golden sunrise | thunderclan patrol

Sep 13, 2022
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
The sun was still rising along the horizon, painting the skies above fluorescent shades of mandarin orange and pastel pink. He moved in silence for the most part, the only noise coming from the occasional crunch of foliage under paw. Flint hued eyes flicker from one side to the other, pausing briefly when they reach the border both thunder and skyclan share. How were they after the fight with windclan? He wondered if they were just as victorious as both river and shadowclan before them. If so, then well, the warmongering clan's reputation as the strongest in the forest was sorely lacking. The scent of pine grows stronger as he turns to mark thunderclan's side, leaving the others to do the same. "Windclan's senseless brutality will be their downfall one of these days." He murmurs, breaking the silence after some time. It was a miracle the clans did not band together to eradicate the blight that was the moor dwelling cats from existence. (@MOUSEPAW ! @Rabbitnose @BURNSTORM !)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road



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Figfeather treads along the outskirts of the territory. A pink nose twitches in hopes of getting a whiff of prey despite her recently satisfied belly, the flavors of squirrel still linger on her tongue. She may be full, but she wouldn't be anymore as the sun rose and set, and her aside, the clan needed food too!

The low chittering of nearby cats causes a mrrow? to rumble out of her throat, it had to be ThunderClan. The border was only several fox-lengths away now. Being the social butterfly she was her three paws begin to move as a rear limb dangles awkwardly in the air.

She recognizes the cats at the border, Silverlightning and Rabbitnose are well-known warriors of ThunderClan. Burnpaw was a former clan-mate, she didn't see him often anymore but it was always a pleasure. The young calico apprentice- that was Mousepaw wasn't it...? Figfeather is the least familiar with her, maybe this encounter would change that.

"Hey," She dips her head in greeting, a warm smile taking over her face. "Hope things on ThunderClan's side of the forest? I hope the boars haven't given you more trouble." Figfeather looks them each up and down for signs of trauma. She's never seen a boar, heard of them though... they didn't sound like anything she'd want to mess with!
Mousepaw trots at Silverlightning’s side, noticing—not for the first time—how she’s still so much shorter than the former mountain cat. The mostly-white she-cat pouts, thinking about how tall some of the other apprentices are. Sparkpaw is nearly their father’s size, and Moonpaw and Burnpaw are both so much bigger than they are. She knows she’s likely doomed to tininess forever, but she does not want to admit it.

Silverlightning murmurs something about WindClan’s brutality. Mousepaw nods, thinking about how scary it must have been for Howlingstar, Flamewhisker, and Oakfang to be cornered by Sootstar on their own territory. “They’re scumbags!” She declares. “I hope SkyClan is okay.

A golden figure appears, and Mousepaw scrutinizes her for a moment. She hasn’t been to too many Gatherings, but she knows Figfeather. She’s Daisyflight’s kit, and Daisyflight was the SkyClan deputy moons ago. The apprentice tilts their head as Figfeather greets them. “We’re doing much better! The boars left,” she explained, her tail swishing behind her. “Hope those nasty WindClanners didn’t hurt SkyClan too bad! I hope you sent them all packing!

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Rabbitnose has to agree with his daughter. Ever since he heard Windclan tried to cut across THEIR territory to fight another clan, he felt something burning inside. The audacity. The nerve. Windclan truly thinks themselves above the rest of the forest, because of what, they don't have trees? They have a clear view of the sky? Please. That only means their sins are laid bare before the stars to judge.

He smiles at Mousepaw, having said what he wanted to say. He sets to work marking the border. He can only hope that Thunderclan isn't Windclan's next target for their refusal.​

His first patrol with his new warrior name. It feels strange to be going on a patrol without Flycatcher or Roeflame there with him and while a large part of him celebrated his new independence and his accomplishment, he found a small part of him missed that familiar gray tabby pelt. He follows along with the others dutifully though, making idle chatter when it was appropriate.

In his opinion, ShadowClan had the right idea in closing themselves off to the others. He thinks to himself that's what ThunderClan should be doing, worrying about no other clan but theirs. So what if WindClan wanted to attack SkyClan? That was their business. At least that's what he wants to think. He does not want to care about the clan that he shared blood with, that he once shared a home with but as his golden eyes land on Figfeather across the border he finds that he is looking her over for wounds, wondering if Howlpaw and Fireflypaw are alright.

His whiskers twitch in amusement at Mousepaw's words. Always the loudmouth that one but he doesn't mind it. "Figfeather" he says dipping his head in polite greeting to what was once a clanmate. Mousepaw asks how SkyClan is doing and he stares, waiting for the answer, shuffling his shadowed paws nervously, the obvious question he dares not ask in his gaze. How are Howlpaw and Fireflypaw? How is my father?




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather's eyes glow with relief at the news the boars had finally left. This wasn't only a relief for ThunderClan, but all the clans, if the boars had migrated into SkyClan's territory she wasn't sure what they would've done...

Then Mousepaw notes WindClan and she dips her head gratefully, "Thanks to ThunderClan's warning Blazestar was able to get a patrol out on the territory quickly. I didn't get to go- but I heard they were sent running quick." This makes her grin, pride for her clan pulses through her veins.

Burnpaw greets her and she returns it with a polite "Burnpaw," unaware of his new title as a warrior.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
In regard to Mousepaw's enthusiastic outburst the grey eyed warrior chuffs softly, expelling a soft puff of something akin to thinly veiled amusement. She certainly had some choice words for the moor dwelling clan. His ears flick in the direction of the marmalade tabby emerging from the undergrowth, revealing Figfeather. With a simple scan she seems to be alone for now, perhaps enjoying a simple solo excursion, or the rest of her group was dreadfully slow in their approach. Either way, he remains silent as his apprentice answers the warrior's inquiry concerning the boars and in turn looks to Figfeather for an answer about windclan's invasion.

His chin tips ever so slightly at the news. Flamewhisker seemed to have made it in time to help prevent what could have easily been a massacre in the dead of night. Silverlightning blinks slowly, long tail whisking behind in a methodical manner. "I think it only fair that if skyclan were to fight then it would be on an equal or advantageous playing field." He murmurs in passing as he continues down the invisible scent line.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Fireflypaw wanders aimlessly behind his clanmates on this patrol, occasionally slipping over his own paws and debris on the ground- though he rights himself every time, shaking his fluffy paws out to rid himself of any leaves or dirt. ThunderClan's scent is close, and he finds himself shrinking behind Figfeather as she speaks to the patrol. His brother is right there, and with his massive size he might as well be sticking out like a sore paw behind the golden she-cat. He's doing a terrible job of hiding himself, he knows. But as Burnpaw greets Fig, Fireflypaw finally steps out from behind the she-cat to give the ThunderClan patrol a wave of sheepish greeting.

"Hello, everyone. I'm glad the boars are gone.. Must've been terrifying, dealing with them." He musters up the courage to say, though his eyes are directed elsewhere. Ghostly blue hues stare intensely into the distance, past the patrol, as if looking through the forests entirety. But nonetheless, he couldn't see anything. He wishes so desperately that Morningpaw could give him some advice on this situation, on what he could do- but she's in the stars, and he only had a few chances to see her. Perhaps he would ask her the next time he dreamt with StarClan.

"..Brother." He swallows back his nervous tone, trying his best to seem less affected by his brother's tone. Curt, to the point- his brother was always the type to hold grudges, perhaps he still hated him for choosing their father's clan over their mother's. He worries at his cheek, tail tapping against the ground- one, two, three, four. Good. ​

If the WindClan raid was over as quickly as Figfeather had claimed then it must have been a decisive battle in SkyClans favor. He nods his head, grateful for the news and he quiets, prepared to move on and go about his duties when the warrior across the border dips her head back to him and says “Burnpaw” for a moment his thick black pelt twitches but he wills it to settle. It is not Figffeathers fault that she did not know, after all.

He is about to correct her when golden eyes dart to a rustling behind her and out emerges his brother. Relief makes his heart flutter in his chest and he lets out a breath that he did not know he had been holding. "It’s Burnstorm now" he corrects, though his tone is more matter-of-fact then angry. He wonders how his brother might react to the news. Would it be the same way his sister had? He had not missed the look on Moonpaw’s face at his ceremony, before she had run off, though he wishes he had. He wonders for a moment if Fireflypaw would catch that he was named for their uncle, who’s passing he had surely heard of at the latest gathering. "It is good to see you in one piece Fireflypaw. Give Howlpaw my regards. I hope she and Blazestar are well." It’s as close to outright asking after the well being of his sister and his father that his pride would allow him but he manages, tail flicking steadily behind him as he waits for an answer.