private GOOD COMPANY [orangepaw]


how boring, what a waste!
Mar 19, 2024
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
Roaringpaw's stay in Gentlestorm's den had lasted about a moon all due to his own bad decisions. Before he'd finally recovered from the meadow saffron poisoning, several faces had become his temporary denmates; Falconheart, Fallowpaw, and the ever-joyful Orangepaw. How the tom managed to always be smiling was absolutely baffling to him, nonetheless, he'd been incredibly happy to be visited by the younger apprentice.

So why not return the favor? The flame-point's usual disposition has returned, lethargy and solemnness no more, like a bright ray of sunshine after a particularly bad storm. Besides, seeing the orange-furred apprentice might prove to be good to him (avoids having to think about everything Skyclaw has said, or any of the others for that matter).

He pads into the den he'd grown used to with a squirrel hanging from his jaws (he's avoiding mice, still too afraid to eat them again). He might go back to bring something for the other patients and Gentlestorm himself after he checks up on Orangepaw, catches up with his denmate. Silently hoping the others don't take offense to this.

"Hey," He greets, trying to sound nonchalant to mask the worry muffled in his voice. He puts the squirrel down by Orangepaw's nest, looking at the broken leg of the tom. "How're you doing?"

OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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Reactions: ORANGEPAW.

his ears twitch back and forth as he finds himself finally lulling to sleep after a bit of time awake. he isn't so used to just being awake, and thus is trying his best to sleep whenever he can. it's not like he can do much of anything else. he doesn't leave the den. he limps to the entrance and then back in his nest. the pain is mostly nagging enough that he wants to just sleep it off. it's never that easy to sleep it off but the poppy seeds do help when he's given them. his ears twitch yet again at the shuffling of paws near him. his brows furrow and he pushes up with a blink. he yawns, sleepily smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, a tired smile gracing his features. it's roaringpaw. he liked roaringpaw– roaringpaw was really nice. he wouldn't mind if anyone interrupted his sleep but he especially doesn't mind when it's his friend.

"oh, hi!"

he blinks a few times to try and get the sleep from his eyes as he looks down at the squirrel. oh, more food. he can't quite say he's that hungry but he will ear a bit at least, espeically if roaringpaw went through so much effort.

"i'm okay! trying to uhm... heal! yes! how are you doing? you are feelin' better right?"

A pang of guilt courses through him at the sight of Orangepaw's tiredness. He couldn't do anything right, it seemed. Not hunt, not be a decent friend, not be a true ThunderClanner. He is half-inclined to turn around and leave, lie, say he forgot he had a patrol to go on. But he'd already interrupted the other's sleep, might as well just stay. Roaringpaw couldn't let the insults of others affect him.

He offers the orange-pelted apprentice a smile, genuine and all teeth. “Feeling much better.” Physically that was true, mentally not as much. His stomach didn't ache all the time anymore, nor was he fatigued. Going back to training was incredible, too— although it was a cruel irony of fate that Orangepaw happened to get injured a few days before he was released. “At this rate, we will only be denmates again when we're warriors.” He jokes, whiskers twitching amusedly. Lying down beside the nest to occupy less space, Roaringpaw stares off at Gentlestorm's herb storage. How many had been wasted on him?

“How long will it take for your leg to heal?” He mumbles quietly, wanting to keep his voice down to avoid bothering the others.