pafp GOODNIGHT MOON [ ✦ ] story time

The first day was the hardest. It is obvious that cats already miss their families. How could they not? She knows that when she settles down to eat while the sun dips behind the horizon that she misses her mother, her siblings, her children. Everyone left back home really. Their 'camp' for the night is make shift. It is not anything special and already she can feel her bones aching and calling out for the familiarity of her own nest. A pile of moss in the warriors den that has been molded to hold her body perfectly.

She picks at a sparrow while she daydreams about home. Whatre Burnstorm and Moonwhisper doing right now? What about Skypaw, and was Duskpaw okay? Her children in SkyClan, she hadn't even had enough time to find them in the crowd and say goodbye to them at the gathering. She is so lost in these thoughts that she does not notice the apprentice until her shadow crosses over her face but when she does see her she looks up at her and she smiles, not allowing her worries to make it to the surface and disrupt another. "Hey Stormpaw" she greets the striped tortoiseshell warmly, gesturing with her tail to the open space next to her "Whats up? Do you want to join me here?" there was plenty of sparrow for the two of them, if she was interested

// please wait for @STORMPAW
The excitement wears off quickly once Stormpaw realizes how far away the lands in which she was born are off now. They will be for a while now and her young mind is only just comprehending it. She does miss her father and her brother and she squeezes her eyes shut every now and again to make sure she won't forget their faces.

So the young tricolor cat finds herself sticking more closely to the other ThunderClan cats. They are the ones she trusts the most and they do not smell of fish or rabbit or frog. It's a comforting forest smell that only her Clanmates can provide her. She does not understand how the medicine cats have such faith in bringing them together like this.

"Hi Little Wolf." She had always admired the older molly—Little Wolf had practically half-raised her alongside her own kits. She greeted her with a purr and sat down. "I feel... lonely. And a little sad." Conflicting feelings she wasn't prepared for on what should have been exciting trip.

"Can you tell me one of your stories?"

The moor is so far away.

The forest they're in now is dense and foreign. Sedgepounce knew he'd miss the fields, but he didn't know why. If navigating through the overgrown, tangled threads of the woodlands wasn't hard enough, finding prey is another beast entirely. The little songbird clutched between his teeth is a victory well-caught. It's a small, speckled thing—like nothing he's found in the moors.

Though homesickness has wracked through the journeying group like a plague, Sedgepounce remains steadfast in his optimism. The world is big and bright and incredible; he's excited to see what it brings tomorrow.

For now, the day has wound down and the rosy fringes of dusk linger through the lines of the trees. Sedgepounce takes his prey to the gnarled roots of a pine, his flank pressing against the coarse, unfamiliar bark. A voice drifts closer from nearby. Little Wolf, her tone warm and motherly, followed by the young and starkly honest Stormpaw. Storytelling reminds him of Wolfsong—and of Vulturemask, maybe, in the rare times that the tom would rant about days past while herb sorting.

He finds himself listening unwittingly, tucking into his meal as Little Wolf begins again.

  • HP: ————————————————————————

    A bit travel worn, but ready for adventure! Sedgepounce is healthy and is not suffering from any ailments.

    — Easygoing tomcat with a bright grin and mellow demeanor.
    — Lithe, quick, and dexterous; a moor runner through and through.
    — Grayish-brown tabby with high white and warm amber eyes.
    —— Sharp, hawk-like, angular face; earnest and bright expressions.
    —— Soft mid-length fur.

    penned by bellus

The ebony mollies features soften when she sees the look on the young apprentices face. It is only the first night and it seems as if many of them were already missing home, Little Wolf included. As selfish as it is though, she is glad Stormpaw is here with them. The tortoiseshell apprentice is a little older than her own youngest litter and she remembers playing with her and her brother in the nursery when she had been pregnant the second time. She had watched over them, played games and told stories and when Stormpaw asks for one now she finds herself feeling happy that she had remembered that time as fondly as she had."of course I can " she didn’t even have to think about it. Telling stories, passing on the tales her mother had once told to her, it was something she loved to do.

"I know you already know all about the three Great Clans" she says, teasingly flicking the younger she cats nose with the tip of her tail "But I’ll describe them again, just in case anyone else is listening" her gaze flickers upwards to Sedgepounce to affix him with a knowing gaze "in the forest, long before you or I or even Howlingstar were ever born there were three Great Clans" these words were so familiar to her now, the ease of the story falls onto her tongue allows her to relax into a steady tempo "LionClan, LeopardClan and TigerClan they were called." she herself had always been the biggest fan of LionClan when she was a kit. They were always brave and kind in the stories her mother had told and she liked that their manes were often likened to rays of sun. "TigerClan were powerful cats with orange pelts and black stripes who hunted at night, they were said to be as large as a horse with shadows dancing on their pelts and in their souls" her eyes flash to ShadowClan then, TigerClan reminded her the most of the marsh dwellers. "Leopard Clan consisted of those who were the swiftest and the most sure among the great clans. They were huge and golden, spotted with black paw prints across their coats. All cats have inherited their speed and hunting talent from them" Leopard Clan reminded her of RiverClan and WindClan the most and her gaze seeks those two clans out now. She wonders if some clans just had more of the individual great clan genes than others and she finds herself thinking about the comparisons a great deal before moving on the last clan. Her favorite. "And finally there was LionClan. Massive golden cats with brilliant manes that were likened to the suns rays. They were best known for being strong and brave." just like ThunderClan and SkyClan she thinks.

// she will continue with the story in a couple of replies!
Hailstorm perks up at the sound of Little Wolf's with a mouse resting at his paws, he picks it up deciding to move closer and listen to the story of the Great Clans. Admittedly, this was probably the first time he had ever heard it so being able to learn and hear about it while being far away from Thunderclan is comforting. He notices Sedgepounce listening along as well and offers a small smile before listening to Little Wolf speak about the three Great Clans; Lionclan, Leopardclan, and Tigerclan. One of his front limbs tucking underneath his body, gaze attentive and tilting his head to the side hearing about each clan.

He would pay close attention, after all, maybe it would be him one day retelling the tale of the Great clans and the thought makes him smile. He probably wouldn't be able to do it as great as Little Wolf though is what he thinks remaining silent.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus

⭒✧ The dark plied the landscape with shadows, so far from the Twolegplace that the candleglow of twolegleg life was smudged from the horizon line. Chalk was sat a little stiffly, having never slept with around so many cats in his life- Shelter not included. The daylight warrior did visit the Skyclan late often, finding it easier to hunt after the scheduled lessons of the Learningplace but he never stayed overnight. He had no nest in the warrior’s den.

Unable to rest with the stir of flanks and waylaid tails sequestered amongst the grassy knolls, a warm greeting quickly earned his attention. A small black thunderclanner spoke with an apprentice, the younger cat’s quiet words giving Chalk pause. 'I feel... lonely. And a little sad'. It was so candid he felt intrusive having heard it. Snowy ears, melting into the low light began to angle away until stories were mentioned. At that- he tuned in properly.

Little Wolf, he learns is her name, humours the request easily. The thunderclanner’s statement, that everyone already knew, and look towards a marbled windclanner pulled his lids shut in a blink. He didn’t know either, and the promise of new information was almost a taunt. Chalk shuffled closer. A tall tale, of three clans, was woven at a comfortable pace. The tom wondered how often Little Wolf told these stories. Cats as large as horses… dancing pelts, golden- literally? Unlikely… Fiction was a hard topic to navigate, too often had he been caught off guard by the bright images on twoleg student’s handheld machine. Content within the Learningplace was safer to study, factual. As the inky molly wrapped up her description of Lionclan, he couldn’t help but think-

"-were they real? You say all cats inherited their speed from Leopardclan but…" Mild surprise at the thought escaping into the night air slowed the daylight warrior’s question. And really, was he right to doubt the tale when the likes of Starclan were a proven truth amongst the clans? Unembarrassed, but aware he had interrupted, Chalk’s chin bent in unspoken apology. A muted look was sent to the others listening, and he noted a large silver thunderclanner amongst their ranks.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
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This makeshift camp felt nothing like home. She misses her clanmates and family...she misses tripping over playing kittens, and listening to grumbling elders. Since they had left, she had often wondered how Tigerpaw and Acornpaw were doing. Part of her had wanted to offer to bring her apprentice along, but if anything had happened to her, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself. Acornpaw was still inexperienced...she would be safer back home. She could easily say the same for her daughter...even though she was close to becoming a warrior, Stormpaw still would have been safer back at home. Though, being able to sleep next to her kit again was definitely a benefit. She had missed the presence of her daughter beside her.

'I feel... lonely. And a little sad'

The red tabby had been laying nearby when she hears Stormpaw's voice. She glances at Little Wolf, giving her a thankful smile. During her time in the nursery, Little Wolf had told many stories...hearing one would definitely make her feel more at home. She made quick work of the small mouse that had been laying at her paws, before raising to her paws to join the pair. It seemed several other nearby cats wanted to listen as well. She greeted them each with a small smile.

As she joins Stormpaw and Little Wolf, she touches her daughter's ear with her nose before settling down to listen to the rest of the story.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

┌─────────────────── ☽【❖】☾ ───────────────────┐
Just like so many others, Luckypaw can hardly keep his mind off of what's going on back home, though his thoughts are likely markedly different than most of his would-be companions; merely sunrises ago, he might wonder what Badgermoon is up to, if Frostpaw and Rumblepaw are working hard, but now? Now he can only hope that Frostpaw and Rumblepaw are even okay, all alone back home surrounded by a Clan that had so quickly turned on Badgermoon; surrounded by a Clan that's hard-pressed to forget about traitors. Sure, he and his remaining family hadn't done anything wrong, had avoided scrutiny and done everything just right, but would that be enough to cast off any quiet suspicions that other cats may have? Selfishly, he was almost glad that he had volunteered for the journey, and that Scorchpaw and Scorchstreak were here alongside him as well; none of the other WindClanners around seemed to look at him any differently, as far as he could tell, and even if it's just the shifting priorities thanks to the unfamiliar setting, he'll take it, gladly sparing himself the trouble of feeling more anxious than he already does. This land is strange, and the company is far from what he's used to, so many different scents and pelts swirling together to form one great swell - no, he doesn't need anything more to worry over than is already placed right before his paws.

It's hard to sleep in a place like this, and even if he's used to nests being strewn about, back home still seems as though it's nothing like this - the sky overhead is so hard to see when it's dotted and blotted out by the foliage, and even that in and of itself is uncomfortable. Closed in as they are, it doesn't feel anything like the tunnels he's grown used to; you can't navigate a forest like you would a tunnel, which automatically makes it worse than the moors, because at least there you can see things coming, even if you can't sense them. Here, he'd be hard-pressed to find his way back to their makeshift camp after only a few pawsteps into the brush. There's surely more hardships to come - there's not a chance this will go over smoothly, not with such a motley assortment of cats - and sleep is probably the one thing Luckypaw needs more than anything else, but he can already sense he'll be hard-pressed to get any on this first night, even if he boxes himself in with other WindClanners, or nestles in close to Scorchpaw. In this, he's not alone, it seems; voices catch his attention, and he finds himself surprised to see Sedgepounce there, alongside some ThunderClanners, he thinks, and a SkyClanner, maybe. Things are hard to keep straight so soon into their journey, and it's especially difficult when he's not particularly interested in learning to tell them all apart. Stick together long enough to bring the cure back, and then it's over - no use in skirting too close to these odd cats, not if he doesn't have to.

Still, there's something...enticing, perhaps, in the tones he hears - he'd almost describe it as comforting, if someone from another Clan could be described that way, and before he knows it he's drawn in, too, settling quietly in at Sedgepounce's side. It's a story he's wholly unfamiliar with (no sign of thorn-clawed, maelstrom-summoning rogues, thank StarClan) and he's quickly enraptured by the strange tale she begins to weave. The three Great Clans she describes begin to dance about in his head, one by one, turning the grounds of his skull over until he's sure they'll never leave, and though he's never quite seen anything like them, his imagination easily fills in the details. Stripes and spots and manes - what would they look like sitting among their group now, he wonders? As the ThunderClanner - Little Wolf, he thinks he heard - continues on, one thing gives him pause - that all cats inherited agility and hunting prowess from this LeoparedClan. So clearly presented as fact, it takes him out of the story, for a moment. Luckypaw is fast (he'd have to be, as a WindClanner and all), but his hunting skills leave a lot to be desired - how, then, could these great beasts have passed something like that onto him? The SkyClanner pipes up with a question startlingly similar to his, and instead of adding on, or even posing one of the other questions circling his chest, he instead remains silent, not wanting to interrupt the story anymore, though his eyes follow the exchanged words with a clear gleam of interest.​
  • OOC: --​
  • xPpMrh2.png
  • 69355684_l8Wl3AJb3zHJeza.png
    - Luckykit Luckypaw
    - He/him (AFAB)
    - 5 moons (Ages on the 1st)
    - Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Small blue tortoiseshell with white spotting & green eyes
    - Art by myself & meghan respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​