sensitive topics GOOSEBERRY X CYGNETSTARE | WindClan Tragedy Litter | CLOSED


  • THEIR STORY: Theirs is no great love story—or no love story at all. Cygnetstare and Gooseberry never labor under the delusion of calling each other mates, or the pretense of having feelings. Their relationship is nothing more than a reaction to loneliness, late nights on guard duty, and a world falling apart around them; on Cygnetstare's part, a new awareness of her own mortality. A couple of midnight trysts lead to the not entirely unexpected consequences: a litter of kits at possibly the worst time.

    Things only worsen when WindClan tears itself into two; Gooseberry remains with Sootstar mere days after finding out about his kits, and Cygnetstare flees with Sunstride's rebels. Blood stains the moor, and this leaf-bare seems ready to be the worst yet. These kits, should they make it through WindClan's bloodiest winter, will be born into a Clan at civil war; whether their parents will live to see them is another matter entirely...

    SLOTS: will depend on interest!
    — reserved for RoseTintedMoon
    — open
    — open
  • — This is a litter with darker themes, including parental death. Writing kits affected by the circumstances of their birth or with darker/angstier themes is welcome!
    — This is not FCFS; applications will close on January 28th, with the kits being born on January 30th. The kits will start at 2 moons and age realistically on the last day of each month.
    — Applications are FFA, as long as you include the basics.
    — Please follow the genetics provided; birth defects and disabilities are allowed if researched well and played correctly, but genetic mutations not listed in the genetics are not.
    — All activity levels are welcome, and this is not a strict activity litter. Please contact Dejavu or RoseTintedMoon if you plan to drop your kit. If you are inactive for over a month without warning, we reserve the right to rehome your kit.
    — Kits should stay in the rebel group/Sunstride's WindClan until warrior age except for plot reasons, in which case please contact Dejavu or RoseTintedMoon about it OOCly. Kits should not die until warriorhood, at least, or apprenticehood if discussed with us beforehand.
    — Please stick to the names on the naming list, or DM if you have a suggestion you think fits! Including alternative names is recommended, but not required.
    — Number of slots are subject to change depending on interest.
  • Sire: LH white (masking black classic tabby; carrying solid, chocolate, albino)
    Dam: SH black smoke with vitiligo (carrying longhair, chocolate, non-silver, albino)

    — Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, chocolate smoke, chocolate silver tabby, white masking any of those colors, or albino masking any of those colors
    — Kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    — Non-white kits will have no white; white kits will mask no white
    — White kits can have any realistic eye color; non-white kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue; white kits with one or two blue eyes have an increased risk of deafness on side(s) of blue eye; albino kits will have pink eyes
    — Tabbies will display classic pattern
    — Kits may or may not have vitiligo that will develop into adulthood
    — Albino kits will suffer from eye sensitivity to sunlight, potential developed blindness if exposed to sun long enough, increased risk of sunburns and skin cancer, and immune issues; white kits will be sensitive to sunlight
    — Shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits may or may not carry chocolate; non-albino kits may or may not carry albinism

    — Family names: Orchidkit, Primrosekit, Swankit
    — For Clanmates: Flamekit, Burningkit, Firekit, Dogkit
    — For Windclan: Breezekit, Prairiekit, Moorkit, Heatherkit, Gorsekit, Rabbitkit, Harekit, Grasskit, Brackenkit, Calfkit, Coltkit
    — For the tunnels: Earthkit, Soilkit, Cavekit, Cavernkit, Burrowkit, Dark-kit, Cobwebkit, Antkit, Wormkit, Molekit
    — Traits she wants for them/"strong" names: Fiercekit, Loyalkit, Faithkit, Smallkit, Tinykit, Littlekit, Boldkit, Bravekit, Wildkit, Furykit, Thornkit, Cougarkit, Stormkit, Tornadokit, Wildfirekit
    — Honoring death: Gravekit, Deathkit, Bonekit, Skeletonkit, Skullkit, Spinekit, Ribkit, Jawkit, Toothkit, Bloodkit, Phantomkit, Ravenkit, Crowkit, Shriek-kit, Spiritkit, Moonkit, Crescentkit, Silentkit, Crystalkit, Poisonkit
    Literal names: Snow/ykit, Palekit, Milk-kit, Saltkit, Shiverkit, Mistkit, Silverkit, etc.

    — WindClan-Based Names: Breeze, Echo, Gorse, Hare, Jump, Meadow, Running, Sheep
    — Bird Names: Dove, Feather, Finch, Flutter, Kestrel, Perch, Quail, Robin, Stork, Talon
    — Powerful Names: Brave, Bright, Jagged, Rush, Sharp, Shining, Spark, Strike, Swift, Wild
    — Misc Names: Bluebell, Cloud, Dawn, Fog, Leopard, Milkweed, Mist, Pale, Shivering, Spot, Stoat, Web
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(alt : ribkit, skullkit, skeletonkit, cobwebkit, shiverkit, burrowkit, grubkit) | name can be chosen icly



masking black smoke; carrying non-silver, chocolate; no genetic mutations

gravekit’s pelt is made up of two colors, a chimera of black and albino. most of her is a pale white, including part of her face, most of her lower body, and her legs. the rest is a slightly bluish shade of black, dark and vivid. this black starts on her face, painted over her muzzle, up over the bridge of her nose, around the inner edge of the eyes, and then up over the head, including her ears. it narrows into a dorsal stripe down her spine, which has protrusions downwards that seem to look almost like ribs. the black continues until it reaches her tail, which is completely coated in the darker color. she has a few markings on her face from the albino half of the chimera, making her face look eerily similar to that of a cat’s skull. her eyes are a pale pink as a result of her albinism.

her fur is long and fluffy, the type of thick fur to keep her warm in leafbare. it covers a body that is narrow but not weak, having little fat on it and a decent amount of muscle. she’s on the smaller side, though not tiny; just a bit shorter than the average cat. her features are round; her face, her muzzle, her eyes, they all have a soft look to them. her ears are less rounded, more pointed, and have tufts of fur, both at the top and on the edge of her inner ears. she has paws that are a bit too big, making her a little bit clumsy.

her voice is soft, like the rest of her. she speaks slowly and lightly, not the type to portray her emotions strongly in how she speaks unless they’re very strong emotions. because of her clumsiness, she walks slowly so she’s less likely to stumble over her paws until she grows into them. she takes small steps most of the time rather than long strides, not often in a hurry to get anywhere. the scent she carries is that of the moors, of sand and moss.

  • gravekit is a captivating individual with a pelt resembling a blend of shadows and light—a chimera of black and albino. their fur, long and fluffy, conceals a slender yet agile frame, with a face reminiscent of a cat's skull. with pale pink eyes due to albinism, gravekit's features portray a soft and round charm, with tufted, pointed ears and slightly oversized paws that result in clumsiness. gravekit's honesty is both endearing and irritating, unapologetically sharing thoughts and intentions regardless of what they are. their insatiable curiosity leads them on adventures, exploring the mysteries of the clan's territory and inadvertently stumbling upon secrets not meant for their ears. despite the energetic nursery atmosphere, they prefer solitude, seeking quiet corners to indulge in their unique interests.

    - NOSY - BLUNT

    CON ●●●●○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●○○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●○○○○○○○○

    gravekit’s nature is one that, while being fairly commonplace for a kitten, goes a bit beyond the more minor ways that the traits can appear. at the core of her nature lies an undeniable bluntness, a trait that sets her apart even among the lively kits of the clan. honest to a fault, gravekit doesn't mince words, making her intentions clear and her opinions unmistakable. she readily admits to anything she does, and shares her thoughts without hesitation, not seeing a reason to keep them to herself.

    beyond this, she possesses an insatiable curiosity that fuels her every pawstep. eager to explore the secrets of the territory, she often finds herself at the forefront of adventures, pushing the boundaries of what she is allowed to do and how far she can take things. this curiosity, however, can be considered a bit much by some; gravekit's fascination with the unusual and unexplored sets her apart, making her a unique presence within the clan.

    her nosiness, while rooted in an innocent desire for knowledge and an extension of her curiosity, often leads her into the affairs of older clan members. gravekit can't resist investigating the whispers and mysteries that circulate within the camp, sometimes unintentionally stumbling upon secrets that weren't meant for her ears. though her nosy tendencies may cause a stir, her youth and genuine curiosity often mitigate any potential fallout, at least while she is a kitten, as she grows older, those around her will be less likely to forgive any eavesdropping.

    in contrast to the business and high energy that is present with so many kits in the nursery, she exhibits a certain solitary nature that hints at an old soul within her young frame. she seeks quiet corners in order to have time to herself, preferring to take a moment to just be on her own rather than to spend all of her time around those cats that make up her clan. it allows her to have time to enjoy those interests of her that might be seen as odd, as well as giving her time to herself when she doesn’t care to have to be subject to her clanmates judgment.
  • VISION: as a result of her albinism, gravekit doesn’t have the greatest of vision. she’s not fully blind, but even as a kit her vision is always slightly blurry. this worsens with age, her vision deteriorating over time until it comes to a point in later adulthood that she is effectively blind, though likely not until she reaches three years or so of age.

    LOVELESS: as she grows older and those her age start to develop feelings for others, she will find that she won’t. it may take a while for her to realize it, but eventually she will realize she’s aromantic and not interested in romance. despite this, she will eventually want children, so she may eventually wind up in a partnership of sorts, even if no romance is present.

    TUNNELING: with her small stature and poor vision, gravekit seems to be built for the tunnels. once she starts her training, she’ll likely spend more time in the tunnels than out of them, enjoying the isolation it gives her, as well as the chance to indulge in her more undesirable interests; bugs, bones, finding where they come from and where they go, how they all fit together, testing her ideas and theories on prey animals within the tunnels. that’s not to say that she won’t put herself fully into her work; she will be a reliable and very focused tunneler, completing her job to the best of her ability.

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

  • cecily smith - will connolly

    home - cavetown

    the gods must be lying - phemiec

    nine - sleeping at last

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ALTERNATE NAMES: Shiver/Shiveringkit, Phantomkit, Coltkit, Swiftkit, Talonkit

Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

small notes
rather fidgety/has little tics like shuffling paws, clenching jaw, flicking tail, or moving ears (if he's made sit in one place for too long), quiet, will likely be Cygnet's little shadow and follows her around, usually slouched walk with head ducked, struggles to make eye contact/hold it, not very confident, softspoken (wip)
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Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

THE HERMIT gloomy, morbid curiosity, insightful Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
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Gravekit is little more than a tiny scrap of uneven fur. A cloud of thick, swirling black covers their face, trails down their chest, decorates their ankles and tail-tip. They could seem almost elegant, looking at only this dark, flowing fur. Yet the rest of them has been claimed by the cold, its grasp granting thin and scruffy fur of pure white. The chill always seeps in here, the heat always burns too hot. They are a child of leafbare through and through, and their very fur serves as a reminder. Even more so does the cold lay its claim as this first leaf-bare grows farther; in adulthood, they will grow to be speckled in snowflakes, pale slowly claiming all it can of their pelt.

Their eyes bear a dull, fleshy shade of pink, staring glassy and doll-like from the hollow of their head. They take from their mother the unsettling stare for which she was named, their own eyes bulging rather than sunken. Their face contorts with each emotion in ways that seem more an unnatural parody than true feeling, overblown and unflattering. Their body, too, is a mockery, limbs skeletal where the draping of shadow cannot hide them. They are frail and sharp, brittle like ice. A tiny, sickly thing, destined for a life hidden away beneath the earth.

As she grows, Gravekit will begin to decorate their fur with pink poppy flowers and petals, possibly in imitation of their brother Heronkit. Though they hold some insecurity about their unusual appearance, the decoration of beautiful flowers will help assuage their fears.

⤷ SH albino / LH black smoke chimera w vitiligo, carrying non-silver & chocolate. breeds as black smoke.



( + ) social, amiable, organized, careful, gentle
( / ) attention-seeking, prissy, insecure, deferential, overthinker
( - ) childish, temperamental, vindictive, misanthropic, possessive
Gravekit is, to put it plainly, a brat. A snobby child convinced the world revolves around them, always eager to butt in on others' lives. Their words are sickly sweet and faux-kind, never above empty flattery. They try their best to echo the thoughts of whoever is nearest, a social chameleon. But this naive facade is held with a shaky grip; their mask is fragile, and always seems to crack. Complaints and vitriol, a petty temper, all simmer beneath the surface. Worsened, without fail, by the mere idea of someone looking away, leaving her alone - as though the second everyone's eyes are off of them, they will simply disappear.

Love me, love me, love me, echoes over and over in Gravekit's mind. It drives their every action. She clings to her mother - to even the idea of her loyalist father - with the same fervor as which she resents both of them. A constant demand for attention and a chilling ire for never receiving enough. Gravekit is a child born not of love, but of loneliness, and that loneliness has wormed its way into the very marrow of her bones. The leafbare chill lingers in their blood long past the melting of the snow. Love itself seems foreign, an oddity and a fascination, a covetous thing to be desired, not understood.

Gravekit hates things she can't understand. They like simple, like predictable, like everything perfect, safe, and comfortable. They are rarely permitted this. Born into turmoil, into a Clan thrown into war, she is beset by the anxiety of constant danger - a danger which such a young cat is not meant to understand. And they can't, so they dread anything unfamiliar, anything that could bear the lurking promise of threat. Though they crave a simple sort of love, they cannot keep themself from analyzing and over-analyzing every action of both themself and others. Searching for something wrong, something to hate, because hate is an easier emotion than fear. She holds grudges like few others, every minor slight turned into a personal atrocity and kept locked inside the hollow of her chest. But they put on a good face, try to make themself likeable, in the hopes that it'll make up for the bitter cold beneath their skin. Make them something lovable, something pure and good, to capture some of that blissful childhood innocence they were never afforded.

MANNERISMS: tends to keep her ears slightly flattened, walks in a hesitant manner & tests the ground before stepping, expressive tail that tends to swish back and forth, smiles rarely meet their eyes, often bows their head slightly when speaking.

TUNNELING: it is clear from the moment they are born that gravekit will be a tunneler, a fact they are not nearly as thrilled about as they should be. they dread being all alone in blinding blackness, fear dying beneath the earth where no one can reach them. yet cygnetstare will surely be pleased, and graves will do whatever they must to impress her. this could lead to conflict between the two of them, possibly a growing resentment on gravekit's end -- or maybe graves will grow to appreciate tunneling, find comfort in it. only time will tell.

RELATIONSHIPS: gravekit will be tumultuous in their relationships, both platonic and (in time) romantic. more than anything, they are clingy, constantly craving attention -- but struggling to handle genuine love, much less return it. they have trouble differentiating love, obsession, and simply a desire for affection. when they are old enough, they will become a bit of a heartbreaker, getting into relationships for the validation and showering their partner with love, treating them as if they're "the one". but the second the other cat does something "wrong", they'll take the excuse to break things off, always leaving before their partner can leave them. gravekit is very shallow, and tends to view romance in a selfish light. they will likely pine for the seemingly unattainable, fascinated by the idea of winning over someone who ignores them. tldr; i want this kid to cause so much messy gay drama <3

HEALTH: gravekit has a distinct lack of care for their own health. due to their albinism, they tend to grow sick easier, a trouble not helped by their frail body. they will spend much of their kithood ill, with talk of a delayed apprenticeship. maybe they will have one, maybe not; while graves enjoys the pampering of kithood, cygnetstare will surely be eager to return to her duties. even in youth, they will insist on going out in the sunlight, wanting to be included with their clanmates. their disregard of their own health will only exacerbate their existing issues, causing frequent sunburns, illness, and a gradually developing blindness. before long, someone will have to step in.

AESTHETICS: pastel goth. pink, white, grey. angels, churches, graveyards. milkweed, spiders, doll heads. soft & hazy, snow & ice. hearts, love letters, rabbits, fawn. pale & pristine, childish & faux-innocent. bones, teeth, hands, & pastel pink gore. PINTEREST.

█ #342c31 █ #644e55 █ #957d7f █ #C3A7AE █ #c6c0bf █ #e1dbd9

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Merely a scrap of chocolate & vanilla in her infancy, Swankits figure will soon grow to contradict itself. Gifted with long limbs and cursed with a petite posture, Swankit will appear to be almost all leg in her adolescence. Gangly and constantly tripping over herself, Swankit will instead pride herself on her eye-catching coat. A smooth balance between rich smoked chestnut and stunning ivory, her palest patches will almost have a pink hue underneath. Despite it’s feathered appearance, her pelt is fine and wispy, easily tangled in the moors ever-blowing breeze. Her eyes are what one will likely look to first, with their pale dawn hue and her reddened pupils, a result of her albinism. With these extraordinary features comes its consequences, and she will be born partially blind.
partially blind LH chocolate smoke & albino chimera. Breeds as chocolate smoke. Carries non-silver.

( + ) courageous, determined, hard-working, optimistic, humorous, ambitious
( / ) insecure, impulsive, over-zealous, sensitive, competitive
( - ) envious, reckless, attention-seeking, hot-headed

If there is one thing Swankit relishes in, it is attention. Moreso, approval from others. Even from kithood, she aims to be a show-stopper. Always one for flare, Swankit quickly proves herself to be daring, reckless, and impulsive. What peers would call bravery, adults would call over-zealousness, all too eager to prove herself the best. Born with an untamable spark, Swankit is the type of girl to have her goals set in stone, forever determined in every sense of the word. In turn, she is also extremely competitive, and a sore loser. While a beaming ray of optimistic light, her fiery persona easily makes her prone to anger. How she learns to cope with her larger-than life feelings is an adventure we have yet to see.
This is a blueprint, certain traits are subject to change based on IC events and development!
  • Incredibly protective of her siblings, this trait will most likely land her in hot water throughout her adolescence. She will quickly become notorious for picking fights during her apprenticeship.
  • Will eventually become entirely blind, whether a consequence of her own actions or a natural development.
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Thanks all of you for the interest so far!! 💖
I just want to make a few clarifications since it’s not entirely clear:

-Silver tabby is the name for black silver tabby, so if you are going for that, this is what classic silver tabby looks like!

-These cats will have no white spotting! If they are not solid white/albino and/or a chimera, there will be no white! The only way they can have white is eventually developing vitiligo, which will not show on a cat until they’re older.
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FUCK there are so many good litters rn. god damn it.

tracking w/ tentative interest...
- albino (completely white-coated with pink/red eyes)
- saltkit or milkkit
- plagued by being born and growing up in a war-torn clan; resentful of parents and/or clan for the loss thereof of their parent(s)
- puts on a "brave face" (refuses to face their own emotions most of the time) and pretends that everything is totally fine
- avoidant personality- outgoing to avoid having to actually face emotions or negativity of any sort
- sensitivity to sunlight-- maybe a plot involving a strong desire to be a moor runner and being forced to be a tunneler instead because of sensitivity
may be back to edit and tweak but,,, hehe​

general tw for canon - realistic gore, unhealthy coping mechanisms, familial death, and general mental instability. will likely be trigger heavy going into adolescence and all will be tagged accordingly.


cursed are they above all cattle, and above all beasts of the field. they shall be made to crawl on their bellies to enter the kingdom of darkness, the poison of death in their mouth — AND THEY SHALL EAT DUST ALL DAYS OF THEIR LIFE.
genesis 3.14.

a filth - bitten thing ; all spider - crawled fur and gutburst eyes. unpopular amongst his peers for the unfortunate crook in his back and offputting demeanor, gravekit finds his reprieve within the damp walls of windclan's underground tunnels.
GRAVEKIT he & it pronouns. future windclan tunneler.
⤷ named prefix grave- after it’s odd white & dark striping, like overturned earth dusting old, sunbleached bones. to be altered to fit icly chosen name.
CYGNETSTARE x GOOSEBERRY ; generation one.
vc. speaks with a stutter and rarely makes eye contact during conversation ; a slow, grating voice. often told to stop mumbling during early youth that he will only draw him further inside when speaking. short, clipped sentences — less opportunities to mess up.
born with a weak vertebrae in the spine from malnourishment during fetal development, resulting in mild kyphosis. he will quickly find a comfortable yet strange, crouched position to fix his body in that he will rarely stretch out of — almost hare-like in shape.

oily albino tom with matted brown striping and visceral pink eyes . 𓆣 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ smells like crushed insects and disturbed soil. he is wet to the naked eye ; soured into a glossy sheen of oil and grime blessedly akin to the color already draping its way down his jagged spine in shaggy, mat - locked tassels. upon first glance, one would assume him wearing another’s skin — chimerism leading that heavy drape of chocolate - ribboned coat to curtain messily over a landscape of patching alabaster, an exposed bone white angling awkwardly up hare thin legs where it disappears beneath a thick, ugly tabby overlayer. he is shag - pelted, a noted lack of hygiene built from extended time underground, growing bored of picking the dirt and leaf rot from the bulk of his pelt. should he emerge so too shall the insects ; spiders and buzzing fungus gnats, splintered legs clinging visibly to thinner patches of ivory fur. long mats tangle their way over the angles of his patch - furred, albinic face, falling putrid around tall, thick - veined ears and a short, angled muzzle. perhaps he’d have even inherited some beauty there, should he take care of himself, should his eyes not be so inherently dreary and bleak — a pale, bleeding gut pink, oozing water like something to attract the flies.

his limbs are not weak, muscle built slowly over his time digging through the tunnels, but his body will shape to those hollow path. shaped in too delicate arches, small and weasel - like in the way it’s mother is ; though spinal disfigurement upon birth leaves him bent awkwardly, forever locked in a close, tucked crouch where he hides away in tunnels underground, natural height falling victim to a huddling, joint - aching posture.

shorthaired albino & longhaired chocolate tabby chimera. breeds as a longhaired chocolate tabby. generation two ; carrying albino, solid chocolate and vitiligo. fifteen inches at the shoulder but made thirteen by kyphosis, thin and at solid a disadvantage in combat outside of windclan tunnels.
design notes : long fur can be stylized! but will realistically be longhaired cat length with striping. shouldnt appear clean or put together, rather looking like a well worn stuffed animal ; skeletal with sagging fur and watery, beady eyes. uncomfortable to look at. may have a spread beetle wing behind an ear.

kind of looks like the dog nina from fma :/ slight scary warning but this is him.

positive: respectful, collector, intuitive, highly tunneler oriented neutral: awkward, filterless, quiet, childish, strange negative: shameful, cowardly, sadistic, pathetic ⊹ ࣪ ˖ his strangeness is inherited. a shadow of side - cut eyes and whispered accusations of general creepiness, grave will never be the popular type. he is a haunting figure, a looming presence ever in the background of his peer’s peripheries ; a man of rasping mumbles and never - quite eye contact. the kits he grows with will say he is weird, and aging will do him no favors, stripping him of his wide eyes and the inherent forgiveness given to an odd kit. while he is ever respectful to his elders, he will like to pick on his peers in the boyish pulled ears sort of way. he seems to enjoy the squeals of annoyance or pain when his teeth snag skin, but quick reprimands leave him skittering away with his awkward tail tucked in shame. grave will never quite manage to connect with his friends, lucky to manage a kinship with even his littermates once the angst of age sets in.

while quiet, grave has never been and never will be considered a tactful cat. a blundering fool in tongue, lacking in filter in a way that makes it seem as though he physically cannot keep the words from leaving his tongue. an outcast by nature, an enemy to himself ; the public seems to know his battle with himself, the frustration that wells up beneath unsheathed claws when anger bubbles too high beneath the surface. sensitive to rejection, barbed by a general dislike or suspicion cast upon him either by birthright or his own foolish, unnerving behavior. while most will dub him fine, polite when spoken to, a failure to assimilate into his peer groups will leave him with an aggressive, possessive edge.

despite his general reputation as a bumbling outcast, grave will be known as an avid collector of trinkets, specifically those nearest to horseplace or deep underground. rusted iron, bones, the shells of old insects — he will hoard them in the burrow of dirt he will make his nest from, a safe place. rarely will he come above ground, and if he does, it will be in the cover of night : often found at the exit of tunnel sets if encountering border patrols. it’s life as a tunneler will be his salvation, his saving grace, reprieve from a strange, greedy temperament that will only rouse further into adulthood.

takes inspiration from souichi and um. uhhhh um
MOTIFS : ❝ hot, heavy breath on your ear. the panting of a dying animal, something left to waste away in the wheatfield. wailing lambs. the desperate, flailing kicks of a clipped deer. overturned dirt. fallen apples burst open with rot and pocketed with buzzing insects dotting old, abandoned barnyards. tall, brittle grass.

since this would be my first windclanner in a long time, i’m super interested in the concept of tunnellers and wanted to try out a character that rarely come to the surface / only shows at night.. a weird freak on the surface and a slightly more reasonable freak on the inside ( depending on his development ), he'll be primarily driven by shame and, depending on the plot involving his parents, will generally view the world through narrow, scorn - driven eyes. will take things as a personal slight incredibly easily, especially where it considers his father. torn between the concept of being a good warrior verses being a moral warrior. has a very woe is me aura. sopping wet and pathetic

& . KITTENHOOD / will be born shuddering — normal for kittens, but seemingly excessive ( regular nervous system development, he'll just be bony so itll look rough ). in this stage, i intend him to be a quiet, polite kit. despite its occasional food aggression, he is unassuming, albiet unappealing to the eye ( and nose ). eventually i may seek out some sort of altercation where it is confronted or bullied very lightly. gravekit will attack them without a word, needing to be pulled off of the other kit ; after which he will immediately curl up and submit. despite his seemingly demure nature, it will be capable of sudden, snap - switch aggression that is actively being worked out of windclan kits. the embarrassment of this incident being so public and causing him punishment will be enough to shame him into discipline for the remainder of his kithood ( to the plain eye ). tends to play with his food more than necessary, snappish but submits to authority if it’s taken away.

& . ADOLESCENCE / highly unpopular. depending on his siblings, any visits to the surface after apprenticeship is often a result of him just tagging along with one of them. not quite reclusive ; will certainly attempt to socialize but it will severely lack any sort of rizz. puts his foot in his mouth often. if the environment is willing at the time, maybe he can have some outcast buddies that he gets close to. seems unaware of his unpopularity ; would consider himself charming despite feeling thwarted and ignored most of the time ( self imposed, regardless of how friendly cats may be to him ). as a cat teen he is gangly and settling hard into his 'looks' ( ugly ), really falls into the pity me attitude at this time.

& . ADULTHOOD / it’s a surprise!
Thank you everyone for the applications and interest! It was a difficult choice, but we'll be closing a few hours early with three choices:

@BossTaurus with Shriekkit,
@SATURNID with Gravekit,
and @antlers with [Milkweed]kit!

So excited to start writing with you guys! Family server link will be going out, feel free to set up subaccounts, and contact me or Rose if there's any issues <3