pafp golden throne — bullying

die with memories , not dreams .
He stood awkwardly at the shoreline, expression blank despite the flutter of emotions Dawnstorm couldn’t quite make out in the confusion. His brows knitted, unwilling to go any further than to the very edge as icy water splashed across furred paws, tempting him to get into the frigid waters, but it was weird. Dawnstorm frowned, befuddled at the turn of events.

He had planned to catch fish, shoving his head into the water and hoping he didn’t get pulled under. It would be a familiar feeling if it happened. His father had been notorious for tossing him into the water as a young kit, unapologetic, that he had grown used to it, even.

He wasn’t horrible at swimming, but Dawnstorm had no confidence in dragging someone out of the water, drowning the both of them. It nearly happened when the rogues attacked. He had intended to drown the other like everyone else, but his paw had slipped, barely kept afloat. Maybe that was why his father was so grumpy. He was bulky and heavier. His fur was even worse with grooming.

It was why he requested to be a drypaw … although he still didn’t understand why it was called drypaw when he wasn’t even an apprentice. Or was he? Dawnstorm frowned. He still was getting used to clan customs, but he had seen others be called that, so really, why was it called that when their paws still got wet?

His mouth formed a silent ‘o’ hearing paw steps from behind, prompting him to turn, staring at the other from over his shoulder. He blinked languidly, brows wrinkling in confusion. “Hello?” He questioned, tone deadpan. Oh. I didn’t do that right. He thought, muttering. “Hello.” He repeated, firmer. I should ask Sasha—Wasn’t it Cedarblaze now? He blinked. Yes. Like wood. An odd way to remember and certainly would cause the other to give him a look for thinking of wood on fire whenever he misspoke her name. Or thought it.

“Are you a drypaw?” He inquired, helm cocked. Asphodelpaw was an apprentice. Maybe the other would give him more insight.

/ please wait for @Asphodelpaw !
thought speech