pafp GOLDEN HOPE // gift


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

He didn't like to see Sunnyday sad, to watch him being treated like everything he did was wrong or bad. Shallowpaw didn't care what anyone had to say about them in this clan. His opinion on them would never change. Shallowpaw's life had changed thanks to them even if this clan had not turned out to be the place he had been hoping for. Even if he never would get acknowledged in the way he wished for. There was one cat who always had thought there was good in him who looked past where he came from who never had stopt believing in him. Sunnyday. They had saved him, and after living through his first leafbare could now say for sure he never would have made it this far without them. If they hadn't reached out a paw to them at that time Shallowpaw wouldn't have been here now, and for that he would always be grateful to them. No one had ever believed in him before until he had meet them.

That was why when he had spoted that colorful feather belonging to some unkown bird that probably didn't even come from here but might have escaped their twoleg cage and end up leaving aa feather behind, Shallowpaw could only think of one cat as he stared down at this colorful bright colors in red, orange and golden. Sunnyday. He was not good with words. He never had been. Shallowpaw had been teached early on from his own mother that his voice was unimportand, that his voice was a unpleasant sound to listen to which was why he had silent his own voice. Just when he had thought he had found it again, feeling like he could use it reality had crushed down on him. Now he was back at it again to be unseen.

Shallowpaw decided this feather might be a good way of trying to reach his feelings to Sunnyday, having found a way to hopefully cheer them up. Because if there was anyone he did not liked to see sad it was the old man. So the apprentice returned back with the rest of the patrol the feather carefully put inside of his mouth, refusing to answer any questions his clanmates might have tried to pull out of him. They where not important. He didn't care about them.

Once settled back in camp the dark blue lynx went straight in his search for the golden tom not stopping until he found them. Shallowpaw had never been good at making his apperance known so he literally stopt behind the older tom without even making a sound and once the senior would turn themselves around would found Shallowpaw there staring at them with the feather of sun and fire in his mouth. Without a word at first the apprentice placed the feather down at their paws before looking back up at them with unblinking eyes. " Thank you for thinking i could be good." There was something off about his words, a secret message left unanswerd. But it was the truth.

// prompt 4 - gift to special cat


Head down, stay out of the way. He decided that would be the best course of action in the meantime following what had occurred in order to maintain the status quo. Though he wouldn't lie, he was feeling a darker slither of emotion deep in his heart. That grim tunnel of thought that left him reconsidering his position in the clans. What if he had never become part of their world? What would things have been like if he had become a kittypet? Would it have been better? Worth the thought at all? Hell, what if he had been part of another clan entirely?

Sunnyday had been sat alone at the edge of the camp idly fiddling with a few of the flowers adorning the camp wall. He just wanted to feel busy in some way or form, even if the task was minimal and didn't offer much in terms of practical benefit to the clan as a whole. Though in his distraction he remained unaware of Shallowpaw's approach, that is until he decided to turn and shuffle to the next section of wall. The warrior got a fright when he came to discover the young tom, a state that became apparent in the way he flinched and fluffed up. "Y-young Shallow! I didn't notice you there." He stammered as he tried to climb down from the rush of a good scare.

Though what did Shallowpaw want of him at that moment? Slowly his eyes clocked the unusual looking feather and he looked genuinely surprised to see such a thing. "Goodness, what sort of bird did that come from? It's beautiful!" He was in awe, but he swiftly found himself gawking at the apprentice with a level of uncertainty.

Could be good.

The words sat heavy on his mind and it prompted him to step closer so he could aim to set a paw atop Shallowpaw's head so he could ruffle the fur in that old familiar way. "You are good, Shallow. My young Shallow. Now then, where did you find this feather? It's really something."

Shallowpaw didn't even blink his eyes, unfazed over the fact he might have startled them. Maybe he hadn't even noticed it. He was staring at them looking expectantly. That smile. He wanted to see that smile but much to his own disappointment didn't get to see it. That pulled his mood down a bit. To answer the question of where the feather came from Shallowpaw would just give a shrug of his shoulders. He had no clue. He had just found it laying around he guess. " I thought you might like it." Did he though?. Shallowpaw had a hard time figuring that out.

The warrior suddenly stepped forward and suddenly he felt that familliar comforting paw on top of his head, ruffling around in his fur like they always did. Shallowpaw remained staring while secretly liking this lil moment between the two. He wished it could last forever. You are good. Words were left heavy inside of his chest. Sunnyday was the only one who thought that way. " On the ground." he answerd to the other question, letting the other comment disappear with the wind. " I could show you."


"I do like it, it was very kind of you to give this feather to me." At last a smile adorned his features as he gazed down at the apprentice. Slowly he removed his paw from Shallowpaw's head before shifting it to paw at the feather as he marvelled at the soft texture. "I would like that, who knows, perhaps we can find more." Or maybe even the creature it came from. He assumed it was a bird anyway, but certainly nothing he had ever seen before. However, he didn't want to risk losing the feather he already had, especially if the kits found it. "Let me stow this one in my nest before we go. I'll be just a moment." Picking it up, he then hurried to the warriors den so stash the feather in his nest before returning to Shallowpaw's side.