camp grandma got run over by a reindeer || Kit attack

The recent deaths have been a detriment to his appetite and he knows that is dangerous considering the season, but regardless he has been taking his share of prey to the nursery some days. Grief makes him feel cold and brittle inside and the knowledge that he can't avenge Comfreypaw so easily frustrates him. Maybe if he weren't a lead warrior he could slip out easier, but he will not neglect his clan for bloodthirst. They need him more, and so he hopes and prays someone else kills Siltcloud. The same thoughts keep looping in his head. Sprucepaw didnt need to die. Comfreypaw didn't deserve this. Sometimes his thoughts go further, he thinks about Halfshade, Sabletuft, all the other cats lost to Yellowcough and to Granitepelt. They didn't deserve it.

They should still be here now, but fate is cruel.

He tells himself that he has to keep moving forward. For Poppypaw in the stars and Poppypaw here with him, his kits, for the clan... Someone has to make the effort to fix this place. He just hopes his efforts are enough. He feels dizzy, almost, as he stands in camp. His head hurts, and he wants to go back to bed. But he knows that will not solve his problem... And he can't go back to his nest yet anyways. This conundrum leaves him woefully unprepared for the BRUTAL ATTACK he is about to receive.....

His guard down, a kit manages to sneak up on him and dig their tiny little teeth into his tail. He gives a startled, undignified yelp , his fur fluffing out and he almost comically leaps into the air. When his paws touch the ground again and he looks behind him at the kitten, he isn't mad. In fact, now he has a distraction from DEPRESSION.

"Oh, I've been viciously attacked, I'll never survive!" He exclaims dramatically, flopping over. "Tell my kits I love them...."

((Any kit can be the kit who brutally attacked Frostbite))​

Hardship had not met the cinnamon tabby before and, as a foreign adversary, she did not truly recognise it in those around her. It was easy to tell when a sibling was sad or when mama one or two had something important to say, but the emotions outside of her immediate family were harder to judge - and, so, she took them at face value. For example, Frostbite had his back turned, which meant he wasn't paying attention, if he wasn't paying attention, that meant he was doing something he shouldn't be doing! A perfectly logical idea! Imitating her younger littermate's sneaking techniques, the tall kitten was not exactly as stealthy or as co-ordinated, but her breath caught in her throat and the Lead Warrior didn't seem to notice, which made her heart buzz with confidence. Anticipation sent her paws rocketing forward as she sunk her teeth into the lashing tail, eyes flashing wide with a blood knight's glee as she found her mark near-perfectly. When the white tom turned around, Bloodkit's grin was indignant, needle-like claws flexing against the earth and ready to take on the new threat to her little game of 'heroes and villains'.

Frostbite flopped over and Bloodkit let out a triumphant cry - another bad guy thwarted for good! That would teach Frostbite for minding his own business! "The jig is up. I won't hurt your kittens for your... evilling. Prepare to be shredded to mousedust." Bloodkit entered her second 'hunter's crouch', weight shifted to her dominant side, itty bitty tail sweeping so wildly it almost seemed miraculous it had barely shifted the snow around her. Bloodkit took a deep breath, steeling herself against the weight of ending one's life. Ferndance had made it sound easy, something about a tangible body hiding the true soul underneath that she didn't understand, but she'd try her best to manifest it in her favourite playing pasttime. "Evil, meet my claws. Claws, meet evil! RAAAAAAAGH!" She charged again, this time aiming to clamp her protruding fangs around Frostbite's ear, tugging on it with reckless abandon.

🕊️ "Don't rip, don't rip, Bloodkit!" It felt like all too familiar of a phrase to the gray and white mother. She had to remind all of her kits that they should not tear into their clanmates as if they were prey. It was a fun game when it was just the family playing together, a fun game that could easily be tampered by a sibling's squeal. Out in camp though, no cat was safe from hellion shenanigans.

"Frostbite, be careful! They go for the eyes with their little claws sometimes. We - ah -I have been trying to curb that behavior but ... well..." She curled her tail around herself and she watched her daughter clamber atop the lead warrior's mountainous frame, claws and teeth flashing like rogue daggers at the night. Menace child, her perfectly unmanageable menace child. speech is in #B9D0F5