private GRATITUDE ‧₊˚✩彡 ODDPAW

It took him awhile to find the perfect jay feather. He remembers when all three of them hung out and Oddpaw really wanted to find a dove feather, but he felt like a jay feather suited Oddpaw. I think it'll look nice. Dove feather's will blend in more. I don't think it screams Oddpaw. But... You really wanted one. Hazel eyes glance towards the other apprentice in question. Said apprentice continued to pad alongside him with a bounce in their step. A small smile curls from his lips as he guides both of them to their destination. He had asked Oddpaw to come with him because there was something important he wanted to show them. Although, the closer he got towards the river he couldn't help but feel nervous. There was no reason to feel nervous considering Oddpaw wouldn't hiss and slap him for what he's trying to do. After all, they liked each other, right?

Truthfully it surprises him that cats like him and want to spend time with him. Oddpaw is one of those cats and he is grateful. Cats like Oddpaw typically don't get involved with cats like him. I mean, you're so nice. There's much nicer cats than me. I see how the other apprentices laugh and smile when you're around. You really could have anyone you want Oddpaw, so why me? He shakes his head at the thought, taking a seat by the river. A black paw pats the ground near him for Oddpaw to sit next to him. The sight before them is truly breathtaking. Stars glimmered above them, the river glimmers from the moonlight, and oh, how bright the moon was...

Right. I should get to it. Bashfully he faces the apprentice and fishes out a jay feather he'd hidden in his mane. When he does he presents it to the other apprentice. "Here. I know you said you wanted a dove feather, but I thought a jay feather would suit you more. If... If you would like a dove feather instead, then I'm sorry. I'll find the prettiest looking one for you! To make up for this. I, uhm... Want to thank you for being by my side and making life brighter." I hope this okay? it's got to be, right? I hope it is...
  • @ODDPAW blinks cutely
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Oddpaw padded alongside Crowpaw, with a bounce in his step and a smile curled onto his maw. He was delighted by black smoke's sudden invitation to go take a walk with him. Half-lidded gaze looked around to where the two were going, he follows his guide with a hum. I wonder what Crowpaw is going to show me? Ooo, it is going to be a pretty stone? or- The pale patched calico shakes his head at his bumbling thoughts on his too many favorite trinkets.

They make it to the river, copper eyes trailing along the sparkling waves before looking up at the captivating moonlight. The sight in front of him was ethereal. The sight of numerous stars overhead is simply breathtaking. He watches as Crowpaw settle near the river's shore and pat a dark paw on the ground. He trots over to the other apprentice, and settles next to him. The tom relaxes in his spot, turning his head towards the other apprentice. He perks up as Crowpaw, presented a blue feather to him. A jay feather.. He looks up at the black smoke before returning his gaze to the lovely feather he was gifted. "O-oh, Thank you Crowpaw! It's stunning truly." he softly mews, before taking the feather into his paws. "Really, it's beautiful! How sweet of you, I love it." He looks down at the feather, and then looks back up at the other apprentice. He hears the rest of his friend's words with mismatched ears. Warmth gathers in his ears. A gentle purr escapes his throat, it cannot be helped he's delighted by the gift and Crowpaw's words. "I also want you to be by my side, if you'll allow me. You make my life so much more alive and so delightful. I like you Crowpaw." His words were genuine though slightly blunt. Even if his face was warming up at his own words, he settles his gaze on Crowpaw. He waits for a response, curling his tail around his pale paws. I hope I didn't come off as.. too weird...


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
"H-huh? Really?!" The black tom lets out a breathe he'd been holding and slumps to the cool ground. Relief washes over him at Oddpaw's apparent happiness of his gift. Is it always this hard? How do cats do this every day? what he means is connecting with others. With Fireflypaw and Silversmoke it wasn't hard. Maybe it was because Fireflypaw was friendly and was used to speaking to all kinds of cats. It was part of his job after all. There were times when Crowpaw struggled to articulate himself, yet his step brother was able to tell what he meant no matter how jumbled his words were. As for Silversmoke... His father may seem cold and prickly, but he was a softie inside. Yes, he and Silversmoke had their moments in which they hissed at each other but then they'd apologize in their own way. It wasn't difficult when two cats were alike. Then again, he's been under his father's watchful eye and guidance when he was only four moons. Of course he'd take after his mentor and father a bit.

Although, Oddpaw might be sending him to an early grave with the way the other is going. His face feels hot and fur slightly stands on end when he is given reassurances and compliments. The childish part of him can't help but grumble, "Sweet? Am I sweet to you? Cats... But I'm glad you love it." Don't tell me he thinks I'm a soft fluffy cloud. Paws shift to pull himself up again into a sitting position. Hazel eyes avert from Oddpaw, "I mean it. I'm glad you love it, Oddpaw." You already know that. We're the same that way. Guess that's why it makes it worse when you say things like that. I know you mean it. His attention snaps back towards Oddpaw when he hears a gentle purr emit from the other apprentice. Oddpaw's never made that sound before. It can't be helped, his mind races to Owlpaw. She made a similar sound, but that was...

"You make my life so much more alive and so delightful. I like you Crowpaw."

Conflicting emotions course through him. On one paw he is elated that Oddpaw treasures him just as much and would like to keep being together. On the other paw, because this reminds him too much of what happened with Owlpaw he is not sure if this is a romantic I like you. And if that was the case... He has no idea what to do. He's still unsure what he and Owlpaw are and it feels wrong to say yes without her present. In all, it's as if Owlpaw and Oddpaw have him trapped and he's not even sure what to do. They both make me happy though...

"There's no cat in the forest as selfish as you are, Crowpaw."

Ah. Of course Lupinepaw's words would haunt him in this moment. Though, he's somewhat grateful for them. I don't want to hurt either of them. Poor Oddpaw has been met with silence for a bit that it may have been concerning, but he would be no longer. "Oddpaw I like you. You don't have to ask permission to be by my side. I allow it because I want you there." Watch me ruin everything, but I have to do this. For them. It's okay if I end up alone again. If Oddpaw was going to say anything, the other apprentice is cut off quickly, "I'm going to ask you a few things. please respond when I'm done." Hazel eyes narrow before he unloads everything onto poor Oddpaw.

"Do you mean I like you in a friend way or I like you, let's go on romantic dates kind of way? Did you see this as a romantic date or a hangout? These questions might sound weird or stupid, but I don't know much about romance. I just learned what a date was not too long ago, and I don't want to hurt you by misunderstanding what you mean. I'm not going to be upset at you with whatever you answer Oddpaw. Heck, you can even tell me I actually want to go on a date with someone else and I'll try and help you out. You're special to me Oddpaw, nothing will ever change that."

  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
The pale patched calico watches as Crowpaw slumps to the cool ground, with a small tilt of his head. He's a little amused by the action to say the least. Seems like he's relieved that I liked his gift He nods to himself at the thought. He loves his new precious gift, a pretty jay feather. Should I tuck it in my neck fur? Hmm.. no. Maybe, at the base of my tail? Oh! What about- He halts his whirling thoughts on where to put his new feather on his coat. He hums at the other's grumble.

”Sweet? Am I sweet to you? Cats... But I'm glad you love it.”

He lets out a small stream of windchime like giggles escape his maw at what the black smoke apprentice said. Though, after a while he wraps his tail more closely against his pale paws, waiting for Crowpaw's response. He's a little bit.. nervous in all honesty. I think I said it the wrong way… arghh dammit me! He bites his bottom lip, teeth digging into his pale flesh. He lets out a soft sigh, shoulders relaxing from his unknowingly tensed posture. I like both Owlpaw and Crowpaw.. But being more than just friends? They both make me happy... Hahh shut up me! He finds the idea of loving someone again ridiculous and terrifying. One of his ears flicks as he snaps to reality from his twirling, overwhelming thoughts. He looks up from his paws, to let his copper hued eyes stare at Crowpaw. Hearing the black smoke's words of accepting his proposal of staying at his side, his eyes widened for a friction at the other. He was about to voice his happiness, but clicked his mouth shut to hear Crowpaw say:

"I'm going to ask you a few things. please respond when I'm done."

Seeing the older apprentice's hazel eyes narrow, he pauses his rising radiating emotions under wraps. He would speak but that would be quite rude to speak when someone else is carrying on the conversation. He has manners. The patched tom listens to what Crowpaw has to say in silence. When the other tom finished speaking, he slowly registers what the other tom was saying. After a while of silence, he pondered what to say to his confused friend. He inhales and starts speaking with a hesitant smile on his face. "I like you in both ways. I m-mean! I do like you in a romantic dates kind of way but also a let’s hangout friend way. Those questions don’t sound weird, don’t worry. You won’t h-hurt me by misunderstanding, I should’ve made it m-more.. clearer. My fault really." speaking softly, he stummers out some of his words. Fuzzy feelings slowly seep under his fur, as he softens his gaze at Crowpaw. ”Your also very special to me.b But I want to go on another date with you sometime, if you’ll have me….“ His voice wavered a little at his own suggestion. It was a silly notion, feeling awkward for the first time since he joined Skyclan. He shuffles his paws a little as he waits patiently for Crowpaw to speak.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
The answer he receives is unexpected. However, the fact that Oddpaw did like him as a friend made him relieved at least a little bit. He would've been gutted if the other apprentice said otherwise. Imagine if Oddpaw said otherwise and that he was using him or a whole Cherrypaw situation would happen again where Crowpaw was kept around because of his relation to Owlpaw. She stopped being your friend because of Lupinepaw. Mentally cuffing himself for once again thinking of his sister in this moment and of a former friend he was still fond of, when he looked at Oddpaw it was different.

Oddpaw, like him, was direct. Even when they decided to become friends it was all because Oddpaw asked to be friends. There was no hanging out blindly for moons not knowing what they were to each other, which would make Crowpaw lose it before they made it to the first moon mark. Growing up he always hated when things weren't clear and when other's knew the answer, yet decided he was too weak or dull to understand it. He had a right to know these things. And that is why he appreciated Oddpaw and liked him for it. Even now when it could have been easy to say no and omit some details, the other still answered.

Something within him tells him that there is more that is yet to be said and he is correct. Not only is he baffled by the notion he can be liked both ways, he is also baffled how this has happened to him yet again. Have I been unconsciously asking them for dates? I can't think of any other way this could happen! But... Liking someone as a friend and wanting to have romantic dates with doesn't sound strange? Wait, you're getting distracted Crowpaw. "Thank you for being honest Oddpaw," he begins. It's no rejection, but it sure sounds like one is coming.

"I had no idea this was a date, but I can't say I hated this. I want to know you better and be with you, but I also promised that with Owlpaw. We're not sure what we are. Owlpaw and I. Neither of us know much about romance, so we're stumbling around. I'm not rejecting you, but it would feel wrong if I went on another date or did things friends don't do behind Owlpaw's back." He prays that Oddpaw understands. That the other apprentice wouldn't weep because of this, if they did it would haunt Crowpaw till the end of time. He hates seeing those he cares about in pain because of him. A small part of him feels guilt that this has been established as a date because Owlpaw is unaware of it. Sure he could explain that his intention wasn't a date, but that would throw Oddpaw under the buss. I've seen them together. They're both so happy. I can't ruin that for them.

Fearful that Oddpaw might turn tail and flee, he places a paw atop a small silver paw. "Please don't run." Black smoke and silver cream fur brush against another. Crowpaw seeks to reassure him in anyway he can. "Everything will be okay I promise. I think we should talk about this. All three of us. I like you and Owlpaw likes you. Whatever happens we'll figure it out together." Everything will be okay.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Oddpaw is surprised at the answer he receives, just a simple thank you. The calico stares at Crowpaw. like the other had the whole universe in his claws. He wants to blurt out details on what his feelings for his friend are but that just seems so… terrifying to the long-limbed feline. What if I get rejected? Or worse, my one and only friend in this whole clan doesn’t want to converse with me.. Stop overthinking! Pay attention! Mentally batting at himself, from those strenuous thoughts. He shakes his head to the side, then looks back to focus on Crowpaw and what his next words were.

"I had no idea this was a date, but I can't say I hated this. I want to know you better and be with you, but I also promised that with Owlpaw. We're not sure what we are. Owlpaw and I. Neither of us know much about romance, so we're stumbling around. I'm not rejecting you, but it would feel wrong if I went on another date or did things friends don't do behind Owlpaw's back."

He lets out a breathe escape his maw, he’d been holding after he heard Crowpaw address his confusion. He nods in understanding. He gets the other’s explanation to him, of course he does. Though, he wouldn’t break down like a blubbering, whiny kit. He doesn’t want to bother Crowpaw with his own boring personal problems. Owlpaw and Crowpaw.. His thoughts wander about the two, a hum escapes him as he thinks about them together. Bird couple..cute- wait- NO! shush you! His lips sit in a line, silver cream cheeks lightly dusted pink, as he brushed the thoughts away, as he felt his heart tighten a little in shame over his previous replies. "I want to know you better as well, b-but it’s okay really! It’s normal to feel wrong about going on another date with someone behind someone else’s back."

He could explain more, but he doesn’t want to.. at least not right now. Copper eyes shift downwards at a dark paw atop of his own soft hued one. He wouldn’t run away. The patched tom softly mews ”I won’t..” voice coming out in a whisper. He won’t try to run away. He nods his head at Crowpaw’s next words, with a small smile curled on his face.

"Everything will be okay I promise. I think we should talk about this. All three of us. I like you and Owlpaw likes you. Whatever happens we'll figure it out together."
He hums at the words. Speaking. All three of them. On how to work all this out together. "I think that would be nice." He easily agrees with Crowpaw’s suggestion.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone