GOODBYE, Sa-ka-ki-ba-ra-kun / termitetuft


HYPNOTIC — taking over me
Jun 2, 2023

  • name ▹ Termitetuft
    named for her delicate size and white fur. previously known as Termite in Marsh Colony before receiving a warrior name in Windclan.
    gender ▹ female + she/her
    age ▹ 19 moons
    ages up real-time on the 2nd of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Windclan
    rank ▹ Warrior (tunneler)

    created on ▹ june 02 2023
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ dainty white shorthair molly with heterochromatic eyes (amber - right, blue - left). has a thin scar above her nose.

    physique ▹ small and thin with round, unoffending features.
    notable features ▹ shallow, fading scar on bridge of nose. has been called pretty by her peers but modestly doesn't own it, inclined instead to think her mismatched eyes and facial scar diverge from more common beauty standards.
    eye details ▹ odd-eyed with her right eye being amber-colored and her left being soft blue.

    scent ▹ an obvious earthy and clammy smell clings to her pelt from her work underground
    voice ▹ speaks in a soft-spoken and gentle monotone often of few words.

    demeanor ▹ carries herself as light as the wind.. or a ghost, keeps her facial expressions mild and apathetic often which are tinged in silent gloom or anguish, her general vibes at a glance are that she is creepy, quiet, and alone but those who know her in Windclan or even knew her from Marsh Colony long ago would ascertain that she used to not be like this and instead was a more cheerful and talkative girl (at least up until two moons ago when her sister mysteriously died).

  • personality traits ▹ a cat who has become suddenly gloomy, quiet, and solitary after the death of a close family member, she is touched by small acts of kindness, shy at heart, feels a numbness from the trauma of losing her sister that has made her null to further traumas to the point of no longer flinching at death or violence and sometimes even danger, enjoys creative expression such as drawing in the dirt or in tree bark with her claws, has a collection of 'hollow/empty' things (cicada shells, turtle shells, acorn caps, snail shells), acts in the betterment of others even if at her own discomfort despite what her apathetic outward appearance would suggest, usually keeps her feelings to herself, taciturn speech, cares not for what others think of her or her own reputation, has rare moments of being 'not so stoic,' nothing much fazes her, sugar and ice personality in that she's emotionless and distant but surprisingly kind when befriended

    alignment ▹ neutral good
    mbti type ▹ intj, 'the architect'
    hogwarts house ▹ ravenclaw

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: none

    partner(s)/mate ▹ none
    parents ▹ Sedgefern (npc mother, alive, Windclan warrior previously of Marsh Colony named Sedge) x Hackberry (npc father, deceased, died of illness sometimes before the Great Battle and was a cat of Pine Colony)
    siblings ▹ Thripwing (npc sister, deceased, died of a sudden illness, was a Windclan warrior/tunneler and previously of Marsh Colony)
    offspring ▹ none

    mentor ▹ unnamed npc
    apprentice(s) ▹ none

    friends ▹ none, open
    enemies▹ none, open

  • interaction notes ▹ can be difficult to befriend and warms gradually to those who spend time around her, loyal to Sootstar and will silently make enemies with any cat who goes against the flow of things in a way she perceives as harmful to the whole of her clan, not a coward but also not keen on getting into physical altercations and, due to this, is not a skilled fighter

    adept at ▹ finding her way even in complete darkness and is not easily disoriented or distracted by noise/chaos/etc, good sense of balance and grace, great at perceiving the environment around her, somewhat quick-witted and grounded by reason rather than spurts of emotion, can move very quickly for short distances, decent at sneaking about and going unnoticed
    inept at ▹ poor at fighting/combat techniques, struggles with appealing to emotions in order to for example persuade/motivate a crowd, talk down a friend or enemy, make a desperate plea dripping with enough emotion to be convincing even if it may be true, she's fickle and slow to answer questions in the moment especially if said inquiries contain information or emotions she has not yet worked through herself and will instead refuse to answer or keep things to herself until she has processed everything, forming close bonds since she can seem like she's pushing others away (albeit very gently)

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◇◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◇◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇​

    hunting ◆◆◆◆◇​
    swimming ◆◆◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◇◇​
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇​

  • ▹ 0 - 7 moons / She was born as just Termite before the formation of the clans to a unlikely union between a Marsh Colony cat and Pine Colony cat. Her and her sister, Thrip, were split up after their birth with her sister going with their father to Pine Colony and she staying with her mother of Marsh Colony. Termite belatedly assumed her parents split them and never told each other about the other's existence was to hide any faults in their loyalties to their respective colonies especially with the tensions that were rising at the time. Eventually, Termite crossed paths with Thrip while out hunting near the other colony and the two became quick friends, often leaving their homes in the middle of the night to meet up and play games while no one was watching.
    ▹ 7 moons / Sometime before the Great Battle and unknown to Termite as it was happening, her father succumbed to a sickness and on his death bed revealed the truth that he loved Sedge, a Marsh Colony cat and that their children were actually Thrip and her sister, Termite, in Marsh Colony. Outraged and betrayed, close friends of her father split into two thoughts, either drive Thrip away for her half Marsh Colony blood or reclaim Termite of Marsh Colony since she was just as much as Pine Colony's and Marsh Colony's.
    ▹ 8 moons / During the Great Battle, Thrip met with Termite to explain they were truly sisters and that their father was dead from an illness and expressed her confusion on what they should do. Termite simply replied that she had always guessed they were sisters ever since she'd heard her mother weeping about a daughter she'd lost, majority of the colony assumed she meant another daughter lost while kitting but Termite eventually worked out the truth sometime after meeting Thrip. Termite fought alongside Thrip in a chaotic, confusing battle that the young cats were in no way prepared to handle but both emerged with only minor injuries, with Termite earning her nose scar during the battle.
    ▹ 8 - 17 moons / In the aftermath of the Great Battle, Termite silently refused to go with Thrip to Pine Colony and so, desperate, Thrip instead joined Marsh Colony alongside her only remaining family, her mother and sister. The two sisters and their mother eventually became part of Windclan under Sootstar and were later given the warrior names: Termitetuft, Thripwing, and Sedgefern. She was trained as a tunneler alongside her sister due to her intellect and unnaturally small size. She was honored by her chosen role and took her training seriously to later graduate as a reliable tunneler beside her dear sister.
    ▹ 17 moons - present / Two moons ago, Thripwing rapidly fell ill and died from an incurable disease. Stricken with intense grief, Termitetuft withdrew herself from her clanmates and spoke to others only in quiet conversation, withholding her sadness as if by acknowledging it, her tears would pour over all her clanmates and afflict them with the same sadness.

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【 termitetuft | windclan tunneler | she/her | 19 moons 】

[box=65%][font=tahoma][size=3][color=#D19EB9]【 termitetuft[/color] [color=#D19EB9]|[/color] [color=#D19EB9]windclan tunneler[/color] [color=#D19EB9]|[/color] [color=#D19EB9]she/her[/color] [color=#D19EB9]|[/color] [color=#D19EB9]19 moons 】[/color][/size][/font][/box][box=60%][justify][font=tahoma][color=#D19EB9]【[/color][url=][color=#D19EB9]tags[/color][/url][color=#D19EB9]】[/color][color=#d4cfc5]TEXT[/color]
