good intentions, bad habits
Aug 22, 2022
the medicine cat's den is one place that violetpaw had tried to avoid for most of her childhood. rumors spread among the youth that any kits who strayed too close to the aromatic entrance of the den would be gobbled up by the wicked dawnglare, some of them started by violetpaw herself, kept many of her denmates away. but, recently, the thick scent of herbs has become a normal part of her life. poor figpaw, stuck in that nefarious hole, all alone with dawnglare... violetpaw feels bad for her! and she wasn't about to let figpaw bear the torturous presence of skyclan's lunatic medicine cat alone.

violetpaw's developed a habit of visiting her sister at least once a day, bringing the nest-bound molly prey and regaling her with tales of everyday clan happenings. if she's lucky, she'll catch the den empty of dawnglare. today is one of those fortuitous days. her whiskers brush against the sweet-smelling hazel that shelters the den as she pushes herself inside, wrinkling her nose once she's assaulted with the stench of herbs. who knew plants could smell so disgusting? "figgy? you awake?" violetpaw announces her arrival with a raucous call into the den, picking her way as carefully as she could through the disarray dawnglare leaves his home in. why couldn't this guy clean up? it's a pain to traverse without stepping on random shit strewn across the floor!