Aug 14, 2024

  • PALOMINO STOATSPOT; enjoys her name.
    a former barn cat with a big heart, stoatspot is now a tunneler of windclan. she's got wind in her sails, good friends and a good enviorment; nothing can dampen her mood now! except... maybe the sweeping sickness across windclans moors.
    named for her coat coloring.
    — afab cisgender; she/her & feminine terms; pansexual
    — tunneler of windclan / former barn cat
    — created 8.15.2024 at 25 moons / ages every 15th
    When one sees her, their first thought may be that shes short. She stands at about seven inches tall and has a stockier build with powerful legs that aid in traversing the underground. Her coat is fluffy but shaggy, often found with clumps of dirt or mud spotting it. Shes not the prettiest cat in the clan, but odd eyes and unique markings bend a bit in her favor.

    Her coat color itself is a base of fawn tortie, splashed with black; most notably on her hind legs, tail and left ear. The rest of her body is covered in soft browns, interrupted by a white blanket here and there. Upon her face sits two different colored eyes: the left one blue, and the right brown.

    ╰┈➤ genetically long-haired, carries ????
    On the surface, Stoatspot is a cheerful, bright presence of the clan, always trying her absolute best to keep spirits high! She's an optimistic gal (which often time can falter in the face of serious danger) and kind of happy-go-lucky which aids in her jubilant personality.

    Her ultimate downfall is the need to prove herself, despite doing so over and over, time and time again. The fear of her loyalty being question always lingers in the back of her mind, causing her to be defensive when anything about the barn or her past life is brought up, even if its a situation she doesn't need to be defensive about. She's also quick to step in and defend fellow former barn-cats, because despite it not being her home anymore, its a shared experience & she feels kinship with those who were there.

    tends to feel no social pressure / anxiety & often just invites herself in to conversations, wags her tail much like the barn dogs, very touchy / affectionate with her closer friends, grinds her teeth / clenches them when stressed
    stoatspot wants to believe the good in everyone in her clan; her friendship is easily earned as well as her trust. barn-cats she would have known pre-civil war windclan era are always on her good-side.
    SOUNDS LIKE: country-accented & feminine. applejack from mlp.
    SMELLS LIKE: straw, fresh rainfall & soil; earthy
    speech is #bfdb81
    NPC x NPC, sibling to appaloosa
    MENTORING: n/a
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: cricketcry, celandinepaw
  • ► HEART COOKS BRAIN - modest mouse
    ► FLOAT ON - modest mouse
    ► BURY ME WITH IT - modest mouse
    ► OCEAN BREATHES SALTY - modest mouse
    ► FIREFLIES - mother falcon
    ► LOVE LIKE MINE - prof
    ► OFFERING - black city lights
    ► THE RECLUSE - cursive

  • ●●●●●●●●○○ HUNTING: advanced. can hunt above and below ground, bolstered by her experience hunting in the barn.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ TUNNELING: expert. one of, if not the best skills stoat possesses; always looking for improvement, however.

    ●●●●●●●●○○ TRACKING: advanced. in the tunnels, one must have a good nose, and luckily for stoat she has exactly that.
    ●●●●●●○○○○ COMBAT: intermediate. her small size puts her at a great disadvantage. she can decently hold her own.
  • MEOW
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  • x. link to her family tree.
  • stoatspot wasn't always a clan-cat despite her unwavering loyalty to windclan. born to roan, her mother & mustang, her father; she was born alongside her brother in a litter of only two, tucked away in hay of the barn. she was named palomino by the twolegs that would visit periodically, and appaloosa was her brother. they grew up happy and content, with a childhood spent playing and learning how to hunt and fight. palomino and her brother were like any siblings, they had their ups and their downs, their fights and their spats, their protective moments but ultimately they remained close as they grew to adolescents.

    palominos first and last tragedy was her fathers death at six moons old. she and appaloosa had stumbled upon his body hours after his death; foam dotted his lips and his body contorted as if he were in pain in his final moments. upon returning to their mother and informing her of the news, she had broken down in a wail. appaloosa stayed behind to comfort their mother while palomino returned to the body. she found a nice spot and dug him a grave, saying her last goodbyes to her father before she buried him. upon returning back to the remaining pair, she found out her mother had known the cause of it: her father had brought home a poisoned rat, and despite roans insistence that he throw it out... despite her thinking her mate had finally relented and thrown it out, it turns out that when he had taken it, he had ate it.

    palomino remained strong and steadfast despite everything, remaining optimistic as she always did, as she always will try to. whilst her brother sprouted tall in to the sky, she had remained short, low to the earth below. instead of growing jealous, she had learned to use her small size to her advantage: squeezing through holes mice had disappeared in to, easily weaving beneath the hooves and ducking in to small ditches and tunnels when needed. her brother and her had slowly drifted apart by now.

    there was one time, however, a clan-cat (tales she had only ever heard of before) had found their way in to the barn... palomino had been out on a hunting excursion with her brother right before it happened, returning with prey only to hear a sickening crunch, and then a cry. she had dropped everything to help, her mouse forgotten as she had stayed besides him. this was cricketpaw of windclan, and she had tried her absolute hardest to keep his spirits up as they waited for a windclan patrol. despite her being slightly sad to see a new face leave the barn, it was for the better, and all that mattered was that his clan would help him. she has thought about him since.

    her transition in to adulthood was kind. by now, her mother has grown older, still hollowed by her mates death but doing a lot better; her brother had found a mate in one of the other barncats, a she-cat named carrot and she was overjoyed to welcome carrot to the family. all of the sudden, however, as moons passed and palomino found comfort helping around the barn... windclan showed up on their doorstep. sunstar, then just sunstride, had explained the situation to the barn cats... while they took sides, palomino immediately stepped up to takle the ball and help. her brother, appaloosa, refused to help. palomino, bummed but understanding, wished him well as she set off to help; she becomes protective of celandine and her siblings over the course of the war-efforts.

    after the civil war between the loyalists and the rebels (where she had put in great effort to help), palomino joins windclan as a tunneler due to her size, and is eventually renamed stoatspot and welcomed as a full tunneler, no longer needing a shadow.​
  • HIS BONES THE HILLS. stoatspot is very proud of celandinepaws mca promotion
    A LESSON LEARNED. stoatspot stumbles across a thunderclan mentor & apprentice and greets them
    OCEAN BREATHES SALTY. stoatspot & cricketcry have a good excursion & catch up on the past
    ARMY DREAMERS. buck falls sick & stoatspots worry about yellowcough truly kicks in
    MAGGOT BELLY. now vulturepaw falls sick and stoat finds it hard to keep her optimism going
    [color=]thread.[/color] explanation​
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    former apprentices xxxx

  • stoat is very hands-on and will expect her apprentice to try, at least, to keep up with her. whilst shes never had an official apprentice and has mostly worked by herself, especially in the barn, shes given pointers and advice to many cats before she came to windclan. it can't be that hard to officially teach someone! right? ... right?
  • underneath stoatspot, one will learn much about the tunnels, of respecting windclan tradition & knowing when and when not to work. she will focus hard on instilling a sense of duty and pride of their rank, as tunnelers are few and far between and they should be happy to become one.

    whilst stoatspot can at least hold her own (or try to), this definitely won't be one of their strong-suits. however, her apprentice will learn to use the tunnels to their advantage, as well as their size.

    now this will definitely be one of her apprentices stronger skills. stoatspot knows how to hunt above & below ground, and whilst the latter will be better than the former, she'll make sure they can at least hunt some things above ground. you never know when you'll need the skill!

    one of stoatspots best skills! from tracking, navigating, digging and checking for stability, her apprentice will learn it all.
    duty & loyalty something that will be instilled from the very beginning. as a former barn cat, she found her purpose in windclan, in tunneling, and hopes her apprentice can find their purpose and be proud of their clan, too.
    skill elaborate
  • she won't be entirely too strict, perhaps even a bit too... lax, maybe, in the first moon with her apprentice. eventually she'll find the right balance.

    she'll be very friendly & open & honest with her apprentice and would expect the same in return.

    she’d take her apprentice (mostly) everywhere with her! mentor pings are appreciated & you in turn will get a whole bunch of apprentice pings!

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