camp GOSSIPING HENS | o, gossip

Jul 8, 2022
she shouldn't, really. she's a deputy, she has a reputation to maintain. yet as the cinnamon-marked molly settles beside her darker counterpart, she simply can't help it. her prey goes half-eaten, and she lacks much of an appetite for it anyways. it's laid carefully away from her, out of her sight to keep her from focusing on her hunger too much. she knows its there, clawing at the edge of her stomach, but she can't cure it. the feeling of nausea following her after each bite. it's why she is speaking so much to the shadowed molly. and because she enjoys a good session of gossip.

"did you hear?" comes the deputy's bark, trying and failing to conceal her amusement in what she's about to share. "you know swantuft? i heard finleap rejected him! can you believe that? i mean, you saw how finleap acted around him, right?" her drawl is tilted upwards, joyful and calm. she hasn't felt like this in a while. just...calm. enjoying the moment. and perhaps it shows, with the light smile that paints buck's face and her looser movements. she's not tensed, not still or scowling. it's nice.

"i also heard about snake trying to help you get's that going? " a certain smugness penetrates her peaceful bliss, eyeing her companion. it wasn't hard to come across, but interesting nonetheless. romance in this clan seemed to center around cowardly fools. cats who can't just muster up some courage and say what's on their mind. like smoke. and cicada. losers.


A finished meal was splayed in front of her, nothing but a pile of tossed fins and bones while the tender meat of the fish she devoured was picked clean. Unlike her cinnamon companion, Cindershade was starving. She hadn't eaten since yesterday and the gnawing hunger that had twisted and pricked at her belly had how subsided. She's currently chewing on the bones, carefully picking them clean to add to her collection when the deputy speaks to her. Velvet ears would pull forwards with interest while her gaze traces over the other molly's face as it lines with amusement about poor old Swantuft. The warrior snorts in reply, her eyes rolling at their adolescent love affair.
"Finleap would soon rather have every warrior melting at their feet than actually take on any type of commitment. Not sure what Swantuft sees in them anyways. Every word that they say sounds like it's coming out of a dog's ass." A snicker rises in her throat, passing through a half-gritted jaw that made her shoulders shake from it's force. Cindershade had to admit, this was nice. She hadn't had much relaxation time, none of RiverClan had as of late. But for now, things felt a bit—peaceful. It was about damn time.
She continues to clean her fish bones to pristine condition, picking at that cartilage between veterbrae when Buckgait brought up Snakeblink and his failed antics in finding her a suitable partner. Cindershade nearly chokes on the fish bone in surprise, sputtering out a series of hacks before flashing her companion an annoyed stare. Not necessarily at her, but at the situation at hand. "Snakeblink couldn't help a fish learn how to swim. And he can't tell the difference between his ass and a hole in tne ground." Sne scoffs, her obsidian tail twitching with indignation. "Did you hear what that fish-mouth said to me? He said I was meaty and vigorous, then proceeded to call me short and that I wasn't pretty! Oh—he paid for that dearly. I certainly can fair better with my head plunged in tne river than him trying to help me." During her ranting, she hadn't realized how loud she was becoming as the embarrassing memories swam through her mind. Snakeblink taking on some type of Love Guru position certainly had failed. Maybe he should take his own advice and 'sell himself a little' to get his own mate. All it did for her was leave a sour taste in her mouth.

  • Haha
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Clay isn’t sure how he’s stumbled into the middle of a gossiping session, but he doesn’t mind much. As long as it’s not about him—as so much gossip he’s overheard lately has been—then he’s content to listen in on it as the two she-cats talk. "That’s sad for them both. I hope they get it figured out soon," he interjects, worry creasing his brows. He shouldn’t get involved, but he feels the itch to help like a bad flea infestation. He’s been accused of being a romantic, and he’ll admit he’s a bit of a softhearted fool for a good love story.

Buck shifts the topic to Cindershade’s own love life, namely the advice that Snakeblink had given her, and the tabby can’t help but laugh when she scoffs about the slinky warrior’s incompetence. "He said that to you?" Clay thought he was bad about putting his paws in his own mouth, but Snakeblink seems much worse. Because, really? Meaty and vigorous? Had those words really come out of the other tom’s mouth?! Clayfur sighs, rolls his eyes. Toms are such a pain in the tail sometimes—and he thinks he’s especially qualified to pass that judgment. "If it means anything, I think you’re very pretty." It’s the truth; she may not be his type, but he assumes he also isn’t Cinder’s type, and that doesn’t mean she isn’t a pretty she-cat.

"Perhaps they just aren't meant for each other. Swantuft can do better anyway. He deserves that much I think." Sure love is complicated but when it is there it needs to be cherished. As the molly makes her way over amusement shines in her molten eyes as Cindershade talks about Snakeblink actually attempting to help her find someone. She had no idea that he also was a love match maker. It makes her chuckle softly as she finds a small place to settle herself within the small group. "Honestly I didn't think that Snake had that in him. Especially to say that someone isn't pretty to their face." Her eyes close for a moment before she raises a paw and begins to lick between her toes. Hopefully Wolve is watching their kits and she sighs as she glances back at the temporary nursery. The kids will be apprentices soon. Right.

They will be able to start seeing the world and that worries her the most. But she knows that they will have to be strong. Skunkkit, Sablekit, and Silentkit. All of them will make fine warriors of Riverclan.
Within camps walls, when he listens, he typically does not speak. Even if faces newer than him– the refugees, as they were– had no such issues, he himself failed to see himself a part of the collective. Not that he minded, no. Patience was certainly a virture, and one that he vigorously upheld. He would not let petty wants get in the way of progress, not anymore.

But when the subject is something he knows, or, at least something he thought he did. Well, he felt inclined to ask... "Snakeblink helped me," he says. And somehow, he feels that he didn't have the whole of the image. Deeply concerning, were the words soon to follow. Eyes creased at the edges, Wasprattle makes a face. Snakeblink seemed far from a wayward soul to him. He struggled to believe, but he would not dismiss it so entirely. Context could weave weakness into wonders. Context, which, he lacked. Wasprattle only stands by.

With Clayfur's words, he would add, "Perhaps he did not mean it the way you think?" Carefully, he offers. He did not want to step on toes, did not want to imply distrust, or doubt; but in the spirit of amicability, he would like to suggest...

His face only creases further, with what ShadowClan's refugee has to add. Not even Queens could turn down the chance to gossip, he supposes.

she nods solemnly with cinder's words, agreeing wholeheartedly. finleap was simply obsessed with the idea of being loved and loving, but couldn't seem to actually do it. maybe they had commitment issues, or maybe they were just too scared to admit what their heart was feeling. "swantuft is a good tom by any means, i just hope he's going to be okay. you just know how long it took for him to confess..." she agrees with clayfur, hoping the two can get it together. even if they decide that a relationship with each other is not what is actually needed, but rather work out through their feelings and turmoils. they were such a good team together...she'd hate to separate them.

when buck had mentioned snakeblink, it had seemed to particularly trigger something within cindershade. with every word the shaded molly drops, buck's jaw drops more. before long, she has a paw flying up to conceal her surprise with snakeblink's words. he's been enjoyable enough, but always struck her as socially awkward. along with stalking the deputy like some creep... she repeats cinder's words of meaty and vigourus before laughter rips from her throat. loud and unforgiving. she can't imagine the face of horror that must have slipped upon cinder's features after hearing such a description of herself. the molly was muscular...but buck wouldn't go as far as to describe her as meaty....

"not pretty!" comes another bark from the deputy. utterly delighted by the words of snakeblink. "never trust a tom like that to have an ounce of sense in him. you're plenty beautiful." at last, she assures her counterpart of her appearance. agreeing once again with clayfur, who the deputy shoots a quick grin at, at cinder's beauty. boneripple and wasprattle soon join in, with differing responses. "i'm sure he didn't. he just doesn't get mollies." in more ways than one.
( ) a soft chuckle echoes from the regal throat of the smoke queen as she slinks towards the group, eyes bright in amusement. "are we talking about swantuft and finleap? starclan that was tough to watch," settling beside boneripple with a soft blink to those others gathered, the molly leans in with a conspiratorial whisper. "poor swantuft could get any cat he wants, anyway. do you see the way rootspring moons after him? if finleap doesn't come to their senses, swan will be okay." whiskers twitching, willowroot swipes a tongue across their paw, reaching up to fold it over their ears. as the subject subtly changes, interest sparks in emerald eyes and their slender head flicks from cat to cat as each speaks.

"that poor tom... i overheard that conversation, cinder." ears flick as she remembers. "he didn't know what he was saying. that man is not eloquent to say the least." nodding to wasprattle as he cuts in gently, the smoke flicks their tail. "i think wasprattle is right. snake rarely means any harm. perhaps he even thought it was a compliment. though it's plenty valid that you didn't take it as one."

where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— Like a bee to honey Catfishpaw couldn't help but overhear the older cats chatter. It was like a flip switched in her brain as she hurried her soft paws to dispose of old bedding as soon as possible so she could hear about the personal happenings of the clan.

She assumed her presence wouldn't be like super desired so she softly slipped onto her stomach, tucking her paws neatly below her and quietly listening to the relationships of the camp. She couldn't say she heard about really any of it and her mouth hung agape as she heard of Rootspring's crush on Swantuft. But, it made sense the way she always followed him and Finleap around.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey

She was just carrying her prey to the pile when she heard the gossip. Her ear swivels to listen to the gossip about Swantuft and Finleap. She couldn't believe it! She thought they were perfect for each other!!!

Poor Swantuft, the sting of rejection was painful. She hoped he would heal and move on.



She had gossip of her own to share! She dropped her kill in the pile and quickly strode over. "Guys! I heard. Smokefoot is pregnant!" She shared excitedly."She's been trying for so long, I'm so happy for her!"

She was very happy for Smokefoot. She wanted a litter so badly, and finally, Starclan was blessing her with one. "Mistpool must be so excited!"

the man was ambling along the makeshift camp, a minnow hanging delicately from the unmarred side of his muzzle. learning to eat with his ever - tearing maw was a difficult, painful process, and as of late, he’d taken to eating in the safety of his temporary den and away from prying eyes. he hates it, despite his proclivity for comfortable silence, he despised eating along — wasn’t quite to the point of asking the dark - furred lead warrior to sit with him ( too afraid of the pity he knew smokethroat would never let touch his expression, but in his mind would be present nonetheless. ). he trods along and nearby, warriors begin to cluster, their tones, laughter loud and rancorous. it’s.. nice. despite his lack of engagement, warmth floods him, coaxes him to relaxation as he settles, fish plopping neatly between sharp - knuckled paws, letting large ears crane to try and pick up nearby conversation. he would not speak, but the background chatter lulls him, urges him to take a bite. he does.

i heard… smoke… pregnant!

he sucks in a sharp breath, a single, shimmering scale immediately lodging itself into his throat. any pretense that he had not been eavesdropping is lost as he begins to hack unceremoniously to the side, lifting a single ivory paw as if it would turn attention away from him. eventually he lifts his head, eyes wide and watery, “ there’s no way. “ it’s strained, choked out on a ragged inhale of breath. no, it wasn’t possible. if it were true, smoke would have told him — starclan, he would have had the scar to prove it. it wasn’t possible now, in the dead of leafbare, camp - less and starving.. or could that be why he hadn’t told him? alarm filters into cold dread, seeping into the length of his limbs.

mistpool. mistpool? indignation flares in his chest for only a fraction of a second — after all, he was right there, and mistpool was with..

his ears snap back the moment he realizes, still coughing lightly into the crux of his arm, clearing his throat as if it would conceal the fact that he was still recovering. smokefoot. smokefoot. the young, exuberant aspiring queen — and most notably, not his smoke. he’s embarrassed, can feel the fur spiking from bony wrists and jutting notches of spine riding the arch of his back.. oh, and in front of his brother, despite how strange it was to have the chimera around still, “ theres.. no way, i could be.. happier for them. i will — ah.. be sure to offer my congratulations when they return from patrol. “ slow. stilted. the man glances to the side, whips his tail to his flank. quickly the bicolored tom fishes his mind, plucks only a few words he’d overheard on his trek to his resting spot nearby, “ now what was that about snakeblink being.. meaty? is that a compliment this season? “ he looks to catfishpaw, the youngest of them all, and furrows his brow in confusion. was that new kit lingo? it seemed awfully mean, though he supposed it could be friendly in this chill of leafbare.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.

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A coy smile press over shaded lips as Clayfur interjected, her gaze flicking to him as he approached. Once again Cindershade's voice reaches curious ears, drawing in more clan mates. Usually she'd be a little more withdrawn, but the flashing images of emerald green eyes with tabby and white fur keeps her blood boiling as she continues to speak. "He did! He's got as much competence as a flopping wet fish." Buckgait barks out an exuberant laugh, it's howling caused her own snicker to pass over her tongue as relaxed shoulders shake in rhythm with her laughter. Cindershade offers Clayfur a flick of her tail over his shoulder in thanks, at least one tom in this clan had some sense about him. "I appreciate that from all of you."
A looming figure steps in now, sharing similar features of Cicadastar. Wasprattle. She mulls over his words, her tail flicking to and fro as his voice breaches her ears. "Perhaps he didn't—but I made damn sure he'd never make a mistake like that again." Her lips stretch into a venomous grin, incisors flashing against her features towards the man. The image of Snakeblink walking away with his head and tail tucked after she swatted him for good measure was fresh in her mind. It may have been a little overboard, though she made sure to keep claws sheathed. She'd never draw a claw to a clan mate, unless told otherwise to do so.

Cindershade clears her throat now, trying to take the attention off herself with more mindless chatter. Back to the topic at hand: Swantuft and Finleap. Willowroot's comment about Rootspring mooning over the tom had the warrior rolling her eyes, of course she's following him around. "So young and stupid, the lot of them. Love this and love that. All mindless crushes. Just like Rootspring to be—mindless. The child got slapped by a fish the other day while I guess trying to impress him. I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did then. She screamed and nearly dropped it back in the water! Swantuft and I nearly killed over." The warrior huffs in amusement at the image of a trout slapping the tabby molly as she hooks it proudly while calling for Swantuft to look over at her from his own perch over the churning water.
A thundering of paws had Cindershade snapping her neck at the source to see Redpath rushing towards them as she blurts out the news. Virdian eyes widened in surprise, knowing Smokefoot and Mistpool had been having a hard time lately. "More kits, hm? Well at least they'll be here in New-Leaf—" A raucous coughing seizes the words from her mouth suddenly. She didn't realize Cicadastar was sitting close-by, he must have settled in while they were all distracted with Swantuft and Rootspring. A brow raises in mild concern as the grey-scale tom hacks away after taking a bite of his food. "Chew your food next time, yeah? You okay?" She calls over to her leader about the time he tucks his chin into the crook of a fore limb. He offers his congratulations about the mated pair before asking something about Snakeblink being meaty. Cindershade barks out a laugh, hollow and unfeeling. "Yeah—he is meaty. A complete meat-head, that is!"

// If this all over place I'm sorry! Lol. I tried to include everyone xD

This was a pleasant surprise, cats in good moods and even Buckgait not snapping anyone's head off for sitting there and not hunting like she'd normally do. He almost didn't want to walk over because of it, his own disposition had been soured by that morning's bout of sickness and he would've kept going about his day if it weren't so distracting. Beesong was not in camp, he'd looked everywhere, and he didn't want to go trotting around the territory miserable as he was hunting for the cinnamon tom. As he padded over he thought he heard his name but thought nothing of it, his clanmates liked to talk too much which was an unfortunate side-effect of having clanmates; their penchant for opening their mouths. Smokethroat would remark on it being annoying but he did like it, he did like hearing RiverClan not suffering for once and simply existing in fleeting moments of joy even if he found the topics nonsensical. Something about kits? Something about impressing someone? Foolish, but harmless.
A shoulder bumped into Cicadastar's side as he stepped into the group, frowning at him intently at that cough because he did not sound like he needed to be moving around still yet but he held his tongue for the time being; wasn't going to scold their leader in front of the entire clan almost.
"Have any of you seen Beesong...?" As he asked he felt his shoulders tense and a ripple of pain made him choke back a retch. "...I need to talk to him."
Something he ate maybe? Bad fish? The poor weather? Who knew, but he was having a horrid time with his stomach twisting itself like a serpent in its death throes.
"....what's this about meat..?" He asked with a grimace. Don't talk to him about food right now, he was going to lose it on the spot if he had to think about eating. His dark ears pinned back as he debated going to eat grass and seeing if that helped settle the churning agony settling in the pit of his stomach.

the conversations are lively and joyful, though her smile dips for a second at the sight of catfishpaw, silent and a bit off to the side. silently, the deputy tries to make more room for the apprentice, inviting her closer if she'd like. but her attention is soon grabbed again by the talk of rootspring, and a groan leaves the woman's lips. "i watched rootspring walk into a tree...all because swantuft walked by. it's getting to the point that it's embarrasing." she really meant concerning, because she had also watched the aforementioned warrior trip into a bunch of reeds and splash into the river...also staring at swantuft. at this point, there had to be an intervention.

redpath joins in, exuberant and lively. she talks of kits and pregnancy, and buck has to ignore the harsh stinging at the back of her throat. a sudden heaviness against her ribcage. a light wish for lightningstone to be here for a distraction, but the deputy forces a grin anyways. she supposes she also needed an intervention. she should be happy for the soon-to-be queen. she is. it's simply swallowed by longing.

"that's great, she must be over the moon." buck would be. but it's not about her. and truly, it is great for smokefoot to be pregnant. she's watched the molly for awhile, the both of them always ending up on the topic of kits whenever they seem to speak. the deputy can always see her eyes alight, talking of future names...what mistpool thinks would be good...all of that.

and then cicada ruins the atmosphere with his hacking, the deputy turns to look at him, a nonexistent brow quirked in his direction. she doesn't offer the tom a thing, just a bored expression on her face as she watches his expressions change. he's so obsessed with his lead warrior that he seems to forget poor smokefoot...who had been talking and trying for so long.

and when the evil comes, his counterpart is never far behind. and her eyes roll. "i saw beesong leave to look for herbs a bit ago. he's either out there or in his den." the molly answers, interest peaking at the thought of smokethroat needing to see the medicine cat. "we were just talking about how meaty cinder is." she watches him further, pressing on the subject that seemed to unnerve him. all while sneaking a playful grin towards the poor molly beside her. thankfully she can hold her own, buck seeing the way snake had crumbled that day.


Just outside of the quickly growing group was a young black smoke kit, watching and nodding along eagerly. They did not properly introduce themself into the conversation, nor have anything of interest to note. The most intrigue from within the nursery walls were which kit was being the most loud and obnoxious, and that award usually went to Antlerkit themself. So perhaps not something they'd want to announce as fun gossip. But oh was this so interesting.

There had been plenty of comments that almost sparked Antlerkit to speak. Snake trying to help someone... get someone else. Like a chase. The young kit would love to hear more about the chase. They loved games, especially of the competitive sort. But as the crowd amassed, more adults spoke quickly and with such enthusiasm that the little one could barely get a word in. They tried with all their might to keep up, to store all of this fun knowledge in their mind. With the reactions upon the faces of everyone, surely this was important information they should memorize for safekeeping.

But there was one thing that everyone kept circling back to. Cinder was... meaty. Now that was interesting! Ant had pondered it since the first moment it had been said. Calling a cat meaty was bizarre. Completely oblivious to any of the subtle change in atmosphere, and how uncomfortable with the topic of eating Smokethroat seemed to be, they speak up.

"Meaty... but that's what you call a tasty fish you're gonna eat, not a cat," they say, inching closer to the group and Buckgait. "And we definitely do not eat cats-" they emphasize this comment with a stuck out tongue in disgust- "so why would you be meaty?"
[ penned by tuna ]