pafp GOLDEN BREAK [ ✦ ] mountain stories

Heavy Snow is not a very social cat. Admittedly, it is difficult for him to form attachments in the clan outside of the family he had already established with Brightshine and her sisters. Slowly, he is starting to warm up to the cats around him though. Cats who he finds himself growing respect towards. Sootstar is not among them, in his eyes she is nothing more than a means for his family to stay together, to stay safe. Stick with the evil you know that is what he believed. He thinks she is volatile but so is Chilledstar, so it Cicadastar. At least he knew Sootstar cared for WindClan and would keep it safe, his family included. Though the looks she passes onto them does not escape him.

"Sunstride!" he calls out across the clearing, not caring about the looks some cats would shoot him for disturbing the peace. He had wanted to get the toms attention before he rushed off to do whatever it was he had to do today. He knows he is busy, being a new father and also deputy, but he is someone Heavy Snow respects and wants to get to know better. "Do you have a spare moment to share a meal with me? I wanted to ask you about your life in the mountains, it is where I came from as well and I was wondering if you would perhaps like to exchange tales" he would understand if the other was busy with his new responsibilities but he did hope he would say yes.

// please wait for @SUNSTRIDE
✦  .   ˚ .   WindClan is a difficult place, of this Sunstride is wholly aware. Though he had a far easier time than some due to the very nature of his existence — bold and unrelenting in the fact of any adversity — it still gave him trouble. There were clanmates even now that he was uncertain of. What they thought of him or said of him to others they came across, he could not know. Surely in some eyes, he was still the rogue. For all the moons that he had been here, that would remain. Unfamiliarity. Uncertainty. He could hardly blame them for it. Especially when it is that which he turns upon the others. Brightshine and Heavy Snow have withdrawn from the clan in the months before. Their reactions to any day's news had seemed....muted. He could not blame them for that, even if it left him wondering what they would be to this clan.

Not friends. Not thus far.

Heavy Snow calling out for him is met with confusion for that very fact. His head jerks up, the mane around his throat jostling with the speed of motion. Wide seaglass eyes stare upon the pale tom, expecting some terrible news. Instead, there is warmth. Eagerness, not fear. It is a cruel piece of his past that has him wary of the question. Though his shoulders settle and his face begins to soften, instinctually the newly named deputy curls around this wound. Too many would use it against him. Too many would discredit his love for this clan with the knowledge that his heart had not always belonged here. Yet Heavy Snows speaks of his own past. How he too was bound to the mountains, and how he wishes not to judge, but to share. Contemplative wariness bleeds to a tentative warmth of its own, and Sunstride nods his assent with a slowly spreading grin.

As they walk to the pile to pick their prey, he tosses the large warrior another curious glance. "Was your journey from your home a terribly long one? Perhaps our homes were closer than we would ever know. It has been some time since I spoke of them." Of home, he does not amend.

  • OOC.
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"

Harrierstripe listens in idely from where he lays. He had been vaguely aware Sunstride and Heavy Snow came from the mountains, but gave it very little thought. Though now that the topic made it to his ears again he wonders why they had not been apart of the journeying cats. One would think that they’d be able to lead those unfamiliar with mountain terrain with relative ease, but he supposed… they did not volunteer for a reason.

If Harrierstripe had to guess, it was likely due to the litters they both had just fathered.

He snorts, when he took a mate and had kits he vows to never let that stop him from being where his clan needs him most. For Sunstride and Heavy Snow, he is confident their place was in the mountains fetching lungwort.
  • » Harrierkit . Harrierpaw . Harrierstripe
    » WindClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Beetlenose is not from the mountains. But she had not been born in WindClan, either– before WindClan it had been the marsh colony; before the moors, she'd toddled through grass plush with wetness and reeds. But she's also been here since the beginning. Surely no cat would question Beetlenose's loyalty to the moorlands she now races beneath. Nicked paws fold over each other as she settles somewhere astride Harrierstripe and listens in to Heavy Snow and Sunstride's back-and-forth. Late leaf-fall sun warms her dark, dust-coated pelt, and the molly rolls onto her side to soak up the warmth. Finally, some levity. It's nice, as long as she ignores Harrierstripe's sour expression.

"I wanna hear, too," the dark-pelted warrior rumbles from where she lays, forepaws stretching as she finds her comfort. Maybe they should round up all the kittens for a fun storytime, but that's more effort than she's currently willing to exert.
Their father's voice booms across camp, not the sickening rumble of thunder overhead, but what Downykit imagines would be the steady baritone of clouds were they close enough for them to hear them. Their pale head is pulled from whatever they'd been investigating—today the wrinkles of a wilting gorse flower—by his familiar tone. The huge white shape of Heavy Snow trots gaily across camp, unburdened by a size that seems gargantuan to the runty kitten, and in his bellows sits an invitation.

"Heavy Snow!" They scamper over just as Sunstride accepts, consciously slowing down at the marble pillars of Heavy Snow's legs in order to avoid skidding right into the deputy. (It feels borderline sacriledge to touch the WindClan deputy anyway. The father of Rivekit and Featherkit certainly passed it on to them.) "Heavy Snow, I would please like to hear the tales too thank you," they pant, then dip their head towards Sunstride like they've seen other warriors do. It feels like the right thing to do. "I'll be quiet," Downykit promises softly.​
Her father is easy enough to spot when she is paying attention since his fur shines just like her own. The disturbance of the peace is nothing to her, but she notices the way cats move toward Heavy Snow that something is happening. Not wanting to be left out, especially as she saw Downykit streak past, Heathkit lets out a loud squeak and races after them.

Sunstride's position is lost on her, so her comparative irreverence in the presence of the large brightly-colored deputy is in a stark contrast to Downykit's hasty head dip. Heathkit parts her jaws in a wide yawn as she attempts to settle down at Heavy Snow's side. Yes, this is a good place to nap—would they all nap together, she wonders.


Her knowledge of the mountains is fairly small and fairly fresh. The place her clanmates have been sent to in search of yellowcough’s cure is far away - perhaps further than Sparrowpaw can possibly imagine. It’s an unfathomable expanse, though, sometimes she hardly believes the distance from her current home to her birthplace in the barns.

Heavy Snow and Sunstride once lived within the journey’s destination - she’s heard this before, but nothing more of their mountain-dwelling lives. Until now, it seems, as the former requests tales from the latter. Intrigue pulls at her, a curiosity toward the journey her clanmates currently make; the journey Heavy Snow and Sunstride have already made.

Quietly, she approaches, moving to settle among those who have already made their way over to the two. “May I listen too?”​