pafp GOSSIP GIRLS {gossip thread}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) The day was brisk, strong winds carried with them the bitter promise of snow and sleet in the coming days, and yet Deersong walked around camp with a delicate hum on her lips. The deputy felt she was finally adjusting to her new duties, and she was grateful that at least a good majority of her clanmates seemed to approve of her new rank among them.

Still, she missed the days when she had the time to just sit with her friends and talk about the going-on's within Skyclan. However, today appeared to be a good day for her as she found she had some time to kill after getting some things done early. Looking around the camp clearing, the deputy would smile whimsically as she spotted a few of her fellow mollies within the clan and she made her way over to them.

Churrodream would be the clanmate she spots first, and she would lightly tap the molly's flank with her tail as a sign of greeting as she meowed in a tone that was warm yet slightly teasing, "Hey there, pretty kitty. Surprised to see you and not Redstorm, you two have been spending a lot of time together lately." The smile that touched her maw was one that was light-hearted and friendly.


Please wait for Churro to post first! Then this is open to any to gossip <3

Shes tired and she hurts, it feels like all of her energy had been zapped with the attack. She hadn't gone back to her twolegs since then, stopped by her own fear, and idly she wonders what her twolegs feel. Do they think she died, ran away like most cats? Shes lost in thought as Deer begins to speak, catching her like a deer in the hi-beams. "Ah, hola!" her smile is just as exhausted as she feels, her tail twitching as a yawn breaks her thoughts once more.

Then she mentions Redstorm and shes beaming. "Oh, yea!" she giggles, suddenly bashful as her ear tips heat up. Red, Red, Red, oh how she loved him so. "We're sort of together," another giggle, looking away. She doesn't want to label it if Red didn't want to, I mean, she hasn't ever asked about it before.... She just straight up told him she loved him. "He's a good cat... I love him."

A slant eye opened to peep in on the conversation occurring beside her, the sliver of lime glimmering with curiosity beneath a snowy lid. The quirk of maw followed, amusement at the topic unabashedly advertised.

"Sort of together?" Daisyflight pried as she lifted her chin to rest atop her paw. She appraised Churrodream, attempting to glean that fleeting, sweetness of the beginnings of a relationship. The calico could remember her own experience, how pleased she had felt. Blinking back the dose of bitterness that bubbled within her, she allowed her gaze to open into rapt attention.

"Love?" A wilt sigh followed the white-spot molly’s confession. "How exciting! Have you discussed this with him? Daisyflight’s tail rapped the pallid grass behind her thoughtfully. " suit each other, congratulations." The words were spoken genuinely, as while she held reservations about love, it would do no good to ruin others'.


What fresh hell was this? How, *how* had the three of them managed to start this conversation so close to where he was trying to eat? Quill tried to ignore the sappy chatter of the older cats, neither a fan of gossip nor of sentimental things like 'love'. His expression was carefully kept blank as he chewed his mouthful of mouse, but inwardly he was cringing at the excitement coming from Deersong, Churrodream, and Daisyflight. Attraction wasn't something the tom had been unlucky enough to experience for himself, and quite frankly he would be fine if it stayed that way permenantly. He'd seen exactly how wrong things could go when you fucked around with something like that, and he had little interest in testing his luck on the matter first hand.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders