camp GOLDEN MEMORIES [ eyes opening ]


the loveliest lies of all
Nov 3, 2024
( ) morning dawns bright and clear within shadowclan territory. a thin layer of frost sparkles from the surroundings, shine reflected by the brilliance of the sun. a warmer day than the last, but no less frost laden. the clan is up and at their patrols when mushroomkit has her revelation.

"mrwwaaa?" stretching sleepily beside her siblings, mushroomkit blinks hazy blue eyes in wonder and confusion. she can see, not well, but still. her optics widen and narrow with wonder, a grin growing on her tiny maw.

her little brain has still not quite wrapped itself around the idea of being alive, so this new thing is going to take some getting used to. the world around the autumnal she-kit is fuzzy, but as she narrows and widens her gaze, things come into focus. the moss beneath her tiny paws (green, springy, doesn't taste good), her siblings' fur (mixtures of pale brown and snow white), her mother's eyes (honey yellow, bright as the sun, once she figures out what that is.) her own optics will change to a similar cirine in time, but right now they resemble a clouded sky, and it is with these cloudy eyes that she gazes around the nursery.

soft, slumbering shapes occupy other nests, and she chitters a soft, kittish statement as she turns back to herfamily. her mother is much taller than her, soaring above like the highest of trees. her fur is a swirl of hazy gray. mushroomkit stares up at her with adoration and reverence, letting out another high pitched "mrowl!" of approval.

  • // parents tag @MIRESTAR, @lilacfur, sibling tag @chirpkit, @Heartkit "#e28c18"
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    a longhaired chocolate torbie/red tabby chimera with low white and yellow eyes. long, silky fur dapples in colors reminiscent of the autumn, ginger leaves, golden wheat, dark earth combining to create a vision of a cat. they have short limbs and a thick, plush pelt, and their eyes are the piercing yellow of the moon on an autumnal night.
She'd come to the nursery for an unrelated reason — that's what she tells herself, anyway. But it's important to make sure the kits are getting enough milk, that the queens are keeping their strength up, and that there is no scent of sickness in the den. Marblepaw enters with that in mind, rumbling a quiet greeting to the cats within. When she meets Lilacfur's golden eye, she'll smile — quickly — and busy herself with something else.

But she can't avoid her mother and new siblings forever, and eventually, Marblepaw makes her way over. They are still so small — but their fur is fluffier, now, and one of the kits has begun to squirm and mewl upon her approach. "They're doing well, I hope? That one sure is energetic..." Marblepaw tilts her head, trying to remember this sister's name. Mushroomkit?

The little torbie in question wriggles, turning filmy blue eyes onto Lilacfur. Marblepaw gasps at the sight. "Oh! Her eyes are open!" She can't believe she'd just happened to be present for this moment — although, kin or not, she feels like she's intruding.

  • ooc:
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  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 10 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.


"I think so," says Mirestar, already purring up a storm as Marblepaw approaches. Their paws are always eager to return to their family's side when dawn breaks; maybe if the nursery weren't so crowded nowadays, they would try to move their nest here, though they assume neither medicine cats would approve much of the idea. They remain eternally grateful for Starlingheart and Marblepaw's attention on the young ones — with StarClan's blessings, none of them will feel the chill of early leaf-bare and catch a cold. Their heart would not be able to bear it.

And seemingly just to oppose that very idea, Mushroomkit speaks up.

For the very first time.

"Look!" The exclamation is an unnecessary one — Marblepaw has already spotted the recent development, and Lilacfur is soon to follow. Still, it erupts from their throat like a prideful roar. "Oh, of course you're the first one to open your eyes." The loudest of them all... and perhaps the fastest of them all, too.

Mirestar's head rests on their paws; the only way they can reel themself back from invading Mushroomkit's private space while still giving themself the chance to investigate those newly-opened eyes. Sky blue, like any young kitten's. "Whose color do you think she will get?" they ask Lilacfur without looking at her.
( ) an unfamiliar voice reaches folded ears, and muted though it sounds, it catches mushroomkit's interest. she turns her head, seeking the source of the sound. blurry blue eyes fall on her older half-sister, the medicine cat's apprentice gasping as she witnesses what to her must be a big moment. to mushroomkit, it's just another day. "mmffrrm," she states, reaching out a tiny paw to attempt to bat at marblepaw's nose. a purr, too strong for one so small, rumbles in her chest, its intensity nearly knocking her over as she shakily crawls closer to the girl.

then there is a noise, like a golden ray of light, sun-warmth and fire and lion-like. mushroomkit's eyes widen, focusing on mirestar as they watch her with pride. "mraaaahh!" she celebrates with them, maw opening in something akin to a smile. pride seems to radiate from this familiar cat, and mushroomkit allows it to wash over her, tail wriggling as she basks in their warmth. their filmy blue gaze flicks back and forth from marblepaw to mirestar, then finally back to lilacfur, adoration glowing from her recently opened eyes.

  • // "#e28c18"
  • 89807571_ujTW8FphYlSq96F.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie/red tabby chimera with low white and yellow eyes. long, silky fur dapples in colors reminiscent of the autumn, ginger leaves, golden wheat, dark earth combining to create a vision of a cat. they have short limbs and a thick, plush pelt, and their eyes are the piercing yellow of the moon on an autumnal night.