private golden hour l bone


good fences, good neighbors
Sep 10, 2022

/pre flood

The deep sigh that presses through Wolve's jaws like a big steam engine finally coming to a stop, shooting cloudy haze through the frigid night air. It unweaves his aching muscles, a quiet overtaking besides the crunch of snow as they trail along the river. The kits are safely with Fogpaw and the queens in the nursery and for the first time in what feels like forever, he and Bone are finally alone again. Wolve looks over at his mate, admiring her with a small smile under the steady spotlight of the moon. He peppers kisses and licks along her face and neck, reeling his head over her in a hug and careful not to put his weight over her. Giving her all of the affection that he feels like she's sorely missed lately.

Even though their relationship isn't secret anymore, he finds that he has to actively remind himself that it's all fine now. He doesn't need to worry about if Pitch would approve of a loser like him schmoozing his aunt or having his mate being tortured by that impotent Starclan and its consequences anymore. Yet he misses Flickerfire, Turtlenose, that weirdo Barkbreath, and even some of those mouthy little apprentices. The thought that he might have to one day face one of the kids he saw grow up in battle one day is something that flutters like a poison in the back of his mind. What would Tendriltail and the late Dogear think about him now? These thoughts still plague them but when he's with his woman, this life bringer-- enveloped in her scent, seeing her with their children. It all hazes away for the time being. If only he had the poetic nature to speak so romantically what he thinks.

"Hm. How are you holding up?" The titan murmurs, reluctantly pulling away so they can continue their walk. His toes are feeling frozen over already but he ignores it, watching the stars reflect in the quietly exposed shards of the water. "Ready for more kits?" Wolve nudges Bone and chuckles but he remembers clearly how painful it was for his woman and he wouldn't want to inflict that on her again. Not unless it was her idea to begin with this time. He feels somewhat guilty about their carelessness. They would have been well and truly fucked if Riverclan didn't allow them in and that's a humbling he doesn't think he'll ever get used to. At the same time, he never expected to be so happy. His life has a real purpose now, at least that's how it feels.


These days have been soothing for her. Soothing in a way that her former home had never been to her. It's nice to be able to relax and not have to worry about too much at one time. To not have what felt like the weight of the world on her shoulders. To not have so many accusatory eyes and too much of high expections on what little knowledge that she knew. It's better this way and she feels better, feels calmer and she has a mate that loves her. Loves her for all her faults and all her strengths. Sometimes she feels like she doesn't deserve him. They are such opposites yet they seem to fit together so well and she really cares about him. More so than he can probably fathom. A part of her is sad she has pulled him into all of this. Really he could have gone home, back to Shadowclan if he wanted. But he came with her and for that she is grateful. Will always be grateful. A soft purr rumbles in her throat as they walk together. Her burning gaze so soft at the moment.

She chuckles sweetly when he starts to shower her with affection, amusement in her eyes but she relishes it. It's nice. "Something must have gotten into you." The woman jokes softly as she presses herself against him. Her head gently rubs against his chin as she sighs gently. It's a beautiful night with a handsome tom to boot. She's never been one for public shows of affection and yet here she is now. On their private walk, showing him all she can. Her tail gently weaves with his thicker one and she can't help but to think about his question seriously. "Better than I have since all this mess began honestly. I think we will do better here. I hope we do. I want our family to be loyal, to love one another and to thrive. For us to be happy." She mutters gently as she presses closer to her mate. Her solid rock. But then she scoffs as he speaks about kits. Her paw lifts to cuff his ear gently.

"Don't even think about it. At least not for a while. Maybe when our current ones grow up to be fine Riverclanners, hm." The queen then smirks a little and she nuzzles against his cheek then as she pauses to look at the ocean, some ice reflecting the moonlight. "I can't wait for newleaf to get here. All this snow is a real bother."
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