pafp got to throw this year away [sparring]

Mar 31, 2023
Since their rescue from the shelter, nothing has felt right. Self-doubt haunts Cloudberrythorn like a ghost, a shadow behind each of their pawsteps. They were just as helpless as the rest of the cats, trapped in those cages. They were useless, even, set adrift without the presence of their owners. Now, they’ve had to cut away their own title—they are a daylight warrior no longer. The piece of themself that they’d been so prideful of. They have nothing now, nothing except their own claws and a deep-seated desire to be more than the useless slug that they have become. A sharp orange gaze settles upon their cousin, and the blue smoke lifts themself to their paws.

He strides over to stand before the calico with a grimace set upon his muzzle. His paws itch, ache for the feeling of bark to launch himself off of. But fighting on the ground is just as important as fighting in the safety of the trees, and Cloudberrythorn’s tail lashes behind them. "Spar with me," he says, and it isn’t a request, but his expression is close to pleading. Do this one thing for me. I have to be strong. "You aren’t even that tough." The words are ash in his mouth, harsh and sharp-edged in a way that he despises. Auburnflame is kind, and the young warrior feels a bit bad speaking to them in such a way.

// @Auburnflame
[ just a side character ]
After hearing about Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn's capture, Auburnflame had driven himself to work. His nerves had been scrambled and thr anxiety that plagued him had been amplifying. Cats he cared about had been snatched from every which way, toted off by dreaded Two-Legs to the shelter and left to die. They left them to die, like Daisyflight had passed. No one knew what caused her to pass, only that she would never to be seen again. No body would ever be recovered, and he could only hope that she had made it to StarClan. A relief it had been to see his younger cousins once again amongst the plethora of others, and he felt nothing but relief along with a twinge of guilt for Daisyflight's children. Their mother never returned to them. Cloudberrythorn had been acting differently as of late after finding out that his Two-Legs had left him and Bananasplash, and Auburnflame couldn't blame him. Two-Legs had really were such awful creatures, abandoning them as if they were yesterday's trash. Auburnflame hated Two-Legs, even now more so.
To see his younger cousin in a darker state of mind was disheartening, the once spark within those sunset irises now drew dark and cold like Leaf-Bare night. That betrayal hurt him like razor talons ripping through delicate flesh. As the young warrior approaches him, his tone is sharp and smoldering as he declares for Auburnflame to spar with him. Crimson brows arch in light surprise, a head cocked in question but the look that dwelled within his eyes wasn't as fierce as his tongue. "Spar with you, hm?" He echoes the declaration, crimson tail twitching as he mulls it over. You aren't even that tough. Auburnflame's gaze widens a little, mismatched ears falling back slightly. Tough? No, he supposes he hadn't had the need to be. He wanted nothing but peace and joy to his clan, and the warrior was smile within the darkness. He would bestow a happiness within his clan, no matter what. The warrior draws himself up to full height and dips his head. If Cloudberrythorn wanted a spar to help him get through his feelings, then he would oblige without another thought. "Alright then, kiddo." He finalizes, taking a more defensive posture. "We'll spar. Your move."
Word had traveled after the missing SkyClan cats had returned home. Blazestar's heart aches for both Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn; he can only imagine the betrayal they must be feeling from what they'd considered kind and devoted housefolk. A non-kittypet would not understand. Not really. It's the equivalent of a mother betraying her kits, but also of a close friend's abrupt abandonment. Cloudberrythorn especially has been prickly since their return, more than usual -- but prickly with a shroud of darkness over their gray body.

Blazestar watches the challenge with a solemn gaze. Perhaps the new warrior has to work his aggression out physically. Auburnflame accepts the challenge. He sits a respectful distance away from the two of them -- kin facing kin -- and watches with interest and sympathy as they face one another with burning eyes.

// optional apprentice tag @Coyotepaw

Angry at all the things I can't change
He might not fully understand the weight of Cloudberrythorn and Bananasplash's grief over the loss of their housefolk. But he did understand pent up anger without having a proper outlet to disperse it. Coyotepaw himself faced the demon plenty of times in his past and he only hoped to tame it going forward. Quietly he evaluates Auburnflame's defensive posture, taking notes to temper his own training for later. His feathered tail flicks across his paws, leaning ever so slightly in Blazestar's direction. "Would you assume the same posture if someone asked you to spar?" The flaxen tom questions softly, gaze moving from Auburnflame back to the offensive Cloudberrythorn. He'd personally found his own style to be more offensive than defensive.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

It was difficult not to say 'I told you so' to those so readily abandoned by Twolegs, with a love as conditional as theirs and warnings coming from him and disgraced housecats alike, there shouldn't have been any surprise at what would happen. He'd akin it to stepping into a fox's den and being surprised when it ate you, but sympathy still prickled in his mind whenever a poor soul had to learn the hard way. Brought forwards by Cloudberry's demand to spar with his friend, Silversmoke did his best to ignore the rapid beating of his heart, finding it to be a distraction from what mattered most: assessing the battle prowess of those around him. Ears shot forward and eyes narrowed towards Cloudberrythorn as he insulted the calico, tension only faltering when he realised that the newer Warrior might be right. Auburnflame's occasional slacking had been noticed by the spotted tabby for a while, they'd do what they needed to but scarcely push themselves further than that. It was... odd, alien to the heterochromatic cat even as he spent more time with him. Falling back on his haunches, Silversmoke waited for the spar to begin, the tip of his tail twitching with excitement.

Unsurprisingly, the older warrior agrees rather easily—probably because they hadn’t given him any choice in the matter—and Cloudberrythorn nods their approval. They don’t believe their cousin to be a particularly powerful cat, and Cloudberrythorn has always been light on their feet. Perhaps they will need to outmaneuver him, but they’re certain they can beat Auburnflame. "My move," he echoes in a grumble, stalking in a short half-circle around Auburnflame. He’s the attacker here, has the advantage of choosing how to engage, while the other cat must wait for his move and react accordingly.

It’s strange, engaging in a fight on the ground and not in a maze of limbs and needles six feet off the ground. There is no advantage of surprise, no sudden drop from a tree onto the opponent’s back. There is only Auburnflame and the defensive stance that he’s taken, and the blue-furred warrior’s lip curls. They’ve never seen their cousin fight, but they’re certain that they can beat him. And if he puts up a fight—it’s still a way of putting his anger, his devastation, toward something else instead.

The young warrior’s tail lashes, ears pinning themselves against his skull, and for a few moments he observes Auburnflame. The calico calls him kiddo, a reminder of who, exactly, he’s sparring with, and he feels the burning in his chest soothed, just a bit. He isn’t mad at Auburnflame—only at himself, mostly. But he’s not good enough, and now there are clanmates watching, so. The tom shifts, lashes his tail once, and then rushes at the older warrior, aiming to slam his shoulder into Auburnflame’s. He hopes to knock the other off balance, but whether or not he’s able to, he strikes out with a paw toward the other’s face. His claws are sheathed, because no matter how upset he is, he doesn’t want to actually harm his cousin. His claws are better saved for use on the first oak tree he sees, anyway.
[ just a side character ]
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Image The call to a challenge from one kin to another drew Scorchedpaw in to spectate. He wanted to learn from the two toms. His paws would tuck neatly beneath himself as one eye bounced from a pelt of ash to furs of mud and snow. It was an immediate attack on Cloudberrythorn's part, he watches as he rushes the other that has taken to a defensive stance. How would Scorchedpaw have approached this? Skyclanner's are usually lean in nature, the trait could be said for the two present and the apprentice included. The flame point would cock his head to the side slightly as he took mental notes.— tags

Crimson dotted paws find their bearings, legs taut as tight as a stretched drawstring cord, ready to snap into action at any moment. He steadies his breath, in and out—in and out. Mint hues locked upon a moving target of blue smoke, his younger cousin prowling around him as if he were the target of his next meal. Auburnflame can sense the drawing of the crowd around him and hear their murmured voices, Coyotepaw leaning to Blazestar's ear and whispering whilst a familiar hue if silver enters his vision. He's watching me, huh? A smile remains on his wintry muzzle, though it's pleasant aura now gave into something a bit more mischievous and ivory teeth flashed for a moment as he huffs a bit of laughter. Cloudberrythorn is taking aim, thinking of a strategy in order to get the high ground and Auburnflame waits patiently, though his gaze never leaves the tom.
Cloudberrythorn then seems to find a sweet spot, rushing towards him and the warrior braces himself like a brick wall. Muscles flex and his hind foot goes out to the side just in time as the blue tom collides into him to fortify his stance. He's taken aback a little by the weight, a grunt escapes his lips but he hunkers down and steadies himself. Mint eyes narrow to focus, and out of his peripheral he sees the flash of a white paw coming in his direction. Auburnflame ducks just in time to see the whisps of fur upon the younger warriors toes. He's gotten rather quick. The calico chuckles and makes his first move, ducking underneath him first and flashing out a sheathed forepaw. He aims to hook it around Cloudberrythorn's free stand paw where his weight had shifted onto and kick it beneath him in hopes he buckles and falls. Successful or not, Auburnflame will then will maneuver seamlessly and aim to land squarely upon his cousin's shoulders to further bring him down onto the ground to batter him with sheathed forepaws. "I forgot how big you've gotten! You can pack quite a punch." He laughs in the midst of it all, sparring and playing around had always been fun to him. It brings him back to the days where he and Orangeblossom would tussle, just two fluffs of fur with not a care in the world.