The day is surprisingly mild, the chilly breeze comforting rather than biting. The sun, high in the sky, is finally unobscured except by a small flock of geese. It’s a beautiful day, and what better way to spend it than with a walk through the territory? Of course, a simple walk isn’t all this is—for Clayfur, at least. The river territory is vast despite being flanked on three sides by other clans, and while the brown tabby has had his fair share of exploring it, there’s no way he’s seen all of it yet. So along with Darkpaw, the scruffy warrior pads along the riverbank, kicking occasionally at stray pebbles beneath his paws.

He’s drawn into easy conversation while they walk, pointing out features of the environment around them that he hasn’t noticed until now. That’s how their walk remains for a while until he spots a funny-looking rock poking out of the ground a few fox-lengths away. "Look at that," he chuffs, aiming to nudge gently at the younger tom with his shoulder. He tilts his head to the side, squinting until his vision blurs. When viewed like this, it almost looks like a big cat. Like, a huge one.

Now, Clayfur has heard stories of giant cats. Lions and tigers and the cats in the stories everyone believes in, the big cats that the clans are all descended from or whatever. But this rock, it looks a lot like Bigpaw from where Clay is standing. He grins at Darkpaw—much taller than the tabby would like for him to be, why can’t kits stay tiny forever? His nephews and nieces are growing up too fast! "What’s that rock look like to you?"

// pls wait for @DARKPAW !