got that sunshine in my pocket [open/intro]


bad habits
Dec 29, 2022

OOC- For timing purposes, this thread takes place on the same day that he joined! Before the raids :D

Wild hadn't come to Skyclan expecting to join them, though in hindsight he supposed he'd always known it was a possability that he would end up choosing to stay. The blond had a habit of making impulsive decisions, of weighing pros and cons in the span of a few seconds before diving headfirst into whichever side of the pool he deemed to be more fitting. And that's exactly what had happened at the border. He had only come to Skyclan because he'd found out his old buddy Twin -now Quillpaw- was still alive and kicking somewhere. Everyone had thought the guy had gotten himself killed, but apparently he'd just taken off and joined some clan in the forest. The guy sure was hard to track down, that was for sure.

After being accepted by Blazestar at the border he'd wandered back to camp and gotten a bit of a tour from Fierypaw, but now it was afternoon and Wild had been left to his own devices. He had yet to run into Quill anywhere, but that was fine. There was a hell of a lot more to see here than just his old buddy, and he was content to find other ways to entertain himself until they made an appearence. And man, was Wild looking forward to seeing the look on the chimeras face when they did. It was gonna be fucking hilarious.

With nothing else to do, he turned his attention to one of the dens that Fierypaw had pointed out to him earlier in the day; the apprentices den. That's where all the cats his age slept, right?

As if on cue, a shecat slipped from the entrance of the den. A brow raised in surprise at the creamy white fur and dark accents, the apprentice clearly having some kind of pedigree associated with the twolegs. She looked to pretty and proper to belong in a place filled with dirt and snow and wilderness, but that only made Wild curious about the kind of cat she truly was, to reject an easy life in favor of wandering the woods in the dead of winter. And despite that old saying of what curiosity did to the cat, he decided to let his win this time around, paws carrying him over with a relaxed confidence that suggested he was far more at home in this place than he probably should have been.

"Hey." he called in greeting as he paws came to a stop across from her, a lazy, charistmatic smile flashed in her direction as electric blue eyes met cyan. "Name's Wild, I just joined." he explained, tail flicking behind him as he nodded toward her. "Your one of the apprentices, right? What do you guys do around here for fun?"

OOC- he's speaking to @Bananapaw but feel free to reply before them :D

Skyclan Apprentice - Male - 8 months - A handsome gold tomcat with electric blue eyes and black-tipped ears​

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It has been a few days since the blizzard started and many of the daylight warriors' had been stranded in camp for the most part. Bananapaw being one of the few that had been in camp during the start of the blizzard and hadn't made any attempts at leaving for home. In this weather she'd be luck if she could even see her feet in front of her let alone find her way back home. So, she spent a majority of the day just going about pushing snow around to try to clear camp. To make it easier to get around and the like, but it seemed fruitless due to the amount of snow that seemed to replace everything she did.

Though as she was moving about the snow covered ground an apprentice approached her; a cat she didn't recongize right away. He was a new one wasn't he? Bananapaw was certain they had crossed paths before but though she couldn't quite place a claw on it, "For fun huh? Well right now there isn't much fun to be had," She responded rather enthusiastically with a wave of her tail, "We normally climb trees or have a competitiion will all of us! Sometimes even make snowmen or snowball fights, but with the blizzard its been hard on everyone,"

Bananapaw though brightened slightly, "We could definitely do something though! Maybe like- a playful game of wrestling? Or stories!," She hummed softly as she came up with random ideas of what fun they could do in the midst of a blizzard.


[penned by wolf - ]

"Well, have you tried adding more to the fresh-kill pile for fun?" A well-worn and trenchant tongue came into play, as though the whip crafted of leather and hew, a rasping flog that bit at the good spirits. Chrysalispaw trotted up to the two apprentices, shaking loose moss and debris from his longhaired pelt. He had just woken up, and was in no mood to gallivant around with a bunch of losers who could be spending their time doing something beneficial. He followed Bananapaw from out of the den, and winced as the forenoon sun shone in his eyes, as if golden rays aimed to blind him instead of warm him. Even the sun seemed to turn its ire towards its subjects, and Chrys could only hope that it would mellow out once spring came. If the winter were to bite, then it would bite back.

Chrys then stared at Wildpaw with heterochromatic gaze, yellows and greens glossing over the tom's sandy-colored pelt, with no inflection indicating anything other than a slight disinterest. He recognized him as one of the many felines that had joined Skyclan's ranks, as though the other blended in with all the other rough-hewn rogues and clumsy kittypets, another face to bleed into the background of his home. Scrutiny soured his stare instead of hospitality hardening it, for he would rather be caught dead than be anything but a stoic, stony wall. He was akin to a statue - frozen in place, a stasis of a being. Truly, he couldn't bother to care, or perhaps he lacked the effort to even do so.

The apprentice saw how warriors slaved away to provide food for a dwindling prey stash, spending their days upon the unforgiving white that threatened to swallow them whole, and spit them out as nothing but jagged bones and tousled skin. Many of them slept with baleful stomach, yawning a crow's song of all the things it could have eaten, of starvation's predation tearing just enough to leave it still-beating. All the while, the kittypets and daylight warriors got to cavort and caper about in their Twoleg nests, warm and safe and uncaring in those little glass windows and lit rooms. Chrysalis had heard his father moan and bitch about it, enough that he could even hear the tom's crooning voice in his head.

The mere thought that anyone could be joyful in this cruel season made him sick. Especially if one had not truly experienced the highs and lows of the wilderness' harrows, as he perceived Wildpaw. Chrys hadn't any problem letting such scorn soak into his cowls, as if wry winter itself had leached into loamy features, with a telltale scowl and indignant raise of the eyebrows. For all his hatred of the season, it was clear that it gnawed at his very heart between his ribs, rime coating even the gut and the throat. If the cats in this clan spent as much time hunting and defending as they did lazing about, then he figured they wouldn't be in such a bind in leaf-bare.

( IC opinions... sorry for him </3 )