camp gotta go, go, go ! |✿| intro, digging...?

Nov 29, 2022
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Kits are odd.

Regardless of where they come from, it was a universal fact, and Daisykit was no exception.

The pale kit seemed to be working hard at something near the edge of the camp, snow that had been cleared out pushed against the tangled gorse wall. She wore an intense look of concentration, puffing out breathy hums in time with each churn of her white paws. Bits of snow were tossed this way and that as Daisykit energetically dug.

Under her breath she mumbled in spurts, her shrill voice adopting a mismatched tune and head bobbing from side to side. "Go-nna diig, dig... Gonna... dig! Yeah! Yeah yeah!" Rearing up, she pounced on her newly made indent in the ground, taking a moment to slink back and shake out her wet paws. The snow was cold!

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Oh, little things!! Kittens, joyful and untainted, grins upon their faces and knowing not the truth of the moors, the masquerading whispering earth that curdled good cats, souring their eyes and voices. He would not be one of them- he would not fall to that fate, but that was only because he knew of the corruption slumbering beneath. Those ignorant to it, they could lose their minds if they weren't careful- but he'd not seen a kitten taken by madness yet. No, they were more concerned with burrowing someplace, singing a song as they dug, dug, dug... a tunneller destined, maybe, this night-patched little'n?

"Where to? White dressed and wraith-like, grin a blinding twist upon his gaze and owlish eyes looming over the kit like twin new-moons, he let his curiosity fall forth. The shake of the winter-sky's weeping, but she was off again, on a mission! What worlds did the mind of such a little thing conjure? What goals lay there, veiled behind the snow?

Where to? Likely out of camp if the she-kit could manage such a feat, Sootstar thinks. Out of camp and away from the queens... that would be something she would've dreampt of doing as a child back in the marshes. Good stars, always the queens had their watchful eye on Sootstar and her sister.

Sootstar does not repeat Mallowlark's inquiry, instead she purrs "Do my eyes spot an aspiring tunneler?"


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

╰ ★ ჻ 003 MENTALITY & MANN

When Dandelionwish had come to the nursery, Daisykit in tow, Echolight had been many things. Nervous, confused, surprised… but as the expecting queen watched her foster daughter manically dig and pounce while muttering a mantra, she couldn’t help but feel her heart warm- despite the cold, and the fact the she-kits mannerisms may be a little bit odd, Echolight found it amusing.
In her short time caring for Daisykit, Echolight had found that more often than not, you’re re-discovering the world with them, and that beam of joy had eased the heartbreak that had been nagging at her.
She’s off again, and the lilac queen dutifully trails behind her, keeping a watchful eye while trying her hardest not to hover.
"I sure think so." Echolight hums in response to Sootstar, padding up to her brothers side to give him a small nudge in greeting, but keeping her gaze on little Daisykit- what if she got too cold? Or worse… caught a cold!
A maternal turmoil is brewing in her chest, but the soft smile that she holds disguises it.

The thought of Daisykit in the tunnels filled him with horror, but perhaps it was because he himself feared the tight and suffocating system beneath their territory; he prefered being closer to the sky and the idea of being buried alive was so terrifying to him that he'd never be caught dead beneath the surface of the ground. He hoped there never came a time when he was forced to decide between the two-he reckoned he'd just die beneath the stars.
The little black and white child he'd brought back to camp was one of the few highlights to his day, poking his head into the nursery to check on Echolight and seeing her big green eyes widening in delight at his appearance...he understood why cats wanted to start families now. Kittens were a joy.
The long-limbed medicine cat strides forward and stops on Mallowlark's other side, offering Echolight a smile in turn; Sootstar's attempts to socialize are not lost to him but he wishes she looked at the children less as future workers for her clan and more as what they were....innocent, sacred.
"Maybe she'd prefer medicine cat work too!" He chimes in, tail curling, it would keep her out of battles but the horrors of the aftermath...he wasn't sure if he liked that either. "With how fast she is she'd make a good hunter at least."
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Daisykit had shuffled back a few steps, planting herself on her rump in favor of swiping her tongue over her chilled paws with renewed concentration. It was the simple question that made her dark ears perk, tongue halfway out for another lick but chin lifting to peer up at the source. Pale green met silver, her own eyes equally as round. While most might be unsettled by the tom's expression, she seemed to pay it no mind, head whipping around to her brand new hole again.

"I'm gonna..." she began, hopping back to her paws. "I'm digging!" Daisykit replied eagerly, pouncing on the snow for a second time. "Gonna sneak up on the rabbits!" That was the plan! She would sneak up on them and then strike!

It was then that Sootstar and her mother followed, her pale pink nose crinkling in thought. She had no idea what a tunneler was, so she shook her head vigorously. "No, m'sneaking up on the rabbits!" she reiterated firmly. "I'm gonna... dig like a rabbit! And then! They're gonna think I'm one of them, and that's when I'll get'em!" She slapped at the snow again, emphasizing her words.

In the midst of the commotion, Dandelionwish came over, drawing out an excited gasp from the little kit. "Dandy!" she squealed. Medicine cat work? She wanted to help! Her prior mission all but forgotten in the moment, she practically vibrated where she stood, bouncing on her paws. "I wanna help! I wanna help!" If Daisykit wasn't with Echolight, she was trailing the sepia tom like a little black-and-white shadow.

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Clumps of snow flies every which way, and it is plenty to capture Thymeroot's attention.

Intrigued, the fawn-pointed warrior pads over, azure eyes brightening at the spot of the little kitten. Daisykit - the kid his brother found, the one Echolight took in as her own - is the source of the chaotic flight of snow.

"My, my! Look at you go!" he encourages the kid, as black and white fur pops up from her attempt at a tunnel. Rabbits, she says. She's gonna get'em, a plan carried out in her mind. Though Thymeroot isn't certain rabbits would believe her to be one of their own, he thinks Daisykit was on the right track. Perhaps this is what tunnelers do with their time underground? Pretend to be rabbits?

Dandelionwish, however, doesn't seem too keen on the youngin becoming a tunneler. Perhaps his brother had a point. The thought of the tunnels did seem a bit scary; paths so full of darkness, the unknown.

"Well, whatever she ends up doin', I reckon she'll be good at it," Thymeroot chimes in, as if to assure his brother and agree with everyone else in one swoop. The kid forgets her tunneling venture so quickly, small legs scurrying over to help Dandelionwish instead. Thymeroot can't help but smile at that.

She's a bright kid, eyes ever wonder-filled. Thymeroot is almost certain that, in due time, she'll be among the best in whatever she ends up doing. For now, though, the kid deserves to be a kid, to play without the inevitability of a chosen path looming over her head.

Echolight turns at the sound of Dandelionwish’s voice, catching sight of his smile and returning with her own- before her attention is promptly snagged by Daisykit once more as she begins to babble.
She breaths a chuckle, nodding towards Daisykit. "You’d make a fine rabbit" she says in turn. The idea of the shekit in the tunnels doesn’t seem to phase the lilac queen, her mother and aunt were tunnelers themselves.
When Dandy speaks up in protest, offering medicine work instead, Echolight catches herself trying to envision Daisykit in Dandelionwish’s pawsteps, tirelessly tending to the injured, being subjected to Sootstar’s side.
She doesn’t know why- but that thought makes her throat feel icy, as respective as Dandelionwish’s role was… the ties that were attached frightened the queen, but not visibly so.
Daisykit is eager to help, and Echolight feels her heart soften once more. "Hold on there, clean your paws off first little lady" Echolight says to her, giving a pointed look towards the kits paws that were now soaking and speckled with dirt.