camp GOLDEN HEART // singing

The morning was proving to be a lazy and quiet one, which wasn't how Shiningsun wanted to have it. The large tom sauntered through the camp with a spring in his step as he used his bushy tail to sweep away the dust and stray leaves from the camp's clearing, all the while singing at the top of his lungs for all to hear. "It's a wonderful moooooorning! It's a beautiful daaaaay! The sun is shining, so lets say hip-hip hooray! Beam a glorious smiiiiile! Pass it along todaaaay~!" Admittedly he wasn't the best of singers, but he sang with a sense of infectious purity and joy that was hard to ignore.

The bouncing, singing tom gradually approached one of the other felines who happened to be sat in a sunspot and he attempted to throw a foreleg around the cat, hugging them close against his broad chest. "It's a wonderful moooorning! It's a beautiful daaaay! So lets sing togetheeeer! Lets dance it all awaaaay~!" He released the unfortunate feline from the hold before he waltzed around them, still sweeping the ground with his tail as he went.


Shallowpaw was too busy staring at Rabbitnose back to even notice the danger that was coming his way until it was already too late. Before knowing it his personal space had got intruded on as a foreleg was thrown over his shoulder. Shallowpaw's eyes went wide as he got pulled into something big and fluffy. Didn't make it any better that his ears got tormented by some awful sound that to his ears sounded like someone who was in an agony pain rather than singing of joy. He didn't like any of it. The introvert would lift up both of his front paws to try push himself away from the much taller and bigger warriors chest so he could get away from the extrovert, and all while doing so Shallows head was as far away from them as possible.

Thankfully he was able to get himself free, or rather the warrior spared him by letting them go.

Shallowpaw would cast a disturbed look over Shinningsun's direction wondering what on earth he was doing. Was he sick or had he gone mad?. Why on earth would he make such anguish sounds?. Unsure what had fallen over their superior he nervousely shifted his gaze around looking like a confused ghost. He then decided to keep his gaze as far away from the golden tom as possible. Feeling extremely uncomfortable with a desperate wish to get away from this one or at the very least create space between them the introvert did the only thing he could think about in this situation. He would start to take sideways steps away in hope to get away from them. Whatever was happening or going on, Shallow wanted no part in it.


As if the universe was looking for a way to balance out Shallowpaw’s reasonable reluctance to Shiningsun’s sudden singing, Shinekit shot forth from the nursery. The similarly-named nincompoop had been taking a nap, one unfairly forced on him by a queen particularly annoyed with his antics, but now that was all out the window. The kit couldn’t get enough of the sight before sky-blue eyes, and decided he just had to join in.

Hopping rhythmically from paw to paw, Shinekit tried his best to match Shiningsun’s movements, but doubts began to dig into him. “Am I doing it right?” he wondered, slowing for a moment. “Maybe he’ll get angry at me for doing it wrong?” The worries were ridiculous, he knew, but they clung like a tick to his mind. Shinekit tried to push them down and keep going, keep having fun with others like he always loved. “It’s a beautiful morning, its a beautiful day!” he started, voice shaky and uncertain. “let’s…play the day away!”

There was a fleeting moment of satisfaction at coming up with his own rhyme, but that too was soon replaced with more meaningless worry. Would Shiningsun be mad at him for changing the lyrics?​

Staying still might have spared Shallowpaw from attracting more of Shiningsun's attention, but now that he was attempting to get away it was enough to warrant a second round of joyous torment. Like a raptor the large tom spun himself round in order to lock his sights on the other once more with the plan on pulling the other into a dance. However, someone else promptly pulled his attention away from the less willing apprentice. Shiningsun raised his brow ridges up in surprise as he watched Shinekit attempting to mimic his movements, and then even attempting to sing along with the song! At first his expression was blank, then it erupted into a wide smile as his eyes practically sparkled with happiness.

"The sun is shining! Chasing the clouds awaaaay! So lets say hip-hip-hooray as we start to play!" As if he would ever be angry with anyone, especially not at Shinekit. The warrior was just happy to have someone who actually wanted to join in with the fun and song, and he liked the additional lyrics. It wasn't like he was singing a well established song, he was pretty much making it up as he went along. Being very mindful of his paws, he then attempted to jump cleanly over the kit, and after landing he flattened himself completely to the ground. With a small gesture of his head he invited Shinekit to try the same move on him. It honestly didn't matter if the kit landed on him, he was a big guy with a whole lotta fluff, so a soft landing.

Basilpaw was the least likely of the sort to go around parading as Shiningsun currently was. Swaying around camp, grabbing onto his peers and singing his odd little tune. The apprentice was nearly the entire opposite. Silent enough to compete with an owl in flight, and hardly a talker in the first place. The chocolate point watched out of curiosity on how this would exactly... go down. He imagined Shallowpaw would retaliate, but it seemed his peer was making a silent getaway. Had Basilpaw been in a lesser mood he might have shared the same thoughts as Shallowpaw, but he was maybe entertained?

"Where do you come up with your songs." He asked, letting his curiosity push at him.