camp gomenne ;; meditation.

Time alone was more frequent than time with the people he loved, and he found it harder by the day to tolerate being alone in a den. He had Dawnglare, but the tom was more intent on preaching and babbling about the ways of the world and the cats around them to really have a genuine conversation half of the time. Not that he minded, considering that it'd be a bit awkward to expect Dawnglare to accommodate him with that much. So, he figured, one moment of rest and self-care was good for him. He marches out of the den with purpose, eyes shut tightly as he trudges through mud and over to a smooth rock to lay upon. Instead, he perches right on top of it and hums softly to himself.

Wind swept past his face, stirring his thick fur and making him sigh. Release, total calm- Firefly felt the anxieties in his bones melt right away. A soft prayer, questionable to who- though the Mother was always the assumption. Who else could he pray to, when StarClan was merely a host? Mother reigned all those alive, those who walked upon Her fur, blades of green grass. His ears twitch upwards when he hears a branch crack, not daring to turn to look. Too lazy.

"I can hear you. Somethin' wrong?"

Dawnglare's apprentice sure was something wasn't he? Dandelionwish still didn't know whether or not he was always like this or if the velvet red tom had molded him into this little miniature of himself. He wondered how Blazestar felt having his son and medicine cat act so similarly, though it looked as though the smaller point tom knew how to relax at least. He had been hunting around for a place to stretch for a moment, still not used to the camp and where everything was and he spotted the rocks at a distance. Eagerly making his way over, he had only noticed the ragdoll when he stumbled on a stick and shattered it, nearly tripping in the process but catching himself last minute before he went crashing into the mud.
"Ergh...pardon, Fireflypaw, was just lookin' fer a nice spot to sit in the sun. Ye mind company?" He smile danced across his maw, whiskers twitching, "Ah'll be right quiet as a mouse." Or close enough. He'd never been real good at the quiet game as a kit and he sure as hell wasn't going to start practicing it now. Without actually waiting for an invitation he clambers up, mud-dipped paws scraping stone as he tries to find proper footing without bumping his still injured limbs around too much; the exertion would be bad for them so he hoped he could just lay down and stretch without having to manuever around too much. "Oh, these're real nice." The flat stones in WindClan had a slight angle to them due to the sweeping hills, the unever ground and wind-kissed rolling moors; he had a much harder time getting comfortable on those. "Ye look a lil out'o sorts, need an ear to chew?"

He'd not seen Fireflypaw... well, much, since the others ascension to learning about medicine rather than warriorhood. Training for two separate paths, and with Twitchbolt's cautiousness often leading him to avoid the sting of injury, they'd just not been in the same places at the same times. Then the whole thing with his parents had happened, and... Twitchbolt had pulled himself away from most. Now, he... fretted, what a surprise, over the fact that Fireflypaw might think he was upset with him. For something- anything. But he wasn't, he'd never be. He'd been there that day, and it was no one's fault but... that fox, really. Not even the idiots who couldn't fight it.

The day was cautiously without much frigidity, the air no longer carrying that algid flare that coaxed coughing and shivering and sneezing. He met the breeze with a sigh that wove itself within the wind, and flecked eyes flickered over to the lilt of that- ex-medicine cat's voice. It was weird. WindClan cats were from his general experience cruel, stone-skinned, ravenous for thievery, but Dandelionwish seemed different. In his odd eyes there was no disdain for SkyClan cats as their usually was, and...

Meandering over, Twitchbolt's pawsteps trailed into nothing, bringing him to a halt a tail-length or so away from the pair. "The- sun's out..." he murmured, frayed voice soft and mildly bewildered. Fireflypaw had picked a pretty nice spot.
penned by pin ✧