Got a touch like a thorn ♥ Adder


She walked the banks with half closed eyes, redness in her eyes from her restlessness the night before. Her tail was loose, letting it drag behind her. The tip of her tail picked up leaves and debris, deciding against grooming it. It was too much work for her in the moment. She was tired. She was burnt out.

Petalnose swore she heard a meow of her name from afar, though she purposefully ignored it. She did not want social interaction, not right now. She'd rather be accused of ignoring than yelling at someone today. Ignoring was a bit more harmless.

Her eyes had not caught what was right below her. She heard a sharp hiss and she immediately knew. She was familiar with this sound. Her eyes shot wide open and she gave one effortless leap onto a rock. An adder had almost nipped her underbelly as the patched warrior jumped. A miss.

She turned around on the rock with an annoyed groan, crouching down as she looked down upon an angry adder giving her false lunges of warning. "Pathetic." She meowed, standing to lanky legs. It hissed and spat at her, only causing the warrior's brows to furrow. With a huff of frustration, she swiftly leaped onto the adder and pinned it behind its head with unsheathed claws. It squirmed the rest of its body around, mix matched eyes narrowing in curiosity. These creatures were quite intriguing. She had to admit, their scales and markings were beautiful. They camouflaged themselves well amongst their environment to snatch unsuspecting prey. She could only wish she could do the same.

The she-cat led her other paw to hold down another part of its body to hold it still. "Stop squirming. I can kill you within a second if I wanted to." She grumbled. Petalnose planned killing the reptile anyway. She didn't want any of her clanmates falling to her near fate. Although, it was their environment, their habitat. It would be quite unfair. They were just living. They were only scared of Petalnose and wanted to protect themselves, rightfully so. The she-cat stirred fights with other creatures simply for the thrill of it. She was still torn, this animal couldn't really put up much of a fight like the other animals did except kill her from one bite or squirm beneath her claws. It wouldn’t give her the thrill she wanted. She drug her claws on the surface of its scales and it wiggled more underneath her grasp, her eyes glimmering.

⎋ — His calls fall on deaf ears, and Rushpounce hisses to himself in frustration. No point in keeping quiet if Petalnose is, evidently, this focused on causing a ruckus with that seemingly very heavy tail of hers and driving away any and all prey in the vicinity. He will have to find a new spot to try and hunt.

He might as well see what she is up to - what got her so... apathetic, for a lack of a better word.

Rushpounce decides to stay light on his paws, maybe give Petalnose a startle in revenge. RiverClan territory is buzzing with life now that leaf-bare is gone and the rivers can flow, and he intends on taking it all in whenever he can stop and appreciate his surroundings. A beautiful mixture of green and blue, something he would not wish to trade for the whole wide world. This was the world for him, and what a worthy one at that, too.

His sudden trip to appreciation town screeches to a halt when he spots the same thing Petalnose has found. A hiss that brings ice to Rushpounce's veins, scales that glimmer in the sunlight; danger, it says.

"Petalnose, get away-" He has no hope of finishing that sentence when he bursts through and meets his fellow warrior. She's already in a... well, he wouldn't call it heated battle, because she has the snake pinned to the ground, seemingly without any fear of getting bit by the squirming thing. "What are you doing? Torturing it? At this rate you'll get yourself killed!"



She flicked her ears at the sound of someone approaching, though her head did not turn. She did not leave her gaze from the adder. However, she grumbled and pulled her lips up in a snarl. She about had enough, "Does it look like it's biting me, Rushpounce?! No! I'm fine. It's more in danger than I am if you just.. -open your eyes." She spat, lashing her tail. "Look at where I'm grasping it. I can easily jump away if need be… Or kill it. It's not going anywhere until I decide on its fate. If I was slower than it I'd be bit by now, yes? I'd be frothing at the mouth on the ground having a seizure and saying something memorable or something. Something dramatic like that." She growled in a calmer tone, though it was merely from her focus upon the snake. She did not want her anger issues causing her demise. Swiftness and focus was what she needed with handling this type of animal. She glared upon it first with annoyance from Rushpounce scolding her and then it softened back into curiosity.

"I wonder how many hearts it has…" she murmured to herself, drawing her tongue over her teeth in thought. It was almost as if she blanked out his presence, as if she assumed he left the scene. She was focused, a battle of her thoughts going on upon her mind. It seemed the snake was more weakened from it wiggling and puffed for air as if it was panting. It was more subdued, especially with her additional restraint upon its back. It was as if it was giving up. "Oh, look. Tired already." She scoffed, cocking her head to the side. Killing it wouldn't be so hard. But she had to admit, for the first time she pitied it. It was just surviving. She lifted her paw from its back while her other still firmly held upon its head. It slowly slithered its body in place as it it was trying to escape but to no avail. It was as if Petalnose was experimenting.

⎋ — Rushpounce couldn't help but scowl at Petalnose's reaction to him worrying about her well-being. Well, excuse me.

"Not yet, anyway," he merely murmurs under his breath, deciding not to waste his time talking sense into the warrior. Of course the snake is currently unable to harm her - but being overconfident and reckless like this is part of the reason behind accidents. In his eyes, there's no point in dancing around such prominent danger when you could avoid it or even eliminate it altogether.

The least he could do is stick around and drag her back to camp if she does get bitten. Stubborn or not, Petalnose shouldn't need to die from what he considers stupidity.

"Dangerous as it might be, it doesn't deserve to suffer like this." Rushpounce's voice is more even now; the last thing he wants is to get under Petalnose's skin and have her lose focus... but he couldn't keep watching without saying a thing. What in StarClan's name is she doing?