camp Gossip & Inquiries

Rogues, beavers, and of course, Yellowcough. The were the topics of today's gossip, it would seem. Nettlekit had found a quiet place to sit near the nursery, but can't help but eavesdrop on a few warriors grouped nearby. Rogues were stealing prey, even attacking a few cats. Then there were mutters about beavers, and the blind youth hasn't the slightest idea of what that could even be. More cats were getting sick, and those lost to the journey had yet to return with a so-called cure. The kitten huffs, shifts his sightless eyes down to his paws, where he boredly bats a shell back and forth.

"What's a beaver?" Nettlekit finally asks, to no-cat in particular.

  • ooc : — ​

  • download20230902223302.png

    nettlekit . nettlepaw . nettle?

    — kit of riverclan
    — tom, he/him; unknown sexuality
    — two moons; ages realistically
    — born blind in both eyes
    npc x npc, sibling to ???

    large in size, his paws are, perhaps, a bit too big for his sleek form. creamy fur coats his frame, marred by muddy hued stripes and milky eyes of leafy green. white splashes the tip of his tail, and each paw seems dipped in cotton.
    ↳ lynx mink with low white & green eyes

    ( + ) intelligent, determined ( / ) ambitious ( - ) callous, manipulative
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
    — peaceful powerplay permitted

It just so happened that Ratpaw had been walking by Nettlekit when he asked about the beaver, and although the apprentice hadn't actually seen one - thank StarClan for that - she had heard about them, especially recently with the fight that had happened with one not too long ago. "It's like a big brown cat with a flat tail and really big teeth," She'd start, abandoning whatever it was she was going to do to sit down close by the blind kitten, eyes watching the shell as it was bat back and forth. "They eat wood and then put their leftovers in the water and makes it dry up and they're really mean." It was the only information she really knew, just that she was supposed to stay away from one if she saw one - not like she'd even try to fight it off by herself at her age and size.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

From within the nursery the young kit stares. Eyes watching and almost seeming to be judging anyone that happens to be passing by. He is trying to keep an eye on his brother. To some extent to make sure that he doesn't get the cough and when another cat comes up his stare becomes sharp as she talks to Nettlekit. Stepping out of the nursery then he stares with almost too stern of a face for a kitten to have but finally he speaks up as he hears about the beaver. "Where...where do they live? Wood doesn' doesn't seem like it's tasty." His eyes slowly blink as he looks to his brother and then a new thought dawns in his head. Oh yeah, he needs to make sure. He always asks.

"You...." He lifts a paw and points at Ratpaw almost accusingly. "You don't have...have the cough, right?" For some reason he needs to be sure for the safety of his brother.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ "She does not have yellowcough," Beepaw speaks up as she walks over with her bottlebrush tail flicking behind her briefly as her gaze focuses on Bristlekit who had asked if her friend had the sickness that a lot of her clanmates within the medicine den had. Ratpaw wasn't sick, she couldn't get sick or that's what she believed with all her heart and didn't know how she'd feel if the other apprentice ended up becoming ill. She offers the other molly a smile to show that she had her back before turning her attention to both of the brothers, the black and white apprentice taking a seat before curling her tail neatly over her paws tuning into the discussion of beavers and her snout wrinkles in the slightest. She could never imagine a creature eating wood and actually liking it.

"Wood might not be tasty to us but it must be a real delicacy to a beaver! I'd prefer fish any day," She muses with a little nod of her head and cannot imagine herself ever eating wood. Beavers were unfortunate creatures is what she finally decided.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus

He tries to picture it as best he can. In truth, Nettlekit doesn't have much to go off of. He can understand the general shape of a cat, the four legs, the whiskers, the ears... but to actually picture it within his sightless mind is another thing entirely. Now, on top of that, he has to imagine what a flat tail must look like, and over-sized teeth as well. The fact that these beavers eat wood only prompts further curiosity. His tail flicks as he hears his brother's comments. The cough? He appreciates the protectiveness, but he hasn't heard Ratpaw cough at all. Nettlekit thinks they're safe enough as is, so long as they avoid the sick. Beepaw chimes in next, and the young kit stares her down, albeit blindly, given his lack of sight.

"I prefer fish too." He comments simply, soon adding, "I wonder if beavers get splinters in their mouths." It sounds painful, and something he'd rather avoid. "Maybe that's why they're so grumpy." Nettlekit assumes, echoing the warriors he'd heard speaking about the beaver's aggression.

  • ooc : — ​

  • download20230902223302.png

    nettlekit . nettlepaw . nettle?

    — kit of riverclan
    — tom, he/him; unknown sexuality
    — two moons; ages realistically
    — born blind in both eyes
    npc x npc, sibling to bristlekit

    large in size, his paws are, perhaps, a bit too big for his sleek form. creamy fur coats his frame, marred by muddy hued stripes and milky eyes of leafy green. white splashes the tip of his tail, and each paw seems dipped in cotton.
    ↳ lynx mink with low white & green eyes

    ( + ) intelligent, determined ( / ) ambitious ( - ) callous, manipulative
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
    — peaceful powerplay permitted


His leaden gaze stares at Beepaw for a long moment. Unchanging face hiding his innermost thoughts. Though he is just making up his own mind rather their words are truth or not. It takes a moment as he knows he has never heard Ratpaw cough but he can not be sure. Sickness is something he doesn't truly understand besides that it brings about a lot of misery. Finally though he nods his head to what she says. "Okay...." Ratpaw doesn't have the cough and so he is relaxed for now. He tunes himself into the thought of what they are discussing and focuses on that for the moment. " is way better. I want to.....want to catch one.." But he has to wait till he is an apprentice for that. If he can catch one now that would be impressive he thinks. Yet he can follow the rules if he must because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

"Maybe the beavs....were protecting themselves?" Maybe that is why they were angry and all snarly. It's the only reason he would be snarly he thinks.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior

Ears flicked towards Bristlekit as he asked if Ratpaw had "the cough" and she opened her maw to answer only to shut it once Beepaw did so for her. The other apprentice was right - somehow Ratpaw wasn't sick, despite her being around so many that had eventually gotten Yellowcough. Maybe she was somehow immune or maybe she just wasn't around them at the times it could spread, she didn't know but she was happy and thankful nonetheless.

Smile crept to her face as Nettlekit talked about splinters in their mouths and a soft laugh couldn't help but escape the snow-colored apprentice at the idea. "Maybe?" She'd hum thoughtfully, tail swishing absentmindedly behind her, "I guess we won't ever know for sure, unless the beavers can get smart enough to talk." They could just be naturally grumpy creatures, but it didn't matter. They were threats to the clan and their way of life, which is why they had to be ran out when they were found. That's what she had been taught at least.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Oh love, where do we run?
We always gotta go at the sound of the gun

Large, lithe and lazy, Stormsnap laid belly up in a patch of sun somewhat behind the nursey. It was a rare moment of stillness in the sturn tom, and he prefered to be alone in. He had been in and out of dreams when the gossip started up. Sighing heavily, the tom flipped over on his belly, one eye proped open. Might be useful.
Yellow cough, badgers, bark, yellow cough and then badgers again. His ears drooped his disappiontment as the conversation miandered from topic to topic instead of anything 'useful'. A flash of longing shot down his spine as he peaked out from his hidden sunny patch. Kits. That made since. He used to have conversations like that...that flash created sparks down his leg. He grimiced. Then flicked his ear.
Pray that they don't. He mewed, appearing from his spot. My mother used to say they were made mute because they kept stealing fish. Something about them having 'silver tongues'.