salves and poultices, Batwing desperately itched to be back out there helping the clan. Watching his kits grow into apprentices, watch them start their first step towards becoming warriors.

And for the tenth time in the last hour, a long sigh left him, ears lowering.

Wildheart had been lucky with his evasion of the medicine den thus far given his habit of throwing himself into the heart of trouble as of late. Though if things kept going as it did then he would soon find himself running out of luck. It was just unfortunate that Wolfwind had to suffer so horribly, alongside Freckleflame, Oakfang, and Batwing during the course of recent troubles. And speaking of Batwing, that happened to be the first cat he saw upon entering the medicine den.

The calico blinked slowly in greeting as he wandered towards the lead warrior so he could drop a mouse in front of them. "You look frustrated. Like seriously frustrated." He'd seen that look before and he honestly felt for Batwing. How are you holding up?" Providing company wasn't really Wildheart's forte, but he was willing to try. Especially since he was worried about those who were injured.


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Hailstorm hadn't strayed far from the medicine cat den considering that they had quite a few cats injured by the fox but more importantly kept an eye on Wolfwind due to her injuries having been more grave than the others. He noticed Wildheart stepping into the medicine den and hearing the long sigh escaping Batwing, a part of him amused by this and sets down some moss that had been soaked with water he had collected a little earlier. The snowy tom placing down the moss only to speak with a nod of his helm "You keep that up, you'll end up making the entire camp foggy." His voice teasing as he says this only to nudge the moss over to his friend before turning his gaze in the direction of Wildheart and would regard him with calm, warm eyes even if the tom tried to get on his nerves the last time that they interacted.

His whiskers twitched once "Try not to linger. Berryheart doesn't like too many cats crowding his den," A gentle reminder to the warrior since he knows that the tortoiseshell tom doesn't appreciate the uninjured being in the den where they could possibly topple something or get in the way.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
. ° ✦ "WATCH OUT, VOLE INCOMING!!!" Came the loud screech of the curly-furred apprentice. Since Batwing had the misfortune of injuring his paw only a few sunrises before he and his littermates left the nursery, Bravepaw had taken to making sure the tom wouldn't feel like he was missing out on a single moment! Soon enough he would be back out into the forest and the kitten would be bouncing behind him and Sunfreckle, alongside Tigerpaw and Fallowpaw when she returned. (Of course he had been praying to StarClan every night! That seemed to make his mentor return, after all)

The vole in his jaws was not caught by him, of course he was nowhere near skilled enough to bring home prey with only a few days beneath his belly. Still perfecting a crouch and stalk. But with the return of his training he was tasked to delivery food to those meant to eat before him, and the sick were included.

Bravepaw eagerly stumbled into the medicine den on too-big paws, only stopping himself to slide nose-to-nose with Batwing. The vole fell from his mouth with a tiny pleh! and he practically crashed his forehead into the others muzzle.

"I got the BEST ONE for you! Do you like it? Are you feeling better now? I'm gonna catch your meal soon, I promise!" The boy turned to look at Hailstorm and Wildheart, flicking his tail in an eager greeting. "Hi mister Hailstorm, Wildheart. Do you need me to put away that moss for you?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
An appreciative look was lifted to Wildheart as the warrior delivered him some food. His favorite, no less. He was slightly surprised by the normally standoff-ish warrior's conversation starter, but he quickly smothered it with a small and feeling smile. "Frustrated is a word for it." He rumbled in quiet amusement, his ears twitching. "I've never loved being stuck in a sick-nest, especially during leaf-bare. I've become a mouth to be fed, rather then the one feeding." He admitted briefly.

Vision shifted towards his best friend, vision briefly warming before an eye roll followed. "Maybe it'll warm the camp up while I'm at it." He shot back, a tiny laugh following. Seriously, the thought alone was almost enough to make him start panting hot air out. He opened his mouth to say something else to Hailstorm- likely thank him for the water- but the sound of his son thundering into the medicine den caused him to snap his jaws shut.

Green eyes shifted to his child, a grin spreading briefly on his face as Bravek- Bravepaw rushed in. A tiny chuckle left him quietly, brushing his cheek against his son's head in greeting. "Bravepaw, you mustn't be too loud in here, you know that? Otherwise, Hailstorm's gonna get you." He said, teasing grin spreading wider. "I'll eat your vole, but why don't you see if Hailstorm wants you to give the mouse Wildheart brought in to another one of the cats?" Batwing didn't want to deny his son the food he had brought in, but Batwing could not consciously eat two pieces.

"I know the feeling, you've got my sympathies. But hold onto that determination to be back on the beat, it'll keep you focused." Wildheart offered a small smirk before he shifted his focus towards Hailstorm when he was warned lightly about lingering in the med den. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be sure to keep my visits short." He huffed lightly with an incredibly rare gentle expression. He was about to leave when Bravepaw came barrelling in. The urge to scold lingered on his tongue, but he forced it back to the depths. No anger, not now.

"Make sure Wolfwind gets some of that mouse. She's gonna need it." Worry trickled through him and broke to the surface, forming yet another rare expression out of the tom. He decided to take his leave at that point before he could endure any further emotions, it was all a bit much for him. "Later. Make sure you don't stay in there too long, we need ya back, Batwing."