gonna relax and renew [cooling off]



To say that Markiplier is settling into SkyClan well would be overselling the facts, just a bit. He’s here, and that’s one thing. He’s not one of them, none of the shelter cats are, and that’s another thing. At least he’d managed to find a home before the SkyClan cats had broken their friends out of the shelter. But the clan and all its cats, all its personality and strange traditions—it intrigues him. Markiplier can’t help but to stick around, because he wants to know more about the cats he’d gotten to know in the shelter.

If only it weren’t so hot outside.

The sun beats down on the group of cats he’s learning to patrol with, and Markiplier sluggishly trails behind the rest. He’s not alone—not totally brainless,—but it sure does feel like he is. Nobody’s pointing out any landmarks or telling him things he should know, and the guy leading the patrol seems to be getting more annoyed with each question that he asks. At this point, he just wants to go home and curl up right in front of the air vent. But just as he’s about to give up and complain, ask to go back, he spots his saving grace.

Off to the side, there’s a river, and it looks so nice and cool. Without thinking twice of it, the tom flicks his tail toward the guy leading the patrol and then sets off in the direction of the water. It’s so comfortable looking, much more natural than the stark white pond inside his house. He reaches the edge of the water at a leisurely trot, dipping a paw into it with a smile. "It’s a nice day for a swim," he suggests, looking over his shoulder back at the rest of the patrol. "What are the stepping stones for?" He gestures to the stones in question, shiny and wet with water that’s been splashed onto them. They look precarious, and the tom questions why anyone would use them to cross the river rather than just swim.
[ space was so cool… ]


The cadence of the Riverclan border was a song Quill had grown familiar with over months and months of patrolling. The sound of water rushing by, of wind whispering through the pine trees; it was all deeply soothing after the stint he'd spent in the shelter, where only the endless cries of cats and the banging of metal had filled his ears.

As was typical of the tom, Quill was up in the trees for the majority of their trek, his dark tabby coat blending into the shadows cast by the boughs even against the pale bark of the trees. The chimera was an excellent climber. Yes, he was a considerably large cat when it came to his height, all long, strong legs and broad shoulders, but he wasn't a bulky cat like Blazestar or Silversmoke, agile enough to master the trees above while still maintining enough muscle to throw his weight around if needed.

As the river came into view, Quill began his descent from the trees just in time to catch Markipliers curious words.

"Don't." he warned, the word falling sharply as his paws touched the forest floor. "Riverclan hunts in that water. We don't need them accusing us of trying to steal their fish." Quill explained, tone more even this time as he padded over to stand beside the other tomcat. "The river itself technically belongs to no cat, but it's safer to not give them a reason to complain."

Quill was very much aware that on technicalities alone, Skyclan could probably do whatever they wanted on their side of the river, but this wasn't about technicalities. It was about keeping the peace with their neighbors and not giving them anything to fuss about, the same way Riverclan didn't use any of the trees whose limbs hung over the river to hunt squirrels or birds.

"The steppings stones are really only used for the Gatherings. One a moon all the clans gather at a place called Fourtrees to exchange news and stuff. We use the stones to cross the river so we can get there." he said as he made his way over to a clump of tall grass to begin remarking the border.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
THE BURRLY BRUTE STARED BLANKLY, BROW RAISED AT THE statement, wanting nothing more than to whack the other over the head. He’s new, Duskpool. The brute reminded himself, willowy tail flickering in annoyance.

Molten copper optics drifted to Quillstrike, huffing in agreement. He sure as hell didn’t want to deal with RiverClan. Really. He didn’t want to deal with the drama that’d sure come with it if they were caught splashing in the water.

Duskpool shifted, bones creaking with the movement although it was more bearable than it had been during leaf-bare. Still, hurt like hell, but it wasn’t excruciating. “Maybe.” He began, flicking a paw to press against his aching eyes, already feeling the repercussions of yet another sleepless night. “‘S not a good idea.” He finished tone deadpan. “Nothin’ but drama it’ll cause.”

He made no move to speak further, deciding what the other warrior said was good enough, but it was up to Markiplier to actually listen. He wasn’t too keen on making another dip in the water after having to rescue one of his kits from drowning, not that he’d been any better of a swimmer.

thoughts speech
Image Wordlessly, he followed along with the patrol for experience and also an excuse from staying at the apprentices' quarters. He'd have to make small talk then, and that was just awkward. His single eye would watch the shelter cat as they planted numerous seeds and grew so many questions. He supposed he could understand the struggle of adjusting. As they carried along it seemed that Markiplier got sidetracked, as his paws carried away from the course that the patrol leader was setting. "Uh.." Was all the scarred tom would utter as to make it aware of the departing feline. Quillstrike was soon on it as he witnessed the tom return his paws to the ground and approach the other. Scorchedpaw would turn his head to Duskpool as he added his own two cents then remained as he was. The apprentice would ponder if other animals were as accepting as Skyclanners were. If he was a bird he was certain he would've been pushed out of the nest to die. The flame point would wrinkle his nose at the distasteful thought and shook his head to clear it. They weren't birds though, so he was safe.. for the most part. — tags

Despite how hot the sun is against Greeneyes' pelt, Markiplier's suggestion to swim in the river is... kind of an odd one, even if the idea of cooling off in the water is a tempting one.

"We don't... really swim," he informs the newcomer, tail swaying behind them. "That's sort of RiverClan's thing to do. You know, because they're named after the river?" Weren't all these cats supposed to be having lessons on this sort of stuff?

Markiplier asks of the stepping stones, and the warrior casts his gaze over to the river-borne pathway. For gatherings, Quillstrike explains to the newcomer - though every time Greeneyes looks at the stones, he remembers the coldest of days in leaf-bare, paws slipping against ice-covered rocks as he tried to cross in the midst of battle.

"I've used them to get to RiverClan before," he says as he moves along the border, "But that was for an emergency."
The tan-pointed tom carefully withdraws his paws from the water when a sharp voice warns him against it, and he’s surprised to see a dark figure when he glances back over his shoulder. It’s… that guy. He knows that guy. Quill-something. He’s still getting used to these cats and their weird names. The other tom explains that RiverClan only thinks they own the river, and for some reason that means SkyClan can’t go into the water. "Oh," he says, disappointment coloring his tone. He doesn’t want to cause drama, though, like Duskpool says, so he stands and sighs wistfully, looking down at the water as it ripples against the shore.

Green… uh. Cat With Green Eyes says that SkyClan doesn’t really swim, and a frown turns itself over on his muzzle. "So… you guys aren’t allowed to swim at all?" That’s sad, Markiplier thinks, if it’s true. What do they do on days like this, when it’s so hot it feels like his brain might just melt right out of his head? He wonders what else SkyClan isn’t allowed to do—are they allowed to cross those super conveniently placed stepping stones? That, at least, he receives an answer to. Quill explains that the stones are used to cross the river once a month for a get-together of all the clans.

"Will I get to go to a gathering? Do they take the whole day?" He’s getting eager, and it’s obvious in the way that his icy eyes light up. He wants to meet a RiverClan cat, or even a cat from an enemy clan like WindClan, but the dark-furred tom hadn’t mentioned what time their gatherings were at. If they take the whole day, he obviously can’t stay away from his owner for that long. He has to go home at some point.
[ space was so cool… ]