GRANDFATHER CLOCK + skyclan patrol

Tallulahwing leads her assigned patrol a few foxlengths away from the bank of the river. There are spots where it's frozen still, but the rapidly churning water in deeper waters troubles her. She hasn't scented RiverClan at all, and wonders if they are fairing alright. The torbie turns her head to speak to the cats behind her. "Y'all see how high the water is down yonder? I wonder..." She purses her lips in thought.


Clayfur’s daily wanderings normally don’t take him near any borders with the other clans, all in the hope to avoid conflict with strange warriors. But SkyClan was his first home in the forest, away from the barn. He trusts SkyClan more than any of the other clans of the land, and he’s always excited to see any of Blazestar’s cats on the border.

He catches sight of Tallulahwing first, and he strides right up to the edge of the water that separates them. "Hey," he greets, striped tail flicking behind him as he watches the other cats across the river. He raises his voice a bit, in case they can’t hear him, but his tone is cheerful. "SkyClan! Funny seeing you guys here!" Of course, it’s not really that funny or surprising to see SkyClan cats on the border with SkyClan; Clay just didn’t expect to see them today.

he is still adjusting to skyclan scent — flattening the fur that bristles instinctively at the smell of twoleg that clings to this mollys pelt. they’re near the twolegplace and he hates it, hates seeing the massive, looming rock structures jutting across the river. skyclan, however, was an ally. they were friends, and so the man watches from the reeds, blue eyes catching upon the small patrol from his own. clayfur greets them loudly, cheerfully, but the leader slinks behind him, watches the tom interact with those he had once considered colony mates. the tom takes note, but says nothing to the tabby, merely lifts his head finally in the direction of gathering skyclanners, “ thunderclan reports dogs near here, skyclan. they’ve taken my sunningrocks. “ straightforward and calm, though he supposes skyclan would not be so relaxed with this news. taking up downstream of thunderclan, he could only assume they would be alarmed to hear it, “ i encourage you all to take caution.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


When Wolverinefang accepted living in his least likely place to want to live, he never expected the clan's namesake to be trying to murder them. If he were superstitious, he'd say that the stupid overgrown piss stream was punishing them for letting them in the name of purification or some inane nonsense. He's more prone to believe in bad luck as it's stuck to him like a skunk's stench since birth. Despite that, he's scowling at the water gathered beneath his paws at though it's going to do something as he wedges himself nearby Cicadastar and Clayfur. He can't even remember if he's ever spoken to a Skyclanner in his life and it comes up empty, at least that he can remember. He looks over the femme with mild interest, his girl dazed days behind him, and zeros in on her ribbon. Strange, why does he have an urge to slap the tassles? The husky tall tom snaps out of it and remembers to adjust his grumpy expression then, smiling slyly, placing a middle ground between Cicada's curt words and Clayfur's chipper attitude.

"Yeah, the river's pretty rude lately." Almost like cats weren't meant to live near water and whoever decided this was a good take was a madman. Well, maybe he'll take that back, since that'd the madman that let them live here and is beside him. He can think it though. For now, he just takes personal joy knowing that deep down in there, fish are pooping in it (as though that is some big own), not thinking about the fact that he needs to drink that same water. "How are you and yours?" He's not really invested in knowing but it's small talk he figures and takes a reprieve to shake compacted snow from his paw pads.


Three cream paws tread through foliage peaking out from underneath the snow. Signs of new-leaf were all around them- and this would be Figpaw’s first time experiencing the season. The girl was so excited, her eyes beamed at the thought of hearing the bugs hum and the bird song throughout the territory again. It was far an improvement to leaf-bare, but cats warned Figpaw that it could still be cool and bitter with rain. She doesn’t think she’ll mind, anything but this mucky snow! Anything but barely getting by for prey!

Not paying attention she nearly waltzes right over the border- meaning, into the river. The girl could be ferociously focused when she desired to be but once her mind started chasing thoughts it never seemed to stop. She feels her fur grow warm under her cheeks, embarrassed about what nearly had been. To play it off she wearily licks her chest fur, avoiding the eyesight of her peers.

RiverClan stands across the border, she lifts her gaze up to note Darkpaw once more was not among them. Figpaw sighs, so many patrols to this border recently and not once has she spotted him! At least the gathering was creeping upon them.

Clan drama intrigued her, especially when it could be observed from a safe distance and didn’t bother her own clan. Sunningrocks, she barely has a clue what it is but she’s a smart girl and sums it must be a landmark, is the topic. ThunderClan has apparently taken to it, she could only guess RiverClan is displeased. They also mention the bordering clan reported dogs near this very area, this causes her flame colored fur to bristle in alarm. ”How many?!” She blurts without thinking, typically she lets the warriors talk amongst themselves, but she couldn’t help it!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

SkyClan had always been friendly faces. Unlike their neighbours to the moors, the pine-dwellers seemed uninterested in crossing the river or chasing after rabbits into their territory or whatever it was that WindClan kept doing. Some part of Fernpaw wished he'd one day be present for an altercation- on a silver platter would be presented to him a chance to prove himself, to fight like a real warrior! Iciclepaw- she kept getting lucky. Or maybe it was just that she was good, or something like that... either way. One day that sort of chance would come to him, and his destiny would flood out of him like the dawn's light, and...

Severed from his distraction, the kit-sized apprentice's gaze flickered up to the face of a SkyClan apprentice whose eyes burned like fire. Wide, shock-filled. Oh- dogs, the dogs. That ThunderClan thing- it'd slipped his mind really until they'd all brought it up. He'd never been much good at paying attention to politics... or remembering the names of people outside of his Clan. But that SkyClan apprentice... she looked familiar. Was she the one that had asked after Darkpaw that one time...?

"Probably loads," Fernpaw murmured, bulging eyes flaring wide as he smiled a little bit. He was grateful for the swelling river shielding them from dogged onslaught. SkyClan should be pretty pleased they had no interest in pine trees, either. It felt good to give an answer... even one that was unspecific. He couldn't be wrong- why else would ThunderClan be having such a problem with them?
penned by pin
when the scent of skyclan hits her nostrils, she can't help but feel some sort of excitement in her paws. her attention scans over the patrol, hopeful to see their deputy alongside them. but nothing. and she deflates slightly. orangeblossom was good, enjoyable to be around. but she supposes there will be other chances to see her.

"not loads. likely only a few. but even that is too many." the deputy fixes fernpaw's statement, trying not to scare figpaw too badly. she'll be traveling, and doesn't need the extra anxieties. soon, the earthen molly's attention settles on a different warrior, calling them out to attention. she doesn't know any of their names, not really. she knows greenpaw...blazestar...and orange. the extent of their names is lost to her. simply complicated and strange on her tongue. "could you tell orangeblossom i say hello?" a gentle request, nothing too big.
) "Don't wanna fall into that." Bearheart murmured to himself as he eyed the swollen river. He wasn't keen on deep water, not since his former twoleg owner had tried to wash him in the bathtub. He can certainly understand the concern for their neighbours, but that worry was shunned when the first of the RiverClanners made themselves known. A smile widened across his features as he gave a wave of his tail in greeting. "Good to see you! And what's that, dogs?" Bearheart hated dogs, but not for their aggression. No, it was their habit of sticking their big cold noses where it didn't belong and giving him a fright when he was trying to sleep. Usually a good hard smack to said noses was enough to drive the dumb beasts away. "Thanks for the heads up, we'll keep our guard up."

"Orangeblossom? Yeah, I can pass along the formality for ya. Also we're doing alright, just taking each day as it comes. Hope you're all taking care of yourselves." The tom replied with a cheery smile. He decided not to bring up the recent additions to the clan's ranks however, that really wasn't RiverClan's business in all honesty.