pafp GOLDEN RULE - camp


the wonder of a fairy tale
Nov 7, 2023

Four moons old, Daisykit and his siblings were four moons old and he couldn't help but think about how he would be an apprentice now if that code hadn't been put into place. It wasn't his fault he kept thinking about it, there were murmurs of others mentioning it around the nursery, about how if kits were still apprenticed younger than six moons then there'd be more paws to go out and hunt, more time to go out and train... he was pretty sure they were just complaining because they wanted new nests or couldn't reach a tick or a flea easily and wanted more paws to help pick them out. The blue feline wasn't sure how he felt about it, about not being an apprentice yet forced to stay within the camp. He was curious now about the world outside the camp - though not super curious - and he was spending less time in the nursery now that it was warm outside, now that the nursery was getting stuffy with the newleaf heat and the new cats that lay within it.

At least, usually Daisykit was outside the nursery more. Today he was opting to stay inside, curling tightly into a ball as he wrapped one paw around his face and the other around his stomach as a loud - exaggerated - groan left the kit's maw. He felt like everything hurt, a pain that had first erupted within his mouth had soon traveled down to his stomach as well and with the inability to eat due to the pain he couldn't relieve one without causing the other to worsen. The tossing and turning from a nap he'd taken previously hadn't helped either, he was sure he had kicked someone on accident, unable to get comfortable in any position and instead opted to go into the one he was in now where he had been sitting for, what seemed like to him, forever.

  • @FLUFFYKIT @weedkit @butterflytuft
    please wait for at least one of them to post before posting!

    he's starting to lose his baby teeth and is in pain b/c of that ~
  • 74552753_0pIQpDakQalkZSq.png
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    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Of the three of them, Daisykit is certainly the more rambunctious; it’s sad, Fluffykit thinks, to see him curled up in the nest they share with Butterflytuft, his mouth twisted in a grimace of pain. She can commiserate. Her mouth is under what feels like immense pressure, and only chewing will relieve what sits just under her gums and aches, aches.

She parts her jaws now and runs the furry tip of a paw along her fangs, her mouth etched into a frown. “Your teeth hurt, too, huh?” She lets out a low whimper, her face crumpling. The more she watches her brother writhe about, the more pain she feels like she’s in. “Mamaaaaa,” she begins to wail, her tail thumping on the ground beside her. “Our teeth hurt, Mamaaaaa…

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Howlfire's kits had long since left the nurser, but that didn't stop her from visiting time to time when there was enough of a lull in her duties. She is there to see no queen in particular for a change but finds herself drawn over to the wailing emitting from Butterflytuft's nest. "Oh, stars, what's happening here?" Howlfire mewed, speaking to Butterflytuft first and then flicking her gaze down at the kits. There doesn't appear to be anything outwardly wrong with them at least, and she was sure if something serious was bothering them Butterflytuft would have had her whole brood lined up outside of the medicine den hoping for a check up. "Whatever is all the fuss about?" She asked gently, lowering her head to speak with the kits.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Heheheh.... silly babies....

They couldn't deny the certain fondness they had for this particular brood... perhaps it was a bias that seated its foundation in the softness and welcoming smile of their mother. Seeing Daisykit rolling about like those little dirt bugs was quite amusing and at first, they assumed this to be some kind of game. Where they pretending to be worms? That isn't how Edenpaw remembers them moving... but then Fluffykit is whining something and soon, a shrill cry for 'Mama'. Her first word... and still her favorite, clearly.

Plodding over to the two sniveling kits, they glance between the two before hunkering down to their eye level and offering a small frown that feigned great seriousness. "Your teeth, eh?" What a dilemma, they think with playful amusement. "Maybe they're about to shed," they suggest, choosing stubbornly to ignore Howlfire's question or answer it either. "Yeaahhh, you guys are almost all grown up now." A sage wisdom given from their own personal experience not that long ago, in the grand scheme of things, at least, not nearly as long ago in comparison to the old lady next to them.

"I bet Fireflypaw knows a spell to make them feel better... Dawnglare's gotta know too, obviously, but he likes to eat the baby teeth I think."
  • Haha
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
At the call of her kits, Butterflytuft is hardly a few strides away. She hurries on small but swift paws, ears pricked and eyes round with concern. She arrives at the same time Howlfire does, and she looks to her former denmate with a worried look. "I-I don't know," She admits, jittery. When Howlfire turns the question onto her kits, the queen follows her gaze, echoing, "Your teeth? Wh-what's wrong with your teeth?" All logic leaves her mind, where only fear now lingers. "D-Dawnglare! Fireflypaw!" She is already swinging her maw around to yowl for the medicine cat and his apprentice, her pelt prickling uneasily, before Edenpaw is crouching and murmuring comforting things, which just so happen to bring the she-cat back down to earth.

Oh. That's right. Kitten teeth do fall out. Now that the apprentice mentions it, she does remember that horrible feeling back when she was just a kit. She crumples a bit to her belly with relief, feeling embarrassment wash over her. "Oh yeah...teeth do hurt when you're about to get your grown-up teeth," She adds on, feeling more relaxed now. Still, she frowns, hating to see her little ones in pain. "Oh, you poor, poor little babies..." Her cooing voice comes back out, always on the tip of her tongue, as she leans forward to swipe a comforting tongue across both Daisykit and Fluffykit's ears.

Springpaw remembers the first tooth she had lost. She had cried and cried and cried and likely her crying had made Pumpkinpaw cry too. Roseblaze had had to console her and even then it wasn't until Cricketchase had come and told her that her loosing her baby teeth only meant she was growing up into a big strong warrior that she had finally calmed down. Everyone lost their teeth and grew back new ones, he had said and that had been the end of that. It had hurt and it had been uncomfortable but she had gotten through it.

Like Edenpaw, Springpaw held a certain fondness for the kits of Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish. Butterflytuft had always been kind to her in the nursery when she was a kitten, and her litter is one that she considered herself close with. They were only a couple of moons younger than her, after all. She comes to stand next to her fellow apprentice, putting down the mouse she was bringing to the nursery from the fresh kill pile. The tenderness in which Butterflytuft speaks to her kits makes her heart ache, a longing for her own mother finding its way into her chest but still, she wears a soft smile on her face. "You guys will be little warriors before you know it!" she says with a purr, fluffy tail waving in the air. Soon, in just a couple of months, they would even be ready to join her in the apprentices den.
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  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training