camp goody two shoes - game

Snow dipped paws carry the lean feline to a large shaded spot in the camp. She sits, flicking her plume-like tail neatly over her paws. Each day that passed the air seemed to grow thicker with worry. It was getting harder to keep track of how many cats were sick now, and who knew how many were sick and didn't know yet. She sighs softly, doing her best to push the thought away from her mind. Her clanmates needed to see her put on a brave face...she couldn't let them know how worried she was. She shakes out her pelt, and rises her chin slightly as it lays back down. Perhaps a game would help lighten the air a little...or it would at least be a nice pastime.

"Would anyone like to play two truths and one lie?" The sun was starting the process of setting for the day, so there should be plenty of free paws now.


ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
Trapped between her jaws is a rather comically large clump of moss, dripping a trail of water droplets as she carries it from outside of camp all the way to the entrance of the medicine den.
While the molly did not dare to venture any farther then the threshold, her desire to help still led her to leave fresh water and fresh-kill for both the Ill and the two healers when she could.
Before Acornpaw has even the chance to properly back away, Apples call from somewhere across camp catches her attention- though mostly because she didn’t know what her mentor was talking to.
While the name sounded self-explanatory enough, Acornpaw still shuffled her way over, a question already on the tip of her tongue.
"What’s that?" She prompts, coming to sit by the tabby mollies side. Acornpaw never really got to play any games before she found her way to Thunderclan, and the games she did get to play as a clan cat consisted mostly of moss-ball, or chasing after her brother.


"Oh! I'd love to join in!" A game sounded like a pleasant change of pace given the hubbub as of late. The tom made himself comfortable near to Flamewhisker, and it's there that he overhears Acornpaw inquiring what the game was. "So one of us gives three facts about ourselves, however one of the statements is a lie. The aim of the game is for everyone else to figure out the lie. Once its discovered it moves onto the next individual to give three statements. It's a great way to learn more about your peers too." He especially loved learning the weirder and funnier facts about his fellow clanmates.
Darlin' dont quit your daydream

She had heard one of her favoite cats talking about a game, and she came charging foreward and haulting in time. But she seemed to stumble over her words. Two truths and a lie? Her momma always said, do not lie child, lying is bad for you. It does not make you feel any better to lie, but fills you with regret. So she would pipe in after Shiningsun. "But lying is very super bad!" Tigerkit would squeak in disbelief.

thought speech

Hollow Tree was slower these days. Her mind filled with too many thoughts that weighed her down. Lingering in her spot as she watches her clan mates. Guilt ate at her as she is left with this hollow feeling of indifference. It didn’t matter if she spent the day playing games, hunting, or exploring. She had been going further and further out these days. The more distance away the lighter she felt.

‘But lying is very super bad.’ Those words made her paws feel heavy. Maybe it was better to just keep sitting here.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Pebblestep had never been the 'gaming' type. Too many potentials for things to go wrong left him reluctant to engage in anything too fun, but he saw little harm in 'Two Truths and One Lie'. Shuffling closer, the young warrior wrinkled his crusted nose and bowed his head in greeting towards the Lead Warrior, a proverbial cat grabbing his tongue as he considered how best to express his interest in the activity. Just as they opened their maw to speak, a youngster interjected, causing copper eyes to briefly widen and their ears to fall flat to the sides of their head. Pebblestep listened to Tigerkit's protest and clutched their forepaw to their own chest, a weak smile appearing on their lilac muzzle. Lying was super bad, but there was hardly a game involved if there were three truths spoken instead, was there? He crawled through the fog in his brain to decipher the best way to reassure the kitten, pleading pupils occasionally shooting towards his clanmates in hopes they would offer some guidance as well. "It is... so that means it's extra important to find out what the other cats are lying about in this game," he mewed, doing his best not to wince at the weak explanation. "I will be playing. I promise I won't lie too badly." The lilac tom offered a smile.