camp got sore knees .. patrols 4/15

Beneath a fresh wrap of cobwebs, a shallow scar cut across Lilacfur's face up to a fuzzy tattered ear. With StarClan's blessing she did not have her eye taken from her as she feared, but now just a slightly marred face to once unscathed skin. She reached full recovery, thankfully, and with a stern promise not to shove her nose down anymore badger setts was able to take on her duties once again. Unfortunately her nephew would not be joining her on any patrols, this time.

"I've got it, I'll be fine." Lilacfur muttered her reassurances to the deputy as she pulled away from his side to sit beneath Clanrock.

"Warriors! Come and bring your apprentices, it's time for your patrols." Despite the rainfall her face beamed with the excitement of opportunity. She wasn't sure what possessed Smogmaw to give her the chance to show her skill in delegation, but she would do her best to see every patrol fit for each cat.

"Let's start with some hunting patrols! There's frogs every which way out there, so let's reel in a hefty prey-pile, yeah? Betonyfrost, you will be leading a morning patrol with Applejaw, Willowburn and Scorchedmoon. For the evening, Forestshade, bringing Ashenfall, Mirepurr, and Batchaser." Some skilled hunters among those names, and surely the new warriors would be eager to prove their place among their new denmates.

"Smogmaw, you're to patrol WindClan's border with Maggotfur, Raggedbite and Mourningbloom. I'm sure they miss seeing you around." Until Granitepelt's fur was made into his nest lining, she's positive the Clan will not let WindClan forget their misdeeds to his kin. "For ThunderClan, Chilledstar, you can stretch your legs and bring Duckshimmer, Scorchfrost, and Jaggedpath."

With their Clan borders taken care of, Lilacfur moved onto the next. "Sharpshadow, you will lead Fleabounce, Skunktail and Orchidbloom on the night patrol. Myself, Ferndance and Mapletail will take on the recent increase of frogs to teach any apprentices not assigned to a patrol how to hunt them."

She glanced over to a sight of cornflower blue's and quickly, added, "Magpiepaw, before you leave to gather herbs I want to assign you your escorts. Garlicheart, Swansong and Onyxpaw will accompany you." The rosetted lead paused before giving a dismissive flick of her paw. "No objections? Perfect! Have fun out there."


- DAWN HUNT: @betonyfrost (lead), @APPLEJAW, @Willowburn & @Scorchedmoon
- WINDCLAN BORDER: @smogmaw (lead), @Maggotfur. , @RAGGEDBITE., @Mourningbloom
- THUNDERCLAN BORDER: @CHILLEDSTAR. (lead), @Duckshimmer, @scorchfrost, @/jaggedpath
- NIGHT PATROL: @SHARPSHADOW (lead), @fleabounce, @Skunktail, @orchidbloom
- GROUP APPRENTICE TRAINING: @/lilacfur (lead), @FERNDANCE, @mapletail, @Muddypaw, @SHADEPAW, @caterpillarpaw, @Bonepaw. , @Laurelpaw (more apprentices may participate of they wish!)
- MAGPIEPAW'S ESCORTS: @Magpiepaw, @Garlicpaw, @Swansong, @ONYXPAW
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
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Frostbite lays in front of the nursery like a wet rag, sad and limp. He wishes he could go patrol.... There's all these frogs out here and he can't catch a single one! He watches longingly as names are listed and patrols assigned, a quiet sigh escaping his lips. He already came to terms with the fact that he would be in the nursery for a while... And yet his legs still cry for movement. His fate is sealed and there's nothing to do about it. His kits will be here soon and he needs to emotionally prepare for....Delivering them.

And so, all he can do is lay here and watch his clanmates go about their day. "Good luck!" He calls to them all. The sun blotting out would not dampen their good fortune.​

Unless she had specifically requested warriors for an herb patrol, there was little reason as to why Starlingheart had need to pay attention to the daily assignements. But today her sister was the one doing them and her apprentice was going out without her. So here she is, sitting in the entrance of the medicine cats den looking out with a solitary eye at her sister. The scar that laces across her face had, fortunately, not taken her vision, but Starlingheart does wish she had been more careful. Only a couple of inches and there was a good chance they would have, and then the ltitermates would be matching in their injuries. If she could, she would pull all of her loved ones into the medicine cats den where it was safe and she would forbid any of them from leaving. But warrior-hood was something that suited her littermate. And she couldn't protect everyone all the time.

As Magpiepaw goes to leave, she quickly presses her nose into his shoulder "Be safe out there, okay?" she says softly, leveling him with a solemn gaze before her attention once again lands on her sister. If they were to make eye contact she would offer the she-cat a soft, encouraging smile, a nod of the head that tells her she did good.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
Forestshade’s ears prick in surprise when, instead of Smogmaw’s gruff voice, she hears Lilacfur’s more excited tone echo around the camp. She gets to her paws and wanders over, wondering why their deputy isn’t taking care of his job today, and makes a mental note to jab at him for it later.

She is to lead a hunting patrol this evening, and though it feels odd to take orders from her equal, she has nothing to complain about. “Aye aye,” She mews in a neutral voice, frankly looking forward to the chance to sleep in a bit more. She is already wandering towards the warrior’s den to do just that - she’ll get her patrolmates later in the day, perhaps after some training with Sweetpaw. Until then, a nap is calling to her.
Excellent, fantastic. Lilacfur wants him dead. Two newly made warriors and an apprentice - a poor guard if he ever saw one. He'd be ripped to shreds in seconds while Garlicheart ate a rock and Swansong fell asleep on the ground; at least Onyxpaw was tolerable enough and he didn't have to be reminded of his similarly paw-presented name if he ignored the other two. Magpiepaw's jaw clenched as he turned to go only to stop when his mentor stepped before his path with a gentle nudge and kind smile. His fur ceased bristling briefly in response, like a soothing balm Starlingheart's presence eased the brief irritation fluttering in his veins and he relaxed, "We will be fine. Unless you count gorging oneself on frogs to be an ailment." With how many there were he expected ShadowClan to suffer bellyache over eating too much for once in its wretched existence; too much of a good thing certainly.
"Let us be off then. The sooner the better." He glanced to his patrol members, lips quivering to hide the scowl trying to fight its way to his maw.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 75204717_KgcjQ7iJ5YDThlB.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

the leader isn't exactly pleased about having to be on a border patrol but they're just being a pessimist of course. they trust no one in normal circumstances, but with the disappearance of the sun fresh in their mind, it's only gotten worse. they huff, turning away from lilacfur with a twitch of their nose, before offering a gently nudge to magpiepaw.

"stay safe, little bird."

can't blame them for being just a tad bit worried about him outside of camp. not that he can't handle himself they're just... a little paranoid about everything right now.

"alright everyone else, let's go."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It's strange, to pay so much attention to someone that wasn't blue - eyed or rotten - faced. Lilacfur's presence is nearly pleasant, in comparison to the monotone drawl that usually tumbled from the likes of the Leader and the Deputy both. It's an attitude that came alone with being important, she thinks. One that Frostbite, and maybe to a lesser extent, Forestshade, have begun to exude. The Forestshade was just plain embarrassing, whenever she did it. Lilacfur has yet to become quite so like the rest of them— but then, were Sharpshadow to keep seeing her face here, she's sure that she'd get pretty sick of it.

A nighttime patrol... Sharpshadow nods his head in reply. It's been a little while now, and Sharpshadow still prickles at the prospect of leading her own patrols. Her own apprentice would probably turn up her snotty nose if she ever found out. At least she would be easier to ignore in the dark.

" Fun, " dubiously, she parrots to no cat in particular. He supposes the closest thing ShadowClan could get to having fun was revelling in being well - fed for once... What a jolly life they led.

Her wedge-shaped head tilted towards Lilacfur at the mention of training apprentices - she thought the Lead Warrior didn't like her, a by-product of questioning her affiliations to Siltcloud after a romance was evident between the two. Her tail-tip swayed left and right at the thought before it dissipated within the realisation that she would get to train with her oldest children and perhaps even help them catch their very first frogs. Forget past transgressions, she couldn't miss time with her little ones. She shimmied her lanky shoulders. "Ok," Ferndance purred, stepping up from her seated position. "I am ready when you are," she mused.