Good byes are just long see you laters

Jun 7, 2022

This might seem expect or unexpected i suppose, but here goes nothing.

I am leaving Tabby Tales for good. I am realizing i am probably too far invest into things here and have done so much wrong by so many, i just think its best if i leave entirely. For the good of everyone and myself I suppose.

My intentions were to never hurt anyone, but i did and must face the consequences of my own actions even if they hurt a lot inside.

As for my character @Magpiepaᴡ , they can be assumed drowned in the river or disappeared. It doesn't matter to me at all.

Thank you for the time here,
Goodbye, Wolfie! I'm sad to see you go, but I understand and respect your decision. Your time here has been valued and we'll miss having you around. Thank you for being a part of this community, and I wish you all the best in everything moving forward!

Take care, and thank you for the time spent with us!