Mar 15, 2024

A busy morning had blessed Thundergleam with a break, and she thanked StarClan for it as she began to settle. Just a small rest was needed... she trod tiny circles, eventually curling herself tiny. Tiny, tiny... yes, before ThunderClan she had been obligated to find comfort in small spaces. Father had demanded the most space- his ailing body, his wondrous mind, all needed to be protected. She had not quite broken out of the habit yet.

As she had rested, she swore she would not let herself drift off. The shade would move, and... and she could not be caught in the sun. No, no... but it was warm, and it was... like wading into a dream, and what if it was a starry one...? Who would she be to refuse...

Rosy eyes startled awake. An ache was spreading, sizzling, beneath her pale fur. The sun had paced quickly through the sky, and moved her slumbering body out of the shade, no doubt! Regret took hold in rosy eyes, and tentatively the ghostly she cat got to her paws. Oh, her ears... her ears were thankfully fine, but her belly was noticeably reddened, and her legs- oh! A grimace took hold as she heaved herself forward, slipping with half the grace she normally had into another shaded spot. "Oh- oh, Stars, forgive me..." she uttered ender her breath, trying to breathe normally to offset the sting.
penned by pin ☾
BUT I'M JUST SO OUT OF MY DEPTHSunburn was not an ailment that Coalkit was intimately familiar with, for obvious reasons. The short, dark fur that covered his body ensured that his skin was protected from the worst of the sun's brutality, often just soaking in the warmth and reveling in the soothing feeling of it. It didn't take a genius to see the differences between himself and Thundergleam in that department, though he had also taken notice of the differences between Thundergleam and everyone else. She seemed so much more susceptible to the worst sting as a result of indulging in the sun's coying rays, and he couldn't help but wonder why. Hopekit didn't have the same issues, nor did it seem his other denmates with spots of white did either.

The curiosity that gleamed in his eyes as he slipped into the spot of shade Thundergleam had claimed was not unsympathetic, but it certainly could have looked that way from afar. Though at least Coalkit wasn't totally heartless, peering at Thundergleam's reddening belly with a wince. "Are you alright?" It didn't exactly seem like she was, but maybe the sudden rush of pink would fade from her spin faster than he thought. "Why does that happen to you...? It seems like you're always hiding in the shade now that the sun is out." He gestured with one tufted paw to the greyness that surrounded them, sheltered from any direct beams.

  • 81641257_cc6OVDHQigHNM4a.png
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    amab; goes by he/him pronouns
    4 moons old; ages the 5th every month
    homosexual; not yet interested in romance
    son of leopardtongue and batwing
    brother to bravepaw, cougarpaw, hazepaw, foxpaw, and hopekit
    extremely difficult to befriend; cold and blunt
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
Sunburn was not something that ever bothered Darkpaw. His dark fur blessed him with protection from the sun, and he was wise enough to not sleep in the direct sunlight, unlike someone they all knew. He hadn't roused Thundergleam, perhaps out of a you did it to yourself joke, but as she woke, she spoke with wobbled tones. A snort left Darkpaw as he faced another apprentice, still deeply aware of the situation behind him.

Coalkit was quick to speak to Thundergleam. His head turned, studying the kit. Now that was a good bloodline- no rogue or kittypet in the veins of that one, a descendant from a hero. Someone who had shown real spine in the face of adversity. He inhaled softly, excusing himself from the conversation he had been engaged in, to step over to Coalkit. His tone was more neutral then it was to most of the 'outsiders' he spoke to these day.

"Her fur is white, and her skin pink already. The sun eats her alive because there's no protection from it." Darkpaw said, his tail twitching. "You, Coalkit, are protected from the sun inherently. Something you and I are both glad for." He hummed, tapping the kit's shoulder with his tail before retracting himself, vision lifting towards Thundergleam. "Why'd you fall asleep where you knew the sun was gonna be?" He asked, tone sharper, a frown on his muzzle now.
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw padded forth just as Darkpaw explained. The young apprentice's fur immediately bristled with sympathy as he shifted deep blue eyes from Darkpaw to Thundergleam. It was heart-breaking to see the woman in such distress, she was always one of the most hardworking among them. He shoots Darkpaw a distressed look, bothered by his confrontational question. But he can't quite bring himself to shut Darkpaw down. Thundergleam is an outsider after all Being born outside of Thunderclan, like a kitty-pet, might lead to some inherent laziness. Maybe Thundergleam, for all her hard work, fell prey to that internal need to sleep the day away...but Starclan seemed to have punished her enough for that, what with the sunburn and all, Darkpaw didn't need to push it, surely!

"Can I bring you some water?" Wrathpaw offers, unsure how to assist but still eager to offer.

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
જ➶ Perhaps he did not know the pain of needing to stay out of the sun. But his long pelt and thick fur did not make it comfortable for him to be in. If he has to be honest he much prefers to go on the evening patrols when the sun is beginning to set so that he can at least have some reprieve from the sun's torturous rays. A frown pulls at his maw with the sharp tone that the young apprentice takes to the warrior, thick tail lashing behind himself as he comes to stand near the situation. Though blue eyes are heavily concerned with how the molly looks. The way her skin is angry red, blisteringly so. "Darkpaw you can't just assume that she knew the shade would move away. Plus sometimes things are an accident. Be understanding." His low mew would form as he allows his cool blue gaze to tjen focus more predominantly on Thundergleam. The concern still visible in them as he looks over her skin once again.

"Maybe it would be better if you visited Gentlestorm. Perhaps he can give you something to soothe your skin." He doesn't know much on the medicinal side of things but he is sure that the medicine cat has something that can be of help. Or something to perhaps quell the pain. At least something is better than nothing.

its pretty ugly, which is a weird look for the otherwise ethereal molly ; she is an enigma enough already, but the sight of her skin glowing halo of pomegranate red, she cannot help but slow and stare in the same way her clanmates did. it looked uncomfortable to move, a tight pull of tender, irritated skin beneath thin ivory fur, beaming the same shade as rosen eyes and freckleflame feels bad, suddenly, for complaining to her patrol about her thick pelt. bluestride says to visit gentlestorm, but freckleflame isn’t entirely sure this was something the tom could interfere with. she cuts eyes towards the medicine den in hopes that the burly feline would appear, offering a lame, ” or.. go sit in a creek or something. “ out of the side of her mouth because what did she know?

that’s what she did when sunningstones grew to their name, burned so hot dipping her paws in the drinking shallows couldn’t be avoided, but this was different, probably, and looked.. pretty awful. freckleflame swallows hard, because that sounded kind of rude and like she was trying to send the molly away ( she was ), so tall ears tip backwards, throat clearing to mew a meeker, ” i could, uhh.. walk you down there? “ could she even touch it? she felt for her, she did, could only imagine the pain that stances white limbs wide — but euyuck.

  • i.

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    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. she is fire - forged, smoldering ; something bright and voracious, radiant as the blazes that once raged through her homeland. shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over her hulking form. a heft of roundness settles comfortably upon her form in adulthood, padding muscle hardened by her life in the forest and yet still partially concealed beneath a tangled thicket of undergrowth - laden pelt. warriorhood had brought her to full height ; kittypet lineage showing itself in glimpses of rotund paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. she is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a mirrors image of her late father, sunfreckle, and just as warm.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MAINE COON MOGGY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.


Oh, she had not expected so much attention... she glowed like a beacon, baked beneath the heat... oh, it would not scar thankfully, but it would take a while to fade. She heard Father's tut echoing in her mind, and it sounded an awful lot like Darkpaw's chiding tone, telling her off for sitting in the sun. Oh, as if she would have done it on purpose! And perhaps it had been thoughtless.. perhaps the Stars had scorched her for slacking on her mission, even for just a moment... a moment, or a few moments.

"Yes, I am... um, I will be alright, Coalkit..." She gave a weak but earnest smile. "It is nothing I have not dealt with before." Rosy eyes fell to Darkpaw, then- she took a breath to answer him, but Bluestride stepped in instead, strode before her. It was rare she hard defence like that, on her behalf... it was usually an awkward glance her way. "Yes, I was... I was in the shade when I fell asleep. It was foolish..." Her ears folded against her head, regret coating her tone.

Water, Wrathpaw offered- Freckleflame, an odd wrinkle upon her muzzle, surrendered the creek as an option. Rosy eyes fluttered shut for a moment of repose. Their respective offers earned grateful glances, but Thundergleam's eyes settled primarily upon Freckleflame. "Water... yes. A creek... sounde good. I do not want to waste your time, though."
penned by pin ☾
Palefire had initially been on her way over to say hello to her brother when she realized that for some reason, a crowd had formed around him. Though as she drew closer, she realized that the cats were not gathered around him but a familiar young molly with glowing white fur.... and glowing red skin, it seemed on this occasion. A visible wince scrunched up her face as she settled beside Bluestride, her plumy tail brushing against her siblings side in silent greeting as her gaze leveled on Thundergleam. She still couldn't claim to know the other warrior that well yet, she was beginning to see her around more often and found that she was an oddly comforting presence. "Stars above, that looks bad," she murmured sympathetically. It was a shame, to see her in pain over something as simple as laying out in the sun for too long.

And of course, amongst the crowd of onlookers there came a particularly irritating voice. Darkpaw was among the group of apprentices that seemed determined to be pests wherever they went, and she made an exaggerated display of rolling her eyes at his condescending remark. "Why do you always ask such annoying questions?" She bit back in his direction, perhaps not the most mature display from a warrior such as herself but the smoke-furred tom always seemed to have attitude about everything. It was exhausting, and Thundergleam didn't deserve the harrassment.

She returned her attention to the sunburnt molly, sparing a quick glance to Freckleflame as she suggested a dip in the creek. Palefire still felt deeply uncomfortable around her tortoiseshell peer, still burning with guilt whenever she was in her presence, but it was starting to get a bit easier as days went by. And her suggestion was a good on "You definitely need to take care of that before it gets worse. But you shouldn't go out alone, it's not safe. I can help as well, if you like?" She directed the question to Thundergleam, but her gaze drifted to Freckleflame, knowing that only one of them would have an issue with her company.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender, fast and agile.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment.
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.