camp good intentions & interventions


He had tried to fish today. Fur is drenched and dripping, paws soaked in sunlit droplets, yet his talons are ivory and stainless. He had failed again, and again, and for a moment, he had almost thought that he hadn't. Hopes had quickly been crushed when the boy had dragged nothing more than sunken foliage from the bottom of the creek. It certainly was no raging trout. He returns to camp with his patrol, pelt warm with embarrassment and eyes narrowed with blazing frustration.

How could he call himself RiverClan? The morning light of dawn fills the camp with warmth, but Nettlepaw feels only the chill of ice in his veins. I'm tired, he laments to himself. Tired of everything.

Nearby, another apprentice settles down to pick at the flesh of a small fish. Nettlepaw can scent the prey as clearly as he felt the earth beneath his paws, and his ears twitch at the sound of teeth poking through shiny scales. Irritably, the boy stalks closer, lashes out with claws splayed and... the other apprentice cowers, eyes wide in confusion, but the paw does not fall upon them. The claws of Nettlepaw sink into the fish instead as he pulls it away with a burning glower, sightless vision intense upon the other feline.

"The code." Nettlepaw reminds bitterly. Did no cat remember the code? "You haven't taken anything to the queens or the elders yet." He points out. They had been on the dawn hunting patrol together. Nettlepaw knows. He may not be able to catch a fish, but at least he can still do some good for his clan. Right?

Dogteeth is panting lightly, having just returned to camp his sides heave a bit as he settles onto his ribs with a soft huff. so close to just cutting off all this fur , he thinks as the heat sticks his twisted coat to his frame. “ the code.” the blind apprentice’s voice snaps Dogteeth’s attention toward the pair. Nettlepaw’s claws lash out and grip at a small fish, one that the cowering apprentice had obviously picked out to enjoy. The blonde blinks quietly between the two, before standing and padded towards the scene.

It must be frustrating, being blind. To not see the colors the world so graciously offered, to watch the stars of silverpelt, to watch the reeds dance in the wind. Perhaps that’s what holds the candle to this young tom’s ire. Training can’t be easy.

" the code is very important…but perhaps the heat of newleaf can make us forgetful. " he hums, tail tip flicking idly as he studies the young one, the fervid display paired with the word code- showed passion, but there was certainly more burrs under the fur than just this particular incident. " why don’t you go check in on the queens and elders, little love. This fish isn’t swimming off anytime soon " the warrior kindly dismisses the other apprentice before eyeing Nettlepaw with a sigh.

" I sense you’re going to be one stringent mentor one day " he settles back down, hoping to stir Nettlepaw away from whatever thoughts were stewing behind sightless verdant eyes. " It’s a good thing " his brows furrow, he didn’t want to lecture the boy on being kinder or scold him that he could’ve accidentally struck his clanmate. It’s not necessary, he thinks, needle at a bear enough it’ll bite. Dogteeth recognized bridled and misdirected anger when he saw it, because in his own youth he had been, furious.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

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Tirelessly, Ferngill too had worked to no avail as an apprentice. It had taken moons for him to find the right groove, but it had happened eventually- that was the important thing, right? And he had faith Nettlepaw would get there eventually- especially with the tenacity he showed. Sure, it probably wouldn't make him super popular with his peers... but it came from a very good place, didn't it? A loyalty to RiverClan, undying...

Dogteeth always had an ability to bring humour into anything, wry smile upon his handsome face- he was good with words, and Ferngill could only nod along as he bounded over, a blazing light trying to bring some optimism is. "You remind me of someone I know, Nettlepaw," he chirped. "She's a fantastic, loyal warrior who cares about the code very much. Dogbite's right..." he purred, a flick of his tail, "It's a very good thing. We're lucky to have you." It was the sort of thing he'd wanted to hear when he'd doggedly failed at fishing a thousand times, too. Maybe it'd settle well on Nettlepaw's skin, his voice overflowing with earnestness.
penned by pin

When Eveningpaw settles down to eat, she doesn't think much of it. Why would she? You drink when you're thirsty and you eat when you're hungry — it's a natural part of life, instinct driving you forward.

So when Nettlepaw all but storms towards the fresh-kill pile and raises a paw, she can't stifle a shrill; "Hey! What-" The yowl of alarm slips from her maw and past the slimy scales, like a flinch, but it turns out to be unnecessary. Those sharp claws aren't meant for her. Nettlepaw drags her food away and her belly positively rumbles in protest, but his voice stops her from chasing after it. The code?

Oh... oh.

"I, I forgot-" Eveningpaw stumbles with words, tongue feeling too thick in her mouth when she notices two more warriors approach- one being Ferngill, no less. Shame and embarrassment are burning hot under her fur, as if the sun itself has burrowed above the skin it protects. Only an apprentice for half a day, and someone's already noticed something she's done wrong- unwillingly, but still. Had Nettlepaw never made a mistake? Surely he could cut her some slack.

It's only the warriors' presence that aids him. If it weren't for them, she's sure she would have commented on the lack of prey he's brought home... she can already taste the vileness of it, but none of that would paint her in a good light. "I will, Dogteeth." If Nettlepaw gives it back.

Eveningpaw's unwillingness to stalk off right away like some scolded kit shows in the way her head tips to the side, listening; though she's not sure she gets who Ferngill is talking about. Maybe Nettlepaw's mom? If he knew her. At the very least, Eveningpaw has enough sense to not utter something disrespectful, and instead settles on roping the attention back around her. "I'll be a good warrior too," she murmurs, a quiet thought, but one she hopes to be supported on.
The commotion from the from the pair caught her attention and her lips purse slightly at the quickly hostile manner of action that Nettlepaw took, and it doesn't take long for the warrior to stride forth. ”There's no reason to get hostile.” Gladefrost would state while her face held no emotion on it, there was a clear annoyance hidden in the back of her voice. Eveningpaw and her siblings had only become apprentices a couple days ago, and she was already dealing with the backlash of new information that she had yet to fully grasp. Was he going to be a bully just like that mannerless Midnightpaw? Her emotions felt sour as a lemon as she brushes her plumed against Eveningpaw's flank to comfort her.

Blind or not, it left no reason to be rude to your clanmates. Did he feel no respect for any of his peers or did he believe that he was flawless and remembered everything? Why did she feel so angry? Maybe it was because this was the first steps in her new life and these were the children of Lichenstar- the one who bestowed her with the pleasure. ”It's an earnest mistake, Eveningpaw. You've only been an apprentice for a couple of days now.” Glade would coo softly as she ignores the curling annoyance in her chest, using a paw to gently ruffle the top of her head.

Dogteeth's statement of him being a stringent mentor makes her ears flick. He could be a stringent mentor all he wanted in his future and command his apprentice like a soldier, barrage them for the tiniest mistakes. But her? Mistakes were a earnest part of life and everyone learned from them. With two apprentices, Gladefrost was making sure they were both taught separately but implored the same parts of teaching. She's shown around the territory and the borders with vague mention of the warrior code thus far. Nettlepaw could be the difficult mentor that his apprentice found hard to bond with because he couldn't take a earnest mistake.

Ferngill attempts to calm him with mention of a great warrior he knows, and notes that none necessarily makes mention to check if Eveningpaw was alright or not. A cold chambray gaze flicks to her young apprentice with a soft hint of warmness and offers a weak smile that was rare for her these days, ”You're going to make a great warrior. We all make mistakes and it's part of being alive.” Do you hear that, Nettlepaw? It's part of being alive or being a cat: you make mistakes. I make mistakes. We all mistakes. You're no better than her in any manner.

જ➶ Her ears prick up at the voices that she hears and she lifts her head up from where it rests on flame stained paws. For a moment she is complacent and even thinks about ignoring the whole ordeal. But her muzzle twitches with a frown as she hears someone who makes scorn ripple across her pelt. Slowly she rises from her paws and she makes her way toward the group, almost hateful ambers narrowed as she looks upon the tooken fish that Nettlepaw has. Funny how this is simply a mistake for someone else. "Interesting how some get to have a pass for breaking the code." The molly muses softly as she looks toward Gladefrost with snort upon her muzzle. Where was this 'we make mistakes' when she was yelled at and accused of breaking the code. There was no softhearted words for her. So why did Eveningpaw get them? Her claws flex a little as she shakes her head and then she taps her tail against her own leg in thought. "Oh well, I guess some cats have their favorites." Her words are just as jagged as she allows her gaze to rest on Dogteeth.

He is kind as well but in a different way. Encouraging the apprentice to fo her duty correctly and she is at least not as angry towards him. Instead she lightly bumps her shoulder against Nettlepaw, a small smile pulling at her muzzle. "Good job. We need cats like you that actually take the code to heart."
The words make a scoff leave her lips and there is an audible dislike plastered on her face, ”There's a difference for a new apprentice compared to an soon graduating apprentice. One makes an earnest mistake and the other mutilates a mother bird out of spite for it trying to defend it's nest when you had already had prey.” Her words spit like venom towards the older apprentice and she laughed internally because there was a reason this select apprentice was always on tick or elder duty. Her whiskers twitch as she glances between the warriors and three apprentices, the usual taunting voice itching the back part of her mind. Gladefrost didn't have dislike for any of her clanmates and tended to appreciate them all but Midnightpaw, it was the sole exception for her rule. She had no manners, treated the life granted by Starclan ruthlessly.

”You blatantly tortured the life given to us by Starclan and watched as it suffered until Claythorn put it out of its misery.” Her chambray gaze was frigid as below zero temperatures, the memories of the mother bird struggling just for defending it's family. Just a monster like those rogues who hurt your family. The voice taunts and it causes her eyes to close, the memories of her father dying before her making appearance. A silent inhale and exhale comes from the mentor as she glances at her apprentice, giving her a subtle nudge to leave. She would never let Eveningpaw or Twinklepaw grow into a emotional disaster similar to Midnightpaw. Just because you had a hard life didn't give you permission to insult the Warrior Code or grieving families. There was a reason, Midnightpaw, why you ate dirt and Beefang taught you a lesson.

With those words settled, she ushers her apprentice out under the pretext of removing her from this emotional situation for her own safety and to prevent her from being discouraged more.

The sirens song of the river had called to her that morning, and Hazecloud had welcomed it's embrace eagerly. No more settling with the underwhelming shallows in the islands shore, but now open to the cool depths and pulling tide that she had left behind once she entered the nursery. With her paws a bit rusty from lack of hunting, she had tagged along with another patrol to get back into the swing of her warrior duties.

It hadn't taken very long, proven by a fruitful day of fishing on her return. Hazecloud had tasked another apprentice with bringing her fish back to the pile as her attention was caught elsewhere with another returning patrol. There was no pause between her chatter and the quick escalation behind her.

"That is quite enough now, thank you." Hazecloud lashed her tail as she forced her voice to remain steady. "There are plenty of warriors about to keep your denmates in check, no need to play this all out." Her sights swept to Gladefrost, who already took to removing herself and Eveningpaw from the situation. She dipped her head in quiet approval.

"While we're on the code..." Hazecloud stepped closer to assess the days stockpile. "There won't be much to eat after the nursery and elders den are full at this rate. Midnightpaw, care to fix that with me?" If the molly wanted to move on from whatever struck her reputation in the past, Hazecloud would prefer it done quickly if it would help anything.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

જ➶ A twinkle of amusement flashes in molten amber as she hears Gladefrost's reasoning. The molly tilting her head just slightly and tossing those same words out uncaringly. "Strange, I can only have a certain amount of prey now. And i was near graduating then. Amazing how that works out." Her voice is laced with sarcasm and she doesn't even bother to look at the warrior then. Especially how she quickly takes the younger apprentice and runs from the conversation. Did the warrior code say that they should just let prey attack them? She doesn't think so and she knows if another animal did that she would be seen as defending herself. Rolling her eyes she allows her gaze to settle on Hazecloud then as she comes to stop the argument. Saying that that is enough. Frankly Midnight can agree. To her Gladefrost is wrong and will always be wrong.

Her muzzle twists just slightly at the idea that all the prey caught will be gone again soon. Oh well, that is typical of the clan given their growth. Though a growth from unncessary cats being here and she pulls her ears back just slightly before dipping her head. "Sure. I don't going hunting again. Just tell me where we are going."