queen of sass ❈
Oct 17, 2022
Strong hind legs would slip into the river, allowing herself to practice once again. It was important for her to practice, even if it meant rising before the other apprentices to gain a head start. Who would be the one to stop her? No longer was she a kit. Garpaw fully believed she was able to do things herself, without the constant supervision of a mentor nearby. Perhaps she was too hard on herself. Spending most of her time improving her skills, she was left with next to no friends in the clan. Or perhaps it was her hardened personality that drove them away.

Carefully, Garpaw would take the time to survey her surroundings. Scent the air, feel the changes around her. Once she was satisfied that she wouldn't be surprised by anything, or anyone for that matter, the molly would dive beneath the river's waves, searching for any fish that may lay closer to the bottom of the river. THERE! A flash of silver would alert her to a minnow, quickly pulling herself through the waves, closer and closer to the fish. Within moments, she was breaking the water's surface, turning around to lock eyes with a bewildered clanmate. "What?" Mumbled words around the fish would be thrown in the opposing feline's direction, as Garpaw began making her way back to the shore.
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=) It was an odd time for her to be awake. The morning air felt stiff in her lungs, and the ground was still a bit cold and damp against her paws. Hunger had forced her out of her nest and to the river. As she reached the edge, a splash peaked her interest. Upon white paws, she trotted towards the sound. There, she saw a disturbance in the waters and locked her eyes onto the source - an apprentice, hunting in the river.

Bounceheart stood in her spot then, simply observing Garpaw. And then she resurfaced, with a fish. How embarrassing for the warrior - an apprentice was better at fishing than she! The tabby's ears flattened against her head momentarily as she pondered her inadequacy. As soon as her unease appeared, it vanished when the apprentice spoke to her. "Oh- nothing. Nice catch!" It was important to give positive reinforcement to the kits and apprentices as they explored their skills and interests. "You know, it's impolite to talk with your mouthful," she added jokingly. ​
As Bounceheart spoke, the child would scoff upon exiting the water, nearly tossing the fish to her own paws. "Better now?" A quick inspection of the other molly would leave her feeling conflicted, wondering whether or not she should confront the warrior for not holding up her own duties. An earlier nod had singled her acknowledgment of the compliment, having little care if it were genuine or not. "You could lend a paw you know." Would she take her offer? Less of an offer so much as a challenge.

bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)
A feeling of familiarity struck her with Garpaw's flippant attitude. It was as though she had been here before. After further consideration, she had decided that the apprentice reminded her of herself. Children were so unhinged and expressive. Bounceheart sized the apprentice up then, and her tail began to twitch at the provocation in the trainee's voice. "Hmm," she hummed. ".. yeah, okay." If she was bested by an apprentice, she would have to search for guidance. Or something. Stars, help her.

After gathering her thoughts, she eased herself down onto the edge of the water. Then she could hear that one black cat's guidance on replay. His criticism of her hunting rang in her ears. So she tilted her head back, peering up at the sky with squinted eyes. The sun. She shifted herself a bit, lowering her belly to the ground. Poised and weight shifted to her front paws, the tabby cat fixed her eyes onto the trickling water beneath her. 'They are afraid of you.' Over and over again, she heard it. After quite some time of just staring at the waters, she saw something moving beneath.

In this moment, she had two options: use her claws, or her teeth. Garpaw had success inside the waters.. she decided to test her luck with it. Instead of sticking an unsheathed paw into the waters, she stuck her head in. And out she came with a fish - well, it was a fry, but beggers cannot be choosers. Excitement began to tremble through her body and she could not contain herself. After dropping the fish, she began to teeter from side to side. "I suppose we are equal then, aren't we?" A tie is not a loss! ​

Redpath knew silence was important when fishing. She had joined her clanmates with a smile, wading a little deeper into the river. She wanted to catch something bigger. That was the fun part of fishing. She kept her paw ready, claws out and gaze fixated on the area in front of her.

It wouldn't be long until a sizeable fish entered her line of sight, and with a powerful swipe that surprised even her, she struck the fish out of the water.....

And intro Garpaw's face.

Holy shit.

She blinked in surprise with a quick gasp. "I am so. Sorry."

INWARDLY she was laughing. But she couldn't let it show.