tunnels gotta get our hands dirty [shadowclan tunnel patrol]

It’s good to be back to work, leading her patrol through their duties within the tunnels that lead into ShadowClan’s damp, garbage-swathed territory. The other clan only recently beat WindClan in a fight, took one of Sootstar’s lives, and the patrol can’t risk being caught on the wrong side of the territory line right now. They could all meet their deaths here, and Scorchstreak’s job is to keep such an event from happening.

The patrol has been making their way around in the dark for a while when the scent of the land finally begins to change, when the dirt beneath their paws gives way to the slight squish of damp marshland. They will surely be caked in it when they return, wearing the humid stench of the marsh. But such is the way of the tunneler, forever coated in dirt and smelling strange.

Scorchstreak has already given her customary lecture about covering their scents at each exit to the land above, and warned every cat to stick together. She leads them through the tunnels even though most of them don’t need to be shown the path, and her tail flicks as they reach the first tunnel exit that leads to the surface of ShadowClan’s territory. She prepares to check the exit, wants to ensure that the leafy covering is still intact. But something stops her, leaving the calico frozen in her tracks.

A terrible scraping sound cuts the air, so loud that it echoes through the tunnels. So near. Her ears pin themselves against her head, and Scorchstreak hunkers down to make herself that much smaller, less noticeable. She’s almost afraid to breathe for fear of alerting whatever the source of that noise was to their presence. The scraping noise stops at last after a number of tense heartbeats, but what comes next is even worse. Heavy footsteps, plodding and more massive than any cat could be, practically shake the earth itself as whatever is up there moves around—moving closer to the tunnel entrance. Wide golden eyes shift to look back at her patrol, the most expressive the she-cat has been so far during the patrol. "Stay silent," she warns her clanmates with a low hiss, retreating backward until she’s with the rest of the patrol.

She straightens when she reaches the other cats, taking up a position at Redrumble’s side. When the shuffling of massive steps moves farther away, quieter now, she dares to speak once more. "I don’t know what that was. We’ll finish up this patrol, and we can tell Sootstar about it when we return." With a flick of a dark ear, she calls the other cats to keep moving—slower now, more thoughtful of where she placed each paw. She will move silently, a ghost of the underground. Whatever is up there, it’s nothing that the patrol should mess with. But they cannot abandon their duty simply because it may be dangerous. "Do any of you know what that could have been?"

// @" BUNNYPOUNCE " @cygnetstare @curlewnose @REDRUMBLE @BURNETPAW @cottonpaw they don’t know that the source of the noise is a bear, just that big scary sounds are coming from aboveground!!

The usual drunken sway is lost as Cygnetstare moves in the rabbit-warren that hollows the flesh of WindClan's moors, moving serpentine and silent through the darkness. Wholly comfortable in a way she lacks above the ground, where her skills are rendered useless when faced with socializing and the cruel sun flays her wound-colored eyes raw. It's as though their every pore is absorbing this comfortable dark, enveloped in the many yet oh-so-distinct scents of the underground, inhaling the rich comforting smells. None of the various heady sun-baked odors of camp down here, no: the dark is safe, comforting, reserved in the stimulation it doles out.

Cygnetstare's overlong tail moves behind her, not dragging as it does above the ground, rather it seeks out the walls of the tunnels to feel for roots or cracks. Anything that could threaten WindClan. Her disproportionate but careful paws feel the change in the soil as they prepare to greet ShadowClan's territory, the strangely familiar squish of mud-seeped earth drunken with swamp water. Their nose twitches, the dry scent of dirt giving way to a damper, more froggy sort of odor, one that stinks of the flatlanders but allows her to navigate nonetheless. They move quickly but cautiously, knowing this could be more dangerous than a regular tunnel patrol: after all, should those mudsnorters find them on this side of the border, they'd be ruined for sure.

Scorchedstreak moves forward towards one of the tunnel exits, presumably to ensure the continuation of their covert entrance's disguise, but Cygnetstare can hear her slightly squishing steps stop suddenly. Then the sound reaches their torn and translucent ears, making them instinctively shrink down and their ears rebelliously flip back at the intruding, too loud sound. A screeching dragging scrape, so close she can practically touch the reverbating waves of sound, and so loud it thunders in her ears like blood and echoes through the usually-safe warren. It stops, and Cygnetstare holds their breath for a heartbeat, waiting, pleading that whatever caused that horrific noise has moved away and stopped rending her sensitive ears like meat.

No such luck. Thunderous sounds make her think the windstorm above has finally broken, that lightning strikes are charging the very soil around her electric, until their cadence clues her in. Footsteps, ones so loud they seem to shake the tunnels until dirt crumbles from the ceilings and plod like a malevolent giant around her suddenly dizzied head. Cygnetstare's pale shiny eyes narrow to slits as the calico patrol leader's own blazing ones turn wide back on the tableau of tunnelers; to see such alarm in the usually stoic lead warrior's gaze is frightening to say the least. Scorchstreak returns to their little group as those earth-shaking steps move away, and the chimera's eyes widen slightly, her head spinning. What kind of ... thing could have caused that sound? It certainly wasn't ShadowClan.

The calico questions them in a low tone and begins to move again, and Cygnetstare follows suit dutifully. Her thin ears are raised, prying for any hint of that thundering gait growing close again. They do agree with Scorchstreak's plan: Sootstar will need to hear about this and no doubt whatever that is must be dangerous, but their duties must be completed. As they move along, the chimera tries to make their already-silent steps even quieter as not to alarm whatever awful thing was nesting above them. Her voice is low and chilling but carries in the tunnels, shaking her head invisibly in the swampy dark, "I dunno, but we oughta stay away from whatever it was. Sounded bigger 'an a goddamned badger."
bunnypounce | 23 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold hotpink
"Oooo- is sounds hungry!" comes the high-pitched whine of bunny from her place at the rear of the patrol. The molly is practically bouncing on her feet as she speaks, rocking back and forth. She's seen a lot of terrible, horrible, monstrous creatures since gaining her freedom - the world outside the walls of the nest are as dangerous as they are beautiful after all. From the roaring nightmares that roam the thunderpaths, to the sharp-snouted foxes and cackling coyotes, to the aforementioned badgers - there are many many things that would like to eat bunny if only given the chance. Not that she can object - she's certain she looks quite tasty after all.


"maybe I'll find where it all fell apart, but I haven't yet"

The rumbling above their heads caused Curlewnose’s ears to pin to his skull. It reverberated around the tunnel, bouncing into his large ears before rattling around his head. He pressed closer to the rest of the patrol, using his tail and whiskers to sense their locations. ”Whatever it is, I hope it can’t get down here.” The tom shuddered. What if it made it back to camp? To Scorch’s kits? He couldn’t allow that, no matter the circumstance. ”Should we look closer?” he asked Scorchstreak quietly, wondering how much information they should bring back to Sootstar.

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