private GOLD RUSH [ pikesplash ]

( ) two moons is a long time to go about avoiding someone, yet somehow, coyotecreek has managed to do so with little trouble. perhaps it's because lichentail caused this problem in the first place that she hasn't sent him on any patrols with snakeblink or pikesplash, or it could just be fate being kind, but either way, the man is grateful. unfortunately, it has meant two moons without many cats to talk to comfortably. he spends time with his children, spends his days patrolling and hunting, training otterpaw, but loneliness has sunk in. he misses snakeblink's easy conversations, even misses pikesplash's odd midnight sleep-cuddling, even if it had only happened a few times.

today, the tomcat finds himself feeling braver than he has in some time. as he pads along the riverside, the sun warms his ginger and white pelt and gleams in his odd eyes. it's a warm day for leaf-bare, and the scent of thawing things permeates the air, a reminder of easier times to come. otterpaw had begged to battle train with a fellow apprentice, to which coyotecreek had assented, and he'd already completed his assigned patrols, so the man finds himself with little to do. fate has other plans.

scanning the horizon across the river, he doesn't hear the sound of pawsteps approaching, nor does he stop his own movement. in a frankly embarrassing show of clumsiness, he crashes into a figure stood in front of him. "ah!" he exclaims, raising a paw to feel his stinging head. heat floods his fur as he glances to see who he's been made a fool in front of and finds the dark tabby fur of one out of two cats he is most anxious to see around.

"pikesp-plash, i'm so sorry," he bursts out, accent heavy on his lips. tufted ears flatten, the pointed head shaking back and forth as if to regain a hold over his body. the other warrior is alone, no patrol or apprentice in sight, and coyotecreek relaxes very slightly. here he is, alone by the river with a tom who had openly admitted to liking him two moons prior. a tom he hasn't talked to alone since then. his crystal and honey eyes are wide as he takes in the predicament he is in. dumb idiot that he is, he begins talking.

"it's been a while since you've sleep-talked," he tells the other, and then immediately slaps his tail over his own mouth. "thtar-clan that washen't what i wath gonna thay!*"

// *"starclan that wasn't what i was gonna say." but with his tail in his mouth.

  • // " speak "

  • coyotefull.png

    an orange tabby tom with white patches, and one gold eye, one blue eye. short silky fur reminisces flame and rye, darker ginger tabby stripes slicing through the lighter tone. splashes of white are strewn across his face and body, a snowbank covering the flaming base of his coat. his eyes are odd- one crystal blue, the other sunshine golden, peering with a slightly lopsided look.

For Snakeblink to avoid him for two moons was difficult, but for Coyotecreek? Not only was it cruel it was disheartening. The pair weren't close and it seemed like they were on the path on becoming good friends, however it seemed he had to open his stupid mouth and ruin it all. When he told both toms they liked him Snakeblink misunderstood, which he wasn't sure why or how. Of course it was platonic! What else could it be? As for Coyotecreek, he isn't even sure why the other ran away after being told that he was liked. All he had said then is that both of them were good friends and he hopes they would continue to be friends. Was that so wrong? Unfortunately, he feels pain and takes a few clumsy steps forward that ends up crashing bones against each other all the more painfully. "GUH?!" What happened?!

"H-huh? C-coyotec-creek?! No! I'm sorry," he quickly retorts. Even though it was really both of their faults for not looking where they were going which caused them to crash into each other in the first place. The silver tom is trembling and to any bystanders they look quite pathetic. Two grown toms acting like spooked kits. When the orange tom relaxes he too finds himself gathering his bearings. It's been too long since he and Coyotecreek have spoken ever since that day where he was asked who he liked and explained that he liked both Coyotecreek and Snakeblink. His friend Snakeblink had been avoiding him after that and he forgave him because it may have been the embarrassment of the situation. I need to make things clear with him. I miss him. As for Coyotecreek... He wasn't sure if he said something wrong, but the other tom avoided him. For nights he wondered if he had sone something cruel towards the other. No answer seemed to suffice and it's not like he had any time to think on it. Lichentail putting them on separate patrols and and training Nettlepaw took a bulk of his time.

What throws him for a loop is an admission from Coyotecreek. "...What?" His face morphs into horror as the ginger tom slaps a tail over his mouth. Oh no. What did I even say? Please tell me I didn't say anything stupid. Or worse! His mind races to anything and everything that could have been taken the wrong way. Don't tell me I insulted him?! IS THAT WHY HE HATES ME?! "I... I uhm, didn't know I did that. I-if I said something wrong, I'm so sorry." There was little he could do to take back whatever words he muttered towards Coyotecreek in his sleepy state. He could only hope that the ginger tom would forgive him in time. In any case, green eyes look around as if looking for something else.

Coyotecreek wanted to say something. He returns his gaze to the ginger warrior, "W-what did you want to say?"
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / taken / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

( ) the blue tom's face falls in horror at coyotecreek's words and the ginger cat feels his skin burn, heart hammering in self-annoyance and anxiety. pikesplash stutters out an apology as coyote removes the tail from his mouth, spitting slightly as hair sticks to his tongue. he has made a fool of himself yet again, in front of a tom whom he wishes he was friends with. thank starclan no one else is around right now. odd eyes try to catch the other's green gaze, brow furrowing in confusion. "oh! oh no you didn't say anything wrong," he reassures, trying to figure out how to verbalize what he's going to say.

"uhm, maybe like a moon or two ago, you kind of crawled into my nest,"
he admits, breaking eye contact to stare somewhere beyond the tom's right ear. "an, ya said some things tha' i don't think ya wanted to. like, uhm, something about me being cute?" is his face on fire? he thinks his face is on fire. half contemplating flinging himself into the river (perhaps atop the gorge), he grits his teeth and continues. "uhm, an when that thing happened with lichentail, n snakeblink... um, anyway, that's not what i was gonna say."

what was he going to say? he's not sure now. the tomcat before him seems so genuinely confused and sorry (he shakes the memory of the same face gazing up at him with sleepy eyes, murmuring words coyotecreek has imprinted in his brain now). "i wanted to say that i'm sorry i was avoidin' you. um, over the past two moons i realized you probably didn't mean that you liked me.. in that way, an' that i had assumed..." he's fucking this up- he knows he is- but something in his brain compels him to keep yapping. "anyway, by then i had already kind of closed myself off and i didn't know how to approach ya, you know?"

he gnaws on his lip, ears back slightly as he flicks his gaze back to meet the other's. he doesn't know pikesplash well, although he can see himself enjoying his apprentice's father's company. the situation two moons ago had derailed that plan. "it's probably good i ran into ya here, though i didn't mean to actually run into you. do you think we can start over? i'd like to know ya as a friend, pikesplash. maybe you can help me corral your son a lil bit, even." whiskers twitch in an attempt at humor.

  • // " speak "

  • coyotefull.png

    an orange tabby tom with white patches, and one gold eye, one blue eye. short silky fur reminisces flame and rye, darker ginger tabby stripes slicing through the lighter tone. splashes of white are strewn across his face and body, a snowbank covering the flaming base of his coat. his eyes are odd- one crystal blue, the other sunshine golden, peering with a slightly lopsided look.

Pikesplash has been worrying silent throughout the whole explanation where many truths came to light. Green eyes stare on that poor gnawed lip of Coyotecreek before slowly moving on to stare into those mismatched eyes. What Coyotecreek asks is for them to start over as friends. I didn't know we were friends before. The joke the other makes about his son Otterpaw to chug their conversation along is not missed, but he can't quite find it in himself to move on from this. It is too easy. Too easy to sweep this under the rug and wish for the best, but how can he? Even if they were to throw everything away in the past, it wasn't like a memory could be forgotten so easily. For once, he's in charge and not the pathetic whimpering mess of a cat he normally is.

"When I said I liked you both, I meant as friends. I've known both of you for moons and even though we aren't as close, Coyotecreek, I still considered you a friend. I still do. Now that you've explained things I'm starting to understand I misunderstood things and might have you led you on." To be honest it was quite painful with this information to look back on the whole situation. They thought he was jealous of Coyotecreek because he thought of Snakeblink romantically supposedly. First of all he had never considered himself as an eligible bachelor towards the other tom. It wasn't like Snakeblink showed any signs of interest either. What they had was strange but nice. It's hard to think of Snakeblink romantically. I just... He deserves better than me if anything.

And that comes to the truth of the matter. The reason why he didn't see was because he didn't want to. Didn't want to see that he was perfectly fine and worthy of being in love or to be loved by those in Riverclan. After all, he's used to being the joke or disappointment of the clan. I'm still trying to change. I haven't given up yet. I have to make this right between us. And so he continues, "Coyotecreek I do think you're cute. That wasn't a lie. I have spoken about you with others, the gossipers and we always talk about cute cats in the clan. You are often brought up. A dashing tom who would make a lovely mate." Oh, Coyotecreek may want to throw himself off the gorge at this admission. There was no reason for Pikesplash to confirm that he had thought the ginger tom was cute. Maybe it was cruel. He only admits this because he believes if they were to figure out friendship, then he must be honest.

"As for crawling into your nest..." His face feels hot and he's certain he's taken on a pink tint. "I don't know why I did that, I'm so sorry if that made things even more confusing. I don't blame you for avoiding me. I... I thought you hated me." Ah why is this so hard? He shakes his head to shake away the notion. No, we needed this. Silver paws shift before he smiles at Coyotecreek, "I don't think we need to start over, but if you would like to, then I would be happy to Coyotecreek. And what did he do this time?"
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / taken / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou